Stop pull-left floating with pull-right - r

When writing an xaringan slide using .pull-left[] and .pull-right[], the left side changes the position of the objects with incremental slides --. This looks poor if you want to discuss the content on the left as it moves when the text is addeed (see pictures attached). Is there a way in-line or in css to stop this happening so, for example in this case, the shiny.png stays still in the center of the left column when the text is incredmental text is added to the right:
class: middle
\```{r Shiny, echo=FALSE, out.width="100%", fig.align='center'}
### Shiny
- Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R.
- You can host standalone apps on a webpage or embed them in R Markdown documents or build dashboards.
- You can also extend your Shiny apps with CSS themes, htmlwidgets, and JavaScript actions.


Bookdown - Add space between side by side figures using knitr::include_graphics

The recomended way to include existing images in bookdown is using knitr::include_graphics.
For example, to put two images side by side code will be something like:
```{r myfigure'hold', fig.align='center', out.width='50%', fig.cap = ""}
fig1_path <- paste0(fig_path,"image1.png")
fig2_path <- paste0(fig_path,"image2.png")
knitr::include_graphics(c(fig1_path, fig2_path))
However, this produces html and latex where the images are very close each other. It would be desirable to add some space/padding/margin between to look better.
For the html case, this is easy to fix because we can add some external css to control the space. However, for the latex output i don't have any decent solution yet.
Im thinking a portable workaround could be to add an extra empty image between or add lateral space to both images, but i prefer to hear better suggestions.

Is there a way to show many R xaringan slides at the same time (like the PowerPoint slide sorter)

I am using the xaringan package to make slides for a new class and I would like to preview all the slides in a talk (really in several presentations at once to find/arrange slides). In PowerPoint I would just use the "slide sorter" option and it would show many/all the slides at once. Does anybody know a way to preview/show all the slides in a xaringan presentation?
The Tile View from xariganExtra could help you:

Side by side images are not working in r markdown

I am trying to place side by side images in r markdown beamer using the code below.
```{r, out.width='.49\\linewidth', fig.cap='caption','hold', fig.align='default'}
knitr::include_graphics(c('figures/yield.png', 'figures/boxplot_yield.png'))
However, the images somehow were vertically stacked, instead of horizontally. Please see the resulted plot below. Any ideas??
When I ran your code with my own pictures, they rendered side by side, you may need to make the pictures a smaller resolution and then your code should do what you want

Inline preview overlays on top of the Markdown document in RStudio

I'm using RMarkdown on a new installation with RStudio. I'm finding that the inline preview is taking up the top two thirds of the text editor for my rmarkdown file. It's appearing, in addition to showing up inline below each paragraph, on top of the paragraphs.
It makes it hard to code or see any of the other work that I'm doing. The preview is fixed to the top of the screen and it stays there even when I scroll up and down in the document.
I can get rid of the inline preview by clicking clear all output.
I think this is probably a bug, but maybe not. I tried restarting RStudio and the issue persists.
If you go to Tools -> Global Options, a window will pop up. Select "R Markdown" on the left and you should see something like the below:
Half-way through, make sure "Show output inline for all R Markdown documents" is unchecked.

How do I use markdown to generate a PDF will full background-color/image bleed?

I have a simple markdown document that has either a background color or background image defined in the stylesheet I'm using to render it. When I export to PDF (using,, markdown pro, Multimarkdown Composer etC), I'd like that background to be full-bleed on the page with no margin or padding (i.e. no surrounding whitespace), much like something you'd create in illustrator.
Here is an example. (Reference the cover page). This will be used solely for on-screen consumption so I'm not worried about printing.
Can anyone suggest how to do this or a mac app that can do this?
