Confusion about recursion for BST - recursion

Is there an easy way to understand when you can just call the recursive method vs having to set that recursive method to a variable?
For example...
Just calling the recursive function to traverse:
Having to set the recursive function to node.left and node.right:
node.left = self.recurse(node.left)
node.right = self.recurse(node.left)
Another example is to delete a node in a bst you have to set the recursive function to root.left and root.right... I get it but not completely... is there a easy way to understand when you can just call the recursive function vs having to set it to node.left, node.right..etc...?
def deleteNode(self, root: TreeNode, key:int) -> TreeNode:
if not root:
return root
if key < root.val:
root.left = self.deleteNode(root.left,key)
elif key > root.val:
root.right = self.deleteNode(root.right,key)
if not root.left:
return root.right
elif not root.right:
return root.left
root.val = self.successor(root.right)
root.right = self.deleteNode(root.right,root.val)
return root

To understand this two above scenarios (Simple Recursive Call and Set result of Recursive call to a Variable), just try to understand the following code/function.
Let's say, you have a TREE, which contains a value in every node where value is either negative or positive. Now let's say, you are going to count how many nodes are there whose value is Positive.
The TREE structure for this problem is like following:
Integer val;
TREE left = right = null;
Now you gave me this problem to solve. And I wrote a function/method which will count nodes with positive value. The function is following:
Integer countNodes(TREE node){
if(node == null){
return 0;
Integer count = 0; // which will count how many nodes are there with positive value
if(node.val >= 0){
count += 1; // if the value is positive I incremented count
// and we are checking every other nodes present in the TREE
// and return the final result
return count;
Now I returned my function to you, and you executed! But what! There is a big WRONG! It's giving wrong result, over and over again!!
But why???
Let's analysis.
if(node.val >= 0){
count += 1;
Up to that we were right! But the problem was, we were incremented the count, but wasn't use it! Each time we was calling function recursively, a new stack frame was created, a new variable named "count" was created, but we were not using this value!
To use the variable "count", we need to re-initialize the returned value of every recursive call to the variable, that's the way we can keep a link between the current stack-frame and the previous stack-frame and the previous of previous stack-frame and goes onn!.. we need to change little-bit in the function countNodes like following:
if(node.val >= 0){
count += 1;
count += getCount(node.left); // re-initialize count in each recursive call
count += getCount(node.right); // re-initialize count in each recursive call
return count;
Now everything we'll be alright! this code will work perfectly!
The above scenarios is implies your problem.
this is nothing but simple traversing over all the nodes.
But if you need to use the returned result of every recursion, you need to initialize/re-initialize the returned value to a variable. That's what is happening with:
node.left = self.recurse(node.left)
node.right = self.recurse(node.left)
I HOPE this long (bit long) explanation will help to go further. Happy Coding! : )


How can I get out of this infinite loop?

I am writing a recursive function to find the index of a node in a linked list. It looks like this:
function indexAt(node, collection, linkedList) {
let index = 0;
if (node === nodeAt(index, linkedList,collection)) {
return index
} else {
index ++
return indexAt(node, collection, linkedList)
It calls on the nodeAt function, which looks like this:
function nodeAt(index, linkedList, collection) {
let node = collection[linkedList];
for (let i=0; i < index; i++) {
node = next(node, collection)
return node
This works fine when the index is 0, but when it is anything else, it increments the index, then sets it back to 0, entering an infinite loop. How can I fix this without fundamentally altering the code?
Well at the start of the function you reset the index to 0. So every time it recurs, it resets the index, thus causing your infinite loop.
An easy fix is to declare the index variable outside the function. That will ensure it's not reset every time the function recurs.
A better fix would be to pass the index as an argument to the function so that it will always keep track of its own index.
Just make a helper that holds the extra variable:
function indexAt(node, collection, linkedList) {
function indexAt(index, node, collection, linkedList) {
if (node === nodeAt(index, linkedList, collection)) {
return index
} else {
return indexAt(index + 1, node, collection, linkedList)
return indexAt(0, node, collection, linkedList);
Now you count from 0...n and make nodeAt start at the beginning each time making this O(n^2). A much better way would be that the helper has the current node, initialized at collection[linkedList] and stepping with next(currentNode) and index + 1 until node === currentNode. That would be a O(n) solution. indexAt doesn't really need to be recursive unless it is a requirement.

How to implement a Binary Search Tree in Julia?

I am trying to implement BST in Julia, but I encountered problem when I call insert function. When I try to create new node, the structure stays unchanged.
My code:
type Node
function insert(key::Int64, node)
if node == 0
node = Node(key, 0, 0)
elseif key < node.key
insert(key, node.left)
elseif key > node.key
insert(key, node.right)
root = Node(0,0,0)
I also tried to change zero to nothing. Next version which I tried is with defined datatypes in Node, but when I try to call insert with nothing value(similar to C Null) it gave me error.
Thank for answer.
The code has a number of issues.
One is that it is not type stable, left and right could contain anything.
The other is that setting the local variable node inside the insert function will not affect change anything.
A stylistic issue, functions that modify their arguments generally have a ! as the last character in the name, such as insert!, push! setindex!.
I think the following should work:
type BST
BST(key::Int) = BST(key, Nullable{BST}(), Nullable{BST}())
BST() = BST(0)
function Base.push!(node::BST, key)
if key < node.key
if node.left.isnull
node.left = BST(key)
push!(node.left.value, key)
elseif key > node.key
if node.right.isnull
node.right = BST(key)
push!(node.right.value, key)
root = BST()
push!(root, 1)
push!(root, 2)
This version overloads the Julia push! function, and uses the Nullable type so that it can distinguish between a leaf node and where it needs to continue searching to find where to insert the key. This is a recursive definition, and is not optimized, it would be much faster to do it with loops instead of recursive.

How to filter empty groups from a reduction?

It appears to me that Crossfilter never excludes a group from the results of a reduction, even if the applied filters have excluded all the rows in that group. Groups that have had all of their rows filtered out simply return an aggregate value of 0 (or whatever reduceInitial returns).
The problem with this is that it makes it impossible to distinguish between groups that contain no rows and groups that do contain rows but just legitimately aggregate to a value of 0. Basically, there's no way (that I can see) to distinguish between a null value and a 0 aggregation.
Does anybody know of a built-in Crossfilter technique for achieving this? I did come up with a way to do this with my own custom reduceInitial/reduceAdd/reduceRemove method but it wasn't totally straight forward and it seemed to me that this is behavior that might/should be more native to Crossfilter's filtering semantics. So I'm wondering if there's a canonical way to achieve this.
I'll post my technique as an answer if it turns out that there is no built-in way to do this.
A simple way to accomplish this is to have both count and total be reduce attributes:
var dimGroup =, reduceRemove, reduceInitial);
function reduceAdd(p, v) {
++p.count; += v.value;
return p;
function reduceRemove(p, v) {
--p.count; -= v.value;
return p;
function reduceInitial() {
return {count: 0, total: 0};
Empty groups will have zero counts, so retrieving only non-empty groups is easy: { return d.value.count > 0; });
OK, there doesn't seem to be any obvious answer jumping out so I'll answer my own question and post the technique I used to solve this.
This example assumes that I've already created a dimension and grouping, which is passed in as groupDim. Because I want to be able to sum up any arbitrary numeric field, I also pass in fieldName so that it will be available in the closure scope of my the reduction functions.
One important characteristic of this technique is that it relies on there being a way to uniquely identify which group each row belongs to. Thinking in term of OLAP, this is essentially the "tuple" that defines a particular aggregation context. But it can be anything you want as long as it deterministically returns the same value for all data rows belonging to a given group.
The end result is that empty groups will have an aggregate value of "null" which can be easily detected for and filtered out after the fact. Any group with at least one row will have a numeric value (even if it happens to be zero).
Refinements or suggestions to this are more then welcome. Here's the code with comments inline:
function configureAggregateSum(groupDim, fieldName) {
function getGroupKey(datum) {
// Given datum return key corresponding to the group to which the datum belongs
// This object will keep track of the number of times each group had reduceAdd
// versus reduceRemove called. It is used to revert the running aggregate value
// back to "null" if the count hits zero. This is unfortunately necessary because
// Crossfilter filters as it is aggregating so reduceAdd can be called even if, in
// the end, all records in a group end up being filtered out.
var groupCount = {};
function reduceAdd(p, v) {
// Here's the code that keeps track of the invocation count per group
var groupKey = getGroupKey(v);
if (groupCount[groupKey] === undefined) { groupCount[groupKey] = 0; }
// And here's the implementation of the add reduction (sum in my case)
// Note the check for null (our initial value)
var value = +v[fieldName];
return p === null ? value : p + value;
function reduceRemove(p, v) {
// This code keeps track of invocations of invocation count per group and, importantly,
// reverts value back to "null" if it hits 0 for the group. Essentially, if we detect
// that group has no records again we revert to the initial value.
var groupKey = getGroupKey(v);
if (groupCount[groupKey] === 0) {
return null;
// And here's the code for the remove reduction (sum in my case)
var value = +v[fieldName];
return p - value;
function reduceInitial() {
return null;
// Once returned, can invoke all() or top() to get the values, which can then be filtered
// using a native Array.filter to remove the groups with null value.
return groupedDim.reduce(reduceAdd, reduceRemove, reduceInitial);

How can I determine end-of-cursor in Rust using sqlite3 Select?

I'm just starting to evaluate Rust. Using Rust and the sqlite3 repo on Github, I'm attempting to determine EOF for a Cursor. I'm not sure how to do that "correctly", I think it may be via the "match" statement.
The 2nd line in the following 2 lines is how I'm currently determining EOF, but this is obviously not the "correct" way:
let oNextResult:sqlite::types::ResultCode = oDbCursor.step();
tDone = (fmt!("%?", oNextResult) == ~"SQLITE_DONE");
The following is the unfinished function containing the above 2 lines. Please excuse the lack of Rust naming-convention, but I will look at implementing that.
**** Update Data ****
fn fUpdateData(oDb1:&sqlite::database::Database, iUpdateMax:int) -> bool {
println(fmt!("Updating %d Rows .......", iUpdateMax));
let sSql:~str = fmt!("Select ikey, sname, iborn, dbal from test LIMIT %d",
let oDbExec = oDb1.exec(sSql);
if oDbExec.is_err() {
println(fmt!("Select Failed! : %?, sql=%s", oDbExec, sSql));
return false;
println("Select succeeded. Processing select list .....");
let mut iUpdateCount: int = 0;
let oDbCursor:sqlite::cursor::Cursor = oDb1.prepare(sSql, &None).unwrap();
let mut tDone:bool = false;
while !tDone {
let oNextResult:sqlite::types::ResultCode = oDbCursor.step();
tDone = (fmt!("%?", oNextResult) == ~"SQLITE_DONE");
if !tDone {
let sKey = oDbCursor.get_text(0);
let sName = oDbCursor.get_text(1);
let sBorn = oDbCursor.get_text(2);
let sBal = oDbCursor.get_text(3);
println(fmt!("skey = %s, sname = %s, sBorn = %s, sBal = %s", sKey,
sName, sBorn, sBal));
iUpdateCount += 1;
println(fmt!("Update succeeded, items updated = %d", iUpdateCount));
return true;
I don't know if there is a correct way at the moment but you can also the result codes from the types module:
use sqlite::types::ResultCode;
and then do something like this so there's no need for using fmt!
while cursor.step() == SQLITE_ROW {...}
or this:
while cursor.get_column_count() != 0 {...; cursor.step()}
Function get_column_count returns an int. If there's no data it will return 0. It calls int sqlite3_data_count(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt); under the hood and here's what sqlite docs say about it:
The sqlite3_data_count(P) interface returns the number of columns in
the current row of the result set of prepared statement P. If prepared
statement P does not have results ready to return (via calls to the
sqlite3_column_*() of interfaces) then sqlite3_data_count(P) returns
0. The sqlite3_data_count(P) routine also returns 0 if P is a NULL pointer. The sqlite3_data_count(P) routine returns 0 if the previous
call to sqlite3_step(P) returned SQLITE_DONE. The
sqlite3_data_count(P) will return non-zero if previous call to
sqlite3_step(P) returned SQLITE_ROW, except in the case of the PRAGMA
incremental_vacuum where it always returns zero since each step of
that multi-step pragma returns 0 columns of data.
As it's mentioned on the readme file rustsqlite interface is not finalized, watch out for changes.

Backtracking recursively with multiple solutions

function BACKTRACKING-SEARCH(csp) returns a solution, or failure
function RECURSIVE-BACKTRACKING(assignment,csp) returns a solution, or failure
if assignment is complete then
return assignment
for each value in ORDER-DOMAIN-VALUES(var,assignment,csp) do
if value is consistent with assignment according to CONSTRAINTS[csp] then
add {var = value} to assignment
result ← RECURSIVE-BACKTRACKING(assignment, csp)
if result ̸= failure then
return result
remove {var = value} from assignment
return failure
This is a backtracking recursion algorythm pseudocode from AIMA. However, I don't understand if it returns ALL possible solutions or just first one found. In case it is the last option, could you please help me modify it to return a list of possible solutions instead (or at least updating some global list).
EDIT: I implemented this algorithm in Java. However, there is one problem:
if I don't return assignment, but save it in result instead, the recursion stop condition fails (i.e. it doesn't exist anymore). How can I implement another stop-condition? Maybe I should return true in the end?
Here is my code :
* The actual backtracking. Unfortunately, I don't have time to implement LCV or MCV,
* therefore it will be just ordinary variable-by-variable search.
* #param line
* #param onePossibleSituation
* #param result
public static boolean recursiveBacktrack(Line line, ArrayList<Integer> onePossibleSituation, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> result){
if (onePossibleSituation.size() == line.getNumOfVars()){
// instead of return(assignment)
ArrayList<Integer> situationCopy = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Block variableToAssign = null;
// iterate through all variables and choose one unassigned
for(int i = 0; i < line.getNumOfVars(); i++){
variableToAssign = line.getCspMiniTaskVariables().get(i);
// for each domain value for given block
for (int i = line.getCspMiniTaskDomains().get(variableToAssign.getID())[0];
i <= line.getCspMiniTaskDomains().get(variableToAssign.getID())[0]; i++){
if(!areThereConflicts(line, onePossibleSituation)){
//complete the assignment
//do backtracking
boolean isPossibleToPlaceIt = recursiveBacktrack(line,onePossibleSituation,result);
// unassign
// end of backtracking
This code checks if solution found and if it is, returns the solution. Otherwise, continue backtracking. That means, it returns the first solution found.
if result ̸= failure then
return result
remove {var = value} from assignment
You can modify it like that:
if result ̸= failure then
PRINT result // do not return, just save the result
remove {var = value} from assignment
Or, better, modify this part:
if assignment is complete then
print assignment
return assignment // print it and return
About edited question:
First, return true in the first if, so recursion will know that it found a solution. The second step, there is a mistake, probably:
Should be
Because if your backtracking has found something, it returns true, which means you don't have to check anything else any longer.
EDIT#2: If you want to continue backtracking to find ALL solutions, just remove the whole previous if section with return:
// return(true);
So we will continue the search in any way.
