DynamoDB Limit on query - amazon-dynamodb

I have a doubt about Limit on query/scans on DynamoDB.
My table has 1000 records, and the query on all of them return 50 values, but if I put a Limit of 5, that doesn't mean that the query will return the first 5 values, it just say that query for 5 Items on the table (in any order, so they could be very old items or new ones), so it's possible that I got 0 items on the query. How can actually get the latest 5 items of a query? I need to set a Limit of 5 (numbers are examples) because it will to expensive to query/scan for more items than that.
The query has this input
TableName: 'transactionsTable',
IndexName: 'transactionsByUserId',
ProjectionExpression: 'origin, receiver, #valid_status, createdAt, totalAmount',
KeyConditionExpression: 'userId = :userId',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':userId': 'user-id',
':payment_gateway': 'payment_gateway'
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#valid_status': 'status'
FilterExpression: '#valid_status = :payment_gateway',
Limit: 5
The index of my table is like this:
Should I use a second index or something, to sort them with the field createdAt but then, how I'm sure that the query will look into all the items?

if I put a Limit of 5, that doesn't mean that the query will return the first 5 values, it just say that query for 5 Items on the table (in any order, so they could be very old items or new ones), so it's possible that I got 0 items on the query. How can actually get the latest 5 items of a query?
You are correct in your observation, and unfortunately there is no Query options or any other operation that can guarantee 5 items in a single request. To understand why this is the case (it's not just laziness on Amazon's side), consider the following extreme case: you have a huge database with one billion items, but do a very specific query which has just 5 matching items, and now making the request you wished for: "give me back 5 items". Such a request would need to read the entire database of a billion items, before it can return anything, and the client will surely give up by then. So this is not how DyanmoDB's Limit works. It limits the amount of work that DyanamoDB needs to do before responding. So if Limit = 100, DynamoDB will read internally 100 items, which takes a bounded amount of time. But you are right that you have no idea whether it will respond with 100 items (if all of them matched the filter) or 0 items (if none of them matched the filter).
So to do what you want to do efficiently, you'll need to think of a different way to model your data - i.e., how to organize the partition and sort keys. There are different ways to do it, each has its own benefits and downsides, you'll need to consider your options for yourself. Since you asked about GSI, I'll give you some hints about how to use that option:
The pattern you are looking for is called filtered data retrieval. As you noted, if you do a GSI with the sort key being createdAt, you can retrieve the newest items first. But you still need to do a filter, and still don't know how to stop after 5 filtered results (and not 5 pre-filtering) results. The solution is to ask DynamoDB to only put in the GSI, in the first place, items which pass the filtering. In your example, it seems you always use the same filter: "status = payment_gateway". DynamoDB doesn't have an option to run a generic filter function when building the GSI, but it has a different trick up its sleeve to achieve the same thing: Any time you set "status = payment_gateway", also set another attribute "status_payment_gateway", and when status is set to something else, delete the "status_payment_gateway". Now, create the GSI with "status_payment_gateway" as the partition key. DynamoDB will only put items in the GSI if they have this attribute, thereby achieving exactly the filtering you want.
You can also have multiple mutually-exclusive filtering criteria in one GSI by setting the partition key attribute to multiple different values, and you can then do a Query on each of these values separately (using KeyConditionExpression).


DynamoDB Best practice to select all items from a table with pagination (Without PK)

I simply want to get a list of products back from my table and paginated, the pagination part is relatively clear with last_evaluated_key, however all the examples are using on PK or SK, but in my case I just want to get paginated results sort by createdAt.
My product id (uniq uuid) is not very useful in this case. Is the last solution to scan the whole table?
Yes, you will use Scan. DynamoDB has two types of read operation, Query and Scan. You can Query for one-and-only-one Partition Key (and optionally a range of Sort Key values if your table has a compound primary key). Everything else is a Scan.
Scan operations read every item, max 1 MB, optionally filtered. Filters are applied after the read. Results are unsorted.
The SDKs have pagination helpers like paginateScan to make life easier.
Re: Cost. Ask yourself: "is Scan returning lots of data MB I don't actually need?" If the answer is "No", you are fine. The more you are overfetching, however, the greater the cost benefit of Query over Scan.

Dynamodb GetBatchItem vs query

Currently I use table.query to get items by matching partition key and sorted by sorting key. Now the new requirement is to handle batch query - a couple of hundred partition keys match and hopefully still sorted by sorting key in each partition key result. I find GetBatchItem that can handle up to 100 items per one query, but look like no sorting. Is one item here one row in DDB or all rows in one partition key?
From performance(query speed) and price perspective which one should I use? And do i have to do sorting for the result by myself if I use GetBatchItem? Ideally I like a solution of fast, cost effective and result sorted by sorting key in each partition key, but the first two are top priority and I can do sorting if I have to. Thanks
Query() is cheaper...
BatchGetItem() runs as individual GetItem() each costing 1 RCU (assuming your item is less than 400K).
Lets say you're item is 10K, Query() can return 40 of them for 1 RCU whereas returning 40 via BatchGetItem() will cost 40 RCU.

DyanmoDB shows Item Count = 0, not being populated, and not working in Appsync query

I have added an index to my DynamoDB table in order to order the results but it doesn't appear to be doing anything. In the DyanmoDB dashboard it shows with 0 size and 0 item count.
There are several hundred items in the table and they all have an id (the primary key) and a created value. I didn't set a range property when I created the table. The items in the picture below are in the correct order but the response via appsync is not.
I have added the index to the query which returns all the items and it does not seem to do anything, the order of the items is the same with or without the index:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Scan",
"index" : "id-created-index",
"limit": $util.defaultIfNull(${ctx.args.limit}, 20),
"nextToken": $util.toJson($util.defaultIfNullOrBlank($ctx.args.nextToken, null))
What am I missing? Has the index not been built or is there something else I need to do to use it in a query?
The index now shows the correct item_count although it is still not ordering the results:
Your base table has a partition key of id and no sort key. By definition this means each item in your table has a unique id.
Your GSI has a partition key of id and a sort key of created. Data is sorted by the created attribute within each partition key. As each of your ids is unique, the sort key is basically not doing anything.
Scan operations against a table or index returns the results in a random order. In order to have results sorted coming from DynamoDB, you'll need to run a Query operation, where the partition/hash key is fixed, and results will be sorted according to the sort key. However, since your table/GSI always have unique IDs, there's no additional records within a single partition (the id).
So yes, if you wanted results ordered by created, you'd need to have a fixed attribute on your table set as the partition key for your Index. The caveat here is that all your records in the index would belong to a single partition, which would be a bottleneck. There are a few ways around this; one way would be to see if there's a different access pattern where you can keep a different attribute fixed to query against (ie. owner_id). If the number of records are low enough, filtering on the client side is probably the best option.

Performing a conditional expression query on GSI in dynamodb

I know the query below is not supported in DynamoDB since you must use an equality expression on the HASH key.
KeyConditionExpression: 'purchases >= :p',
ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':p': 6 }
How can I organize my data so I can efficiently make a query for all items purchased >= 6 times?
Right now I only have 3 columns, orderID (Primary Key), address, confirmations (GSI).
Would it be better to use a different type of database for this type of query?
You would probably want to use the DynamoDB streams feature to perform aggregation into another DynamoDB table. The streams feature will publish events for each change to your data, which you can then process with a Lambda function.
I'm assuming in your primary table you would be tracking each purchase, incrementing a counter. A simple example of the logic might be on each update, you check the purchases count for the item, and if it is >= 6, add the item ID to a list attribute itemIDs or similar in another DynamoDB table. Depending on how you want to query this statistic, you might create a new entry every day, hour, etc.
Bear in mind DynamoDB has a 400KB limit per attribute, so this may not be the best solution depending on how many items you would need to capture in the itemIDs attribute for a given time period.
You would also need to consider how you reset your purchases counter (this might be a scheduled batch job where you reset purchase count back to zero every x time period).
Alternatively you could capture the time period in your primary table and create a GSI that is partitioned based upon time period and has purchases as the sort key. This way you could efficiently query (rather than scan) based upon a given time period for all items that have purchase count of >= 6.
You dont need to reorganise your data, just use a scan instead of a query
FilterExpression: 'purchases >= :p',
ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':p': 6 }

DynamoDBScanExpression withLimit returns more records than Limit

Have to list all the records from a DynamoDB table, without any filter expression.
I want to limit the number of records hence using DynamoDBScanExpression with setLimit.
DynamoDBScanExpression scanExpression = new DynamoDBScanExpression();
// Set ExclusiveStartKey
However, the scan operation returns more than 10 results always !!!!
Is this the expected behaviour and if so how?
Python Answer
It is not possible to set a limit for scan() operations, however, it is possible to do so with a query.
A query searches through items, the rows in the database. It starts at the top or bottom of the list and finds items based on set criteria. You must have a partion and a sort key to do this.
A scan on the other hand searches through the ENTIRE database and not by items, and, as a result, is NOT ordered.
Since queries are based on items and scan is based on the ENTIRE database, only queries can support limits.
To answer OP's question, essentially it doesn't work because you're using scan not query.
Here is an example of how to use it using CLIENT syntax. (More advanced syntax version. Sorry I don't have a simpler example that uses resource. you can google that.)
def retrieve_latest_item(self):
result = self.dynamodb_client.query(
KeyConditionExpression= "works_night_shift = :value",
ExpressionAttributeValues={':value': {"BOOL":"True"}},
ScanIndexForward = False,
Limit = 3
return result
Here is the DynamoDB module docs
