Q: Overflow menu with custom component instead of "the three dots" - wix-react-native-navigation

I know how to create an overflow menu in the top bar using the showAsAction option as described here: https://wix.github.io/react-native-navigation/docs/stack#overflow-menu. But is it possible to use a custom component instead of the "three dots" icon? I have a custom component that displays the user's initials in a circle, and I want the overflow menu to appear when it is tapped. How can that be achieved? Any help would be much appreciated.

Your best option here is to show the custom component as a button and when it's clicked - create your own menu implementation and show it in an Overlay.


How can I create Mega Menu In Divi?

How can I get this menu in Divi theme?:
Take these steps
Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Appearances > Menus. I assume you have a menu set up
I am assuming you have a menu that has a Menu item that is NOT a submenu let say it's called Features and under that you have submenus called Feature 1, Feature 2 etc.
Now in order to make your Megamenu you have to add a special CSS class to the main top tier link called “Features”. You can do that by clicking the screen options link of the top your page and making sure the CSS class option is checked.
Finally, you need to add a css class to the “Features” link you just created. Click the arrow on the right of the “Features” menu item to toggle the additional configuration options. Find the text box labeled CSS Classes and enter the class mega-menu
That's it basically. There is official documentation on how to do this

How to create a custom navigation bar (WordPress)

I have a requirement to create a custom navigation bar to replace the existing on a WordPress site. I have decent at CSS but have never come across something like this.
I have found multiple ways to remove the existing navigation bar so that is not a problem but adding the svg with links that are relative to the svg is.
The navigation bar is supposed to look something like this
navigation bar
I think you can approach this from two different angles.
1 - You don't want to/can't use PHP
You can create a custom menu through Wordpress' admin panel.
Add specifics classes to buttons (by activating CSS class property field on menu's buttons using "screen options" panel : ont the right top corner of the page).
Then you sould need 2 classes :
one class for the links on the first row (who/what/how)
another class for the link on the second row (contact)
and adjust de CSS rules to display links as you want.
Finaly I would display the "cloud" svg as the background of the whole menu.
The real problem is that wordpress will output all menu items as li in a ul, so maybe you should create 2 differents menu (one per row), and display the two menus in a dedicated container.
2 - You want/can/prefer to use PHP
This alternative takes advantage of Wordpress' Menu Walker by creating a custom walker extending it
The idea is that by customizing this PHP class you can specify how you want wordpress to render you menu(s) by defining the HTML output.
Here is some links to help you do that :
Once you custom menu output is OK, you just need to customize the generated HTML though CSS.
Note: the second approach can be an adventure if you're not comfortable enough with PHP

Elegant way of adding an CTA to a menu in WordPress

I'm new to WP and looking to put a CTA to my main menu. Currently the ordinary items are left aligned, and the CTA would be right aligned. So far this is what I've thought:
Hardcode it into the theme with the link to the page. Easy but ugly and error prone + the editor/author can't edit the link.
Define a secondary menu and just get first item (wp_get_nav_menu_items?). Better but seems odd to use a menu just to get an element.
Any other idea? Is there the WP way of doing this?
You can add this item as last in your menu, then assign custom class to this item and add required styles (positioning, CTA styles).

How to move the button focus to a different section

I am using Zerif wordpress theme. The theme is having 2 buttons namely Features and Get in Touch. Here is the link. The first button scrolls down to features tab whixh was already there in the theme. I want the second button to scroll down to Get In Touch section but unable to do so. Here is how its going to features in customize options. What to do if I want it to move to Get In Touch section.?
You just need to focus on id of that section to which you want to target , Please put following in option Green button link as per your shown image :
#contact is id of Get In Touch Section.

How to remove side boxes from admin dashboard of wordpress

I don't know whether they are called meta boxes or so.. But I need to remove one of the side boxes from the admin portion of wordpress.. And I can't find where the code for them is. I've attached a screenshot with this question.
Actually, there's no need for any code. You see Screen options tab, at top of the page. Press it, and then tap checkboxes to show/hide any boxes. Image:
If yu want totally hide sideboard, press 1 on the radio buttons below checkboxes(column count).
