What is the point of an RSS item without a link, and what do I do with it? - rss

According to the RSS spec https://www.rssboard.org/rss-draft-1#element-channel-item
An item MAY contain the following child elements: author, category, comments, description, enclosure, guid, link, pubDate, source and title. All of these elements are OPTIONAL but an item MUST contain either a title or description.
If I'm building an RSS reader, what exactly am I supposed to do with an item without a link? What even is the point of listing such an item?

Why would you assume that a link is required? Just show everything as normal, but don't have a link to anything.


Conditional display of field in Views

I have a custom (i.e. View) menu based on taxonomy vocabulary, in wich each term has an image field.
So far, each term is displayed properly with its picture, but I want to know if it is possible to display only the Image field relative to currently active term, while maintaining label+link for the whole vocabulary. Result would be to have an illustrative picture in top of menu, changing according to which item is clicker.
Is there any way to do something like that directly inside the View configuration ?
With the use of contextual filter, you can display information for the term passed as argument/ in URL.

Drupal 6 - "Link this field to node" not italicized for first list item

Using CCK and a View, I have a block that displays 3 fields from my most recent content articles. The first field is "Node:Title" and I have the box checked for 'Link this field to its node". The block displays the correct content, and creates a link for the title field to the node, however the top item Title Node link is not italicized in the browser. The remaining links are. I can't figure it out. Any suggestions.
If you'd like to see, its happening in the Recent News block at sunsetflipshow.com on the front page.
The problem isn't the CSS. You have some unclosed <i> tags that are causing the issue. The first <li> is missing out on the party while the rest are being completely wrapped by a single <i> (and also contain their own nested ones).
Here's a screenshot of the rendered dom for the recent news list. If you still can't figure it out try posting your template code.

One textbox to search three fields of a CCK content type, how?

I have a CCK content type which is composed of node Title, Color, Width, Height, Comment.
Currently I have a view with one exposed field Title to search content.
Is it possible to make the single search field (Title) to search on more than one field, such it will search in any of Title, Color or Comment?
It's not desirable to expose three fields for the purpose.
The solution I used is here
While it sounds complicated, this is the simplest and most useful.
If you need further help, don't hesitate to contact me.

Drupal, Views: Search FIlter, how can I ignore some nodes?

I'm using "Search" exposed filter in Views (DRupal):
It works great, however I would like to ignore a specific node, if it is possible, and always display it, regardless the filter options.
how can I do that ? Is possible to specify the Search filter for only a specific content type ?
Here's what to do:
Add a new display to your view that is an attachment view. In the attachment, override all of your other filters etc and set up the view so that it just loads the single node that you want. Attach this view to the top or bottom of your search view as required.
In your search view, add an argument of node id and hard code a default argument that is the id of the node you display in the attachment. Exclude this argument from the view.
Finbarr's answer is pretty solid. The one thing its missing is the answer to whether you can exclude a specific content type from the search view... yes, you can.
On the display that is your search view, add a Node: Type filter and select "Is not one of" and the content type you want to exclude.

How to show article link and sub-feed link in an RSS feed?

I'm working on some RSS feeds for a custom task system we have. The main feed will show a list of tasks assigned to the current user. The link attribute for each task returned points to the web page for that task. However, tasks themselves have an RSS feed for updates, and I want to be able to provide a link for that RSS feed with the main feed as well. How can I do both?
The solution I'm thinking of right now is setting the article's title attribute to include an <a href="..." link to the actual article, and the it's link attribute to be a link to the feed (or vice versa). However, I'm not sure that will work well since most readers display the title as linking to the link (if that makes any sense to you).
Also, is this something that's supported natively by atom?
Make the content of each item in the original RSS feed HTML. (I believe you'll have to CDATA escape the block). Within this content put a hyperlink to the updates feed RSS.
Why not add it to the entry summary as links?
