I want to search posts by custom field type.
I have custom field "country "with a custom post type umrahpackage now I want if a visitor search for a country "abc" its should show all posts with abc country.
here is my code but not working.
function My_User_search($atts = null)
$out = user_search_form();
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'umrahpackage',
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => 'country',
'value' => 'pakistan',
'compare' => 'LIKE',
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
if( $the_query->have_posts() ):
while( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post();
$out .= '<li>' . get_the_title() . '</li>';
return $out;
//function to display user search form
function user_search_form(){
$metavalue = $metakey = '';
if (isset($_GET['search_by'])){
$metakey = $_GET['search_by'];
if (isset($_GET['s_value'])){
$metavalue = $_GET['s_value'];
$re = '<div class="user_search"><form action="" name="user_s" method="get">
<label for="search_by">Search by:</label>
<select id="search_by" name="search_by">';
if ($metakey != ''){
$re.= '"';
$re.= ($metakey == "country") ;
$re .= '
<option value="country">Comapny Name</option>';
$re .= '
<label>Company Name</label>
<input id="s_value" name="s_value" type="text" value="'.$metavalue.'"/>
<input type="hidden" id="user_search" name="post_type" value="umrahpackage" />
<input id="submit" type="submit" value="Search" />
return $re;
I solved it I share it if its help some one else
function My_User_search($atts = null){
$out = user_search_form();
$args = array('post_type' => 'umrahpackage','order' => 'asc',
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => 'country',
'value' => $_GET['s_value'],
'compare' => 'Like',
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
if( $the_query->have_posts() ):
while( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post();
//before search hide the posts
else {
$out .= '<li>' . get_the_title() . '</li>';
return $out;
function user_search_form(){
$re = '<div class="user_search"><form action="" name="user_s" method="get">
<label for="search_by">Search by:</label>
<div id="search_by" name="search_by">';
$re .= '
<label>Company Name</label>
<input id="s_value" name="s_value" type="text" value="'.$metavalue.'"/>
<input name="user_search" id="user_search" type="hidden" value="umrahpackage"/>
<input id="submit" type="submit" value="Search" />
return $re;
I'm trying to make the default wp_dropdown_categories select dropdown as a radio input with submit button.
This is on the front end.
<form id="filter-select" class="filter-select" action="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>" method="get">
<?php wp_dropdown_categories(); ?>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="view" />
Then in my functions.php I tried to do this
add_filter( 'wp_dropdown_cats', 'dropdown_filter', 10, 2);
function dropdown_filter( $output, $r ) {
$output = preg_replace( '/<option/i', '<input type="radio"', $output );
$output = str_replace( 'class="level-0"', 'name="filter"', $output );
$output = str_replace( "value=\"{$value}\"", "value=\"{$value}\" selected", $output );
return $output;
This actually works in swapping out the select dropbox for a radio field. But it does not actually work correctly.
Instead of going to /category/CATEGORYNAME - Like the default select box does.
It goes /?filter=6&submit=view
Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you.
Try with a custom Walker to output category names instead of IDs.
<div class="radiobuttons">
$args = array(
'orderby' => 'name',
'hide_title_if_empty' => true,
'title_li' => '',
'walker' => new List_Categories_Radiobuttons
wp_list_categories( $args );
The custom Walker in functions.php:
* Custom Walker to list categories with radio buttons
class List_Categories_Radiobuttons extends Walker_Category {
function start_el(&$output, $category, $depth=0, $args=array()) {
$category_name = esc_attr( $category->name );
$radiobutton = '<input type="radio" name="filtercategory" value="' . $category_name . '">';
$output .= '<div class="radiobutton">' . $radiobutton;
function end_el(&$output, $category, $depth=0, $args=array()) {
$output .= "</div>\n";
Does this point you in the right direction?
I am using this repeater plugin with a custom wordpress template https://github.com/DubFriend
<div class="repeater">
<div data-repeater-list="category-group">
<div data-repeater-item>
<input type="hidden" name="id" id="cat-id"/>
<input type="text" name="cat-title" />
<input type="text" name="cat-slug" />
<input data-repeater-delete type="button" value="Delete"/>
<input data-repeater-create type="button" value="Add"/>
but values not saving in database
In save post function i have
function ty_save_post_data() {
if ( empty($_POST) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['name_of_nonce_field'],'name_of_my_action') ) {
print 'Sorry, your nonce did not verify.';
} else {
if (isset ($_POST['title'])) {
$title = $_POST['title'];
} else {
echo 'Please enter a title';
$release= $_POST['custom_release'];
$artist = $_POST['custom_arname'];
$lang = $_POST['custom_lang'];
$id = $_POST['id'];
$catt = $_POST['cat-title'];
$cats = $_POST['cat-slug'];
$post = array(
'post_title' => wp_strip_all_tags( $title ),
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_type' => 'album',
'meta_input' => array(
'custom_release' => $release,
'custom_arname' => $artist,
'custom_lang' => $lang,
'id' => $id,
'cat-title' => $catt,
'cat-slug' => $cats
$post_id = wp_insert_post($post);
$location = home_url();
echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=$location' />";
} // end IF
and this is a shortcode for frontend user posting which is showing on a template page
I need to create a custom WordPress search form, with multiple text input fields. Each text field should search its corresponding meta key. Frontend would look like this:
Search form:
<form role="search" action="/" method="get" id="searchform">
<input type="text" name="s" placeholder="Name"/>
<input type="text" name="hometown" placeholder="Hometown"/>
<input type="text" name="branch" placeholder="Branch of Service"/>
<input type="text" name="birth" placeholder="Birth Year"/>
<input type="text" name="casualty" placeholder="Casualty Year"/>
<input type="text" name="location" placeholder="Casualty Location">
<input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="veterans" />
<input type="submit" alt="Search" value="Search" />
The "Name" field should search the post title only. The rest of the input fields would search a specific custom meta key. It would use an "AND" relationship when multiple fields are used.
Is this possible? Here is what I have tried, but it doesn't search if the name ("s") is empty, and it doesn't seem to be affected at all by what I enter into the custom fields for Hometown or Branch.
// register query vars
function sm_register_query_vars( $vars ) {
$vars[] = 'hometown';
$vars[] = 'branch';
return $vars;
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'sm_register_query_vars' );
// pre get posts
function sm_pre_get_posts( $query ) {
if ( is_admin() || ! $query->is_main_query() ){
if ( !is_post_type_archive( 'veterans' ) ){
$meta_query = array();
// add meta_query elements
if( !empty( get_query_var( 'hometown' ) ) ){
$meta_query[] = array( 'key' => 'hometown', 'value' => get_query_var( 'hometown' ), 'compare' => 'LIKE' );
if( !empty( get_query_var( 'branch' ) ) ){
$meta_query[] = array( 'key' => 'branch', 'value' => get_query_var( 'branch' ), 'compare' => 'LIKE' );
if( count( $meta_query ) > 1 ){
$meta_query['relation'] = 'AND';
if( count( $meta_query ) > 0 ){
$query->set( 'meta_query', $meta_query );
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'sm_pre_get_posts', 1 );
// the search form (display via shortcode)
function sm_search_form( $args ){
$output = '<form id="smform" action="' . esc_url( home_url() ) . '" method="GET" role="search">';
$output .= '<div class="smtextfield"><input type="text" name="s" placeholder="Name" value="' . get_search_query() . '" /></div>';
$output .= '<div class="smtextfield"><input type="text" name="hometown" placeholder="Hometown" value="' . get_search_query() . '" /></div>';
$output .= '<div class="smtextfield"><input type="text" name="branch" placeholder="Branch" value="' . get_search_query() . '" /></div>';
$output .= '<input type="hidden" name="post_type" value="veterans" />';
$output .= '<p><input type="submit" value="Search" class="button" /></p></form>';
return $output;
The above query looks like this when attempting to search:
After checking if there are any terms in your search by something like
try storing each type of your search in a var and then build a custom query with all the items that are in your search. ie :
$title=$_GET['name']; // Get the name
$params=[]; // Create an array with all the parameters you've got except the name
function populate_array($term) // Create a function to populate your array
if ($_GET[$term]) {
$params[$term] = $_GET[$term];
$args=array( // Initialize your query
'post_type' => 'my_post_type', // Just set your post type if needed
if($title){ // If there is a title add it to the query
if(count($params)>0){. // If there are any params
$meta=array('relation'=>'AND'); // Because you asked for it
foreach($params as $param => $value){
$meta[]=array( // Adding each meta tou your query
'key' => $param, // considering you name your meta as your parameter
'value' => $value,
'compare' => '='
$args['meta_query']=$meta; // Adding your meta to your main query
$query = new WP_Query( $args ); // And now you can request your query with all your parameters
I have not tested this but it should work... Maybe some improvements are needed. Test it and come back to me :)
That code work only set a variable not by form.
function title_filter( $where, &$wp_query ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( $search_term = $wp_query->get( 'search_title' ) ) {
$where .= ' AND ' . $wpdb->posts . '.post_title LIKE \'%' . esc_sql( like_escape( $search_term ) ) . '%\'';
return $where;
add_filter( 'posts_where', 'title_filter', 10, 2 );
<form role="search" method="get" id="form_percorsi" action="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/category/percorsi/" style="float:left;margin-right:10px;">
<input placeholder="Cerca…" value="" id="search_them" name="search_title" title="Search for:" type="search">
my query for display items
$search_them = $_GET['search_them'];
$args = array( 'paged' => $paged, 'orderby' => $order_by, 'order' => $order, 'search_title' => $search_them );
if i search a title by form non work...
have a solution?
This is my code for the widget:
function form( $instance ) {
$instance = wp_parse_args( (array)$instance, array(
'checkboxes' => array(
'Monday' => array('name' => 'Monday', 'value' => 'Monday', 'checked' => 1),
'Tuesday' => array('name' => 'Tuesday', 'value' => 'Tuesday', 'checked' => ''),
'Wednesday' => array('name' => 'Wednesday', 'value' => 'Wednesday', 'checked' => ''),
'Thursday' => array('name' => 'Thursday', 'value' => 'Thursday', 'checked' => ''),
'Friday' => array('name' => 'Friday', 'value' => 'Friday', 'checked' => ''),
'Saturday' => array('name' => 'Saturday', 'value' => 'Saturday', 'checked' => ''),
'Sunday' => array('name' => 'Sunday', 'value' => 'Sunday', 'checked' => '')
'title' => 'Workdays'
include( plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '/views/admin.php' );
function update( $new_instance, $old_instance ) {
$instance = $old_instance;
$instance['checkboxes'] = strip_tags($new_instance['checkboxes']);
return $instance;
This is the code for the view:
<div class='ws-business-info'>
<div class='form-group'>
<?php foreach($instance['checkboxes'] as $day ) : ?>
<div class='checkbox'>
<input type="checkbox"
name="<?php echo $day['name']; ?>"
id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id($day['name']); ?>"
value="<?php echo $day['value']; ?>"
<?php checked('1', $day['checked']); ?>/>
<?php echo $day['name']; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
The widget displays the checkboxes as expected but the state will not save. Dumping the $old_instance variable in the update function gives a null value.
In the view file you defined input's id corectly, but you did not the same with name attribute.
Define the name attribute like this:
<input type="checkbox"
name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'checkboxes' ), '[', esc_attr( $day['name'] ), ']'; ?>"
id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id($day['name']); ?>"
value="<?php echo $day['value']; ?>"
<?php checked('1', $day['checked']); ?>/>
<?php echo $day['name']; ?>
public function widget( $args, $instance ) {
// outputs the content of the widget
This function has to be added along with the default constructor. Else the widget will not work.
Not exactly what you are looking for but this is how I saved a checkbox in metabox, you may get some hint from this...
Code used to display html
function html_rtsocial_metabox()
global $post;
$custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
$suppress = $custom['_suppress_rtsocial'][0];
$checked = ($suppress=='yes')?'checked':'';
$value = ($suppress=='yes')?'yes':'no';
$html = '<br><input type="checkbox" name="_suppress_rtsocial" value="'.$value.'" '.$checked.' id="_suppress_rtsocial" /> Hide Social Icons ???';
$html .= '<br/><br/>';
echo $html;
While saving
Added js for admin interface
function checkbox_helper(){
var ele =jQuery('#_suppress_rtsocial'),value;
value = ele.is(':checked')?'yes':'no';