Watermark and selected item padding - xamarin.forms

Im creating a dropdown for post type using xamarin forms and syncfusion combobox. How to increase the left padding for the watermark(placeholder) to make it aligned with the placeholder position in picker or editor?
Image Reference

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Unfortunately, from Customizing ComboBox in Xamarin ComboBox (SfComboBox) , there is no more way to change the position of Watermark.
The only idea I found that is add some space before word to make it work.
For example: Watermark=" Enter 'A' to filter suggestions"
The effect:


Custom tool bar menu item xamarin forms

I would like to achieve similar tool bar menu item. I would like to add image in left and text in right. Image is font awesome icon. So I would like to create custom template with label . And show like this menu item . I have tried absolute layout with listview . It not working. I am thinking to use picker but it occupy full screen.but it needs to display like in image .. any one please help on this to overcome issue.

Is there anyway to add a icon in the Entry placeholder?

I can not use a Background Image because cannot fix the position of the start point.the placeholder text is centered.so it is not duplicated.
How to add an icon in the placeholder of an Entry beside using Grid or Layout. Just add it in the placeholder.
I want to make an Entry with placeholder containing an icon . Which is center in the Entry so that I can not use grid or layout to add a Image because this is not the best way.
I think I will have to make clicked event functions of the Image and the entry focus to hide the Image.
The expected result is like that:
The first way I can think of doing this:
If the icon you would like to use is a generic icon, FontAwesome is a fantastic fontkit that displays icons in the place of text. I have implemented it into Xamarin Forms many times. Here are some tutorials on how to do that:
What you would do is set the FontFamily of the entry field to FontAwesome, and then add a textchanged event on text length > 0 change the fontfamily to your normal font, on text length = 0 (Place holder displayed) Change font family to FontAwesome.
The second way I can think of doing this:
Create a Xamarin Forms Custom Renderer for all of the platforms you are using. whereby you will on the native level alter how the Entry field functions to display an icon in its placeholder. To do this you will either need some native expierience on both platforms or some patience and learning about the native platforms.
If you need further help feel free to drop a comment :)

Reduce space between image and text of button in xamarin forms

Is there any property for xamarin forms Button to reduce the gap between Button image and Button text? I tried to use custom renderer, but I'm not sure which property should be set to reduce gap between image and text.
Adding more detail for clarity:
I have a Button that is of complete width of screen and a defined height. I have image and text property set for Button. While rendering, there is gap between image and text. I need to display text next to image without gap.
Any help would be really appreciated.

How to make a QTextEdit fill its parent dialog?

I've been using Qt for some times, but I'm quite new to layouts. I would like to create a dialog with a QTextEdit inside, and the QTextEdit would resize to fill the whole dialog. How can I use layouts to do that? Or is there some other technique that I'm missing?
I have tried adding a layout to the dialog, then put the QTextEdit inside. However, I cannot find any property to make the layout fit the whole dialog.
After adding the text edit to your form, right click on the form and you will see a "Lay out" menu item at the bottom of the context menu, select that and then the layout type you want to use. The designer will create a top level layout of that type for your form and the text edit should now expand to fill the form.

How to build a Flex FormItem with an image button in the label section?

I want to build a flex FormItem extension that adds a button into the item label section, such that there is both a text label and, to the right of it, a button that uses an image icon:
A form item http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/4411/screenshot20100730at331.png
Basically, I want to create that 'i' icon, such that I can click on it to display a help overlay for the item in question.
Is there an existing component that does this? If not, how do I do it?
Try to use grid, gridrow, and grititem, like the html table. and add the label and the "i" image into a horizontal layout container inside the griditem.
