How to display scores form Firebase - firebase

I have a quiz app and I would like to display scores on last screen, however I have an issue how to do it.
Here' how my score script looks like:
//Zliczanie punktów i wyświetlanie wyniku
public static int pointssum = 0;
public Text points;
private string user;
private Text scoresboard;
USers users = new USers();
void Start()
points = GetComponent<Text>();
void Update()
points.text = "Poprawne odpowiedzi: " + pointssum;
private void Posttodb()
user = nazwagracza.Playernick;
if (user!= null)
USers users = new USers();
RestClient.Put("" + user + ".json", users);
private void Getdata()
RestClient.GetArray<USers>("'scores'&startAt=0").Then(response =>
users = response;
I tried to assign this data to user value but I'm getting error cannot implicitly convert type.
Can you please help we with this?

users is of type USers .. it is not an array.
You did probably mean e.g.
// Returns an array of USers
RestClient.GetArray<USers>("'scores'&startAt=0").Then(response =>
// get the first instance
users = response[0];
or make users of type
USers[] users;
depending on your needs.
Due to the naming and description it sounds like you would want to do the latter since you want to display all scores, not only the best one.


Old ASP.NET code works on one computer, not on another?

So in my global.asax, I've got the following code:
Inventory.BusinessTier bt = new Inventory.BusinessTier();
string UserLogin = bt.ExtractLogin (Request.ServerVariables ["AUTH_USER"]);
Inventory.User myUser = new Inventory.User (UserLogin);
Session ["User"] = myUser;
It works just fine on one development PC, but using the same version of Visual Studio, it craps out on the third line with this error:
System.TypeInitializationException: 'The type initializer for
'Inventory.DataTier' threw an exception.'
Inner Exception
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an
Other than a line adding impersonation in my web.config (it has to be there now), I haven't changed a single thing. Is there a way to get more info on this? I can't even trace it, because if I put a debug line in the User object constructor, it never hits it. I'm at a bit of a loss. Would appreciate any advice.
EDIT to answer questions below:
InventoryUser is a very simple user object that reads the current from the database and stores some basic user info in properties, such as UserID, Role, RoleID, and IsAdmin.
The DataTier class is a class that interacts with the database. It is used in multiple projects, so I'm quite sure it's not the problem. I tried to paste in the code anyway, but it exceeded the limit for a post.
I'm reasonably sure the problem is related to the user class. It's short, so I can paste it in here:
using System;
using System.Data;
// This is the user business object. It contains information pertaining to the current user of the application. Notably, it
// contains the department ID, which determines what inventory items the user will see when using the application. Only
// specified employees with admin access can see all items for all departments, and that is determined by a specific department ID.
namespace Inventory {
public class User {
private Guid _UserID;
private Guid _RoleID;
private Guid _UserDepartmentID;
private string _UserRole = "";
private string _UserName = "";
private bool _IsAuthorizedUser = false;
private bool _IsAdmin = false;
// Attribute declarations
public Guid UserID {
get {
return _UserID;
set {
_UserID = value;
public string UserRole {
get {
return _UserRole;
set {
_UserRole = value;
public Guid RoleID {
get {
return _RoleID;
set {
_RoleID = value;
public string UserName {
get {
return _UserName;
set {
_UserName = value;
public Guid UserDepartmentID {
get {
return _UserDepartmentID;
set {
_UserDepartmentID = value;
public bool IsAdmin {
get {
return _IsAdmin;
set {
_IsAdmin = value;
public bool IsAuthorizedUser {
get {
return _IsAuthorizedUser;
set {
_IsAuthorizedUser = value;
// -----------------
// - Constructor -
// -----------------
public User (string UserLogin) {
string ShortUserLogin = ExtractLogin (UserLogin);
GetUser (ShortUserLogin);
// ------------------
// - ExtractLogin -
// ------------------
public string ExtractLogin (string Login) {
// The domain and "\" symbol must be removed from the string, leaving only the user name.
int pos = Login.IndexOf (#"\");
return Login.Substring (pos + 1, Login.Length - pos - 1);
// -------------
// - GetUser -
// -------------
// This method is called to fill the user object based on the user's login. It ultimately gets authorized user data
// from the user table.
public void GetUser (string UserName) {
DataTier dt1 = new DataTier();
DataTable dt = dt1.GetUserInfo (UserName);
int RecordCount = dt.Rows.Count;
switch (RecordCount) {
case 1: // There is one user name match, as there should be. This is the likely situation.
DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];
UserID = (Guid)dr ["UserID"];
UserRole = (string)dr ["UserRole"];
RoleID = (Guid)dr ["RoleID"];
this.UserName = UserName;
UserDepartmentID = (Guid)dr ["DepartmentID"];
IsAdmin = (bool)dr ["IsAdmin"];
IsAuthorizedUser = true;
case 0: // There are no user name matches (unauthorized use).
IsAdmin = false;
IsAuthorizedUser = false;
default: // There are multiple user name matches (problem!).
IsAdmin = false;
IsAuthorizedUser = false;

ASP.NET MVC 5 Page Controlled by Active Directory Group

Is it possible to create a page (View) that is strictly controlled by an Active Directory Group?
There is no login for this page, if you are a member of the "VIP" Active Directory group, then the page is rendered, otherwise if not then you can't see it.
First get your current users windows log in
var windowsUserName= HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.WindowsLogin();
Then get all the AD groups for your user using the System.DirectoryServices
using System.DirectoryServices;
public List<string> GetUsersActiveDirectoryGroups(string windowsUserName)
var allUserGroups = new List<string>();
if (windowsUserName == null) return allUserGroups;
var domainConnection = new DirectoryEntry();
var samSearcher = new DirectorySearcher
SearchRoot = domainConnection,
Filter = "(samAccountName=" + windowsUserName + ")"
var samResult = samSearcher.FindOne();
if (samResult == null) return allUserGroups;
var theUser = samResult.GetDirectoryEntry();
theUser.RefreshCache(new[] { "tokenGroups" });
_bet365EmployeeFullName = theUser.Properties["CN"].Value.ToString();
foreach (byte[] resultBytes in theUser.Properties["tokenGroups"])
var mySid = new SecurityIdentifier(resultBytes, 0);
var sidSearcher = new DirectorySearcher
SearchRoot = domainConnection,
Filter = "(objectSid=" + mySid.Value + ")"
var sidResult = sidSearcher.FindOne();
if (sidResult != null)
return allUserGroups;
You now need to map which groups have access to which view in the application.
Once done, the next step is the restricting of the viewing of "Views".
You need to set up a permissions filter that uses the MVC AuthorizeAttribute. Something like the below.
public class PermissionsFilter : AuthorizeAttribute
private readonly string _viewName;
public PermissionsFilter(string viewName)
_viewName = viewName;
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
//Check to see if users groups has access to the view
//If not redirect to unauthorized page
I accomplish the above by have a user object held in session. This contains a list of all the application permissions my user has access too. This is the mapping you need to do. I have all my view names stored in the database along with an ID of which AD groups can access them.
Then finally in the controller, decorate the get action for the view accordingly.
public ActionResult ReturnMyView(int currentFolderID)
return View(); //Etc..
Well hope that helps!

Updating Red5 SharedObject closing stream

I'm trying to create a voice conference room with all users can speak and use the mic. But as an Admin, I should have the privilege to mute any user. So, I add to the user an attribute for the mic which will be check in client side and enable/disable user's mic accordingly. The server side code looks like:
String identifier;
String userID;
private int _gId = 1;
private Map<String,Object> newUser;
public boolean appConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params) {
identifier = (String)params[1];
userID = (String)params[0];
int _globalUserId = _gId++;
conn.getClient().setAttribute("id", _globalUserId);
newUser = new HashMap<String,Object>();
newUser.put("identifier", (String)params[0]);
newUser.put("mic", 1); //mic value to be checked in client side
return true;
public boolean roomJoin(IClient client, IScope scope) {
ISharedObject so = getSharedObject(scope, "users_so");
return true;
public void muteUser(String userID){
IScope scope = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getScope();
ISharedObject so = getSharedObject(scope, "users_so");
Map<String,Object> user= new HashMap<String,Object>();
user = (Map<String, Object>) so.getAttribute(userID);
if(user != null){
user.put("mic", 0);
boolean removed = so.removeAttribute(userID);
boolean updated = so.setAttribute(userID,user);
so.endUpdate();"Mic: " + user.get("mic"));"Removed: " + removed);"Updated: " + updated);
The problem arises when I try to call the muteUser method. Red5 says that the stream is closed. I think this happens when I remove the attribute of the user and added it again but I couldn't find another way to update the sharedObject's mic value.
Does any one have a better idea to update a sharedObject without losing stream?
The SO that you're requesting doesn't work like a user map that it would appear you think it does in your example. I would suggest storing a map in the SO and then do a get / add to the map; the map in this case being shared, so you'd have to make it thread-safe; I'd use a ConcurrentMap there like so:
ISharedObject so = getSharedObject(scope, "users_so");
if (so == null) {
// make sure your so exists
ConcurrentMap<String, Object> users = (ConcurrentMap<String, Object>) so.getAttribute("users");
if (users == null) {
users = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>();
so.setAttribute("users" users);
Object user = users.get(userID);
user.put("mic", 0);

Accessing OutArgument value of Receive implementation child activity within custom WF4 activity

Using VS2012/.NET 4.5 I am creating a custom activity which implements a Receive child activity (as an implementation child). The parameters are in the example below fixed to just one: OutValue of type Guid.
I really would love to access the value of incoming parameter value in ReceiveDone, because I need to work with it and transform it before returning it from the activity. Please ignore that I am currently using a Guid, it still fails to access the value with and InvalidOperationException:
An Activity can only get the location of arguments which it owns. Activity 'TestActivity' is trying to get the location of argument 'OutValue' which is owned by activity 'Wait for
workflow start request [Internal for TestActivity]'
I have tried everything I could think of, but am stupefied. There must be a way to do this very simple thing?
public class TestActivity : NativeActivity<Guid>
protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
var content = ReceiveParametersContent.Create(new Dictionary<string, OutArgument>()
// How to access the runtime value of this inside TestActivity?
{"OutValue", new OutArgument<Guid>()}
startReceiver = new Receive()
DisplayName = string.Format("Wait for workflow start request [Internal for {0}]", this.DisplayName),
CanCreateInstance = true,
ServiceContractName = XName.Get("IStartService", Namespace),
OperationName = "Start",
Content = content
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, OutArgument> keyValuePair in content.Parameters)
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
context.ScheduleActivity(startReceiver, ReceiveDone);
private void ReceiveDone(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completedInstance)
var receive = completedInstance.Activity as Receive;
ReceiveParametersContent content = receive.Content as ReceiveParametersContent;
// This causes InvalidOperationException.
// An Activity can only get the location of arguments which it owns.
// Activity 'TestActivity' is trying to get the location of argument 'OutValue'
// which is owned by activity 'Wait for workflow start request [Internal for TestActivity]'
var parmValue = content.Parameters["OutValue"].Get(context);
catch (Exception)
{ }
private Receive startReceiver;
private const string Namespace = "http://company.namespace";
Use internal variables to pass values between internal activities.
Although not directly related to your code, see the example below which should give you the idea:
public sealed class CustomNativeActivity : NativeActivity<int>
private Variable<int> internalVar;
private Assign<int> internalAssign;
protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
internalVar = new Variable<int>("intInternalVar", 10);
internalAssign = new Assign<int>
To = internalVar,
Value = 12345
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
context.ScheduleActivity(internalAssign, (activityContext, instance) =>
// Use internalVar value, which was seted by previous activity
var value = internalVar.Get(activityContext);
Result.Set(activityContext, value);
Calling the above activity:
WorkflowInvoker.Invoke<int>(new CustomNativeActivity());
Will output:
In your case your OutArgument will be the internalVar
new OutArgument<int>(internalVar);
You need to use OutArgument and them to variables. See the code example with the documentation.
I may have tried everything I thought of, but I am stubborn and refuse to give up, so I kept on thinking ;)
I here have changed my example to use a Data class as a parameter instead (it does not change anything in itself, but I needed that in my real world example).
This code below is now a working example on how to access the incoming data. The use of an implementation Variable is the key:
runtimeVariable = new Variable<Data>();
And the OutArgument:
new OutArgument<Data>(runtimeVariable)
I can then access the value with:
// Here dataValue will get the incoming value.
var dataValue = runtimeVariable.Get(context);
I haven't seen an example elsewhere, which does exactly this. Hope it will be of use to any one but me.
The code:
public class Data
Guid Property1 { get; set; }
int Property2 { get; set; }
public class TestActivity : NativeActivity<Guid>
public ReceiveContent Content { get; set; }
protected override void CacheMetadata(NativeActivityMetadata metadata)
runtimeVariable = new Variable<Data>();
Content = ReceiveParametersContent.Create(new Dictionary<string, OutArgument>()
{"OutValue", new OutArgument<Data> (runtimeVariable)}
startReceiver = new Receive()
DisplayName = string.Format("Wait for workflow start request [Internal for {0}]", this.DisplayName),
CanCreateInstance = true,
ServiceContractName = XName.Get("IStartService", Namespace),
OperationName = "Start",
Content = Content
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
context.ScheduleActivity(startReceiver, ReceiveDone);
private void ReceiveDone(NativeActivityContext context, ActivityInstance completedInstance)
// Here dataValue will get the incoming value.
var dataValue = runtimeVariable.Get(context);
private Receive startReceiver;
private Variable<Data> runtimeVariable;
private const string Namespace = "http://company.namespace";

fubumvc - simple forms validation using IFailureValidationPolicy

I've been trying to implement form validation correctly and a discussion on fubu mailing list has been the most helpful (
I'm still not entirely clear on certain points, I'm a newbie so I'm going through some yak shaving.
It seems like the example given in the discussion performed the validation within the controller itself using IsValid(model).
I'm trying to avoid this by decorating my input model with validation attributes such as Required and then use the validation configuration to Transfer on failure (via a policy).
this.Validation(x => {
.Include(call => call.HasInput && call.InputType().Name.EndsWith("Input"));
And here's the class that implments the policy:
public class AccountValidationFailedPolicy : IValidationFailurePolicy {
public bool Matches(ValidationFailure context) {
return (context.InputType() == typeof (RegisterAccountInput));
public void Handle(ValidationFailure context) {
var incomingRequest = (RegisterAccountInput) context.InputModel;
var failedValidation = new RegisterationFailedNotification {
CVV = incomingRequest.CVV,
AcceptTerms = incomingRequest.AcceptTerms,
Countries = incomingRequest.Countries,
PhoneNumber = incomingRequest.PhoneNumber,
PIN = incomingRequest.PIN
Handle simply tries to Transfer to another action via a new model, copying the values into the new model so that I can redisplay them again on the form.
I must be doing something wrong here, because it's not transferring anywhere.
I have a class with this method which I was hoping would handle it.
public AccountViewModel New(RegisterationFailedNotification notification) {
Am I on track here, or is there something fundamental that I'm not getting? Perhaps a policy is not the thing to do here?
The policy mechanism will work here. I'll spare you the details about how I plan to make this simpler (very soon), and note that your use of FubuContinuation.TransferTo simply creates a FubuContinuation -- it doesn't execute it.
Here's what you need:
public class AccountValidationFailedPolicy : IValidationFailurePolicy {
private readonly IFubuRequest _request;
private readonly IValidationContinuationHandler _handler;
public AccountValidationFailedPolicy(IFubuRequest request, IValidationContinuationHandler handler) {
_request = request;
_handler = handler;
public bool Matches(ValidationFailure context) {
return (context.InputType() == typeof (RegisterAccountInput));
public void Handle(ValidationFailure context) {
var incomingRequest = (RegisterAccountInput) context.InputModel;
var failedValidation = new RegisterationFailedNotification {
CVV = incomingRequest.CVV,
AcceptTerms = incomingRequest.AcceptTerms,
Countries = incomingRequest.Countries,
PhoneNumber = incomingRequest.PhoneNumber,
PIN = incomingRequest.PIN
var continuation = FubuContinuation.TransferTo(failedValidation);
