hopefully an easy question.. I've been playing around with Nim and have realised I need to pass a table (dictionary, map, in some other languages), but I can't seem to figure out the syntax for declaring it in doStuff()
import tables
proc doStuff(n:int, t:[int, int]) = # How should I declare 't' here?
if n == 0:
t[n] = (n * 10)
echo "length of t = " & ($len(t))
doStuff(n+1, t)
proc main() =
var tbl = initTable[int, int]()
echo "length of tbl = " & ($len(tbl))
tbl[0] = 0
doStuff(5, tbl)
echo "length of tbl = " & ($len(tbl))
The above gets me Error: type expected, but got: [int, int]
Sorry if this is basic, but my Googling hasn't given me an answer yet
Many TIA
You almost got it, it should be like below:
import tables
proc doStuff(n: int, t: var Table[int, int]) =
if n == 0:
t[n] = n * 10
echo "length of t = " & $len(t)
doStuff(n + 1, t)
proc main() =
var tbl = initTable[int, int]()
echo "length of tbl = " & $len(tbl)
tbl[0] = 0
doStuff(5, tbl)
echo "length of tbl = " & $len(tbl)
You have to use var Table[int, int] instead of Table[int, int] because you are mutating the tbl variable recursively, so you need to pass by reference instead of by value.
How do you guys handle console input validation? In C++, case/switch is my goto...
I was trying a recursive function but was getting locked in lower levels. Plus that might be overdoing it. I did manage a while loop with an "exclusive or" but, that is not really scalable.
function prob6()
println("Pick a number; any number:")
x = readline(stdin)
y = parse(Int64, x)
z = 0
println("Select 1 or 2")
p1 = readline(stdin)
p2 = parse(Int64, p1)
select = p2
while xor((p2 == 1), (p2 == 2)) == false
println("Select 1 or 2")
p1 = readline(stdin)
p2 = parse(Int64, p1)
select = p2
if select == 1
for i in 1:y
print("$i ")
z = z + i
z = 1
for i in 1:y
print("$i ")
z = z * i
Any alternatives?
There are many ways. I usually create a validation loop to check the type of the input item, and will use tryparse instead of parse, since it will not throw an error if input is malformed:
function queryprompt(query, typ)
while true
print(query, ": ")
choice = uppercase(strip(readline(stdin)))
if (ret = tryparse(typ, choice)) != nothing
return ret
n = queryprompt("Integer please", Int64)
x = queryprompt("Float please", Float64)
I would like a function in Julia code, num2str, that would add commas or a specified delimiter, in the appropriate places on the left side of the decimal point for any kind of valid Julia number, including BigInt and BigFloat. It would return a string for printing.
For example:
flt1 = 122234.141567
println("flt1 num2str($flt1) = ", num2str(flt1))
# Expected output is:
flt1 num2str(122234.141567) = 122,234.141567
I want to use this function with the print and println built-in functions.
This question was partially answered here, i.e, for integers. The following function should answer the need for floats and "big" numbers.
For any valid number, add appropriate delimiters.
See "Regular Expressions Cookbook," by Goyvaerts and Levithan, O'Reilly, 2nd Ed,
p. 402, for Regex that inserts commas into integers returning a string.
function num2str(num::Number; delim=",")
decimal_point = "."
str = string(num)
strs = split(str, decimal_point)
left_str = strs[1]
right_str = length(strs) > 1 ? strs[2] : ""
left_str = replace(left_str, r"(?<=[0-9])(?=(?:[0-9]{3})+(?![0-9]))" => delim)
decimal_point = occursin(decimal_point, str) ? decimal_point : ""
return left_str * decimal_point * right_str
# Test integers, BigInts, floats, and BigFloats:
int0 = 0
int1 = 123
int2 = 123456789
big1 = big"123"
big2 = big"123456789123456789"
flt1 = 122234.141567
flt2 = 7.12345e9
big3 = big"260123.0"
big4 = big"7.12345e9"
println("int0 num2str($int0) \t\t\t\t = ", num2str(int0))
println("int1 num2str($int1) \t\t\t\t = ", num2str(int1))
println("int2 num2str($int2) \t\t\t = ", num2str(int2))
println("big1 num2str($big1) \t\t\t\t = ", num2str(big1))
println("big2 num2str($big2) \t\t = ", num2str(big2))
println("big2 num2str($big2) delim is _ \t = ", num2str(big2, delim="_"))
println("flt1 num2str($flt1) \t\t\t = ", num2str(flt1))
println("flt1 num2str($flt1) delim is _ \t\t = ", num2str(flt1, delim="_"))
println("flt2 num2str($flt2) \t\t\t = ", num2str(flt2))
println("big3 num2str($big3) \t\t\t = ", num2str(big3))
println("big4 num2str($big4) \t\t\t = ", num2str(big4))
println("big4 num2str($big4) delim is _ \t\t = ", num2str(big4, delim="_"))
## ============================== Output ===================================
int0 num2str(0) = 0
int1 num2str(123) = 123
int2 num2str(123456789) = 123,456,789
big1 num2str(123) = 123
big2 num2str(123456789123456789) = 123,456,789,123,456,789
big2 num2str(123456789123456789) delim is _ = 123_456_789_123_456_789
flt1 num2str(122234.141567) = 122,234.141567
flt1 num2str(122234.141567) delim is _ = 122_234.141567
flt2 num2str(7.12345e9) = 7.12345e9
big3 num2str(2.60123e+05) = 2.60123e+05
big4 num2str(7.12345e+09) = 7.12345e+09
big4 num2str(7.12345e+09) delim is _ = 7.12345e+09
I expect the ability to add comma delimiters will eventually be added to either print/println and/or #printf. Until then, this seems to work.
I know that you can use tables in a similar way to pointers in lua. That being said, what would pointers to pointers look like? Would they look something like dp = {p = {}}? if so what would the equivalent to the c code below be in lua?
void InsertItem(node **head, node *newp){
node **dp = head;
while((*dp) && (*dp)->value > newp->value
dp = &(*dp)->next;
newp->next = *dp;
*dp = newp;
Yes, double pointer may be translated to Lua as nested table.
local function InsertItem(head, newitem)
while head.next and head.next.value > newitem.value do
head = head.next
newitem.next = head.next
head.next = newitem
-- Typical Usage:
local head = {}
InsertItem(head, {value = 3.14})
InsertItem(head, {value = 42})
InsertItem(head, {value = 1})
-- Now the data is the following:
-- head = {next = elem1}
-- elem1 = {next = elem2, value = 42 }
-- elem2 = {next = elem3, value = 3.14}
-- elem3 = { value = 1 }
The big difference between C pointers and Lua tables is that in C, you can take the address of a variable and pass it to a function to modify it. You can't do that in Lua, but the function could always return the modified value.
Would they look something like dp = {p = {}}?
Yes, that's about as close as close as you can get to a pointer to a pointer in Lua.
if so what would the equivalent to the c code below be in lua?
Linked lists tend to work more smoothly with recursion:
local function InsertItem(head, newp)
if not head or head.value <= newp.value then
newp.next = head
return newp
head.next = InsertItem(head.next, newp)
return head
Based on previous questions here I managed to create the dataset, print all recipes listed and now I am trying to pick one of the recipes from that list and show its Title, Instructions and Ingredients. The instructions are mapped to the Recipes via the pkID column and the ingredients are mapped to the Recipes through a recipeID column. When I open the database on Sqlite Database Browser I can access this information inside the Tables dropdown list, so I suppose the proper name for them are tables within the database.
I am not being able to "filter" by pkID and by recipeID, so that after picking one recipe, only the appropriate content is shown.
This is the code in Python of what I am trying to do in Genie:
def PrintSingleRecipe(self,which):
sql = 'SELECT * FROM Recipes WHERE pkID = %s' % str(which)
print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
for x in cursor.execute(sql):
recipeid =x[0]
print "Title: " + x[1]
print "Serves: " + x[2]
print "Source: " + x[3]
print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
sql = 'SELECT * FROM Ingredients WHERE RecipeID = %s' % recipeid
print 'Ingredient List:'
for x in cursor.execute(sql):
print x[1]
print ''
print 'Instructions:'
sql = 'SELECT * FROM Instructions WHERE RecipeID = %s' % recipeid
for x in cursor.execute(sql):
print x[1]
print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
resp = raw_input('Press A Key -> ')
I have not been able to improve much of my code, it seems that using the approach I used before of iterating in a step statement cannot be used here. This is how far I got in Genie:
def PrintSingleRecipe(db:Database)
stmt:Statement = PreparedStatements.select_all( db )
res:int = UserInterface.raw_input("Select a recipe -> ").to_int()
cols:int = stmt.column_count ()
var row = new dict of string, string
item:int = 1
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
while res == ROW
for i:int = 0 to (cols - 1)
row[ stmt.column_name( i ) ] = stmt.column_text( i )
stdout.printf( "%-5s", item.to_string( "%03i" ))
stdout.printf( "%-30s", row[ "Title" ])
stdout.printf( "%-20s", row[ "Serves" ])
stdout.printf( "%-30s\n", row[ "Source" ])
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print "Ingredient list"
print " "
stdout.printf("%-5s", item.to_string( "%03i" ))
I have found a solution to the problem, maybe it can be optimized. For now it is enough.
Answers from another question helped immensely. The solution I used was to use the exec function and point the callback to the PrintSingleRecipe().
Some adjustments had to be done for it to work as a callback, but I got what I needed.
Here is the code where the function gets called:
while true
response:string = UserInterface.get_input_from_menu()
if response == "1" // Show All Recipes
else if response is "2" // Search for a recipe
else if response is "3" //Show a Recipe
res:string = UserInterface.raw_input("Select a recipe -> ")
sql:string = "SELECT * FROM Recipes WHERE pkID = " + res
db.exec(sql, PrintSingleRecipe, null)
else if response is "4"//Delete a recipe
else if response is "5" //Add a recipe
else if response is "6" //Print a recipe
else if response is "0" //Exit
print "Goodbye"
print "Unrecognized command. Try again."
Here is how the PrintSingleRecipe looks like:
def PrintSingleRecipe(n_columns:int, values:array of string, column_names:array of string):int
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
for i:int = 0 to n_columns
stdout.printf ("%s = %s\n", column_names[i], values[i])
print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
print "Ingredient list"
print " "
return 0
I'm trying to have a good access to multi-dimensional arrays with string indexes in Lua, here's basically what I'm trying to do:
rules =
matrix = {}
for _,v in pairs(rules) do
if( matrix[ v[1] ] == nil ) then
matrix[ v[1] ] = {}
matrix[ v[1] ][ v[2] ] = v[3]
-- results in error ( attempt to index field 'S_NO' a nil value)
var = matrix["S_NO"]["S_RESULT"]
assert(var == nil, "Var should be nil")
A way to do it but quite verbose is:
var = matrix["S_NO"]
if var ~= nil then
var = var["S_RESULT"]
assert(var == nil, "Var should be nil")
Is there a way to make the first case to work ? ( less verbose )
Found the answer.
If matrix is going to be read-only a correct approach would be:
local empty = {}
setmetatable(matrix, {__index=function() return empty end})
If I would like to allow writes and it's specifically two levels of tables, I could do:
setmetatable(matrix, {__index=function(t,k) local new={} rawset(t,k,new) return new end}
Hope this helps!