How to create a custom dimension in Firebase Analytics - firebase

I'm following this Google tutorial to implement a recommender system in to my application which is running with Firebase.
Where it states:
Follow the Google Analytics documentation on custom dimensions to add
an article ID dimension with hit-level scope to page tracking events.
However when I view my Google Analytics dashboard (not the firebase one) to add a custom dimension, I do not have the ability in my Admin tab. What is the recommended approach for adding custom dimension in a Firebase Analytics project?
A previous post says to use User Properties, but my understanding is that we should not be using a User Property to add a custom dimension such as articleID since I need to specify its scope level.

There aren't custom dimensions in new Property. The focus was specifically on custom parameters. They are the analogy with Custom Dimensions and Custom Metrics in Google Analytics Universal.


Implementing User-ID With Google Tag Manager

I have added Google Tag Manager to our site, and using the data layer inserted several custom dimensions, including 'user_id'
Data Layer with user_id shown
The Google Analytics variable in Tag Manager is configured to pass these data layer variables into the coresponding dimensions:
Tag Manager Variable & Dimensions in Analytics
I know this is working as I am able to add this as a secondary dimension in Analytics when viewing reports:
Analytics with Dimension Shown
However, the user view that is created when I have set up the User-Id isnt showing anything:
Creating the User View
We installed Tag Manager using the recommended steps:
Installation of Tag Manager
Do we also need to add the 'Global Site Tag Tracking Code'?
How to Implement the User-ID in your tracking code
If not, what am I doing wrong?
You're actually REALLY close. You actually don't need to create the custom dimension.
The correct way is to set the userId field in your GA tag (I did it through a GA variable so it is applied everywhere).
Yes, that is exactly correct (what #XTOTHEL answered above), but for those who are reading this, I found these two blog posts helpful (esp if you are using GTM):
And of course, the GA docs:

Can I add custom metrics and dimensions to to web plus app property

I have a web property that I could add custom metrics and dimensions to track them on my web app through: Admin --> Property Settings --> custom Definitions
But I created a new web + app property in my google analytics and I can't seem to find a way to add custom metrics and dimensions.
My question is: is it there a way to add custom metrics and dimensions to web + app properties?
Thanks in advance.
There is no longer hit-, session-, and user-scoped custom definitions but in Google Analytics V2 you can use user properties and custom event parameters.

How to use the Custom dimensions and Metrics of Google Analytics in Google Tag Manager?

I've been working with Google analytics since now, and as a part of the new update, I need to implement everything using Google Tag Manager. How do I use my custom dimensions and metrics of Ga in GTM? How's Data layer connected with GA's dimensions and Metrics? I'm very new to this tools, so please pardon me for any mistakes in the question and feel free to edit it. I'm confused with the other sources in Google and other documentations regarding these topics.
Create a Universal Analytics tag, click the "enable overriding settings in this tag" checkbox, go to more settings, custom dimensions, click the "add custom dimension" button, enter in the left field the numeric index as obtained via the GA property settings and in the right field your value/variable. Similar for metrics.

Using custom dimensions in the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on

In Google Analytics, I am able to create a report based off a custom dimension, let's call it Battery Level. In the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on I can create a report with the standard dimensions. However I can't specify my custom dimension in my report. Using the report wizard, or writing the parameters by yourself doesn't allow for selecting any custom dimensions.
This seems at odds with the implementation of the rest of the add-on, which can connect back to your GA account for other customised aspects, such as selecting your custom View (Profile) ID / ids.
How can I do this?
I found my answer here
"...first load the GA Add-On from the Chrome extension gallery, then choose “Create new report” and select your GA view. To access custom dimensions (or metrics), you will need to select “Custom Dimension XX”, and change the XX later. When you click “Create Report” you’ll see the “Report configuration” tab."
"Edit your report configuration by changing the XX in “ga:dimensionXX” to the actual dimension index number, as in “ga:dimension5”. To find your custom dimension index numbers, go to the GA admin panel and look under Property Settings > Custom Definitions > Custom Dimensions."

How can I push a custom variable to Google Analytics through Tag Manager

I am migrating an existing Google Analytics implementation to Google Tag manager. There are some custom variables used in the Analytics implementation.
Now I want to configure that custom variable in the Tag manager. I have searched this topic on the web and most of the resources pointing me to ‘More Settings’ -> ‘Custom Variables’ in the Tag configuration. But I don't see such option in the current Tag manager.
Has this feature being deprecated or is there any workaround to do this?
Note: Currently, in our GA dashboard custom variables are displayed under 'Audience' -> 'Custom' - 'Custom Variables'. Users don't want any change to the current data representation.
With the way the Universal Analytics migration is going (currently in Phase 3 of 4), you should think about switching to that, where you can use up to 20 Custom Dimensions (very similar to custom variables). Older features implemented using classic GA will be deprecated, including Custom Variables (source: Back to your question though: when you create a new tag, select "Classic Google Analytics" as the tag type, like so, and then under More Settings > Custom Variables, select "New Custom Variable".
