Is it sensible to get a Dedicated IP on shared hosting? - wordpress

I'm thinking to get Dedicated IP for my Shared Hosting (I'm running wordpress on shared hosting). Will it be beneficial for me? Above all, my shared hosting won't misbehave after i get it?

Certainly get it if you can afford it. No matter if it is shared or shared-reseller hosting (where you can assign your dedicated ip as your own shared ip for your websites).
It will make your websites more independent, especially if you use self hosted e-mail system on your shared hosting. Like Fahad said, there are IP blacklists, and when some bots hack weakly protected websites or flood their contact forms with spam the IP usually gets blacklisted soon after and all the websites which use that IP suffers from that.
You asked if it can break / misbehave something - yes it can, but its all solvable, if you know your stuff (changing DNS settings, etc) . You can always revert back to your shared IP, if you feel you are getting in too much trouble.

Yes as answered above, dedicated IP does help in a shared hosting environment where if the main shared IP gets blacklisted and the datacenter decides to null routes the IP address, all the sites sharing that IP will get offline.
In the past having a dedicated IP address was a requirement for installing SSL certificates, which had some SEO advantages as well. But, now you can install an SSL certificate without dedicated IP on any shared hosting. So I wouldn't say it's beneficial.
Do note that if you decide to get a dedicated IP for your site, having already a shared IP address, once IP is changed there is going to be some propagation period for the new IP. So you may get site loading issues for a few hours.

Dedicated IP is good for security due to the following reasons:
In case when the shared IP is blacklisted, all domains pointed to this IP will be involved. But if you are using the dedicated IP, you will not experience any issues as you have another IP.
It will be possible to reach the domain using the IP address. This option will allow you to avoid the DNS cache poisoning.


Dynamic DNS Security

I have some clients whose IP changes every day and static IP is not an option for them.
If I have them install a Dynamic DNS client, and then in my application .htaccess file refer to that Dynamic DNS domain, does that pose any security issue for my application?
So to summarize does using Dynamic DNS domains in my .htaccess files pose any security related threats to my application?
As far as I understand this, you want to add your clients IP addresses to the whitelist of your application and you want to switch to DynDNS because the IP addresses change every day.
So you want to assign each client a different domain and whitelist each of those domains, is that correct?
The obvious attack vector here would be hijacking a domain and pointing it to a malicous machine other than the clients machine using the DynDNS service.
If you manage to register the DynDNS client on the clients machine without exposing any login information regarding the domain that could be stolen or lost then this should be safe. But I currently do not see how you would be able to register the client for your domains DynDNS without having the credentials stored somewhere on this machine.

Getting a Static Public IP or any other workaround

I'm developing an integration with an API which requires to whitelist customers based on IP addresses. I can easily get outbound IP from Production environments such as Azure or AWS and get those whitelisted.
How can I configure it for my desktop whose public IP keeps on changing after every few hours?
Getting a fixed IP address for your home computer is dependant on your internet provider. Sometimes they offer fixed IPs for 'Business' customers only or such.
Another solution might be to stand up an OpenVPN instance in your cloud then only whitelist that IP address and your expected partner prod addresses. Then you just connect to your VPN to access your API, you can do this from anywhere as your only dependant on the IP address of the cloud OpenVPN instance.
This solution also scales with your development as you only need to add new OpenVPN users to let other developers work with you and don't need their ever changing IP addresses.
I found an easy solution from NordVPN. It has an option to get a dedicated IP VPN :)

How to unblock IP Address that is blocked by hosting server?

I have a website that runs on a hosting. However, I suspect that one of my website files has been infected by virus which causes IP address blocking when this IP address visits my website. The real problem is my department internet has ever accessed my virus-infected website so the IP eventually blocked (all internet connection in my department are the same, it is static IP). So, the IP address no longer can visit the website since it is blocked.
How to unblock this IP Address? Can I do it on my website's cPanel? I have also deleted all files on my hosting.
Thank you very much for the answer. I'd really appreciate all of the answers!
Looks like you are a shared hosting environment.
You will need to contact your hosting service provider and they will be able to unblock the IPs from the firewall.
And if its a dedicated server where your website is hosted then , then you can simply remove the IP from CSF using the command csf -dr IPAddress

using dedicated IP of VPS for your personal web server

Pretext: There is a ABC company providing Virtual Private Server for $xx, which includes features like blah1, blah2, blah3 and 1 dedicated IP address.
I have my home FiOS internet connection.
I have serverA, serverB, serverC running at my home.
Let's assume ServerA is a web server.
Scenario 1:
To access this web serve from outside my LAN, I would type "myDynamicIPAddress", we are assuming it still has the same lease token, and get access to my website successfully.
Scenario 2:
I am at my school/work(I work at a corporate office). I would type "myDynamicIPAddress" to access my web server. Since my IP address is dynamic/residential, it is blocked(All residential IP are blocked by default, to reduce the chance of them getting infected and sending out spams).
My question:
Is there any way to connect my home network to the VPS that I purchased(the one with dedicated IP, remember?), so that I can use that dedicated IP address to connect to my web server from my school/work where residential IP address are blocked(this also means no
I hope I explained my question correctly and I posted it in the right section.
Thank You in advance.
EDIT1: I found this one question, but I want to do the exact opposite of what the user in this question is asking for.
The answer is the same as the other question, for the same reasons. The IP address is routed to the owning network prefix so it can't be used at a different location without changing the Internet routing tables to point the overall prefix to route to a different place. Since you don't own the network prefix, you can't do that.

Whats my IP and subnet from Azure website?

Im building out an Azure hosted website, but it needs to reach into our home office to connect to some internally hosted web services. Our firewall is setup to only allow traffic over certain IP's, so we're looking to determine what IP range we need to allow access to.
Currently I'm still using the MSDN "Free" Azure subscription, so I don't know what options may be limited, but is there a way I can determine what source IP, subnet, whatever my Azure hosted site will attempt to call my web services from?
Be careful opening your firewall to the entire Azure datacenter IP ranges. Anybody can host anything in Azure, including malicious software, so if you open your firewall to the entire Azure IP range you may as well just open to because in effect you are getting the same security.
A better option is to deploy your service and just whitelist that one IP address. That IP address is guaranteed to remain the same until you delete your service. With the ability to do in-place upgrades and VIP swaps there should be no reason why you would need to delete your hosted service and lose your IP address. If you ever do run into a scenario where you need to delete/redeploy you can always update your firewall at that time.
It sounds like this is what you're looking for:
Windows Azure Datacenter IP Ranges
