I would like to create a custom javascript variable to grab all the items in shopping cart.
I would like to have the variable return in below format:
item0 - item1 - item2
function() {
prod_names = [];
for( var i=0; i<cart.itemCount; i++ ) {
return prod_names.join(" - ");
I used the code (edited: deleted the . above thanks to the reminders in the comments) but it returned undefined. Would like to seek help from all GTM experts on this situation. Thanks.
Below shows the datalayer elements in the page. Thanks.
There shouldn't be a . before []
function() {
prod_names = [];
for( var i=0; i<cart.itemCount; i++ ) {
prod_names.push(cart.items/* here is your problem --> */./* <-- */[i].name);
return prod_names.join(" - ");
I personaly would do this like this:
const getNames = cart => cart.items.map(item => item.name).join('-')
This issue is already discussed in github here
I am using tagsinput with typeahead in bootstrap 3. The problem which I am experiencing is with the value in case if user selects the existing tag. Display text shows it right but .val() returns its actual object. Below is the code
//itemValue: 'value',
typeahead: {
source: function (query) {
//tags = [];
//map = {};
return $.getJSON('VirtualRoomService.asmx/GetTags?pid=' + $("#<%=hdnPID.ClientID%>").val() + '&tok=' + query)
//, function (data) {
// $.each(data, function (i, tag) {
// map[tag.TagValue] = tag;
// tags.push(tag.TagValue);
// });
// return process(tags);
//freeElementSelector: "#freeTexts"
The problem with above code is that it results as below while fetching tags from web method
This happens when user select the existing tag. New tags no issues. I tried setting itemValue & itemText of tagsinput but not worked. Hence I decided a work-around of this problem. Since I could able get the json string as ['IRDAI", Object], if can somehow parse these object & get the actual tag value then I get the expected result of the code I am looking at.
Below is what it appears in tags input as [object Object] for text selected by user from auto populated drop down
[![enter imt
If I i specify TagId & TagValue to itemValue & itemText as below code
itemValue: 'TagId',
itemText: 'TagValue',
typeahead: {
source: function (query) {
//tags = [];
//map = {};
return $.getJSON('VirtualRoomService.asmx/GetTags?pid=' + $("#<%=hdnPID.ClientID%>").val() + '&tok=' + query)
//, function (data) {
// $.each(data, function (i, tag) {
// //map[tag.TagValue] = tag;
// tags.push(tag.TagValue);
// });
// return process(tags);
//freeElementSelector: "#freeTexts"
Then the result is displaying as below when below code is executed
var arr = junit.Tags.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
$('#tags').tagsinput('add', arr[i]);
Given your example JSON response from your data source:
{"TagId":"1", "TagValue":"eSign"},
{"TagId":"2", "TagValue":"eInsurance Account"}
You'll need to tell tagsinput how to map the attributes from your response objects using itemValue and itemText in your tagsinput config object. It looks like you may have started down that path, but didn't reach the conclusion, which should look something like:
itemValue: 'TagId',
itemText: 'TagValue',
typeahead: {
source: function (query) {
return $.getJSON('VirtualRoomService.asmx/GetTags?pid=' + $("#<%=hdnPID.ClientID%>").val() + '&tok=' + query);
Be sure to checkout the tagsinput examples.
This may not be the clean solution but I got around this issue through below parsing method. Hope this helps someone.
var items = $('#tags').tagsinput("items");
var tags = '';
for(i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
if(JSON.stringify(items[i]).indexOf('{') >= 0) {
tags += items[i].TagValue;
tags += ',';
} else {
tags += items[i];
tags += ',';
This question is a follow-up of My Previous Question on Filtering DropdownList
I am adding an extra feature and for that I want to Filter values using a textbox. Here is the code for filter
var filterAndLimitResults = function (cursor) {
if (!cursor) {
return [];
var raw = cursor.fetch();
var currentSearchTitle = searchTitle.get();
if(!(!currentSearchTitle || currentSearchTitle == "")) {
filtered = _.filter(filtered, function (item) {
return item.title === currentSearchTitle ;
console.log(item.title === currentSearchTitle);
var currentLimit =limit.get();
//enforce the limit
if (currentLimit ) {
filtered = _.first(filtered, currentLimit );
return filtered;
and this is the keyup event i am doing on the search textbox
"keyup #search-title":function(e,t){
if(e.which === 27){
else {
var text = $(e.target.val);
With this i am able to return total collection objects on each keypress in the console but it is not filtering the values in the listing and it vanishies all the listings from the UI. Please help
You are almost right. Your keyUp event is ok but you could also avoid to use jQuery like this:
"keyup .textInput": function(e, t) {
var searchString = e.currentTarget.value;
switch (e.which) {
case 27:
e.currentTarget.value = "";
Note that I use a switch in case you would want to add shortcuts for specific searches, like cmd+maj+c to search only for cities (it might be a little overkill)
Concerning the search function, I assume you want to search among the titles of your items, within the current dropdown filtering.
You then need to add an extra step to do this. You also need to set it before the other filters. See my example below, you insert it after var filtered = [];:
var filtered = [];
var currentSearchTitle = searchTitle.get();
if(!currentSearchTitle || currentSearchTitle == "") {
filtered = raw;
} else {
currentSearchTitle = currentSearchTitle .replace(".", "\\.");//for regex
var regEx = new RegExp(currentSearchTitle , "i");
filtered = _.filter(raw, function(item) {
return (item && item.title && item.title.match(regEx));
// your other filtering tasks
return filtered;
Also, take the time to understand what the code does, you must not just copy paste it.
This code is strongly inspired by the work of meteorkitchen author, #Perak. I adapted it but I have not tested it "as-is".
I'm new to Meteor and I want to create a slideshow with items from a collection, in this case simple words. The slideshow should be controlled by back and forward buttons and replace the current word.
In JavaScript/jQuery I would create an array of objects and a control index, with limits via if-statements, so the index never can drop below zero or overflow the length of the array.
See fiddle for working example:
$(document).ready(function() {
var wordArray = ["hello", "yes", "no", "maybe"];
var arrayIndex = 0;
if (arrayIndex > 0) {
arrayIndex -= 1;
if (arrayIndex < wordArray.length) {
arrayIndex += 1;
I'm curious how to implement this in regards to best practice in meteor and abide to the reactive pattern as I'm still trying to wrap my head around this interesting framework. My first hurdle is to translate the
if (arrayIndex < wordArray.length)
// to
if (Session.get("wordIndex") < ( (((length of collection))) )
According to the docs I should do a find on the collection, but I have only manage to return an empty array later with fetch. Sorry if this got long, but any input would be appreciated to help me figure this out.
collection.find([selector], [options])
This is the code I have so far:
Words = new Mongo.Collection("words");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// word index starts at 0
Session.setDefault("wordIndex", 0);
words: function () {
return Words.find({});
wordIndex: function () {
return Session.get("wordIndex");
"submit .new-word": function (event) {
// This function is called when the word form is submitted
var text = event.target.text.value;
text: text,
createdAt: new Date() //current time
// Clear form
event.target.text.value = "";
// Prevent default form submit
return false;
'click #previous': function () {
// decrement the word index when button is clicked
if (Session.get("wordIndex") > 0) {
Session.set("wordIndex", Session.get("wordIndex") - 1);
'click #next': function () {
// increment the word index when button is clicked
if (Session.get("wordIndex") < 10 ) {
Session.set("wordIndex", Session.get("wordIndex") + 1);
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
.count() will return the number of documents in a collection.
There is something called Collection helpers, which works similar to other helpers (eg., template, etc.,). More elaborate explanation is covered here: https://medium.com/space-camp/meteor-doesnt-need-an-orm-2ed0edc51bc5
I'm a bit new to Meteor and something I'm having trouble with is reactive data -- particularly in instances where I need to change the data shown based on a mouse or keyboard event. Doing this kind of stuff the normal js way seems to give me trouble in meteor since everything I change gets re-rendered and reset constantly.
So, I thought I'd see if this would be a case in which I could use Meteor's Deps object, however I can't quite grasp it. Here's the code I'm using:
var tenants = [];
var selectedTenant = 0;
var tenantsDep = new Deps.Dependency;
Template.tenantsBlock.tenantsList = function()
tenants = [];
var property = $properties.findOne({userId: Meteor.userId(), propertyId: Session.get('property')});
var tenancies = _Utils.resolveTenancies(property, true, null, true);
for(var i = 0; i < tenancies.length; i++)
if(tenancies[i].tenancyId == Session.get('tenancy'))
tenants = tenants.concat(tenancies[i].otherTenants, tenancies[i].primaryTenant);
tenants[selectedTenant].selected = 'Selected';
return tenants;
Template.tenantsBlock.onlyOneTenant = function()
return tenants.length > 1 ? '' : 'OneChild';
Template.tenantsBlock.phoneNumber = function()
for(var i = 0; i < tenants[selectedTenant].details.length; i++)
if(_Utils.getDynamicContactIconClass(tenants[selectedTenant].details[i].key) == 'Phone')
return tenants[selectedTenant].details[i].value;
return null;
Template.tenantsBlock.emailAddress = function()
for(var i = 0; i < tenants[selectedTenant].details.length; i++)
if(_Utils.getDynamicContactIconClass(tenants[selectedTenant].details[i].key) == 'Email')
return tenants[selectedTenant].details[i].value;
return null;
Template.tenantsBlock.addedDate = function()
return _Utils.timeToDateString(tenants[selectedTenant].created);
'click .Name': function(e, template)
var _this = e.currentTarget;
var tenantName = _this.innerHTML;
for(var i = 0; i < tenants.length; i++)
if(tenants[i].name == tenantName)
tenants[i].selected = "Selected";
tenants[i].selected = '';
^This seemed to be what they were getting at in the meteor documentation (http://docs.meteor.com/#deps_dependency) for dependency.changed() and dependency.depend(), but all this does is give me an infinite loop.
So can I modify the way I declare deps to get this to make data reactive? Is there a better way to do this all together?
Although I was skeptical to do so, I've been inclined to try to use Session.set/Session.get in a localized way. So, the next time I have to do this, I'll just do
Session.set('tenantsBlock' {tenants: [], selectedTenant: 0});
and then just access this variable from within helpers and event maps related to Template.tenantsBlock. That way they all have real time access to the data and they all get re-run when the data changes. Here's what I converted this script into (sorry these are both so large):
Template.tenantsBlock.created = Template.tenantsBlock.destroyed =function()
_Utils.setSession('tenantsBlock', {
tenants: [],
selectedTenant: 0
Template.tenantsBlock.tenantsList = function()
var localContext = Session.get('tenantsBlock');
localContext.tenants = [];
var property = $properties.findOne({userId: Meteor.userId(), propertyId: Session.get('property')});
var tenancies = _Utils.resolveTenancies(property, true, null, true);
for(var i = 0; i < tenancies.length; i++)
if(tenancies[i].tenancyId == Session.get('tenancy'))
localContext.tenants = localContext.tenants.concat(tenancies[i].otherTenants, tenancies[i].primaryTenant);
localContext.tenants[localContext.selectedTenant].selected = 'Selected';
Session.set('tenantsBlock', localContext);
return localContext.tenants;
Template.tenantsBlock.onlyOneTenant = function()
var localContext = Session.get('tenantsBlock');
return localContext.tenants.length > 1 ? '' : 'OneChild';
Template.tenantsBlock.phoneNumber = function()
var localContext = Session.get('tenantsBlock');
for(var i = 0; i < localContext.tenants[localContext.selectedTenant].details.length; i++)
if(_Utils.getDynamicContactIconClass(localContext.tenants[localContext.selectedTenant].details[i].key) == 'Phone')
return localContext.tenants[localContext.selectedTenant].details[i].value;
return null;
Template.tenantsBlock.emailAddress = function()
var localContext = Session.get('tenantsBlock');
var selectedTenantDetails = localContext.tenants[localContext.selectedTenant].details;
for(var i = 0; i < selectedTenantDetails.length; i++)
if(_Utils.getDynamicContactIconClass(selectedTenantDetails[i].key) == 'Mail')
return selectedTenantDetails[i].value;
return null;
Template.tenantsBlock.addedDate = function()
var localContext = Session.get('tenantsBlock');
return _Utils.timeToDateString(localContext.tenants[localContext.selectedTenant].created);
'click .Name': function(e, template)
var localContext = Session.get('tenantsBlock');
var _this = e.currentTarget;
var tenantName = _this.innerHTML;
for(var i = 0; i < localContext.tenants.length; i++)
if(localContext.tenants[i].name == tenantName)
localContext.tenants[i].selected = 'Selected';
localContext.selectedTenant = i;
localContext.tenants[i].selected = '';
Session.set('tenantsBlock', localContext);
You'll have to overcome the old-school way of doing it :) Meteor is a lot simpler than you think. A good rule of thumb is that if you're using jQuery to manipulate any DOM elements, you're probably doing it wrong. Additionally, if you're accessing any data without using the collection API, you'd better have good reason to do so.
In your case, you don't need to code up any manual dependencies at all. Manual dependencies are rarely needed in most Meteor applications.
The first thing you need to do is put all your tenants inside a Meteor.Collection, which will make them easier to work with.
Tenants = new Meteor.Collection("tenants");
Your tenantsBlock template should look something like this (modulo some different html elements):
<template name="tenantsBlock">
{{#each tenants}}
<li class="name {{selected}}">
<span>Primary Tenant: {{primaryTenant}}</span>
<span>Other Tenants: {{otherTenants}}</span>
<span>Phone Number: {{phoneNumber}}</span>
<span>Email Address: {{emailAddress}}</span>
<span>Added Date: {{addedDate}}</span>
Each document in Tenants should look something like the following:
primaryTenant: "Joe Blow",
otherTenants: "Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse",
phoneNumber: "555-234-5623",
emailAddress: "joe.blow#foo.com",
addedDate: "2005-10-30T10:45Z"
Then, all the code you would need is just for the selection/deselection, and you can delete everything else:
Template.tenantsBlock.tenants = function() {
return Tenants.find();
Template.tenantsBlock.selected = function() {
return Session.equals("selectedTenant", this._id);
'click .name': function(e) {
Session.set("selectedTenant", this._id);
Once again, I reiterate that you should never be doing DOM manipulations with Javascript when using Meteor. You just update your data and your templates will reactively update if everything is done correctly. Declare how you want your data to look, then change the data and watch the magic.
Meteor has really evolved since I posted this back in 2013. I thought
I should post a modern, superior method.
For a while now you've been able to create a ReactiveVar and now you can append those directly to templates. A ReactiveVar, similar to Session, is a reactive data store. ReactiveVar, however, holds only a single value (of any type).
You can add ReactiveVar to the client side of your project by running this in your terminal from your app's root directory:
$meteor add reactive-var
This javascript shows how you can pass the variable between the template's onCreated, onRendered, onDestroyed, events and helpers.
Template.myTemplate.onCreated = function() {
// Appends a reactive variable to the template instance
this.reactiveData = new ReactiveVar('Default Value');
'click .someButton': (e, template) => {
// Changes the value of the reactive variable for only this template instance
template.reactiveData.set('New Value');
theData: () => {
// Automatically updates view when reactive variable changes
return Template.instance().reactiveData.get();
This is superior for a few reasons:
It scopes the variable only to a single template instance. Particularly useful in cases where you might have a dozen instances of a template on a page, all requiring independent states.
It goes away when the template goes away. Using ReactiveVar or Session variables you will have to clear the variable when the template is destroyed (if it is even destroyed predictably).
It's just cleaner code.
Bonus Points: See ReactiveDict for cases in which you have many instances of a template on a page at once, but need to manage a handful of reactive variables and have those variables persist during the session.
I have attempted implementing search in Telescope using pure javascript, since it looks like FTS is a while off for Meteor to implement and I couldn't get 2.4 playing nicely with Meteor yet.
I'm using the existing pagination model that is already implemented in Telescope to display the Top/New/Best posts, plus a Session variable for the search keyword that is set in the Router when you navigate to e.g. /search/foobar.
However, it doesn't quite seem to be working; when I have, say, 100 posts, the regular paginated subscription only comes back with 25 of these and my search results only show the posts in the first 25.
I've been banging my head against a wall for days trying to debug this one: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!
Here's the code (I've included all additional search code for reference):
var resultsPostsSubscription = function() {
var handle = paginatedSearchSubscription( 10, 'searchResults' );
handle.fetch = function() {
return limitDocuments( searchPosts( Session.get( 'keyword' ) ), handle.loaded() );
return handle;
var resultsPostsHandle = resultsPostsSubscription();
I duplicated the existing paginatedSubscription because I can't pass a Session var in as an arg; it needs to be dynamic. I'll probably refactor later.
paginatedSearchSubscription = function (perPage/*, name, arguments */) {
var handle = new PaginatedSubscriptionHandle(perPage);
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
Meteor.autosubscribe(function() {
var subHandle = Meteor.subscribe.apply(this, args.concat([
Session.get( 'keyword' ), handle.limit(), function() { handle.done(); }
handle.stop = subHandle.stop;
return handle;
search.js: (new file, in /common directory)
// get all posts where headline, categories, tags or body are LIKE %keyword%
searchPosts = function( keyword ) {
var query = new RegExp( keyword, 'i' );
var results = Posts.find( { $or: [ { 'headline': query }, { 'categories': query }, { 'tags': query }, { 'body': query } ] } );
return results;
Meteor.publish( 'searchResults', searchPosts );
<template name="posts_results">
{{> posts_list resultsPostsHandle}}
Template.posts_results.resultsPostsHandle = function() {
return resultsPostsHandle;
there's a search bar in the nav that redirects to here
posts_results = function( keyword ) {
Session.set( 'keyword' , keyword );
return 'posts_results';
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
A little late but here is a full write up on how to implement full text search in meteor.
"The simplest way without editing any Meteor code is to use your own mongodb."