android, how to keep suspend function in the ViewModel running when the Fragment is destroyed (from which a coroutines is launched) - android-fragments

Having a Fragment using ViewModel to get data from the Repository.
the ViewModel:
class MyViewModel: ViewModel() {
private var data: Article? = null
// a suspend function actually behaviors as blocking call with withContext
suspend fun getDataByUUID(uuid: String) : Data {
return data ?: withContext(viewModelScope.coroutineContext + Dispatchers.IO) {
.also { data = it }
In the Fragment it uses viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch{} to call into the ViewModel's suspend function getDataByUUID(uuid: String)
fun fetchData() {
myViewModel?.let {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
val data = it.getArticleByUUID(strUUID)
article?.let {
In Fragment it has viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch{},
inside the launch{} it will wait the data coming back from the ViewModel's getArticleByUUID() and the do update ui.
It works, but having question about the coroutines scope and job cancelation.
here it has viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScop in the fragment. and in the ViewModel it has viewModelScope.
the ViewModel may have longer lifetime (in case of configuration i.e. orientation change), and the fragment may be destroyed - recreated by os but the ViewModel is not destroyed
In that case if the fragment is destroyed and the ViewModel is not, I guess the job in the fragment by viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch{} will be canceled, that is what we want, to cancel the job launched from the fragment.
However, we do want the ViewModel's getArticleByUUID() to continue running in the back ground if the ViewModel is still alive (so the data may getting from remote and ready for use next time).
But will the suspend fun getDataByUUID() in ViewModel will also be canceled as well when the Fragment's launched job is canceled?
Is there a way to let the suspend function in the ViewModel continue and not be canceled when the fragment's job launched by viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScop.launch{} is canceled?

But will the suspend fun getDataByUUID() in ViewModel will also be canceled as well when the Fragment's launched job is canceled?
As long as you keep using the viewmodelscope in the view model, the job on your viewmodel will only be cancelled when the viewmodel is destroyed.
withContext(viewModelScope.coroutineContext + Dispatchers.IO)
if you remove the viewModelScope.coroutineContext whenever the fragment is destroyed or the job from the fragment is cancelled your getDataByUUID is going to be cancelled.
You can easily test it yourself if you want. You can make a for with delay, like this:
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (i in 0..1000) {
Log.d("testeVM", i.toString())


What is the correct way of handling collect in Kotlin?

I'm getting user data from Firestore using MVVM. In the repository class I use:
fun getUserData() = flow {
auth.currentUser?.apply {
val user = ref.document(uid).get().await().toObject(
user?.let {
}. catch { error ->
error.message?.let { message ->
This method is called from the ViewModel class:
fun getUser() = repo.getUserData()
And in the activity class I use:
private fun getUser() {
lifecycleScope.launch {
viewModel.getUser().collect { data ->
when(data) {
is Success -> textView.text =
is Failure -> print(data.message)
To display the name in the TextView. The code works fine. But is this the correct way if doing things? Or is it more correct to collect the data in the ViewModel class?
Any room for improvement? Thanks
My personal opinion is that data should be collected in the VM so it survives configuration changes.
The scope of the view (activity/fragment) should not drive your data flow.
The VM will outlive activities and fragments during configuration changes, so all the data you have collected and transformed, will still be there (or in progress if it's still being obtained).
StateFlow is good (in this last step) because it has the ability to tell the VM: This is no longer needed, don't waste resources.
But I haven't yet used StateFlow in production code so there's that.

rxJava Observer.onNext not called second time

I am using rxJava to fetch data from the database and show it in a recyclerview. The relevant code is shown below
function updateUI(){
ContactsLab contactsLab = ContactsLab.get(getActivity());
Subscription sub = contactsLab.getContactList().subscribeOn(
ContactsLab is a singleton that returns an Observable of Contact objects.
onContactsReceived function is shown below
private Observer<List<Contact>> onContactsReceived(){
return new Observer<List<Contact>>() {
public void onCompleted() {}
public void onError(Throwable e) {}
public void onNext(List<Contact> contacts) {
if(mContactsAdapter == null) {
mContactsAdapter = new ContactsAdapter(contacts);
} else{
The updateUI function is called in my fragment onResume but the view is updated only the first time. If I come back to this fragment from any other fragment (having added more items to db), onResume is called, updateUI runs and onContactsReceived also runs but returns immediately without calling onNext or onComplete.
I think this has something to do with the way rxJava handles observables but no idea how to fix it (read about defer but couldn't understand much). Can somebody please help?
The getContactList function look like this :
public rx.Observable<Contact> getContactList() {
List<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<>();
ContactCursorWrapper cursorWrapper = queryContacts(null, null);
while (!cursorWrapper.isAfterLast()){
} finally {
return rx.Observable.from(contacts);
Basically it queries the database and maps the returned Cursor into my Contact class(which is a POJO). I added the rx.Observable.from to get an observable that was later collated using toList and updated into the adapter.
I used this approach avoid having to call notifyDataSetChanged after getting each item (and call it only once after getting all that).
What's the right approach to minimize the number of notifyDataSetChanged calls and also, refresh each time onResume is called?
Your observable contactsLab.getContactList().toList() has terminated.toList() collects all emissions from a source observable to a list and emits the entire list once the source Observable terminates (see the documentation). You aren't going to observe any more emissions from it.

SysOperation Framework suppress infolog messages for ReliableAsynchronous but keep them in batch history

I'm just getting my feet wet with the SysOperation framework and I have some ReliableAsynchronous processes that run and call info("starting...") etc.
I want these infolog messages so that when I look in the BatchHistory, I can see them for purposes of investigating later.
But they also launch to the client, from the batch. And I can tell they're from the batch because you can't double click on the infologs to go to the source. Is there someway to either suppress these from popping up on the user's screen and only show in the batch log?
EDIT with some code:
User clicks a button on form action pane that calls an action menu item referencing a class.
In the class, the new method:
public void new()
this.parmMethodName(methodStr(MyControllerClass, pickTransLines));
// This is meant to be running as a batch task, so don't load syslastvalue
The main method hit from the menu item:
public static void main (Args _args)
MyControllerClass controller = new MyControllerClass();
MyContract contract;
WMSOrderTrans wmsOrderTrans;
RefRecId refRecId;
if (_args && _args.dataset() == tableNum(WMSOrderTrans) && _args.record())
contract = controller.getDataContractObject();
refRecId = controller.doBatch().BatchJobId;
// This creates a batch tracking record
controller.updateCreateTracking(refRecId, _args.record().RecId);
The controller method that gets launched:
// Main picking method
private void pickTransLines(MyContract_contract)
MyTrackingTable tracking;
boolean finished;
BatchHeader batchHeader = BatchHeader::getCurrentBatchHeader();
boolean updateTracking = false;
// NOTE - This infolog launches after a few seconds to the user, but
// you can't double click on the info message to go to the code
// because it's fired from the batch somehow.
info(strFmt("Working on wmsordertrans.recid == %1", _contract.parmRefRecId()));
// Create/Update batch tracker if needed
if (this.isInBatch())
// NOTE - This code gets executed so we ARE in batch
// Do the pick work
finished = this.doPick(_contract);
throw error("An error occurred during the picking process.");
Then a split second later this launches to my session:
Look at the SysOperationServiceController.afterOperation method,:
if (_executionMode == SysOperationExecutionMode::ReliableAsynchronous)
batch = this.operationReturnValue();
if (batch)
This is the code that shows the infolog to the screen for reliable asynchronous processed.
You can create your own controller by extending SysOperationServiceController and use that on your menu item or in code, so do that and overwrite the afterOperation on your new controller, for example like this (didn't test but should work in your case):
if (_executionMode != SysOperationExecutionMode::ReliableAsynchronous)
super(_executionMode, _asyncResult);

Tridion - Event System Objects are Not Being Destroyed

I have created a TcmExtension named WorkflowEventSystem that has an event handler subscribed to the FinishProcess event. The purpose of this event is to schedule for publish all dependencies (i.e. pages) of the associated workflow subject.
The problem I am having is that even though the event triggers at the right time (a workflow process is completed), and all the items that are supposed to be scheduled for publish are, the PublishScheduler object created by the event never seems to go out of scope, and as such the WorkflowEventSystem object does not either.
Is there something I am missing about how the Event System works that would cause these objects to live on forever? I've included what I consider the relevant code below (some parts summarized). Thanks for any help.
Here's most of the actual TcmExtension:
public class WorkflowEventSystem : TcmExtension
public WorkflowEventSystem()
public void Subscribe()
EventSystem.Subscribe<ProcessInstance, FinishProcessEventArgs>(ScheduleForPublish, EventPhases.All);
ScheduleForPublish creates a PublishScheduler object (class I created):
private void ScheduleForPublish(ProcessInstance process, FinishProcessEventArgs e, EventPhases phase)
if(phase == EventPhases.TransactionCommitted)
PublishScheduler publishScheduler = new PublishScheduler(process);
publishScheduler = null; // worth a try
The ScheduleForPublish method looks similar to this:
public void ScheduleForPublish(ProcessInstance process)
using(Session session = new Session("ImpersonationUser"))
var publishInstruction = new PublishInstruction(session);
// Set up some publish Instructions
var publicationTargets = new List<PublicationTarget>();
// Add a PublicationTarget here by tcm id
IList<VersionedItem> itemsToPublish = new List<VersionedItem>();
// Add the items we want to publish by calling GetUsingItems(filter)
// on the workflow process' subject
//Publish the items
PublishEngine.Publish(itemsToPublish.Cast<IdentifiableObject>(), publishInstruction, publishTargets);
Life-cycle management for TcmExtension classes is quite simple:
when you call Subscribe the TcmExtension object you specify is added to an internal list of subscriptions
when you later call Unsubscribe the same TcmExtension object is removed from the list of subscriptions
Since you never call Unsubscribe your WorkflowEventSystem is never removed and thus will never be garbage collected by .NET. And since your WorkflowEventSystem holds a reference to the PublishScheduler instance it created, that one will thus also never be cleaned up.
The proper boilerplate for a custom TcmExtension is:
public class WorkflowEventSystem : TcmExtension, IDisposable
EventSubscription _subscription;
public WorkflowEventSystem()
public void Subscribe()
_subscription = EventSystem.Subscribe<ProcessInstance,
FinishProcessEventArgs>(ScheduleForPublish, EventPhases.All);
public void Dispose()
Nuno also gave a longer example (handling multiple subscribers) in this article:

Programming synchronous web service calls in flex

Web service calls are asynchronous in flex, but I wanted to wrap a web service call in a class to provide synchronous encapsulation. Something like the below - the user could call getMyMethodResult and get the result returned by the web service. I expected the thread that recieved the soap response would populate the variable _result and mean that getMyMethod would, after a time, find _result is not longer null. But it doesn't! Can anyone explain why this does not work?
public class myClass
private var _result:Object;
public function myClass()
//create a web service object
// Add listener
public function getMyMethodResult()
while (_result == null)
// count a variable or something (unimportant)
return _result;
private function myMethodListener(event:Event):void
_result = event.result;
There's is absolutely no support for that. The event loop runs between frames and as long as you block the execution with your (infinite) loop, your myMethodListener function will not be called. Anyway, this would be a terrible idea since the absence of threading in the Flash Player will cause your UI to freeze while you wait for your service to return. You should just drop that idea.
