I have a mobile app where I want to save and load a few sets of images/videos from Cloudflare.
Can I use Cloudflare to save images and videos and then access it in my mobile app?
No. Cloudflare is just a CDN and DDoS mitigation service. It offers a lot of services, but it does not store content for you. You still need a place to store your static content like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage, Surge, or even just a plain old web server. You can use Cloudflare with one of these services to save bandwidth, decrease latency, and protect from DDoS attacks.
UPDATE: As CJackson234 mentioned, a static image and video hosting service exists now:
Cloudflare Images
Cloudflare Stream
I'm building and app with firebase and expo in react native. The app has live streaming with Zoom Web SDK. In order to deliver a better experience to the end user, for example, the ability to send video faster and enable multiple video streams, which powers features like Gallery View and Virtual Backgrounds, we need to enable SharedArrayBuffer.
As of Chrome 92, SharedArrayBuffer is only available if your web page is Cross-Origin Isolated, or if your web page uses Credentialless headers.
We implemented the coi-serviceworker from https://github.com/gzuidhof/coi-serviceworker and the rules to implement this are:
Rules: 1. It must be in a separate file, you can't bundle it along with your app. 2. It can't be loaded from a CDN: it must be served from your own origin. 3. Your page will still need to be either served from HTTPS, or served from localhost.
When a implemented the coi-serviceworker in my code, all the files(images and videos) that comes from the firebase storage are not displaying anymore.
I think the error is because of the second rule, because we use Firebase Hosting to publish our app, but the Zoom Gallery View works.
Firebase Hosting uses an advanced global content delivery network (CDN) to make your website as fast as possible. Requested static content is automatically cached on the CDN. If you resume site content, Firebase Hoststatic will not automatically clear all content and CDN cache until the next request.
Someone faced the same issue? I appreciate any help!
As per Akamai -
A content delivery network (CDN) is a group of geographically
distributed servers that speed up the delivery of web content by
bringing it closer to where users are. Data centers across the globe
use caching, a process that temporarily stores copies of files, so
that you can access internet content from a web-enabled device or
browser more quickly through a server near you. CDNs cache content
like web pages, images, and video in proxy servers near to your
physical location. This allows you to do things like watch a movie,
download software, check your bank balance, post on social media, or
make purchases, without having to wait for content to load.
So I am mainly interested in "post on social media"
Will the CDN prefetch a user's social media content (static?) or will it be done at the user's request because prefetching can be costly, complex and wasteful?
Prefetching generic static information, such as a website's landing page image, a viral video, product images (amazon must use CDN to deliver images for their products else it will take lot of time to load images and will be a very bad experience) makes sense.
Whether it is social media content or a static website, content is not fetched by Akamai except when a request comes to the platform for the content. At that point, depending on how the platform is configured for your particular site, the content is cached for later users for a period of time.
A few notes:
Akamai can be configured to automatically request the additional content linked on the page without waiting for the end user's browser to issue the request. Details: https://techdocs.akamai.com/property-mgr/docs/prefetching
You can use prefetching for both cacheable and non-cacheable objects. Details: https://techdocs.akamai.com/property-mgr/docs/prefetchable-objects
You can configure Akamai to prefresh that content as it nears the expiration of the caching time limit, checking to see if it has been modified. Details: https://techdocs.akamai.com/property-mgr/docs/cache-prefresh-refresh
In the case of user profiles, for example, I would not use caching. Synchronizing all the data to keep it up to date is complicated.
CDN systems usually let you set whether to cache the file and how often to update it.
We've prepared an app based on firebase storage and we plan to run it with few events. They're will be like 70 000 people. We assume there will be not many different files to download - for example a few video files, some more photos and sounds.
Assuming firebase storage could download 200-300MB each person we want to optimize the network traffic in specific location (one building).
Is there any possibility to create/run local storage cache not to skyrocket firebase storage bandwith, but only do this in local area (for people connected to some ours network)? Download it once to some local server and redirect all requests to it?
I'm looking for any kind of a solution.
What you're asking for doesn't exactly exist within Firebase Storage.
However, you could work around your limitations by using a link to your content (e.g. on YouTube) and embedding it.
Alternatively, you could download content from your own server (or one hosted using Firebase Hosting) after you've pulled a list of metadata (links, names etc) from Firebase Storage. Using a CDN / caching service like Cloudflare would also mean that the impact on your server (or Firebase Hosting) is actually relatively low, as are costs.
I want to upload video from asp.net application to Akamai server so that members of my application can view the video. I have an account on Akamai and have CP code. Now i want to upload video through c# code. If some one has idea then please guide me do this.
Uploading to Akamai Edge Storage is done through FTP. Check Akamai documentation for how to get the details of the ftp account. Then go a web search for C# FTP libraries for how to push files to it.
Having said that, in almost all cases, you don't need to "upload" to Akamai at all. Whether you are delivery your video over http or streaming, Akamai can pick up the files straight from your web servers.
In Akamai terminology, this is known as setting up an "origin" server. As long as your server is on the internet, and the video files can be downloaded, then Akamai can use them. For full details, look in the Akamai documentation (either Http Content Delivery or Ondemand Streams) for using origin servers.
Just opened an account with Rackspace Cloud Files and I'm looking to protect our video assets. By protect I want to make sure that the user is logged in with an active account prior to serving up the video stream. I suppose it could be done in the .htaccess, however if I use LiveHeaders or any other sniffer I will see the CDN's URL. We will be serving this video to the iPhone as well as through the browser.
You can simply download it on server side and send it to client. Dont ?
Why you have to provide CDC URL ?
For example, using CURL...