Running Cypress tests on localhost with semaphoreCI - integration-testing

In my cypress.json I have baseUrl configured as
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:3000"
The package.json contains
"scripts": {
"cy:version": "cypress version",
"cy:verify": "cypress verify",
"cy:run": "CYPRESS_baseUrl=http://localhost:3000 cypress run --record --browser chrome",
"start": "serve --listen ${PORT:-3000}"
And in semaphore.yml I have these lines
-name: Execute E2E
- npm start & wait-on http://localhost:3000
- npm run cy:run
But for some reason the application doesn't get serve on localhost:3000 and instead I see this
How can I fix this and serve the application on localhost:3000? Thanks.

You can do a couple of things to debug the problem:
Are you using a proxy somewhere, maybe as env variable ..?
Check the Cypress proxy settings and see if there is something there.
Try to change the port to something else. Use a port that you know for sure that its not used by anything else. You can check that with netstat command.
Is your localhost running on http or is it https instead?
If i think of something else, ill update the answer.

You need to build the app before serve some application, basically you don't have any index.html file


Cant connect Browsersync with DDEV nginx server, because SSL Error

I'm running DDEV nginx server on Bedrock wordpress site and trying to load snippet for Browsersync.
gulpfile.js browserSync task:
proxy: {
target: ""
https: {
key: "/Users/user/Library/Application Support/mkcert/rootCA-key.pem",
cert: "/Users/user/Library/Application Support/mkcert/rootCA.pem"
}, open:false});
Browser doesnt load snippet and print following error:
How can I get this two things to work together? Before DDEV I was using MAMP but DDEV has much better performance and I want to switch to this app. Thanks for help.
The problem was bad ssl certificates file. It was necessary to use docker container certificate. Proxy option is not anymore required.
After setup ddev container, you need to copy docker certificate to some location:
docker cp ddev-router:/etc/nginx/certs ~/tmp
After that just update path to correct certificates files. My gulpfile task now looks like this:
browserSync.init({https: {
key: "/Users/username/tmp/master.key",
cert: "/Users/username/tmp/master.crt"
}, open:false});
Thanks #rfay for solution!

How to generate fixed url with ngrok

I am working on facebook messenger.
Facebook app only accept one url for webhook but ngrock is generating new URL every time. Now I am unable to test my app because of webhook URL changed.
UPDATE May 2020
Serveo is up and running again! No installation, no signup!
All you need to do is to run this:
ssh -R <unique subdomain>:80:<your local host>:<your local port>
ssh -R youruniquesubdomain:80:localhost:8000
UPDATE January 2020
Since there are some issues with Serveo and localtunnel, I want to share with you another free ssh-based self-hosting service:
Unfortunately, it does not provide unique subdomains but it is ssh-based so you do not have to install additional applications. Still waiting for Serveo coming back.
UPDATE April 2018
I've found Serveo just now! And it is totally incredible!
UPDATE November 2017
Probably, it is not the best option for you but I started using localtunnel instead of ngrok.
An installation and run flow is very simple:
npm install -g localtunnel
lt --port <your localhost port> --subdomain youruniquesubdomain
Then I can go to my
That's it!
No more free subdomain support from ngrok.....pls have a error as below
Tunnel session failed: Only paid plans may bind custom subdomains.
Failed to bind the custom subdomain '' for the account 'arvccccc'.
This account is on the 'Free' plan.
Upgrade to a paid plan at:
You need to set up auth token. You can find it here (W̶o̶r̶k̶s̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶f̶r̶e̶e̶ ̶v̶e̶r̶s̶i̶o̶n̶,̶ ̶n̶o̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶p̶a̶y̶ it's now paid feature, see ngrok pricing).
Then you can use it like this:
ngrok http 80 --subdomain yoursubdomain
Neither or Serveo are working for me right now so I created a temporary solution that works for some use-cases including mine (react-native local development): using the ngrok npm package one can save the generated ngrok url into a json file, and that file can be read for any other app.
First make sure to install ngrok using npm install ngrok then use this node script:
const ngrok = require('ngrok');
const fs = require('fs').promises;
(async function() {
const url = await ngrok.connect(3000);
const api = ngrok.getApi();
let data = await api.get('api/tunnels');
data = JSON.parse(data);
let dict = {'domain': data.tunnels[0].public_url}
await fs.writeFile("config.json", JSON.stringify(dict));
console.log("saved " + data.tunnels[0].public_url);
Then from your app you may read it using code similar or equal to:
const backend = require('./config.json').domain;
For DHIS2 local installation, I did this on the terminal on ubuntu server.
Make sure your web is running on the specified port. Mine was on 8080.
ssh -R
The beauty of this is you can reuse the same hostname prefix url before as many time as you want, even if power goes off or internet diconnection.
Staqlab tunnel is providing domain for free. Its works great but need a binary to be downloaded from there website. Using this service for month without any hassle
In 2022 (almost 2023) works for me.
It is very similar to ngrok, and requires the installation of (and, obviously Python).
After installation click on opens pagekite shell.
Run command: 8080
I noticed that no one mentioned how to have static ngrok urls, which was the main question about.
A way to do it is to edit the ngrok.yml file, which is located at
Linux: "~/.config/ngrok/ngrok.yml"
MacOS (Darwin): "~/Library/Application Support/ngrok/ngrok.yml"
Windows: "%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\ngrok\ngrok.yml"
You can have content such as:
version: "2"
authtoken: valid_auth_token
addr: 3000
proto: http
addr: 8000
proto: http
This will help you expose multiple ports, and have a persisted url for each of which based on the value you set for hostnames.
After that, you run your ngrok using this command:
ngrok start --all
Though its not a solution but take it as workaround, I had the same problem while testing. What i did is keep the ngrok running with my http port, so my ngrok url is not changing. but I frequently changing and restarting my server for testing and debugging.

meteor why redundant port and host in meteor build command?

Say, I want to deploy meteor app foo to on my own server. I found --server doesnot matter. Whether:
meteor build /root/deploy/foo --server http://example:3000
meteor build /root/deploy/foo
You can both get app run with:
env PORT=3880 MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/myapp ROOT_URL= node main.js
Note I change port to 3880. So my question is:
As you can change port when you start a meteor server even if you specify --server when building app, what's the meaning of --server?
As you already specify host and port in --server why shoud I provide PORT and ROOT_URL again when start server?

Grunt connect or grunt serve?

I don't quite get the difference between the two. From the description, seems like both are for opening webserver.
If i used the grunt-serve plugin with the following configurations on my gruntfile.js
serve: {
options: {
port: 9000
I can open a webserver at the specified port, though i have to open the webserver manually at the browser (not sure how to make it open automatically on my default browser). The webserver is working fine, and can load JSON files without any problem.
However when i tried to do it with grunt connect plugin, with the following configurations
connect: {
server: {
options: {
port: 9000,
livereload: 35729,
hostname: 'localhost',
open: {
dev: {
url: 'http://localhost:<%= connect.server.options.port %>/index.html'
grunt.registerTask('serve', function (target) {[
I could automatically opened a webserver at the specified port on my default browser, but the catch is, it couldn't load the JSON data like how grunt serve did.
I'd like to make the webserver works like Yeoman, where when running the command grunt serve, it would connect to the webserver and automatically open it on my default browser, and can load all my PHP/json files. Seems like grunt-serve plugin is the right plugin for this, but i'm sure grunt-connect can do the same thing as grunt-serve too.
according to the connect task makes the server available for a limited amount of time in order to run other tasks such as unit testing. Once the tasks are complete the server stops. As you have shown there is a keepalive option to prevent the server from stopping. Connect is also useful for connecting to resources on another domain such as a REST API. Typically this would be denied by the browser due to the same origin policy - see
So for development I would use the standard pattern "grunt serve" and connect for testing and proxying to resources on another domain :-)

How to use grunt serve in Cloud9 IDE?

In my Gruntfile.js I have tried to do this:
connect: {
options: {
port: process.env.PORT,
hostname: process.env.IP,
livereload: 35729
I tried to run from Cloud 9 terminal and I get the following:
Running "serve" task
Running "concurrent:server" (concurrent) task
Running "connect:livereload" (connect) task Fatal error: Port 8080 is
already in use by another process.
Then I have changed my Gruntfile.js to the following:
connect: {
options: {
port: 9000,
hostname: process.env.IP,
livereload: 35729
From the terminal I get:
Running "serve" task
Running "concurrent:server" (concurrent) task
Running "connect:livereload" (connect) task Started connect web server
Running "watch" task Waiting...
But how do I access from Cloud 9?
I have tried http://localhost:9000,, am I missing something here?
Apparently, you can actually get Livereload working on Cloud9 when using Apache as web-server, by proxying the websocket request to grunt-watch with "mod_proxy_wstunnel":
1) Add the following directive to /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy_wstunnel.load
ProxyPass /livereload/ ws://
2) Enable "mod_proxy_wstunnel" and it's dependency "mod_proxy"
ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy_wstunnel.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy_wstunnel.load
ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy.load
3) Restart Apache
service apache2 restart
4) So far so good, now you must hardcode the websocket URL that Livereload will be using, by modifying the livereload.js script, in my particular case this was located at ~/myworkplace/grunt-contrib-watch/node_modules/tiny-lr/lib/public/livereload.js, you need to change the following line:
this._uri = "ws://" + + ":" + this.options.port + "/livereload/";
this._uri = "ws://";
5) Last but not least, you must reference the livereload.js script directly in your desired page, in my particular instance:
<script src="/ng-boilerplate/node_modules/grunt-contrib-watch/node_modules/tiny-lr/lib/public/livereload.js"></script>
Hope this might help someone and especially save some time :)
Update: On Cloud9, you can use ports 8080, 8081, and 8082 to make this work. For details and an example, you can look at Multiple Ports.
In Cloud9, port 8080 is the only externally accessible port, so please change 9000 to 8080.
The port is in use by another process, which should be stopped first. Use:
kill -9 $(lsof -i:8080 -t)
and restart grunt. That will work.
You can use any port, when it is used for local/loopback connections. From outside your workspace only one port is accessible (at this moment that is, C9 is considering multiple ports). I'm not too familiar with this livereload, sorry. It seems that grunt needs to spawn a browser as well? That will not run on C9.
But why would you not use the 'live preview' that Cloud9 provides?
Just open any html page, click Preview and select 'Live preview'.
All changes to css, html will be applied immediately in the preview frame.
