The assignment I'm struggling with is based around a problem called the knight's tour and this Numberphile video:
Basically, what I'm trying to do here is to write a helper function that recursively computes a Hamiltonian path in a given graph (V, E). It should return a list of the elements in V in the order of that path, or nil if no such path exists. But it only returns an empty list for the path P.
My attempt so far (further down): (and formatting is a bit weird)
(defn- H'
;; "This is the helper function for computing the Hamiltonian path.
;; E is the relation, i.e. the graph, we are looking for a path in.
;; a is the current node.
;; S is the set of nodes we haven't visited yet.
;; P is the path we have traveled so far.
;; H' should return a Hamiltonian path through E
;; that begins with P, then goes through a, and then visits every vertex
;; in the set S.
;; If no such path exists, it should return nil."
[E a S P]
:pre [
(not (contains? S a))
(not (contains? (set P) a))
(empty? (intersection S (set P)))
:post [
(or (empty? %) (= (set %) (union S (set P) #{a})))
(or (empty? %) (= (count %) (+ (count S) (count P) 1)))
;; (image-of E a) returns the set of edges leading away from the current vertex
(if-not (empty? S)
(if (some #(H' E % (disj S %) P) (intersection (image-of E a) S))
(concat P [a])
(defn H
"compute a Hamiltonian path in the graph (V, E); returns a list of the elements in V in the
order of that path, or nil if no such path exists"
[V E]
(some #(H' E % (disj V %) '()) V)
I don't understand why I'm not getting any path P at all in return here from H, just an empty list? Am I terminating the recursion under the wrong conditions or something similar? Is the predicate to the some-function wrongly formulated?
Tell me if anything needs further clarification or more code is needed.
What's wrong?
Stripped to the minimum,
(defn- H' [E a S P]
(if (seq S)
(if (some #(H' E % (disj S %) P) (intersection (image-of E a) S))
(concat P [a]))))
... where (if-not (empty? S) ... ) is simplified to (if (seq S) ... ).
Consider n, the number of elements in S.
If n is zero, H' returns nil.
If n is positive, the result is an or-ing of H' calls where the
number of elements of S is n-1.
It follows, by induction, that H' returns nil for all S.
In the words of Don Knuth, "I haven't tried this. I have merely proved it."
Putting it right
(H' E a S P) is supposed to return a hamiltonian path starting at a through the vertices S. The function above calculates such a path through S:
(some #(H' E % (disj S %) P) (intersection (image-of E a) S))
... then throws it away.
What we have to do is tack a onto the front of it to keep the inductive promise:
(defn- H' [E a S P]
(if (seq S)
(let [tail (some #(H' E % (disj S %) P) (intersection (image-of E a) S))]
(and tail (cons a tail)))
(list a)))
... where the and takes care of failure to find a path.
Note ...
I haven't tried this.
There are better ways to express it that I have tried.
Working on CLISP in Sublime Text.
Exp. in CLISP : less than 1 year
It's already for a while that I'm trying to solve this exercice... without success... as you might guess.
In fact I have to create a function which will modify the list and keeps only sublists which are equals or greater than the given number (watch below)
The list on which I have to work :
(setq liste '((a b) c (d) (e f) (e g x) f))
I'm supposed to find this as result :
(lenght 2 liste) => ((a b) (e f) (e g x))
liste => ((a b) (e f) (e g x))
Here my code :
(defun lenght(number liste)
((atom liste) nil)
((listp (car liste))
(rplacd liste (lenght number (cdr liste))) )
((<= (lenght number (car liste)) number)
(I don't know what to write) )
((lenght number (cdr liste))) ) )
It will be very kind if you could give me only some clue so as to let me find the good result.
Thanks guys.
Modifying the list does not make much sense, because it gets hairy at the head of the list to retain the original reference. Return a new list.
This is a filtering operation. The usual operator in Common Lisp for that is remove-if-not (or remove-if, or remove, depending on the condition). It takes a predicate that should return whether the element should be kept. In this case, it seems to be (lambda (element) (and (listp element) (>= (length element) minlength))).
(defun filter-by-min-length (minlength list)
(remove-if-not (lambda (element)
(and (listp element)
(>= (length element) minlength)))
In many cases, when the condition is known at compile time, loop produces faster compiled code:
(defun filter-by-min-length (minlength list)
(loop :for element :in list
:when (and (listp element)
(>= (length element) minlength))
:collect element))
This returns a new list that fulfills the condition. You'd call it like (let ((minlength-list (filter-by-min-length 2 raw-list))) …).
Many basic courses insist on recursively using primitive operations on cons cells for teaching purposes at first.
The first attempt usually disregards the possible stack exhaustion. At each step, you first look whether you're at the end (then return nil), whether the first element should be discarded (then return the result of recursing on the rest), or if it should be kept (then cons it to the recursion result).
If tail call optimization is available, you can refactor this to use an accumulator. At each step, instead of first recursing and then consing, you cons a kept value onto the accumulator and pass it to the recursion. At the end, you do not return nil, but reverse the accumulator and return that.
Well, I have found the answer that I was looking for, after scratching my head until blood...
Seriously, here is the solution which is working (and thanks for the correction about length which helped me to find the solution ^^) :
(defun filter-by-min-length (min-length liste)
((atom liste) nil)
((and (listp (car liste))(>= (length (car liste)) min-length))
(rplacd liste (filter-by-min-length min-length (cdr liste))) )
((filter-by-min-length min-length (cdr liste))) ) )
A non-modifying version
(defun filter-by-min-length (min-length le)
(cond ((atom le) nil)
((and (listp (car le)) (>= (length (car le)) min-length))
(cons (car le) (filter-by-min-length min-length (cdr le))))
(t (filter-by-min-length min-length (cdr le)))))
(defparameter *liste* '((a b) c (d) (e f) (e g x) f))
(filter-by-min-length 2 *liste*)
;; ((A B) (E F) (E G X))
;; ((A B) C (D) (E F) (E G X) F) ; -> *liste* not modified
For building good habits, I would recommend to use defparameter instead of setq, since the behaviour of setq might not always be defined (see here). In the link, it is said:
use defvar, defparameter, or let to introduce new variables. Use setf
and setq to mutate existing variables. Using them to introduce new
variables is undefined behaviour
Here is an example:
;; Helper function for marking multiples of a number as 0
(def mark (fn [[x & xs] k m]
(if (= k m)
(cons 0 (mark xs 1 m))
(cons x (mark xs (inc k) m))
;; Sieve of Eratosthenes
(defn sieve
[x & xs]
(if (= x 0)
(sieve xs)
(cons x (sieve (mark xs 1 x)))
(take 10 (lazy-seq (sieve (iterate inc 2))))
It produces a StackOverflowError.
There are a couple of issues here. First, as pointed out in the other answer, your mark and sieve functions don't have terminating conditions. It looks like they are designed to work with infinite sequences, but if you passed a finite-length sequence they'd keep going off the end.
The deeper problem here is that it looks like you're trying to have a function create a lazy infinite sequence by recursively calling itself. However, cons is not lazy in any way; it is a pure function call, so the recursive calls to mark and sieve are invoked immediately. Wrapping the outer-most call to sieve in lazy-seq only serves to defer the initial call; it does not make the entire sequence lazy. Instead, each call to cons must be wrapped in its own lazy sequence.
For instance:
(defn eager-iterate [f x]
(cons x (eager-iterate f (f x))))
(take 3 (eager-iterate inc 0)) ; => StackOverflowError
(take 3 (lazy-seq (eager-iterate inc 0))) ; => Still a StackOverflowError
Compare this with the actual source code of iterate:
(defn iterate
"Returns a lazy sequence of x, (f x), (f (f x)) etc. f must be free of side-effects"
{:added "1.0"
:static true}
[f x] (cons x (lazy-seq (iterate f (f x)))))
Putting it together, here's an implementation of mark that works correctly for finite sequences and preserves laziness for infinite sequences. Fixing sieve is left as an exercise for the reader.
(defn mark [[x :as xs] k m]
(when (seq xs)
(if (= k m)
(cons 0 (mark (next xs) 1 m))
(cons x (mark (next xs) (inc k) m))))))
(mark (range 4 14) 1 3)
; => (4 5 0 7 8 0 10 11 0 13)
(take 10 (mark (iterate inc 4) 1 3))
; => (4 5 0 7 8 0 10 11 0 13)
Need terminating conditions
The problem here is both your mark and sieve functions have no terminating conditions. There must be some set of inputs for which each function does not call itself, but returns an answer. Additionally, every set of (valid) inputs to these functions should eventually resolve to a non-recursive return value.
But even if you get it right...
I'll add that even if you succeed in creating the correct terminating conditions, there is still the possibility of having a stack overflow if the depth of the recursion in too large. This can be mitigated to some extent by increasing the JVM stack size, but this has it's limits.
A way around this for some functions is to use tail call optimization. Some recursive functions are tail recursive, meaning that all recursive calls to the function being defined within it's definition are in the tail call position (are the final function called in the definition body). For example, in your sieve function's (= x 0) case, sieve is the tail call, since the result of sieve doesn't get passed into any other function. However, in the case that (not (= x 0)), the result of calling sieve gets passed to cons, so this is not a tail call. When a function is fully tail recursive, it is possible to behind the scenes transform the function definition into a looping construct which avoids consuming the stack. In clojure this is possible by using recur in the function definition instead of the function name (there is also a loop construct which can sometimes be helpful). Again, because not all recursive functions are tail recursive, this isn't a panacea. But when they are it's good to know that you can do this.
Thanks to #Alex's answer I managed to come up with a working lazy solution:
;; Helper function for marking mutiples of a number as 0
(defn mark [[x :as xs] k m]
(when-not (empty? xs)
(if (= k m)
(cons 0 (mark (rest xs) 1 m))
(cons x (mark (rest xs) (inc k) m))))))
;; Sieve of Eratosthenes
(defn sieve
[[x :as xs]]
(when-not (empty? xs)
(if (= x 0)
(sieve (rest xs))
(cons x (sieve (mark (rest xs) 1 x)))))))
I was adviced by someone else to use rest instead of next.
I'm trying to update values in a structure consisting of nested maps and sequences, but update-in won't work because I want to allow wildcards. My manual approach led me to ugly, big, nested for and into {} calls. I ended up making a function that takes the structure, a selector-like sequence, and an update function.
(defn update-each-in
([o [head & tail :as path] f]
(update-each-in o path f []))
([o [head & tail :as path] f current-path]
(empty? path) (f o current-path)
(identical? * head)
(map? o)
(into {} (for [[k v] o]
[k (update-each-in v tail f (conj current-path k))]))
:else (for [[i v] (map-indexed vector o)]
(update-each-in v tail f (conj current-path i))))
:else (assoc o head
(update-each-in (get o head) tail f (conj current-path head))))))
This allows me to simplify my updates to the following
(def sample {"TR" [{:geometry {:ID12 {:buffer 22}}}
{:geometry {:ID13 {:buffer 33}
:ID14 {:buffer 55}}}
{:geometry {:ID13 {:buffer 44}}}]
"BR" [{:geometry {:ID13 {:buffer 22}
:ID18 {:buffer 11}}}
{:geometry {:ID13 {:buffer 33}}}
{:geometry {:ID13 {:buffer 44}}}]})
(update-each-in sample [* * :geometry * :buffer]
(fn [buf path] (inc buf)))
Obviously this has a stack overflow problem with deeply nested structures; although I'm far from hitting that one, it'd be nice to have a robust solution. Can anyone suggest a simpler/faster/more elegant solution? Could this be done with reducers/transducers?
UPDATE It's a requirement that the updating function also gets the full path to the value it's updating.
update-in has exactly the same signature as the function you created, and it does almost exactly the same thing. There are two differences: it doesn't allow wildcards in the "path," and it doesn't pass intermediary paths to the update function.
Adding wildcards to update-in
I've adapted this from the source code for update-in.
(defn update-in-*
[m [k & ks] f & args]
(if (identical? k *)
(let [idx (if (map? m) (keys m) (range (count m)))]
(if ks
(reduce #(assoc % %2 (apply update-in-* (get % %2) ks f args))
(reduce #(assoc % %2 (apply f (get % %2) args))
(if ks
(assoc m k (apply update-in-* (get m k) ks f args))
(assoc m k (apply f (get m k) args)))))
Now these two lines produce the same result:
(update-in-* sample [* * :geometry * :buffer] (fn [buf] (inc buf)))
(update-each-in sample [* * :geometry * :buffer] (fn [buf path] (inc buf)))
The change I made to update-in is just by branching on a check for the wildcard. If the wildcard is encountered, then every child-node at that level must be modified. I used reduce to keep the cumulative updates to the collection.
Also, another remark, in the interests of robustness: I'd try to use something other than * for the wildcard. It could possibly occur as the key in a map.
Adding path-tracking to update-in
If it is required that the updating function receive the full path, then I would just modify update-in one more time. The function signature changes and (conj p k) gets added, but that's about it.
(defn update-in-*
[m ks f & args] (apply update-in-*-with-path [] m ks f args))
(defn- update-in-*-with-path
[p m [k & ks] f & args]
(if (identical? k *)
(let [idx (if (map? m) (keys m) (range (count m)))]
(if ks
(reduce #(assoc % %2 (apply update-in-*-with-path (conj p k) (get % %2) ks f args))
(reduce #(assoc % %2 (apply f (conj p k) (get % %2) args))
(if ks
(assoc m k (apply update-in-*-with-path (conj p k) (get m k) ks f args))
(assoc m k (apply f (conj p k) (get m k) args)))))
Now these two lines produce the same result:
(update-in-* sample [* * :geometry * :buffer] (fn [path val] (inc val)))
(update-each-in sample [* * :geometry * :buffer] (fn [buf path] (inc buf)))
Is this better than your original solution? I don't know. I like it because it is modeled after update-in, and other people have probably put more careful thought into update-in than I care to myself.
Consider a graph such as this one, composed of nodes and neighbors:
(defparameter *graph* '((A (B C D))
(B (A C E))
(C (A B D E))
(D (A C E))
(E (B C D))))
...and a set of labels for each node:
(defparameter *values* '((A 1)
(B 2)
(C 3)
(D 2)
(E 1)))
I'm trying to write a function that evaluates a graph in that format and determines whether or not adjacent nodes have the same label. If I were writing this in C++ or Java my logic for an iterative version of the function might look something like this:
(defun evaluate-label (graph values)
;; for every node in graph
;; for every adjoining node
;; if (node.value == adjoiningNode.value)
;; return false
;; return true
...but I'm not sure what sort of logic would be more appropriate for Lisp, let alone how to go about coding it up.
So, two questions:
What would a "Lispy" bit of pseudocode for this function look like?
What specific syntactical features would you put in the function? Let's assume there's a cond. Is every useful for this problem? Can we easily do this without resorting to lambda expressions?
Thanks in advance for any feedback!
One important aspect of good programming, regardless of the language, is good abstraction. At times, that can be a matter of taste, but here's an example that tries to apply some abstraction to this problem. Once you have your graph and your values, you can define a node-value function that returns the value of a node. Then you can phrase your question as
Is there some node the graph that has the same node value as one of its neighbors?
This isn't too hard to write with some:
(defun adjacent-values-p (graph values)
(flet ((node-value (node)
(cadr (assoc node values))))
(some #'(lambda (node-descriptor)
(destructuring-bind (node neighbors)
(find (node-value node) neighbors
:key #'node-value)))
(adjacent-values-p '((a (b c)))
'((a 1) (b 2) (c 1)))
;=> C
(adjacent-values-p '((a (b c)))
'((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
;=> NIL
That said, even though that might be more Lisp-y in some senses, it might make just as much sense to write it using explicit iteration with dolist:
(defun adjacent-values-p (graph values)
(flet ((node-value (node)
(cadr (assoc node values))))
(dolist (node-descriptor graph)
(destructuring-bind (node neighbors) node-descriptor
(when (member (node-value node) neighbors :key #'node-value)
(return t))))))
This can be even better with loop, which supports some destructuring:
(defun adjacent-values-p (graph values)
(flet ((node-value (node)
(cadr (assoc node values))))
(loop for (node neighbors) in graph
thereis (find (node-value node) neighbors :key #'node-value))))
All of these versions could benefit from storing values in, e.g,. a hashtable for quicker retrieval. Whether this makes sense to do here or not depends on your needs, application domain, etc. Otherwise you'll be retrieving edge labels O(2×|E|), doing a O(|V|) traversal each time. For instance:
(let ((table (make-hash-table)))
(flet ((node-value (node)
(multiple-value-bind (value presentp)
(gethash node table)
(if presentp value
(setf (gethash node table)
(cadr (assoc node values)))))))
;; ...
That caches "on-demand" by not looking up a node value until it's needed. However, since every node value should be needed (assuming that that the list of values provided doesn't contain any extra nodes), it's probably better to just populate the table at the beginning. Then you don't have to do any checks later on, and you only have to traverse the values list once. Thus:
(defun adjacent-values-p (graph values &aux (table (make-hash-table)))
(loop for (node value) in values
doing (setf (gethash node table) value))
(flet ((node-value (node)
(gethash node table)))
;; ...
I have an implementation of BFS I got elsewhere and modified slightly, but I am having problems with its input.
It takes a graph, and will take it as '((a b c) (b c) (c d))
But my input I am giving it is a weighted graph... I know it's not useful for the BFS, but I use the weights farther down the line later. This input looks like
(a (b 3) (c 1))
(b (a 3) (d 1))
(c (a 1) (d2) (e 2))
And so on.
My code:
(defun shortest-path (start end net)
(BFS end (list (list start)) net))
(defun BFS (end queue net)
(if (null queue)
(expand-queue end (car queue) (cdr queue) net)))
(defun expand-queue (end path queue net)
(let ((node (car path)))
(if (eql node end)
(reverse path)
(BFS end
(append queue
(new-paths path node net))
(defun new-paths (path node net)
(mapcar #'(lambda (n)
(cons n path))
(cdr (assoc node net))))
I'm just not sure where I need to most likely modify it to accept the new style list, or make a help function to format it correctly?
You need to specify what the list that represents your graph means. Currently you have only given an example list.
When the graph has a syntax like:
graph = (node*)
node = (name nextnodename*)
name = SYMBOL
nextnodename = SYMBOL
Then a transformation function might be:
(defun convert-graph (graph)
(mapcar (lambda (node)
(destructuring-bind (name . nodes) node
(cons name (mapcar #'first nodes))))
or if you might need other extraction functions:
(defun convert-graph (graph &key (key #'first))
(mapcar (lambda (node)
(destructuring-bind (name . nodes) node
(cons name (mapcar key nodes))))
(convert-graph '((a (b 3) (c 1))
(b (a 3) (d 1))
(c (a 1) (d 2) (e 2)))
:key #'first)
((A B C) (B A D) (C A D E))
Now you might need to remove duplicate links. But this depends on the syntax and semantics of your graph description.