Constant error when using the plot_time_series() function - r

I am trying to plot a graph using the plot_time_series function and keep on getting the following error
> Retail %>%
+ plot_time_series(Date, Profit, .interactive = F)
Error: Problem with `mutate()` input `.value_smooth`.
x No method for class character.
i Input `.value_smooth` is `auto_smooth(...)`.
Any suggestions? I tried uninstalling the timetk package but that didn't work.


plotRGB error when calling plot_map() in rayshader package in R

I'm trying to use the rayshader package in R to plot elevation data, but I'm getting an error when I call the plot_map() function. I can't even get the example to run without running into the following error. Any ideas on how to get this function to run?
error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'plotRGB': unused argument (asp = 1)
Here is the example code that I am calling.
#Here, I load a map with the raster package.
loadzip = tempfile()
download.file("", loadzip)
localtif = raster::raster(unzip(loadzip, "dem_01.tif"))
#And convert it to a matrix:
elmat = raster_to_matrix(localtif)
#We use another one of rayshader's built-in textures:
elmat %>%
sphere_shade(texture = "desert") %>%

ggmosaic: "Discrete value supplied to continuous scale" error when ggplot2/ggmosaic is imported

In my package, I like to create a mosaic plot. In the interactive session, this works well. However, if I call the function from an fresh R session with devtools::load_all, the error "Discrete value supplied to continuous scale" is raised.
Here is a minimum working example:
test_ggmosaic <- function(dat) {
dat <- datasets::mtcars
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=dat)+
ggplot2::aes(weight=mpg,x=ggmosaic::product(gear, cyl), fill=mpg)
) +
Now when this function is defined inside a package, and ggplot2 and ggmosaic are added to the Imports field in the DESCRIPTION file, and I call this function after loading devtools and (via load_all) the package the function is in, I get the error
Fehler: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale
When, on the other hand, I first execute
and then call the function above, the plot appears (and does not make much sense in this example).

I keep getting the same error no matter what from R library rWBclimate

I am trying to use the package "rWBclimate", but nothing works and I keep getting the same error message.
Even when I try running code from the vignette (see code below) I get the same error
I have tried several functions and I have fiddled around with the UTF-settings, I have also updated R and all packages to the latest versions...
usa.dat <- get_model_temp("USA", "mavg", 2080, 2100)
usa.dat.bcc <- usa.dat[usa.dat$gcm == "bccr_bcm2_0", ]
usa.dat.had <- usa.dat[usa.dat$gcm == "ukmo_hadcm3", ]
usa.dat.bcc$ID <- paste(usa.dat.bcc$scenario, usa.dat.bcc$gcm, sep = "-")
usa.dat.had$ID <- paste(usa.dat.had$scenario, usa.dat.had$gcm, sep = "-")
plot.df <- rbind(usa.dat.bcc, usa.dat.had)
ggplot(plot.df, aes(x = as.factor(month), y = data, group = ID, colour =
gcm, linetype = scenario)) + geom_point() + geom_path() + ylab("Average
temperature in degrees C \n between
xlab("Month") + theme_bw()
Error = "No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
Error in rep(locator, dim(data_out)[1]) : invalid 'times' argument"
Any suggestions?
Thank you
The encoding is not the problem here, that is not an error message.
When running vignette this is what pops up for me:
No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
Error in rep(locator, dim(data_out)[1]) : invalid 'times' argument
The first bit is FYI - R is telling you it defaults to UTF-8.
Check the description file in the package of for example tidyverse, ggplot, caret. You will observe that there is a line reading:
Encoding: UTF-8.
In the description file of the package rWBclimate the encoding is missing which I reckon is prompting R's message.
The second bit is the error and I suspect the issue is with the package itself as a quick glance shows some of the functions are not visible to R, ie. check_ISO_codes() returns an error: could not find function "check_ISO_code". I am not entirely sure if the code is even maintained anymore, there were some questions about its status:
If I understand correctly the maintenance was shifted but I am not sure if the package has since been updated in any way.
In any case, hope you get to the bottom of this!

Error ploting sequences in TraMineR R

Just starting to experiment TraMiner, after having read the (very good) User Guide
I managed to create the sequences from my data, but as I'm trying to plot I got the following errors:
> seqiplot($sequences, title="My first sequences", withlegend = TRUE)
Error in, args = plist) :
'what' must be a string or a function
Where does this come from and what can I do about it?
I think you get an error because you override the plot function. This reproduce the error:
plot <- 1,list(0))
Error in, list(0)) :
'what' must be a character string or a function
This should ork:
seqiplot($sequences, title="My first sequences", withlegend = TRUE)
I guess the error shows up because you restricted your sequence state object to the single variable$sequences. Have you tried instead?

Why do I get an error when I run some examples from the online ggplot2 reference manual?

Trying the ggplot2 examples in the online reference manual, and particularly in this page, I fail to produce all but the first of the second example's plots.
> d + stat_density2d(geom="tile", aes(fill = ..density..), contour = FALSE)
Error in `[<`(`*tmp*`, var, value = list(`NA` = NULL)) :
missing values are not allowed in subscripted assignments of data frames
In addition: Warning message:
Removed 34912 rows containing missing values (stat_density2d).
I have R ver. 2.10.1 and ggplot2 ver. 0.8.6
What is wrong?
It seems to be the bug reported here:
