I have a directed multigraph. With this query I tried to find all the nodes that is connected to node with the uuid n1_34
MATCH (n1:Node{uuid: "n1_34"}) -[r]- (n2:Node) RETURN n2, r
This will give me a list of n2 (n1_1187, n2_2280, n2_1834, n2_932 and n2_722) and their relationships among themselves which are exactly what I need.
Nodes n1_1187, n2_2280, n2_1834, n2_932 and n2_722 are connected to the node n1_34
Now I need to order them based on the relationship it has within this subgraph. So for example, n1_1187 should be on top with 4 relationships while the others have 1 relationship.
I followed this post: Extract subgraph from Neo4j graph with Cypher but it gives me the same result as the query above. I also tried to return count(r) but it gives me 1 since it counts all unique relationships not the relationships with a common source/target.
Usually with networkx I can copy this result into a subgraph then count the relationships of each node. Can I do that with neo4j without modifying the current graph? How?
Please help. Or is there other way?
This snippet will recreate your graph for testing purposes:
WITH ['n1_34,n1_1187','n1_34,n2_2280','n1_34,n2_1834','n1_34,n2_722', 'n1_34,n2_932','n1_1187,n2_2280','n1_1187,n2_932','n1_1187,n2_1834', 'n1_1187,n2_722'] AS node_relationships
UNWIND node_relationships as relationship
with split(relationship, ",") as nodes
Once that is run, the graph I'm working with looks like:
Then this CQL will select the nodes in the subgraph and then subsequently count up each of their respective associated links, but only to other nodes existing already in the subgraph:
with collect(distinct(n2)) as subgraph_nodes
unwind subgraph_nodes as subgraph_node
where n3 in subgraph_nodes
return subgraph_node.label, count(r) order by count(r) DESC
Running the above yields the following result:
This query should do what you need :
MATCH (n1:Node{uuid: "n1_34"})-[r]-(n2:Node)
RETURN n1, n2, count(*) AS freq
Using PROFILE to assess the efficiency of some of the existing solutions using #DarrenHick's sample data, the following is the most efficient one I have found, needing only 84 DB hits:
MATCH (n1:Node{label:'n1_34'})-[:LINK]-(n2:Node)
UNWIND nodes AS n
RETURN n, SIZE([(n)-[:LINK]-(n3) WHERE n3 IN nodes | null]) AS cnt
Darren's solution (adjusted to return subgraph_node instead of subgraph_node.label, for parity) requires 92 DB hits.
#LuckyChandrautama's own solution (provided in a comment to Darren's answer, and adjusted to match Darren's sample data), uses 122 DB hits.
This shows the importance of using PROFILE to assess the performance of different Cypher solutions against the actual data. You should try doing that with your actual data to see which one works best for you.
As a Graph DB is a collection of Graphs (1-N), is there a simple way to return the number of Graphs? There are many possibilities to count nodes, properties and relationships, but don't seem to be able to find something on counting Graphs itself, and metadata on those Graphs. Eg returning that there are 5 Graphs of 10 nodes and 15 relationships and 5 Graphs of 5 nodes and 7 relationships ... would be a table if there are many Graphs. On a second level, the same counting on a match result - that is, match some condition, and count the number of Graphs of which the resulting nodes are part of.
[Adding extras]
screendump This is the result of a cypher yielding three distinct Graphs. The easiest one is the one at the bottom right, which is 5 nodes with 4 relationships.
What I would like to get returned is the number 3 (primary goal), as there are 3 Graphs, and for each of them (secondary goal) the number of nodes and relationships contained within them.
Hope this clarifies more.
Something like this?
CALL algo.unionFind.stream() YIELD nodeId, setId
ORDER BY nodesCount DESC LIMIT 100
I am computing the Jaccard similarity index for a category of nodes in a graph using the algo.similarity.jaccard algorithm from the Neo4j graph algorithm's library. Once calculating the Jaccard similarity and indicating a cutoff, I am storing the metric in a relationship between the nodes (this is a feature of the algorithm). I am trying to see the change of the graph over time as I get new data to add into the graph (I will be reloading my CSV file with new data and merging in new nodes/relationships).
A problem I foresee is that once I run the Jaccard algorithm again with the updated graph, it will create duplicate relationships. This is the Neo4j documentation example of the code that I am using:
MATCH (p:Person)-[:LIKES]->(cuisine)
WITH {item:id(p), categories: collect(id(cuisine))} as userData
WITH collect(userData) as data
CALL algo.similarity.jaccard(data, {topK: 1, similarityCutoff: 0.1, write:true})
YIELD nodes, similarityPairs, write, writeRelationshipType, writeProperty, min, max, mean, stdDev, p25, p50, p75, p90, p95, p99, p999, p100
RETURN nodes, similarityPairs, write, writeRelationshipType, writeProperty, min, max, mean, p95
Is there a way to specify I do not want to have duplicate relationships each time I run this code with an updated graph? Manually, I'd use MERGE instead of CREATE but seeing as though this an algorithm from a library, I'm not sure how to go about that. FYI I will not have the ability to add changes to a library plug in and it seems like there is no way to store the relationship under a different label such as SIMILARITY2.
There are at least 2 ways to avoid duplicate relationships from multiple calls to algo.similarity.jaccard:
Delete the existing relationships (by default, they have the SIMILAR type) before each call. This is probably the easiest approach.
Omit the write:true option when making the calls (so that the procedure won't create relationships at all), and write your own Cypher code to optionally create relationships that do not already exist (using MERGE).
Here is an example of the second approach (using the
algo.similarity.jaccard.stream variant of the procedure, which yields more useful values for our purposes):
MATCH (p:Person)-[:LIKES]->(cuisine)
WITH {item:id(p), categories: collect(id(cuisine))} as userData
WITH collect(userData) as data
CALL algo.similarity.jaccard.stream(data, {topK: 1, similarityCutoff: 0.1})
YIELD item1, item2, similarity
WHERE item1 < item2
WITH algo.getNodeById(item1) AS n1, algo.getNodeById(item2) AS n2, similarity
MERGE (n1)-[s:SIMILAR]-(n2)
SET s.score = similarity
Since the procedure will return the same node pair twice (with the same similarity score), the WHERE clause is used to filter out one of the pairs, to speed up processing. The algo.getNodeById() utility function is used to get a node by its native ID. And the MERGE clause's relationship pattern does not specify a value for score, so that it will match an existing relationship even if it has a different value. The SET clause for setting the score is placed after the MERGE, which also helps to ensure the value is up to date.
I am getting a confusion related to FROM and FROM NAMED graphs in SPARQL. I did read the specifications relating to these two construct in the SPARQL Specifications. I just want to confirm my understanding.
Suppose an RDF Dataset is located at IRI I. I is made up of:
a default graph G
3 named graphs {(I1,G1), (I2,G2), (I3,G3)}
Now, suppose I have a SPARQL query:
So if I understand, to evaluate this query, the SPARQL service may construct the active graph at the back, this active merge will contain:
a default graph which is the merge of I and I1
a named graph I2
Is this understanding right?
The FROM, FROM NAMED clauses describe the dataset to be queried. How that comes into being is not part of the SPARQL spec. There is a universe of graphs from which I, I1, and I2 are taken.
You are correct that the dataset for the query will have a default graph which is the merge of I and I1, and also a named graph I2.
Whether those are taken from the underlying dataset is implementation dependent. It is a common thing to provide (the universe of graphs is the named graphs in the dataset) but it is also possible that the I, I1, and I2 are taken from the web (the universe of graphs is the web).
I want to generate a graph from a csv file. The rows are the vertices and the columns the attributes. I want to generate the edges by similarity on the vertices (not necessarily with weights) in a way, that when two vertices have the same value of some attribute, an edge between those two will have the same attribute with value 1 or true.
The simplest cypher query that occurs to me looks somewhat like this:
Match (a:LABEL), (b:LABEL)
WHERE a.attr = b.attr
CREATE (a)-[r:SIMILAR {attr : 1}]->(b)
The graph has about 148000 vertices and the Java Heap Sizeoption is: dynamically calculated based on available system resources.
The query I posted gives a Neo.DatabaseError.General.UnknownFailure with a hint to Java Heap Space above.
A problem I could think of, is that a huge cartesian product is build first to then look for matches to create edges. Is there a smarter, maybe a consecutive way to do that?
I think you need a little change model: no need to connect every node to each other by the value of a particular attribute. It is better to have a an intermediate node to which you will bind the nodes with the same value attribute.
This can be done at the export time or later.
For example:
Match (A:LABEL) Where A.attr Is Not Null
Merge (S:Similar {propName: 'attr', propValue: A.attr})
Merge (A)-[r:Similar]->(S)
Later with separate query you can remove similar node with only one connection (no other nodes with an equal value of this attribute):
Match (S:Similar)<-[r]-()
With S, count(r) As r Where r=1
Detach Delete S
If you need connect by all props, you can use next query:
Match (A:LABEL) Where A.attr Is Not Null
With A, Keys(A) As keys
Unwind keys as key
Merge (S:Similar {propName: key, propValue: A[key]})
Merge (A)-[:Similar]->(S)
You're right that a huuuge cartesian product will be produced.
You can iterate the a nodes in batches of 1000 for eg and run the query by incrementing the SKIP value on every iteration until it returns 0.
MATCH (a:Label)
MATCH (b:Label)
WHERE b.attr = a.attr AND id(b) > id(a)
CREATE (a)-[:SIMILAR_TO {attr: 1}]->(b)
RETURN count(*) as c
We are using Neo4j to find best-matches for a speed-dating type of conference. Prior to the conference each Person fills out a form that specifies:
Languages (one or more)
Location (one to five preferred)
Interests (one to five interests)
We've ingested the data into Neo4j such that People, Languages, Locations, and Interests are all node types. The labels on the nodes represent the literal values e.g. (Person:Dave)->[r:knows]->(Language:English).
We would like to iterate through all Person nodes and find all matches to other Person nodes who have the same Language and Location and Interests.
In pseudocode: Languages(English||Spanish) && Location (Maryland||DC||Virginia) && Interests(Books||Movies||Food||Sports)
I'm pretty new to Cypher so I would appreciate any help. Thanks!
Try something like this
Match (p:Person) with p
// skip 0 limit 1000 -optional if you have big data
Match (p)-[r:SPEAKS]->(l:Language)<-[r2:SPEAKS]-(p2:Person),
where id(p) < id(p2)
Return distinct p, p2
You might use different way to exclude duplicates (id(p) < id(p2) ) as it woun't work with limit