Compare actual file with file at specific baseline - unix

I'm using clearcase, I want to compare a file in my wiew and his version at a specific baseline.
I can open version tree and see my baseline but I want to do that with command line.
My purpose is to do something like :
> file.c baseline
This will open bcompare and compare my actual file vs the version baseline
How can I do that ?
I can do :
> cleartool lsvtree myfile | grep myBaseline
But is there is no changes at myBaline it doesn't work.

First, make sure to try that in a dynamic view
Then check out the concept of version extended path: using a pathname_ccase syntax, you can add characters to the end of a relative or full path name, turning it into a VOB-extended path name.
VOB-extended path names that specify versions of elements are the most commonly used; they are called version-extended path names.
That means you can:
find the version of the file with as label the Baseline name: see "How to search files by label"
compare that extended path name with the one currently visible in your view.
The idea is: in a dynamic view, you can access (read the content of) any version of a file through the extended pathname.
Which means you can execute bcompare on those contents (the one with the extended path, and the one currently visible in your view)
Of course, if this is an incremental baseline (instead of full), you might need a cleartool chbl -full to convert it to a full baseline, applying the UCM associated label to all files.

If you do a cleartool describe baseline:mybaseline#\myvobtag you will probably find that your baseline is an incremental baseline. Incremental baselines do not have a label on the version if it was changed in a prior baseline and not the current one...
cleartool diffbl -versions {baseline} {current stream} | grep {filename} can be used to find the version of the target file that is in the baseline, which you can use to do the compare...


ZSH - print java version in right prompt

I have a daily use case where I need to work with projects on different version of Java (8, 11, ...).
I would like to have it displayed in the right side prompt in my shell (ZSH with Oh-My-Zsh). I know of a dummy way (computationally expensive) to do it (just java --version to var and display it). I would like it to have it cached until I don't source a file (which is a specific project file that sets the new env vars for different java versions).
Do you have any ideas how to do this efficiently?
The PROMPT and RPROMPT variables can have both static and dynamic parts, so you can set the version there when you source the project file, and it will only be calculated one time. The trick is to get the quoting right.
This line goes in the project file that sets the env variables, somewhere after setting PATH to include the preferred java executable:
RPROMPT="${${=$(java --version)}[1,3]}"
The pieces:
RPROMPT= - variable for the right-side prompt.
"..." - the critical part. Variables in double quotes will be expanded then and there, so the commands within this will only be executed when the project file is sourced.
${...[1,3]} - selects the first three words of the enclosed expression. On my system, java --version returns three lines of data, which is way too big for a prompt; this reduces it to something manageable.
${=...} - splits the enclosed value into words.
$(java --version) - jre version info.

Customizing Powerleve10k prompt

I just added the Powerlevel10k theme to my zsh and i'm trying to configure certain parts.
It currently looks like this:
The ~/.p10k.zsh has a lot of configurations done and I've been trying to change certain things but i'm not there yet.
I don't want to print the whole path on the left prompt, just the directory. Also, not sure what those numbers indicate in the git section. And the right prompt is displaying my ruby version, although I haven't used Ruby in ages and want to change it to a different setting.
I've tried adding a PS1=... to .zshrc but it seems to be overriden by the P10K config file.
Any suggestions?
Display only the last directory segment
Open ~/.p10k.zsh.
Change the value of this parameter to truncate_to_last.
Alternatively, change the value of POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MAX_LENGTH to 1. This will maximally shorten current directory while keeping the transformation reversible. You can restore the original directory by copy-pasting the shortened directory to the command line and pressing TAB.
Ruby version
Powerlevel10k has several prompt segments that can display Ruby version. By default only those are enabled that display Ruby version when it has been manually overridden by some tool (e.g., rbenv or asdf).
To remove Ruby version from prompt:
Open ~/.p10k.zsh.
Remove or comment out the following elements: rbenv, rvm and asdf.
Alternatively (and perhaps preferably), find out which tool is overriding Ruby version for you and remove the override if you no longer need it.
shorten dir segment to show only deepest directory
To show only last n significant path segments, you can set following in your config .zshrc, e.g n=1 means show only last folder in present working directory:
explain Git symbols
The question/exclamation mark in Git segment (vcs segment, next to path) means the number of files untracked (?) and unstaged (!). For detailed description see What do different symbols in Git status mean?
change version segment
You can change the version segment (on the right of prompt) to reflect another tool. For example to replace shown ruby version by python version replace the element within right promt elements in your config .zshrc:

remove log information from report and save report in desire location

I am new to robot framework and wanted to see if i can get any simple code for custom report. I am also fine with answer to my problem. I went through all questions related to report but could not find any specific answer to my problem. currently my report contains log and wanted to see if i can remove log information from reports and save report in specific location. I just want to get PASS/FAIL information in my report. Can any one give me example how i can overcome this problem? I also need to know how i can save my report in different location. Any example would be helpful. Thank you in advance.
There is a tool called Rebot which is part of Robot Framework.
By default, Robot Framework creates XML reports. The XML reports are automatically converted into HTML reports by Rebot.
You can set the location of the output files in the execution by specifying the parameter --outputdir (and thus set a different base directory for outputs).
From the documentaiton:
All output files can be set using an absolute path, in which case they are created to the specified place, but in other cases, the path is considered relative to the output directory. The default output directory is the directory where the execution is started from, but it can be altered with the --outputdir (-d) option. The path set with this option is, again, relative to the execution directory, but can naturally be given also as an absolute path. Regardless of how a path to an individual output file is obtained, its parent directory is created automatically, if it does not exist already.
You can call Rebot yourself to control this conversion.
You can also run Rebot after the test was run in order to create new output on a different location.
See documentation in:
The following example shows how to store the HTML reports in a different location and including only partial data:
rebot --include smoke --name Smoke_Tests c:\results\output.xml --outputdir c:\version1.0\reports
In the example above, we process the file c:\results\output.xml, create a new report called Smoke_Tests that includes only tests with the tag smoke and save it to the output folder c:\version1.0\reports
In addition you can also set the location of the log file (HTML) from the execution.
The command line option --log (-l) determines where log files are created.
The command line option --report (-r) determines where report files are created
Removing log lines can be done a bit differently. If you run rebot --help you'll get the following options:
--removekeywords all|passed|for|wuks|name: * Remove keyword data
from all generated outputs. Keywords containing
warnings are not removed except in `all` mode.
all: remove data from all keywords
passed: remove data only from keywords in passed
test cases and suites
for: remove passed iterations from for loops
wuks: remove all but the last failing keyword
inside `BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds`
name:: remove data from keywords that match
the given pattern. The pattern is matched
against the full name of the keyword (e.g.
'MyLib.Keyword', 'resource.Second Keyword'),
is case, space, and underscore insensitive,
and may contain `*` and `?` as wildcards.
Examples: --removekeywords name:Lib.HugeKw
--removekeywords name:myresource.*
--flattenkeywords for|foritem|name: * Flattens matching keywords
in all generated outputs. Matching keywords get all
log messages from their child keywords and children
are discarded otherwise.
for: flatten for loops fully
foritem: flatten individual for loop iterations
name:: flatten matched keywords using same
matching rules as with
`--removekeywords name:`

make does not realize that a relative path name dependency is the same as an absolute pathname target

The following is a simplified makefile for a problem I'm having:
all: /tmp/makey/../filey
#echo All done
#echo Filey
When I run make it says:
make-3.79.1-p7: * No rule to make target /tmp/makey/../filey', needed byall'. Stop.
Clearly it does not realize that /tmp/makey/../filey is the same as /tmp/filey. Any ideas how I can make this work?
-- Murali
Newer versions of GNU make have $(abspath ...) and $(realpath ...) functions you can apply to your prerequisites and targets to resolve the paths to the same string. If you've constructed these names yourself (for example, $(PREFIX)/../filey) then you can use $(dir $(PREFIX))filey instead.
Other than that, there's no way to solve this problem. Make uses string matching on targets and if the strings are not identical, they don't match (there's a special case to ignore the simple prefix ./) Even if make understood this distinction (by applying abspath itself to each target name, maybe) it would still not help in the face of symbolic links for example.
The only "real" answer would be for make to understand something about the underlying file system (device IDs and inodes for example) that let you talk about files without referring to their pathname. However, in a portable program like make doing this is problematic.

How to get coordinates of an svg?

How can I find out the coordinates of an svg? I have an Adobe Illustrator file that contains a map, this has been drawn and separated into US states, how can I find the coordinates of each state?
I'm just using the US map as an example, I'm going to potentially use this technique for several other maps (much more local!!).
Inkscape does that beautifully. It has a command interface, described in . (The link is to a copy of the manual on the website of its author, Tavmjong Bah. Note that it warns that the manual hasn't been updated for the latest version of Inkscape. However, the command worked fine when I tried it.)
This command
inkscape -S some_file.svg
will output lines containing an element id, the x and y coordinates of the top-left corner, and the element's width and height. There is one line for each element of the SVG. Here's an example:
This example comes from . It extracts information from an SVG which includes a star shape, shown on my first link.
On my Windows 10 system, Inkscape lives in c:\Program Files\Inkscape\ , and the executables are in the bin\ subdirectory of that. If I cd to that subdirectory, Windows will recognise the inkscape command; likewise if I use the full path to the executable from somewhere else, e.g.
"c:\Program Files\Inkscape"\bin\inkscape -S some_file.svg
Putting it on my PATH would presumably also work.
Inkscape has a lot of other commands, which include others for extracting information about object positions and sizes. The latter are called "query commands". One can extract information about a specified object, e.g.
inkscape --query-id=zoom-in -X /usr/share/inkscape/icons/icons.svg
This is an example of finding the x position of the zoom-in icon in the default icon file on a Linux system.
To save the output to a file, use > . E.g.
"c:\Program Files\Inkscape"\bin\inkscape -S some_file.svg > coords.txt
As it's reassuring to see actual examples, here are two screenshots of this working.
Once you have the data in a file, you can read it into programs. Below is a screenshot of me doing this in the R programming language, using the read_csv function ( ). This puts the data into a table, which I then displayed.
SVG have an XML structure. The states will be in <path> tags, hopefully with the name of the state somewhere as an attribute. The coordinates of a path are defined by the d attribute, but they can get quite complex as they can be relative or absolute and have various types of curves. With curves, it's probably simplest to consider just the final two values, which is where the curve ends.
For full details, see:
The situation may be more complex if further transforms are applied to the paths. Good luck!
