I’m researching options to upgrade a legacy TCP socket protocol where either end can initiate messages/transactions and am intrigued by gRPC as an option.
My criteria are:
supports authentication
layer 7 (vs layer 4 for current implementation)
supports TLS
From what I’ve read so far, gRPC has all this. However, it’s not clear to me that it has peer-peer capabilities. The behavior I’m interested in is:
client can request info and send commands to server (supported)
server can send updates to client on its own initiative (supported)
#1 can happen while #2 is happening
It seems to me that defining a server stream for case #2 would work. It’d basically be a
// use case 2
rpc SubscribeToEvents(EventsSubscriptionRequest) returns (stream EventDescriptor);
But would I also be able to use case #1 while #2 was active?
// use case 1
rpc GetValue(ValueRequest) returns (ValueResponse);
Thanks in advance for your help and advice.
Assuming you use a multi-threaded implementation, it's possible for both #1 and #2 concurrently.
However, you describe a client-server scenario not peer-peer; the client must initiate both #1 (unary) and #2 (streaming) RPCs.
True peer-peer would have the endpoints implement client and server such that either peer could initiate (unary and|or streaming) RPCs against another.
You could have both sides be both client and server, as the other answer suggests. But if you are okay with having the client be the one to initiate the connection and the stream, you could use a single bidirectional stream between the two sides. Once the client initiates the stream, the client and server can each send messages on the stream whenever they want to.
SSEs are advertised as a unidirectional communication tool to be used from server to client. I have a requirement to broadcast data to all clients and so i was wondering how SSEs behave on a low level. I cannot seem to find any low level information about SSEs online.
Primarily i would like to know if, after sending the data, does the server wait for a response from the client to confirm it has received the data before finishing the "send". That would mean that doing a broadcast using a for loop would be quiet dangerous and slow in which case websockets might be the better options.
Perhaps the implementation depends entirely on the language and framework? Is it not standardized?
Broadcast usually uses UDP which does not wait for a response. - - Broadcasting ip:port by socket server
.. says
UDP Packet: First four bytes as a magic number, next four bytes an IPv4 address (and you might want to add other things like a server name).
The magic number is just in case there is a collision with another application using the same port. Check both the length of the packet and the magic number.
Server would broadcast the packet at something like 30 second time intervals. (Alternatively you could have the server send a response only when a client sends a request via broadcast.)
So the client app would have to send a request back to the server app.
Different protocols would get different responses according the the underlying technology. eg HTTP uses responses extnsivly.
SSE and WebSockets are both over TCP, so there could be a wait before the socket could be used to send further data.
However, each client is a dedicated socket. So server-side you would be using threads or async coding (depending on the server-side language and its conventions). So looping through all the sockets to send a message to each client would be fine and quick.
My job is to write a distributed client/server application with some concurrent tasks. So i decided to use akka.net for the concurrency issues. To implement the ipc between server and client akka remote is used. For some reasons there may run more than one client of the same type on a workstation. So i configured these clients for dynamic assignment of a tcp port. This worked fine for sending messages to the server.
My problem is to push some information to the clients. To accomplish this task an actor on the client exist. Now the server creates a reference for this actor. Therefor it needs the port the client is listening on . My idea is to send the tcp port the client uses to the server in some sort of connection procedure using a actor on the server.
After searching for some hours I didn't find any hint where to find the dynamically assigned tcp port. So how would the client get the assigned tcp port?
Ok, I could use akka.cluster. But using akka.cluster is breaking a fly on the wheel, I think. And if it solves my issue reamins to be seen.
Two suggestions, assuming that it is your client that makes the first contact with the server.
I'd have the server keep track of which clients are connected. I'd probably have a heartbeat message that gets sent once every few seconds from each client system. This way you can store an IActorRef for each alive client and send messages back without the need for finding the port. IActorRefs are preferable wherever possible for location transparency.
If you actually need to explicitly find the port, you may be able to extract it from the Path property of the IActorRef of one of the actors on the client system.
Thanks to patricks suggestions my issue is solved.
The solution is to extract the needed information from the senders path available while executing the hello message. With this information the server is able to maintain a list of all connected clients and theire network address.
Thanks a lot # patrick.
Regards Gregor
I have a C++ 0MQ application that does a bind() and sends messages using a PUSH socket. I want to ensure that these messages get sent to no more than one client.
Is there a way to allow just one client to .connect(), and then reject connections from all subsequent clients?
If your server application uses a ROUTER socket instead of PUSH, it has more control over the connections. The first frame of each message contains the id of the sender, so the server can treat one connection specially.
To make this work, the protocol has to be a little more complicated than a simple PUSH/PULL. One way is for the connections to be DEALER sockets, whose first action is to sent an "I'm here" message to the server. The server then knows the id of the connections, and treats the first one specially. Any other connections can be rejected with a "You shouldn't be here" message to the other connections, which of course they must understand and act on it by disconnecting themselves.
After the first "I'm here" message, the clients do not need to send any more messages. They can just sit there waiting for messages from the server, exactly the same as PUSH/PULL.
Yes, there is
While the genuine ZeroMQ messaging framework has lot of built-in features, it allows to integrate additional abstract layers, that can solve your task and many other, custom-specific, needs. So do not worry that there is not a direct API call for doing what you need.
How to do it?
Assuming your formal architecture is given, the viable approach would be to re-use networking security trick known as "port-knocking".
This trick adds an "introduction" phase on a publicly known aPortToKnockAt, after which ( upon having successfully met the condition(s) -- in your case being the first client to have asked for / to have completed a .connect() -- another, working, port is being used privately for a "transport" phase ( and in your case, the original port is being closed ).
This way your application does not devastate either local-side, or the remote-side resources as aPortToKnockAt provides means to protect soliton-archetype only handshaking and forthcoming attempts to knock there will find just a .close()-ed door ( and will handle that remotely ), so a sort of a very efficient passive reject is being achieved.
I am trying to create a Web Server of my own and there are several questions about working of Web servers we are using today. Questions are:
After receiving a HTTP request from a client through port 80, does server respond using same port 80?
If yes then while sending a large file say a pic in MB's, webserver will be unable to receive requests from other clients?
Is a computer port duplex or simplex? (Can it send and receive at the same time)?
If another port on server side is used to send response to client, then (if TCP is used, which is generally used), again 3-way handshaking will be done which will be overhead...
http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/output/html/singlepage/bgnet.html here is a good guide on what's going on with webservers, although it's in c but the concepts are all there. This will explain the whole client server relationship as well as some implementation details.
I'll just give a high level on what's going on:
Usually what happens is when your server gets a new request that comes in it creates a fork that will process it, that way you are not bogged down by each request, when the request comes in the child process is handed a new file to write to(again this is all implementation details).
So really you have one server waiting for requests and for each request it received it spawns a child to process to deal with this request. I'm sure there are much easier languages to implement this stuff than c(I had to do both a c and java server serving to either one in my past) but c really gets you to understand the things that are going on and I'm betting that is what you are looking for here
Now there are a couple of things to think about:
how you want the webserver to work. The example explains the parent child process.
Do you want to use tcp/UDP there are differences in the way to payload gets delivered.
You don't have to connect on port 80. that's just the default for web.
Hopefully the guide will help you.
Yes. The server sends the response using the TCP connection established by the client, so it also responds using the same port. The server can handle connections from multiple clients using the same port because TCP connections are identified by (local-ip, local-port, remote-ip, remote-port), so the server can even handle multiple connections from same client provided that the source ports are different.
There are different techniques you can use to be able to serve multiple clients at the same time. These include
using multiple processes or threads: when one is busy serving a client the others can serve other clients.
using events: the server listens for events from the OS: when it can write a block of data to a connection it writes it, when a new client connects it accepts the connection, ...
Frequently both approaches are be combined.
A TCP connection is duplex: you can send and receive at the same time. The HTTP protocol is based on a simple request-response model though: at any given time only one party is "talking."
I'm building a client that "talks" to the http server. Now my client needs to download files simultaneously. Right now my client just opens a socket (actually Async Socket) for every connection, but I was wondering whether I could do that with just one socket?
You can have multiple requests on the same socket but they must be sequentially handled. In HTTP this is called a persistent connection and you can accomplish it using the keep-alive header.
If you want to download 2 files individually at the same time you'd need 2 separate connections.
Take a look at RFC 2616 section 8 "Connections".