I am stuck... I was under the impression using Stripe in a Xamarin Forms application was easy, but that doesn't seem to be the case any more.
I have a Xamarin Forms (both Android and iOS) app that I want to integrate with Stripe for payments. I have an API which creates a Payment intent, submits the amount and currency etc using the Stripe.net NuGet extension, and returns a client secret... but it turns out, there is no Stripe client available to use this client secret.
There are Android and iOS native elements controls which I should be able to somehow include in my Xamarin Forms application or the use of a webview and using stripe.js.
Can anyone tell me which of these two options is most suitable? I have never used binding for including Android and iOS packages (I'm not clued up on the individual platforms) and the webview seems to me to be a poor UX... I'm only speculating, because I don't know... I'm hoping there is someone on here who has experience with Xamarin FOrms and Stripe who can point me in the right direction.
I am creating an iOS application using Xamarin Forms which is a copy of an Android application written in Kotlin.
There is a section that lists all the applications installed in the current device by the user. I want to implement the same functionality in the iOS application too.
Is it possible to get the applications list in iOS through Xamarin Forms?
This is impossible on iOS and it is not possible on Android either if you target latest API levels, so in some future when those API levels become required on Google Play you won't be able to do this.
This is a huge privacy issue, as having the list of apps may reveal something very personal and private and as soon as the app has it there is nothing that prevents it to send the info to the 3rd party server.
I'm implementing PayUMoney in Xamarin Forms. PayUMoney don't have any official SDKs for Xamarin so handling it natively using Hybrid Webview.
In Android it's working fine like I'm able to get Javascript callbacks on Success and Failure of the payment but in iOS, I'm not getting callbacks.
I don't know how should we write Javascript for this webview and evaluate it. I'm unable to find it after exploring.
It would be very helpful if anyone helps in this. Thanks
I’m currently developing a Xamarin Forms (to target both Android and iPhone) mobile application (code sharing strategy – .NET Standard) and I want to integrate Twilio Chat feature into it. While searching for related documents I have seen some posts (https://www.twilio.com/blog/2016/05/how-to-build-android-chat-apps-using-xamarin-and-twilio.html) and looks outdated. I have tried to add the "Twilio IP Messaging for Xamarin" package from Nuget but it's not listing out there. While searching I have found a similar package called "Twilio.Chat.Xamarin"(https://github.com/twilio/TwilioChatXamarinBindings) but it seems to be native and using shared code sharing strategy. Some of them say (https://github.com/twilio/twilio-chat-demo-android/issues/21#issuecomment-468183784) that support for .NET Standard is not available at the moment. Is this true? Are there any methods to integrate Twilio chat feature into .NET Standard Xamarin Forms project? It would be nice if you can share your thoughts or some links so that I can take a look.
Got response from Twilio support:
Unfortunately, Twilio does not fully support Xamarin, our team has
authored Xamarin bindings which can be found here:
https://github.com/twilio/TwilioChatXamarinBindings. That being said,
Twilio Support can only provide support for our JS SDK which the
Xamarin bindings make use of.
Is there a way to achieve SSO in Xamarin forms app. I have done some basic research and have zeroed down on 2 approaches for Authenticating my enterprise apps.
1.) Use microsoft company portal intune. For this I would be creating a new sample app, registering it in Azure AD, configure InTunes in Azure, installing Microsoft Authenticator,use InTune nuget packages for Xamarin forms side of code.
For this do we have any steps on how to achieve the same or some head way, regarding app registration and configuration in InTune, configuration of new URI for app, code changes at App end, in order to invoke Authenticator, code snippets for Xamarin Forms and not for Native apps.
2.) Leverage Service Broker. I had found this link, which expands on the same, but could not get any ADAL DLL's to achieve the same.
So do we have any concrete or recommended approaches in achieving SSO with microsoft authenticators for Xamarin Forms Apps, would be glad to know more.
Thanks In Advance!!!..
Is it possible to implement the payment gateway solution in a cross-platform xamarin application.
From a web app we can implement that and the payment page will be opened in gateway provider page. But when it comes to cross platform mobile app we are using xaml pages to design the android pages and have to handle the payment options from this xaml views.
Apple only requires In App purchases if the payment is for digital goods. If you are paying for physical goods, for instance (like my app Waitress.com does), Apple actually mandates that you CANNOT use in app purchases. Same thing with Google.
As to the question (if you are selling physical goods), I am currently looking for the same thing, a payment provider with a .NET client SDK that can work cross platform for Xamarin. If you only need iOS and Android the best option I have found seems to be Stripe, which has a xamarin component: https://components.xamarin.com/view/stripe
For UWP I am contemplating using a web view to tokenize the cards... not very elegant, but could perhaps work.
Possible? Yes.
However any purchases done from within your app on iOS will have to use Apple In App Purchases or Apple will not accept it into the store.
Google TOS likewise requires that any purchases done within your app utilizes Google In app Billing or it can be removed from their store. So though it is possible to create a single billing handler that uses say paypal for both ios and droid purchases. No one has bothered since there is no way to distribute such an app.
You can code an interface for billing in your forms app. Then use an IOC container to inject different versions of that interface on each platform. In iOS use the InAppPurchase Componet and for Droid use the InAppBilling componet. Both componets work basically the same. Different methods etc but same basic concept.