how to access rownames in a chained data.table of R - r

We need rownames sometimes to create a new column that is a function of previous columns but aggregated just for one row (each row). In other words the function is operating across the row.
Consider this:
dt <- data.table(lon=77+rnorm(100),lat=13 + rnorm(100),i.lon=77+rnorm(100), + rnorm(100))
dt[,dist:=distGeo(p1=c(lon,lat),p2=c(i.lon,,by=rownames(dt)] # correct
The second line of code works fine as the data.table name dt is available inside the square brackets (which in itself does not look quite elegant to me), but not always.
What if there is a chain of data.tables? Consider this extension of previous example:
dt[lon>77 & lat<12.5][,dist:=distGeo(p1=c(lon,lat),p2=c(i.lon,,by=rownames(dt)] # incorrect
Clearly this is an incorrect use as rownames(dt) is a different length than the subsetted data.table passed inside to the next in chain.
I guess my larger question is: Is rownames() the only way to achieve summarisation on each row? If not then the specific question remains: how do we access the data.table inside the by= construct if it is a chained data.table?

Try cbind:
dt <- data.table(lon=77+rnorm(100),lat=13 + rnorm(100),i.lon=77+rnorm(100), + rnorm(100))
# correct : 100 lines
dt[lon>77 & lat<12.5][,dist:=distGeo(p1=cbind(lon,lat),p2=cbind(i.lon,]
# also correct : 16 lines
:= works on each row without need for summarization.
cbind allows to supply the expexted n*2 lat-lon matrix to the function.


improving specific code efficiency - *base R* alternative to for() loop solution

Looking for a vectorized base R solution for my own edification. I'm assigning a value to a column in a data frame based on a value in another column in the data frame.
My solution creates a named vector of possible codes, looks up the code in the original column, subsets the named list by the value found, and assigns the resulting name to the new column. I'm sure there's a way to do exactly this using the named vector I created that doesn't need a for loop; is it some version of apply?
dplyr is great and useful and I'm not looking for a solution that uses it.
# reference vector for assigning more readable text to this table
tempAssessmentCodes <- setNames(c(600,301,302,601,303,304,602,305,306,603,307,308,604,309,310,605,311,312,606,699),
for(i in 1:nrow(rawDisp)){
rawDisp$assessText[i] <- names(tempAssessmentCodes)[tempAssessmentCodes==rawDisp$assessment[i]]
The standard way is to use match():
rawDisp$assessText <- names(tempAssessmentCodes)[match(rawDisp$assessment, tempAssessmentCodes)]
For each y element match(x, y) will find a corresponding element index in x. Then we use the names of y for replacing values with names.
Personally, I do it the opposite way - make tempAssesmentCodes have names that correspond to old codes, and values correspond to new codes:
codes <- setNames(names(tempAssessmentCodes), tempAssessmentCodes)
Then simply select elements from the new codes using the names (old codes):
rawDisp$assessText <- codes[as.character(rawDisp$assessment)]

How do I apply a function to specific columns in a dataframe and replace the original columns?

I have got a large dataframe containing medical data (
A number of columns contain dates (e.g. hospital admission date), the names of each of these columns end in "_date".
I would like to apply the lubridate::dmy() function to the columns that contain dates and overwrite my original dataframe with the output of this function.
It would be great to have a general solution that can be applied using any function, not just my dmy() example.
Essentially, I want to apply the following to all of my date columns:$admission_date <- lubridate::dmy($admission_date)$operation_date <- lubridate::dmy($operation_date)
I've tried this:
date.columns <- select(ICB, ends_with("_date"))
date.names <- names(date.columns)
date.columns <- transmute_at(, date.names, lubridate::dmy)
Now date.columns contains my date columns, in the "Date" format, rather than the original factors. Now I want to replace the date columns in with the new columns in the correct format. <- full_join(x =, y = date.columns)
Now I get:
Error: cannot join a Date object with an object that is not a Date object
I'm a bit of an R novice, but I suspect that there is an easier way to do this (e.g. process the original dataframe directly), or maybe a correct way to join / merge the two dataframes.
As usual it's difficult to answer without an example dataset, but this should do the work:
library(dplyr) <- %>%
mutate_at(vars(ends_with('_date')), lubridate::dmy)
This will mutate in place each variable that end with '_date', applying the function. It can also apply multiple functions. See ?mutate_at (which is also the help for mutate_if)
Several ways to do that.
If you work with voluminous data, I think data.table is the best approach (will bring you flexibility, speed and memory efficiency)
You can use the := (update by reference operator) together with lapplỳ to apply lubridate::ymd to all columns defined in .SDcols dimension
cols_to_change <- endsWith("_date", colnames([, c(cols_to_change) := lapply(.SD, lubridate::ymd), .SDcols = cols_to_change]
base R
A standard lapply can also help. You could try something like that (I did not test it)[, cols_to_change] <- lapply(cols_to_change, function(d) lubridate::ymd([,d]))

R: create data.table with periodic function

I would like to create a data.table in tidy form containing the columns articleID, period and demand (with articleID and period as key). The demand is subject to a random function with input data from another data.frame (params). It is created at runtime for differing numbers of periods.
It is easy to do this in "non-tidy" form:
#example data
params <- data.frame(shape=runif(10), rate=runif(10)*2)
rownames(params) <- letters[1:10]
periods <- 10
# create non-tidy data with one column for each period
df <- replicate(nrow(params),
rgamma(periods,shape=params[,"shape"], rate=params[,"rate"]))
rownames(df) <- rownames(params)
Is there a "tidy" way to do this creation? I would need to replicate the rgamma(), but I am not sure how to make it use the parameters of the corresponding article. I tried starting with a Cross Join from data.table:
dt <- CJ(articleID=rownames(params), per=1:periods, demand=0)
but I don't know how to pass the rgamma to the dt[,demand] directly and correctly at creation nor how to change the values now without using some ugly for loop. I also considered using gather() from the tidyr package, but as far as I can see, I would need to use a for loop either.
It does not really matter to me whether I use data.frame or data.table for my current use case. Solutions for any (or both!) would be highly appreciated.
This'll do (note that it assumes that params is sorted by row names, if not you can convert it to a data.table and merge the two):
CJ(articleID=rownames(params), per=1:periods)[,
demand := rgamma(.N, shape=params[,"shape"], rate=params[,"rate"]), by = per]

Rename multiple dataframe columns, referenced by current names

I want to rename some random columns of a large data frame and I want to use the current column names, not the indexes. Column indexes might change if I add or remove columns to the data, so I figure using the existing column names is a more stable solution.
This is what I have now:
mydf = merge(df.1, df.2)
colnames(mydf)[which(colnames(mydf) == "MyName.1")] = "MyNewName"
Can I simplify this code, either the original merge() call or just the second line? "MyName.1" is actually the result of an xts merge of two different xts objects.
The trouble with changing column names of a data.frame is that, almost unbelievably, the entire data.frame is copied. Even when it's in .GlobalEnv and no other variable points to it.
The data.table package has a setnames() function which changes column names by reference without copying the whole dataset. data.table is different in that it doesn't copy-on-write, which can be very important for large datasets. (You did say your data set was large.). Simply provide the old and the new names:
setnames(DT,"MyName.1", "MyNewName")
# or more explicit:
setnames(DT, old = "MyName.1", new = "MyNewName")
names(mydf)[names(mydf) == "MyName.1"] = "MyNewName" # 13 characters shorter.
Although, you may want to replace a vector eventually. In that case, use %in% instead of == and set MyName.1 as a vector of equal length to MyNewName
plyr has a rename function for just this purpose:
mydf <- rename(mydf, c("MyName.1" = "MyNewName"))
names(mydf) <- sub("MyName\\.1", "MyNewName", names(mydf))
This would generalize better to a multiple-name-change strategy if you put a stem as a pattern to be replaced using gsub instead of sub.
You can use the str_replace function of the stringr package:
names(mydf) <- str_replace(names(mydf), "MyName.1", "MyNewName")

first row for non-aggregate functions

I use ddply to avoid redundant calculations.
I am often dealing with values that are conserved within the split subsets, and doing non-aggregate analysis. So to avoid this (a toy example):
Error in list_to_dataframe(res, attr(.data, "split_labels")) :
Results do not have equal lengths
I have to take the first row of each mini data frame.
Is there a different approach or a helper I should be using? This syntax seems awkward.
Note: paste in my example is just for show - don't take it too literally. Imagine this is actual function:
You might find data.table a little easier and faster in this case. The equivalent of .() variables is by= :
DT[, { paste(id,year,sep="_") }, by=list(id,year) ]
DT[, {"paste",.BY) }, by=list(id,year) ]
I've shown the {} to illustrate you can put any (multi-line) anonymous body in j (rather than a function), but in these simple examples you don't need the {}.
The grouping variables are length 1 inside the scope of each group (which seems to be what you're asking), for speed and convenience. .BY contains the grouping variables in one list object as well, for generic access when the by criteria is decided programatically on the fly; i.e., when you don't know the by variables in advance.
You could use:
ddply(baseball, .(id, year), function(x){data.frame(paste(x$id,x$year,sep="_"))})
When you return a vector, putting it back together as a data.frame makes each entry a column. But there are different lengths, so they don't all have the same number of columns. By wrapping it in data.frame(), you make sure that your function returns a data.frame that has the column you want rather than relying on the implicit (and in this case, wrong) transformation. Also, you can name the new column easily within this construct.
Given you only want to evaluate the function once (which is reasonable), then you can just pull the first row out by itself and operate on that.
ddply(baseball, .(id, year), function(x) {
x <- x[1,]
paste(x$id, x$year, sep="_")
This will (by itself) have only a single row for each id/year combo. If you want it to have the same number of rows as the original, then you can combine this with the previous idea.
ddply(baseball, .(id, year), function(x) {
firstrow <- x[1,]
data.frame(label=rep(paste(firstrow$id, firstrow$year, sep="_"), nrow(x)))
