SVG - Possible to use CSS's linear-gradient as fill? [closed] - css

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is it at all possible to use CSS's linear-gradient() function to fill SVG elements? Any ideas of workarounds are welcomed too.
Basically I'm trying to make a templating system for simple graphs using Mustache. The user (another developer) should be able to change the style of the graphs using CSS.
However I quickly found out that SVG's fill attribute is not happy with CSS's linear-gradient() function. fill: linear-gradient(#000, #FFF); simply makes both Chrome and Firefox complain with Invalid property value. This means that the user will have to change the SVG DOM and add a <linearGradient> element, then refer to it in fill, if said user wants any gradient effect.
This is indeed achievable within my current templating framework, but I would prefer not to change the DOM if at all possible.
Any ideas?


Customizing mat-checkbox [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I would like to change the angular material mat-checkbox checked icon. By default, the check icon is a white tick icon shown in a colored background box. What I need is a cross instead of tick (single problem, just show cross instead of tick when it is checked). The whole day searching, could not find a proper solution for that. Would be really appreciated for any ideas with sample codes. I am using Angular 10 and scss styling.
What I want to do
You can replace checkbox's default svg with any svg here.
Just you have to manipulate you dom.
Here is the minimal working example you can achieve
I have used document which is not recommended to manipulate dom in Angular.
You can check other methods for eg. renderer2, hostbinding, etc.

Is it possible to improve quality of image using CSS? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Is it possible to improve quality of image using CSS when I use background: url('image.png')?
May be accept filter CSS?
The filter property has the following functions:
v-shadow blur spread color)
Each above function is self explanatory. Regarding the pixels, you can't really change it using the filter property. You can use width and height but It will change the size of the picture to appear on the webpage but not improving the quality.
While there isn't any way to actually improve your image quality using css (that comes down to how your image file is saved originally), one trick I use at times is to force some extra anti-aliasing from the browser using transform
-webkit-transform: scale(0.999);
transform: scale(0.999);
This won't make your image noticeably smaller, but it should just be enough to get your browser to blur it a bit.

CSS: Div with background image OR Image tag [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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From my knowledge, there are 2 primary ways to insert images into HTMl.
You can either use the traditional image tag and add the image via the "src" attribute.
Or you can add the image as a background-image to a div tag via the background-image property.
Can someone explain some of the pros and cons of using either of these approaches? When would you use one or the other?
If your images are for designing reasons, your best of placing them as background. But when your images are part of your content, for example your website logo, or some illustration as an explanation to your text, you put it in with an img tag.
I would say use css to insert background images. From my experience it's more efficient and easier to read if you can keep all attributes of a div in one language. You can then edit them without switching screens in your editor, unless you plan to add some kind of user interface (javascript, jquery, etc.)

How about taking out Bootstrap style? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Firstly, I don't have much experience with Bootstrap and I just started my second Bootstrap project. Sometimes I confused about overriding CSS. It may spend more time to find out the style need to be changed rather than write from scratch. So I am thinking... how about taking out the bootstrap style?
For example, keep the markup structure, set the color background, font value to inherit, remove all shadows, gradients, border, border-radius etc.. Furthermore, build a reference in order to check the default value easily. Then we can just use the layout of Bootstrap but write our own style.
I prefer to not directly modify the Bootstrap source code. Use an extra CSS file is better to organise. It is also good to update Bootstrap.
By the way, I really miss the blankwork grid system, is it possible to add this feature into Bootstrap?
So, do you think this is a good idea or bad?
What you are looking for is possibly the customised version of bootstrap. See the details at This will allow you to pick which elements of bootstrap framework you would like to use without adding the other parts. It also allows you to customise fonts and some basic shades and colours.
This can also be done via the less system - see for information on how to do this.
And finally, if you are having trouble identifying which css is being applied to which element, have you tried using a browser debug tool such as Firebug in firefox?

How to create a texture paper background using CSS without image [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is there a way to create a background using CSS without the image? with color, and texture?
As Dustin said, there's no "texture" CSS feature. however, if you're using CSS3, you can do some pretty cool tricks like gradients or shadowing to make some neat backgrounds.
No, there is no "texture". However if you find a color and could drop the texture then you can. I would just find a small image to repeat.
