I see a cron job scheduled using this time H(0-29) 14 * * 4-5 in my application config. I see last part is about Thursday-friday but can't understand the other part. Please help me understand. Thanks
0-29 14 * * 4-5
“At every minute from 0 through 29 past hour 14 on every day-of-week from Thursday through Friday.”
Take a look at this resource for an easy Crontab understanding.
For example, I created a new DAG at 11:30. The DAG is supposed to run on the first minute of every hour (Cron: 0 * * * *). I expected the DAG to start at 12:00. However the DAG first started at 13:00. The Second started at 14:00 while Next run in UI is 13:00
I know that, it's mentioned in docs
**Let’s Repeat That**, the scheduler runs your job one schedule AFTER the start date, at the END of the interval.
But I don't know What's the use of doing that? Why don't run at the start of the day like cron job?
Does anyone have any documentation explaining this issue?
I have an Airflow DAG that runs for every 10 min. My cron tab expression looks like this */10 1-8,10-23 * * *. This currently pauses the DAG for 1 hours(9th hour UTC). I want to change this to pause the DAG for 45 minutes from 12:30 to 1:15 AM UTC.
Any way I can achieve this using Airflow?. I read about the timetable concept in airflow 2.2, but I am not sure how exactly this can be achieved.
My options are(Not sure which all are possible):
Use a cron tab expression that can handle it
Create a separate DAG to pause jobs for 45 min(Not sure how we can do this for 45 min. I know how to pause using a python operator. Confused at setting up pause time)
Anybody have done something similar or have any points on how to achieve this?
Any pointers is much appreciated!
I am using AWS managed airflow.
I'm new to autosys.
I wanted to plan a work that starts at 9.00 and runs every 15 minutes. Is this the proper syntax?
start.times=start_times: "09:00"
You need a run window.
A run window cannot wrap around midnight or whatever time you start your new day processing. The default is midnight
If you want a start time for a job to run every 15 minutes then use this
start_mins: 00,15,30,45
run_window: "09:00-22:00"
22:00 can be whatever you want or as far as 23:59 if your new day processing starts at midnight.
I have a chain with several jobs, and sometimes a certain job that normally takes about 2 hours, finishes in less than 2 minutes.
What I would like to do is to kill this job if it ends in less than 2 minutes so that the chain won't proceed.
Is this possible?
Well you don't really want to kill anything, do you? If you do, see BMC's note (including video) on using ctmkilljob.
In this case your next job is dependent on 2 things, the predecessor job being ok and the duration of the predecessor job. Add another input condition to your next job (in addition to the existing condition) to represent the >2 minutes duration.
On the job that needs to run for more than 2 minutes, add a Notify when the Exectime exceeds 2 mins (or 60 mins or whatever you decide is the threshold) and get it to shout to an entry in your shout destination table.
On the Control-M Server create a new program entry in your shout destination table and create a small script referenced by the shout. The script should use the ctmcontb utility to create a new ODAT condition that your next is waiting on. If you have a look at the BMC help note for ctmkilljob (and just substitute in ctmcontb) then you'll see how to do this.
I am looking to run a console application triggered from Autosys every X minutes.
The following commands do not seem to provide this capability
start_times: Exact time each day a job will run [cannot be
used with start_mins]
start_mins: Minutes after each hour a job will execute
[cannot be used with start_times]
The solution that I can see at the moment is to set start_mins : 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55
This is ok if the time interval is 5 minutes, but becomes a little cumbersome if the interval is 1 or 2 minutes.
Is there any way to configure Autosys to easily repeat a job every x minutes ?
there is only one way for autosys to start a job every minute -
start_mins: 0,1,2..59