How to load a local image to WebGL context - css

I was trying Azure maps Symbol feature. I wanted to add a custom image as symbol.
When i used path of local image, it was not working.
"All resources, such as icon images, must be loaded into the WebGL context."
Please help me how to make local image to be loaded as webGL context.

You must add your image to the maps image sprite before you the symbol layer can use it. You would pass the URL and a unique name for the image into the map.imageSprite.add function. This is a Promise that you have to wait for as the image is loaded asynchronously. Once loaded, you can then set the image option of the symbol layers iconOptions to the unique name of the image.
Some additional code samples can be found here:
Here is a code block show how to add an image to the maps image sprite (WebGL context).
//Wait until the map resources are ready.'ready', function () {
//Create a data source and add it to the map.
datasource = new atlas.source.DataSource();
//Load the custom image icon into the map resources.
map.imageSprite.add('my-custom-icon', '/images/icons/showers.png').then(function () {
//Add a layer for rendering point data as symbols.
map.layers.add(new atlas.layer.SymbolLayer(datasource, null, {
iconOptions: {
//Pass in the id of the custom icon that was loaded into the map resources.
image: 'my-custom-icon'
If you have multiple images you want to use, you can create an array of the imade add promises, then use Promise.all. Here is a good code sample: And here is a simply code block example:
//Wait until the map resources are ready.'ready', function () {
//Create a data source and add it to the map.
datasource = new atlas.source.DataSource();
//Create an array of custom icon promises to load into the map.
var iconPromises = [
map.imageSprite.add('gas_station_icon', '/images/icons/gas_station_pin.png'),
map.imageSprite.add('grocery_store_icon', '/images/icons/grocery_cart_pin.png'),
map.imageSprite.add('restaurant_icon', '/images/icons/restaurant_pin.png'),
map.imageSprite.add('school_icon', '/images/icons/school_pin.png'),
//Load all the custom image icons into the map resources.
Promise.all(iconPromises).then(function () {
//Add a layer for rendering point data as symbols.
map.layers.add(new atlas.layer.SymbolLayer(datasource, null, {
iconOptions: {
//Use a data driven expression based on properties in the features to determine which image to use for each feature.
image: [
//In this example each feature has a "EntityType" property that we use to select the appropriate icon.
['get', 'EntityType'],
//For each entity type, specify the icon name to use.
'Gas Station', 'gas_station_icon',
'Grocery Store', 'grocery_store_icon',
'Restaurant', 'restaurant_icon',
'School', 'school_icon',
//Default fallback icon.

Can you provide us your code?
I've tried to add local file as image to Azure Maps symbol layer. See examples here: click.
Local file file:///D:/showers.png failed with error: URL scheme must be "http" or "https" for CORS request., but same file on localhost server worked well:
P.S. Maybe I do not clearly understand the problem?


safari don't load dynamic asset with cross origin in A-Frame

I'm trying to create an image, add it to the asset system of A-Frame and later use it as a texture on a plane.
Here 2 relevant functions:
function createImage (src, id){
img = new Image();
img.src = src; = id;
img.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
img.addEventListener('load', function(){
console.log('load: '+src);
img.addEventListener('error', function(){
console.log('error: '+src);
function addImage (plane, id){
plane.setAttribute('material', {src: id});
Later I do
var pathToImage = '';
var planeEntity = document.getElementById('myplane');
createImage(pathToImage, 'myuniqueid');
addImage(planeEntity, '#myuniqueid'); //< errors fires here
Errors logs are not very useful. The first say
"THREE.WebGLState: -SecurityError: The operation is insecure"
The second and the 255 others are things with mipmap and texture power-of-2 respectively. I think that last errors are fired because the texture is not loaded.
Relevant info:
Using aframe-v0.8.2
Using safari 11.1
image example is 1024x1024
image example is in an amazon web service (AWS)
I test with two images, one with public permissions and another with private permissions (can access only one domain, where I test)
code work fine without any error in firefox 60.0.2 and chrome 67.0.3396.87 (both in windows), and work fine in same chrome version in mac.
No relevant info:
code don't work in Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0 (security error)
if image is added to code directly like this
<img id="myuniqueid" src='' crossorigin="anonymous">
it work! but I need to add image dynamically
Make sure you have configured CORS in AWS:
With the information provided putting your image in assets does not give you much value. Probably easier to do:
planeEl.setAttribute('material', {src: ''});

How to get patterns widgets to work in an iframe overlay

I have some "classic" tiles on a Plone 4.3.6 site, which contain a richtext field and two RelationChoice fields using plone.formwidget.contenttree widgets.
I have installed 1.8.0 (along with p.a.contenttypes), and I can't get the new TinyMCE and the new relateditems pattern widget to work properly. If I load the tile view URL directly (at the ##edit-tile/.... URL), the widgets actually show up and work properly. But in the iframe/overlay, they don't.
The prep-overlay looks like this:
jQuery('.tile-editable').each(function () {
jQuery(this).find('a.tile-edit-link, a.tile-delete-link').
subtype: 'iframe',
config: {
onLoad: function (e) {
return true;
onClose: function() {
The iframe loads in the header, and the fields are given the pat-relateditems and pat-tinymce classes as expected. But the init method inside the relateditems pattern is never called. I suppose the iframe DOM is not parsed for patterns, but I don't know where to look for the cause of this.
FWIW, there is an error in the console:
Uncaught Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module: function (){return eb}
in, but I don't know where that's coming from, or if it matters.
Are there any tricks to getting mockup widgets to work in an ifram overlay?
To reinitialise all patterns you can do:
var registry = require("pat-registry");
registry.scan(SELECTOR); // document or iframe or wherever you want to rescan all patterns.
IMHO you could do this on the onLoad method.

How do I add external images to a map using the Nokia Here Map Image API?

Thanks in advance. I'm trying to figure out how to add client faces (images) to certain locations on a map using the Nokia Here Map Image API.
I am able to do this via the Javascript API, but unfortunately I also need to be able to download an image for use in a generated PDF file, and I can't figure out how to add external images to the map.
Any help would be much appreciated. :)
I didn't exactly understand your requirement but if you want to convert the canvas which shows the map to an Image, you can do that with the map caprutre event, something like following should work
map.capture(function(canvas) {
if (canvas) {
var img = new Image();
img.src = canvas.toDataURL("img/jpeg");;
} else {
// For example when map is in Panorama mode
alert('Capturing is not supported');
}, [ui], 0, 0, document.getElementById("mapContainer").offsetWidth, document.getElementById("mapContainer").offsetHeight);

NHP Theme Options Framework using Wordpress 3.5 Media Manager

Could anyone help me make a new field type for NHP Theme Options Framework based on "upload" type so that it would use the new "Media Manager" that Wordpress uses since 3.5 instead of Media Uploader. This would be very useful for use with sliders.
Maybe this post would be helpful.
you're in luck i needed this same functionality. I managed to do it by looking at the code and applying the same override techniques as the the old media manager.
In fact i've written a tutorial about it here.
Here's the javascript code:
var doc = {
ready: function(){
// initialize only if our button is in the page
if($('#btn_browse_files').length > 0){
slider = {
// the following 2 objects would be our backup containers
// as we will be replacing the default media handlers
media_send_attachment: null,
media_close_window: null,
init: function(){
// bind the button's click the browse_clicked handler
browse_clicked: function(event){
// cancel the event so we won't be navigated to href="#"
// backup editor objects first
slider.media_send_attachment =;
slider.media_close_window =;
// override the objects with our own = slider.media_accept; = slider.media_close;
// open up the media manager window;
media_accept: function(props, attachment){
// this function is called when the media manager sends in media info
// when the user clicks the "Insert into Post" button
// this may be called multiple times (one for each selected file)
// you might be interested in the following:
// alert(; // this stands for the id of the media attachment passed
// alert(attachment.url); // this is the url of the media attachment passed
// for now let's log it the console
// not you can do anything Javascript-ly possible here
media_close: function(id){
// this function is called when the media manager wants to close
// (either close button or after sending the selected items)
// restore editor objects from backup = slider.media_send_attachment; = slider.media_close_window;
// nullify the backup objects to free up some memory
slider.media_send_attachment= null;
slider.media_close_window= null;
// trigger the actual remove;
fyi... is a fork of NHP and has added 3.5 media loader and also fixed other areas of NHP.
I just switched over to and so far not to bad.
See the usage in our vafpress theme framework github code snippet:
media manager with WP < 3.5 fallback
in the code, there is also this variable (vp_wp.use_new_media_upload), that you will need to 'expose' into your JS code via wp_localize_script, that variable needed to state whether the Wordpress you're running is under 3.5 or not, if it's under 3.5 then it's should not use the new media manager, and use the old method using thickbox media-upload.php iframe.
NHP has just merged with Redux Framework and Redux 3.0 has been released. It can be run as a Wordpress Plugin or Embedded within a theme. You should really give the new version a try.
It has full Wordpress media 3.5 support, and then some. It not only stores the media URL, but also the ID and full-dimension size.
Seriously, check it out.

How to load images and fragments dynamically in LiveCycle Designer forms?

I've created a couple of shared templates (.xdp) which will be shared among several clients. Obviously, each client has their own logo and I'd like to set the logo upon form generation.
I've managed to change the logo dynamically although I'm not sure if my approach is good.
In the xml datasource I've got this element: <ClientID>SomeNumber</ClientId>
In the form itself I set the image href with this javascript code:
HeaderLogo.value.image.href = $record.ClientID + "_logo.jpg";
I've got the logos stored on the server in the same folder as the shared templates.
Is this an alright approach to load logos dynamically?
I've been trying to achieve the same dynamic behaviour with each client's footer fragment, but I have been unable to figure out how to load these on demand. I could make each footer fragment in to an image but I'd like to avoid it if possible.
I know generally for loading images dynamically I had to do the following:
Create a SOAP service that returns a byte[] with the image data (base64)
Call the service from LiveCycle:
var cURL = "http://host/path/MyService?wsdl"
var oService = SOAP.connect(cURL);
try {
var cText = "";
var myRequest;
var cSOAPAction;
myRequest = {
myMethod: {
cSOAPAction= "http://mynamespace/myMethod";
var myNamespace = "http://mynamespace";
var oResults = SOAP.request ({
oRequest: oGetNameByIdRequest,
cAction: cSOAPAction,
bEncoded: false, // If false then document/literal encoding will be used.
cNamespace: myNamespace,
cResponseStyle: SOAPMessageStyle.Message
HeaderLogo.rawValue = oResults[0].soapValue[0].soapValue;
