How to create a friends relationship in Hasura - hasura

I have 2 tables: users and friends.
friends has a user_id foreign key which obviously maps to the users id key.
friends also has a friend_id key which maps to the users id key as well.
I am using JWT Auth. I have successfully set the permission on the users table so that when the user queries for users the user pulls only that specific user's column. I have also created an array relationship for friends on the users table so user rows can have friends via the relationship.
However, when querying something like:
user {
friends {
This returns null for friends, because the user role does not have access to friends (due to the session variable X-Hasura-User-Id used to determine user by session. How do I reconcile having the session variable work but also be able to query other friends?

Put this permission on friends, and then users can see all friend rows where the friend_id is their
"friend_id" :{
"_eq" : "X-Hasura-User-Id"
Permissions for relationships are inherited from the relationship table. So you just need to ensure that the user can regularly access the related table rows by themselves, and if you can do that it will apply to the relationships as well.
Unrelated, it looks like these tables have the same columns. You might want to use a self-referential relationship from users->users as friends if they're identical. If not ignore this =)
Try using an _exists permission:
(You can probably simplify this using the relationships direct access to friends and user but I don't know your exact table and relationship structure)
"If there exists in table friends, a row where the 'friend_id' is 'X-Hasura-User-Id' and the 'user_id' is equal to this row's user ID"
"_or": [
"_exists": {
"_table": { "schema": "public", "name": "friends" },
"_where": {
"_and": [
{ "friend_id": { "_eq": "X-Hasura-User-Id" } },
{ "user_id": { "_ceq": "user_id" } }
{ "id": { "_eq": "X-Hasura-User-Id" } }


Hasura object permission based authorization

I am trying to set a "Row Select" permissions on Hasura. I have a (simplified for brevity) Data Model like below
id: UserID
id: AppID
App Permissions
user_id: User ID
app_id: App ID
permissions: [ ENUM: Admin, View, Owner ]
app_id: AppID
feed_data: Some Feed Data
Now, I wish to query all Feed for an authenticated user. The query can be of the form
GET all apps, for which the authenticated user has view permissions
query MyQuery {
feed(limit: 10) {
GET apps with app_id in the query filter for which the authenticated user has view permissions
query MyQuery {
feed(limit: 10, where: {app_id: {_in: [1, 2]}}) {
Since feed table does not have user_id information directly in it, I can not use X-Hasura-User-Id attribute directly against feed table. I also tried to use _exists relation against the app_permission table, but I am unable to put app_id filter in the permission clause.
"_exists": {
"_where": {
"user_id": {
"_eq": "X-Hasura-User-Id"
"_table": {
"schema": "public",
"name": "app_permission"
I am not really sure how to proceed with such data modelling with Hasura. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Since you dont have a direct relationship, I think you can query via appPermissions Table instead of directly querying feeds table.
When you create a feeds table with appId as foreign key relationship, Hasura lets you track this relationship as shown below
This way you can make nested graphQL queries to appPerms table as shown below
query GetUserFeeds {
test_appPerms {
feeds(limit: 10) {
Another thing I'd like to suggest is that you could try is by using a session variable like x-hasura-app-id along side a x-hasura-role and build your permissions around that.

How can I grant access to array of admins on Firebase database rules

I am stuck trying to allow an an array of admins access to their data.
I have a database structure like this:
"Respondents": {
"Acme Corp": {
"admins": ["mMK7eTrRL4UgVDh284HntNRETmx1", ""mx1TERNmMK7eTrRL4UgVDh284Hnt"],
"data": {data goes here...}
"Another Inc": {
"admins": ["Dh284HmMK7eTrRL4UgVDh284HntN", ""x1TERNmx1TERNmMK7eTrRL4UgVDh"],
"data": {their data goes here...}
And then I tried to set my rules like this
"rules": {
"Respondents": {
"$organisation" : {
".read": "root.child('Respondents').child($organisation).child('admins').val().includes(",
".read": "root.child('Respondents').child($organisation).child('admins').val().includes("
..but that won't parse in the Firebase Database Rules editor
I get "Error saving rules - Line 7: No such method/property 'includes'", but I need something to match the user id with the array of admins.
Any experience or suggestions?
As you've found, there is no includes() operation in Firebase's security rules. This is because Firebase doesn't actually store the data as an array. If you look in the Firebase Database console or read this blog post you will see that Firebase stores it as a regular object:
"admins": {
"0": "mMK7eTrRL4UgVDh284HntNRETmx1",
"1": "mx1TERNmMK7eTrRL4UgVDh284Hnt"
And since that is a regular JavaScript object, there is no contains() method on it.
In general creating arrays are an anti-pattern in the Firebase Database. They're often the wrong data structure and when used are regularly the main cause of scalability problems.
In this case: you're not really looking to store a sequence of UIDs. In fact: the order of the UIDs doesn't matter, and each UID can be meaningfully present in the collection at most once. So instead of an array, you're looking to store set of uids.
To implement a set in Firebase, you use this structure:
"admins": {
"mMK7eTrRL4UgVDh284HntNRETmx1": true,
"mx1TERNmMK7eTrRL4UgVDh284Hnt": true
The value doesn't matter much. But since you must have a value to store a key, it is idiomatic to use true.
Now you can test whether a key with the relevant UID exists under admins (instead of checking whether it contains a value):

How to structure data in Firebase created by one user but accessible to users in a group?

So, let's say I have data like this:
"events" : {
"s0d980983s" :
{ creator: "",
text: "Bob says 'My name is Robert'" },
"kjl34jl234j" :
{ creator: "",
text: "Fred says 'My name is Fredrick'" }
"users" : {
"" : { "paid": true },
"" : { "paid": false }
I'm assuming this is the correct way to structure the data. When the data is created, I use the push() method to create a new key for the data, and then store the creator of the data inside it.
I'd like to make it so that:
I can allow anyone from a group of users to access certain data (and disallow others obviously).
The query is "optimized," meaning if I have thousands of records I am not iterating over all the data.
More concretely, for example, I want to be able to see the s0d980983s.
I'm confused how to structure the data, and what my Firebase rules should look like.
Would it be something like this?
{ "events" : {
"s0d980983s" :
{ creator: "",
viewers: { "": true,
"" : true },
text: "Bob says 'My name is Robert'" },
I don't understand how I can search for events that are viewable by a group of users. I don't believe Firebase supports some kind of wildcard that would make this code work, right?
var ref = firebase.database().ref( "events/*/viewers/" ).on(...);
Do I also want to reference the events inside my users table? I'm not sure I understand how to flatten data (denormalize it) and keep references in both places to support a query like this. Should I expect to make multiple queries where I first retrieve a list of events stored in a user object and then retrieve them one by one using their key? But, how do I put that logic into my firebase rules?
{ "events" : {
"s0d980983s" :
{ creator: "",
viewers: { "[insert bobs id]": true,
"[insert liz id]" : true
text: "Bob says 'My name is Robert'" },
Based on the above structure as you suggested, and if you are using firebase authentication to authenticate your user, you can add another 'read' or 'write' rule for checking whether that user is in the list of your 'viewers'. something like:
"rules": {
"users": {
"$uid": {
".write": "auth != null &&
root.child('users').child(auth.uid).child('viewers').child(auth.uid).val() ==
This should help. setting firebase security rules at a location/node

Query a specific child node in all instances of a parent node in Firebase

I'm trying to figure out how, if possible, to query a specifically named child node in all instances of a parent node in Firebase. It can be assumed that all parent nodes queried have this specifically named child node in it.
In this example, uid is a unique identifier for each user and I'm trying to get a list of displayNames:
users: {
uid: {
displayName: "stringOfSomeKind"
uid2: {
displayName: "moreStrings"
uid3: {
displayName: "evenMoreStrings"
The purpose of this is so I can check to see if a displayName is currently taken. (I can't use the displayName as the primary key because when a user logs in, I'll only have the uid available.)
How can I efficiently check to see if one of these displayNames is already taken? Do I have to denormalize my data to do so efficiently? If so, how?
Firebase world is quite different!
When such scenarios come you have to think to redesign your database structure, In your case uid is unique identifier so is displayName- speaking technically.
You will have to maintain additional data like:
users: {
uid: {
displayName: "stringOfSomeKind"
uid2: {
displayName: "moreStrings"
uid3: {
displayName: "evenMoreStrings"
displayNames: {
"display_name": "uid",
"display_name2": "uid2",
"display_name3": "uid3"
Happy Helping!
When you load a node from Firebase, you also get all data under that node. Assuming that you have more data per user than just their display name, that can indeed lead to needlessly loaded data.
If you only want to load a list of display names, you should indeed store a list of display names.
displayNames: {
"stringOfSomeKind": "uid",
"moreStrings": "uid2",
"evenMoreStrings": "uid3"
If you come from a background of relational/SQL databases, this may seem unnatural at first. For me it helped to realize that these structures are indexes, same as the "index by displayName" that you might add to your relational database. The difference is that in NoSQL/Firebase it is your code that maintains the index, while in most RDBMSs such indexes are maintained by the system.

how to retrieve data ordered by key inside unspecified key with firebase

I have a snapshot for my reference in firebase like this:
"friendlist" : {
"user1" : {
"user3" : 1
"user2" : {
"user1" : 0
"user3" : {
"user1" : 1
The explanation for the reference:
Every user has an unique id, i'm using user's id for their friendlist unique id. In example above i have 3 users and every user have his own friendlist. Inside their friendlist, there's other user's id that already be friend with him. If the value is 1, the user already be friend. But when the value is 0, the user is requesting to be friend.
My problem is:
How to get all user's friendlist's id which have "user1" with value 0 inside their friendlist? Can i do that in just one query?
I think i need to iterate through all friendlist and orderbykey for every friendlist and looking for "user1". Or there's any good approach to do that?
Any answer would be appreciated, thanks!
It would help if you next time tell a bit more about what you've already tried. Or at the very least specify what language/environment you're targeting.
But in JavaScript, you can get those users with:
var ref = new Firebase('');
var query = ref.orderByChild('user1').equalTo(0);
query.once('value', function(usersSnapshot) {
usersSnapshot.forEach(function(userSnapshot) {
With the sample data you specified, this will print:
You should add (and will get a warning about) an index for efficiently performing this query:
"rules": {
"friendlist": {
".indexOn": ['user1']
Without this index, the Firebase client will just download all data to the client and do the filtering client-side. With the index, the query will be performed server-side.
A better data model
You'll likely want to search for any friend, which turns the index into:
".indexOn": ['user1', 'user2', 'user3']
But with this structure, you'll need to add an index whenever you add a user. Firebase SDKs don't have an API to add indexes, which is typically a good indication that your data structure is not fitting your needs.
When using a NoSQL database, your data structure should meet the needs of the application you're building. Since you are looking to query the friends of user1, you should store the data in that format too:
"friendlist" : {
"user1" : {
"user3" : 1
"user2" : {
"user1" : 0
"user3" : {
"user1" : 1
"friendsOf": {
"user1": {
"user2": 0,
"user3": 1
"user3": {
"user1": 1
As you can see, we now store two lists:
* friendList is your original list
* friendsOf is the inverse of your original list
When you need to know who friended user 1, you can now read that data with:
Note that we no longer need a query for this, which makes the operation a lot more scalable on the database side.
Atomic updates
With this new data model, you need to write data in two places when adding a friend relation. You can do this with two set()/update() operations. But in recent Firebase SDKs, you can also perform both writes in a single update like this:
function setRelationship(user1, user2, value) {
var updates = {};
updates['friendList/'+user1+'/'+user2] = value;
updates['friendsOf/'+user2+'/'+user1] = value;
setRelationship('user3', 'user4', 1);
The above will send a single command to the Firebase server to write the relationship to both friendList and friendsOf nodes.
