SML Create function receives list of tuples and return list with sum each pair - functional-programming

I'm studying Standard ML and one of the exercices I have to do is to write a function called opPairs that receives a list of tuples of type int, and returns a list with the sum of each pair.
input: opPairs [(1, 2), (3, 4)]
output: val it = [3, 7]
These were my attempts, which are not compiling:
type T0 = int * int;
fun opPairs ((h:TO)::t) = let val aux =(#1 h + #2 h) in
The error message is:
Error: unbound type constructor: TO
Error: operator and operand don't agree [type mismatch]
operator domain: {1:'Y; 'Z}
operand: [E]
in expression:
(fn {1=1,...} => 1) h
fun opPairs2 l = map (fn x => #1 x + #2 x ) l;
The error message is: Error: unresolved flex record (need to know the names of ALL the fields
in this context)
type: {1:[+ ty], 2:[+ ty]; 'Z}

The first attempt has a typo: type T0 is defined, where 0 is zero, but then type TO is referenced in the pattern, where O is the letter O. This gets rid of the "operand and operator do not agree" error, but there is a further problem. The pattern ((h:T0)::t) does not match an empty list, so there is a "match nonexhaustive" warning with the corrected type identifier. This manifests as an exception when the function is used, because the code needs to match an empty list when it reaches the end of the input.
The second attempt needs to use a type for the tuples. This is because the tuple accessor #n needs to know the type of the tuple it accesses. To fix this problem, provide the type of the tuple argument to the anonymous function:
fun opPairs2 l = map (fn x:T0 => #1 x + #2 x) l;
But, really it is bad practice to use #1, #2, etc. to access tuple fields; use pattern matching instead. Here is a cleaner approach, more like the first attempt, but taking full advantage of pattern matching:
fun opPairs nil = nil
| opPairs ((a, b)::cs) = (a + b)::(opPairs cs);
Here, opPairs returns an empty list when the input is an empty list, otherwise pattern matching provides the field values a and b to be added and consed recursively onto the output. When the last tuple is reached, cs is the empty list, and opPairs cs is then also the empty list: the individual tuple sums are then consed onto this empty list to create the output list.

To extend on exnihilo's answer, once you have achieved familiarity with the type of solution that uses explicit recursion and pattern matching (opPairs ((a, b)::cs) = ...), you can begin to generalise the solution using list combinators:
val opPairs = map op+


Return a list of even numbers from a list of integer pairs in sml

I have the following question "Given a list of integer pairs, write a function to return a list of even numbers in that list in sml".
this is what I've achieved so far
val x = [(6, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8), (9, 10)];
fun isEven(num : int) =
if num mod 2 = 0 then num else 0;
fun evenNumbers(list : (int * int) list) =
if null list then [] else
if isEven(#1 (hd list)) <> 0
then if isEven(#2 (hd list)) <> 0
then #1 (hd list) :: #1 (hd list) :: evenNumbers(tl list)
else []
else if isEven(#2 (hd list)) <> 0
then #1 (hd list) :: evenNumbers(tl list)
else [];
the result should be like this [6,2,4,6,8,10]
any help would be appreciated.
I see two obvious problems.
If both the first and second number are even, you do
#1 (hd list) :: #1 (hd list) :: evenNumbers(tl list)
which adds the first number twice and ignores the second.
If the first number is odd and the second even, you do
#1 (hd list) :: evenNumbers(tl list)
which adds the number that you know is odd and ignores the one you know is even.
Programming with selectors and conditionals gets complicated very quickly (as you've noticed).
With pattern matching, you could write
fun evenNumbers [] = []
| evenNumber ((x,y)::xys) = ...
and reduce the risk of using the wrong selector.
However, this still makes for complicated logic, and there is a better way.
Consider the simpler problem of filtering the odd numbers out of a list of numbers, not pairs.
If you transform the input into such a list, you only need to solve that simpler problem (and there's a fair chance that you've already solved something very similar in a previous exercise).
Exercise: implement this transformation. Its type will be ('a * 'a) list -> 'a list.
Also, your isEven is more useful if it produces a truth value (if you ask someone, "is 36 even?", "36" is a very strange answer).
fun isEven x = x mod 2 = 0
Now, evenNumbers can be implemented as "just" a combination of other, more general, functions.
So running your current code,
- evenNumbers [(6, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8), (9, 10)];
val it = [6,6,3,5,7,9] : int list
suggests that you're not catching all even numbers, and that you're catching some odd numbers.
The function isEven sounds very much like you want to have the type int -> bool like so:
fun isEven n =
n mod 2 = 0
Instead of addressing the logic error of your current solution, I would like to propose a syntactically much simpler approach which is to use pattern matching and fewer explicit type annotations. One basis for such a solution could look like:
fun evenNumbers [] = ...
| evenNumbers ((x,y)::pairs) = ...
Using pattern matching is an alternative to if-then-else: the [] pattern is equivalent to if null list ... and the (x,y)::pairs pattern matches when the input list is non-empty (holds at least one element, being (x,y). At the same time, it deconstructs this one element into its parts, x and y. So in the second function body you can express isEven x and isEven y.
As there is a total of four combinations of whether x and y are even or not, this could easily end up with a similarly complicated nest of if-then-else's. For this I might do either one of two things:
Use case-of (and call evenNumbers recursively on pairs):
fun evenNumbers [] = ...
| evenNumbers ((x,y)::pairs) =
case (isEven x, isEven y) of
... => ...
| ... => ...
Flatten the list of pairs into a list of integers and filter it:
fun flatten [] = ...
| flatten ((x,y)::pairs) = ...
val evenNumbers pairs = ...

Pattern Matching SML?

Can someone please explain the: "description of g"? How can f1 takes unit and returns an int & the rest i'm confused about too!!
(* Description of g:
* g takes f1: unit -> int, f2: string -> int and p: pattern, and returns
* an int. f1 and f2 are used to specify what number to be returned for
* each Wildcard and Variable in p respectively. The return value is the
* sum of all those numbers for all the patterns wrapped in p.
datatype pattern = Wildcard
| Variable of string
| UnitP
| ConstP of int
| TupleP of pattern list
| ConstructorP of string * pattern
datatype valu = Const of int
| Unit
| Tuple of valu list
| Constructor of string * valu
fun g f1 f2 p =
val r = g f1 f2
case p of
Wildcard => f1 ()
| Variable x => f2 x
| TupleP ps => List.foldl (fn (p,i) => (r p) + i) 0 ps
| ConstructorP (_,p) => r p
| _ => 0
Wildcard matches everything and produces the empty list of bindings.
Variable s matches any value v and produces the one-element list holding (s,v).
UnitP matches only Unit and produces the empty list of bindings.
ConstP 17 matches only Const 17 and produces the empty list of bindings (and similarly for other integers).
TupleP ps matches a value of the form Tuple vs if ps and vs have the same length and for all i, the i-th element of ps matches the i-th element of vs. The list of bindings produced is all the lists from the nested pattern matches appended together.
ConstructorP(s1,p) matches Constructor(s2,v) if s1 and s2 are the same string (you can compare them with =) and p matches v. The list of bindings produced is the list from the nested pattern match. We call the strings s1 and s2 the constructor name.
Nothing else matches.
Can someone please explain the: "description of g"? How can f1 takes unit and returns an int & the rest i'm confused about too!!
The function g has type (unit → int) → (string → int) → pattern → int, so it takes three (curried) parameters of which two are functions and one is a pattern.
The parameters f1 and f2 must either be deterministic functions that always return the same constant, or functions with side-effects that can return an arbitrary integer / string, respectively, determined by external sources.
Since the comment speaks of "what number to be returned for each Wildcard and Variable", it sounds more likely that the f1 should return different numbers at different times (and I'm not sure what number refers to in the case of f2!). One definition might be this:
val counter = ref 0
fun uniqueInt () = !counter before counter := !counter + 1
fun uniqueString () = "s" ^ Int.toString (uniqueInt ())
Although this is just a guess. This definition only works up to Int.maxInt.
The comment describes g's return value as
[...] the sum of all those numbers for all the patterns wrapped in p.
Since the numbers are not ascribed any meaning, it doesn't seem like g serves any practical purpose but to compare the output of an arbitrarily given set of f1 and f2 against an arbitrary test that isn't given.
Catch-all patterns are often bad:
| _ => 0
Nothing else matches.
The reason is that if you extend pattern with additional types of patterns, the compiler will not notify you of a missing pattern in the function g; the catch-all will erroneously imply meaning for cases that are possibly yet undefined.

how to find number of occurrences in ML string list?

I am new to ML, here is my attemp to writing a function that receives:
list of strings L
string str
int counter
the function should return the number of occurrences of str in L
Here is my code:
* return number of occurences of str in L
* count should be initialized to zero.
fun aux_num_of_occur(L: string list) (str:string) (count:int) =
if null L then 0
else if str = hd(L) then
aux_num_of_occur tl(L) str (count+1)
aux_num_of_occur tl(L) str count
Those are the errors i got:
Error: case object and rules don't agree [tycon mismatch]
rule domain: string list * string * int
object: ('Z list -> 'Z list) * 'Y * 'X
in expression:
(case (arg,arg,arg)
of (L : string list,str : string,count : int) =>
if null L
then 0
else if <exp> = <exp> then <exp> <exp> else <exp> <exp>)
uncaught exception Error
raised at: ../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:66.19-66.27
My Questions:
What is wrong with the syntax?
it is not clear to me what the error message says: what is a
rule and an object in this case?
how can i return a int by recursively calling a function? is it by passing to it a counter as an argument?
This is a classical mistake: tl(L) and tl L are the same thing -- you don't need parentheses for function application in ML-like languages, you just juxtapose the function and the argument(s).
So aux_num_of_occur tl(L) ... is the same thing as aux_num_of_occur tl L ..., i.e. you are trying to apply aux_num_of_occur to the tl function, not to a list of strings. Now, the tl function has type 'a list -> 'a list and that is what you see in the error message (with 'a being 'Z there).
I ought to say that this style with those null, hd, and tl functions is not very idiomatic in SML -- you could use pattern-mathing instead. It is also more convenient to make aux_num_of_occur local to prevent namespace pollution, prevent incorrect usage (you control the initial value of count). Additionally, this gives you the advantage of not passing str all the time when recursing further.
fun num_of_occur ss str =
fun loop [] count = count
| loop (s::ss) count =
if s = str
then loop ss (count + 1)
else loop ss count
loop ss 0
Notice that num_of_occur has a more general type ''a list -> ''a -> int, where ''a means any type with equality comparison. The compiler will generate a warning
Warning: calling polyEqual
which you can either ignore or add some type annotations to num_of_occur. See here for more detail.

How does one get the first key,value pair from F# Map without knowing the key?

How does one get the first key,value pair from F# Map without knowing the key?
I know that the Map type is used to get a corresponding value given a key, e.g. find.
I also know that one can convert the map to a list and use List.Head, e.g.
List.head (Map.toList map)
I would like to do this
1. without a key
2. without knowing the types of the key and value
3. without using a mutable
4. without iterating through the entire map
5. without doing a conversion that iterates through the entire map behind the seen, e.g. Map.toList, etc.
I am also aware that if one gets the first key,value pair it might not be of use because the map documentation does not note if using map in two different calls guarantees the same order.
If the code can not be written then an existing reference from a site such as MSDN explaining and showing why not would be accepted.
How I arrived at this problem was converting this function:
let findmin l =
(fun (_,pr1 as p1) (_,pr2 as p2) -> if pr1 <= pr2 then p1 else p2)
(List.tail l) (List.head l)
which is based on list and is used to find the minimum value in the associative list of string * int.
An example list:
["+",10; "-",10; "*",20; "/",20]
The list is used for parsing binary operator expressions that have precedence where the string is the binary operator and the int is the precedence. Other functions are preformed on the data such that using F# map might be an advantage over list. I have not decided on a final solution but wanted to explore this problem with map while it was still in the forefront.
Currently I am using:
let findmin m =
if Map.isEmpty m then
let result =
(fun key value (k,v) ->
if value <= v then (key,value)
else (k,v))
m ("",1000)
but here I had to hard code in the initial state ("",1000) when what would be better is just using the first value in the map as the initial state and then passing the remainder of the map as the starting map as was done with the list:
(List.tail l) (List.head l)
Yes this is partitioning the map but that did not work e.g.,
let infixes = ["+",10; "-",10; "*",20; "/",20]
let infixMap = infixes |> Map.ofList
let mutable test = true
let fx k v : bool =
if test then
printfn "first"
test <- false
printfn "rest"
let (first,rest) = Map.partition fx infixMap
which results in
val rest : Map<string,int> = map [("*", 20); ("+", 10); ("-", 10)]
val first : Map<string,int> = map [("/", 20)]
which are two maps and not a key,value pair for first
Notes about answers
For practical purposes with regards to the precedence parsing seeing the + operations before - in the final transformation is preferable so returning + before - is desirable. Thus this variation of the answer by marklam
let findmin (map : Map<_,_>) = map |> Seq.minBy (fun kvp -> kvp.Value)
achieves this and does this variation by Tomas
let findmin m =
Map.foldBack (fun k2 v2 st ->
match st with
| Some(k1, v1) when v1 < v2 -> st
| _ -> Some(k2, v2)) m None
The use of Seq.head does return the first item in the map but one must be aware that the map is constructed with the keys sorted so while for my practical example I would like to start with the lowest value being 10 and since the items are sorted by key the first one returned is ("*",20) with * being the first key because the keys are strings and sorted by such.
For me to practically use the answer by marklam I had to check for an empty list before calling and massage the output from a KeyValuePair into a tuple using let (a,b) = kvp.Key,kvp.Value
I don't think there is an answer that fully satisfies all your requirements, but:
You can just access the first key-value pair using m |> Seq.head. This is lazy unlike converting the map to list. This does not guarantee that you always get the same first element, but realistically, the implementation will guarantee that (it might change in the next version though).
For finding the minimum, you do not actually need the guarantee that Seq.head returns the same element always. It just needs to give you some element.
You can use other Seq-based functons as #marklam mentioned in his answer.
You can also use fold with state of type option<'K * 'V>, which you can initialize with None and then you do not have to worry about finding the first element:
m |> Map.fold (fun st k2 v2 ->
match st with
| Some(k1, v1) when v1 < v2 -> st
| _ -> Some(k2, v2)) None
Map implements IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<_,_>> so you can treat it as a Seq, like:
let findmin (map : Map<_,_>) = map |> Seq.minBy (fun kvp -> kvp.Key)
It's even simpler than the other answers. Map internally uses an AVL balanced tree so the entries are already ordered by key. As mentioned by #marklam Map implements IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<_,_>> so:
let m = Map.empty.Add("Y", 2).Add("X", 1)
let (key, value) = m |> Seq.head
// will return ("X", 1)
It doesn't matter what order the elements were added to the map, Seq.head can operate on the map directly and return the key/value mapping for the min key.
Sometimes it's required to explicitly convert Map to Seq:
let m = Map.empty.Add("Y", 2).Add("X", 1)
let (key, value) = m |> Map.toSeq |> Seq.head
The error message I've seen for this case says "the type 'a * 'b does not match the type Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, int>". It may also be possible add type annotations rather than Map.toSeq.

Can "bind" do a reduce on a List monad?

I know how to do the equivalent of Scheme's (or Python's) map and filter functions with the list monad using only the "bind" operation.
Here's some Scala to illustrate:
scala> // map
scala> List(1,2,3,4,5,6).flatMap {x => List(x * x)}
res20: List[Int] = List(1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36)
scala> // filter
scala> List(1,2,3,4,5,6).flatMap {x => if (x % 2 == 0) List() else List(x)}
res21: List[Int] = List(1, 3, 5)
and the same thing in Haskell:
Prelude> -- map
Prelude> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>= (\x -> [x * x])
Prelude> -- filter
Prelude> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>= (\x -> if (mod x 2 == 0) then [] else [x])
Scheme and Python also have a reduce function that's often grouped with map and filter. The reduce function combines the first two elements of a list using the supplied binary function, and then combines that result the the next element, and then so on. A common use to to compute the sum or product of a list of values. Here's some Python to illustrate:
>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [1,2,3,4,5,6])
>>> (((((1+2)+3)+4)+5)+6)
Is there any way to do the equivalent of this reduce using just the bind operation on a list monad? If bind can't do this on its own, what's the most "monadic" way to perform this operation?
If possible, please limit/avoid the use of syntactic sugar (ie: do notation in Haskell or sequence comprehensions in Scala) when answering.
One of the defining properties of the bind operation is that the result is still "inside" the monad¹. So when you perform bind on a list, the result will again be a list. Since the reduce operation² often results in something other than a list, it can't be expressed in terms of the bind operation.
In addition to that the bind operation on lists (i.e. concatMap/flatMap) only looks at one element at a time and offers no way of reusing the result of previous steps. So even if we're okay with getting the result wrapped in a single-element list, there's no way to do it just with monad operations.
¹ So if you have a type that allows you to perform no operations on it except the ones defined by the monad type class, you can never "break out" of the monad. That's what makes the IO monad works.
² Which is called fold in Haskell and Scala by the way.
If bind can't do this on its own, what's the most "monadic" way to perform this operation?
While the answer given by #sepp2k is correct, there is a way to do a reduce-like operation on a list monadically, but using the product or "writer" monad and an operation which corresponds to distributing the product monad over the list functor.
The definition is:
import Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy
import Data.Monoid
reduce :: Monoid a => [a] -> a
reduce xs = snd . runWriter . sequence $ map tell xs
Let me unpack:
The Writer monad has a data type Writer w a which is basically a tuple (product) of a value a and "written" value w. The type of written values w must be a monoid where the bind operation of the Writer monad is defined something like:
(w, a) >>= f = let (w', b) = f a in (mappend w w', b)
i.e. take the incoming written value, and the result written value, and combine them using the binary operation of the monoid.
The tell operation writes a value, tell :: w -> Writer w (). Thus map tell has type [a] -> [Writer a ()] i.e. a list of monadic values where each element of the original list has been "written" in the monad.
sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a] corresponds to a distributive law between lists and monads i.e. distribute the monad type over the list type; sequence can be defined in terms of bind as:
sequence [] = return []
sequnece (x:xs) = x >>= (\x' -> (sequence xs) >>= (\xs' -> return $ x':xs'))
(actually the implementation in Prelude uses foldr, a clue to the reduction-like usage)
Thus, sequence $ map tell xs has type Writer a [()]
The runWriter operation unpacks the Writer type, runWriter :: Writer w a -> (a, w),
which is composed here with snd to project out the accumulated value.
An example usage on lists of Ints would be to use the monoid instance:
instance Monoid Int where
mappend = (+)
mempty = 0
> reduce ([1,2,3,4]::[Int])
