Failed to parse altool output: Failed to parse PList data type - xamarin.forms

It is happening when I attempt to deploy the application to the iOS app store. Before everything was ok. I tried to change App version and App code. I also updated VS Mac and XCode.

I archived my app and tried to publish via Apple Transporter. Then I got a normal error message.
After all I relogin in my Apple Developer Account + downloaded all profiles.


Problem with Firebase in SwiftUI macos app. [Running InstanceID on a simulator doesn't have APNS. Use prod profile by default.]

I wanted to run my swiftui app on macos, unfortunately i can still see error That
Running InstanceID on a simulator doesn't have APNS. Use prod
profile by default.
I used the code from firebase messaging docs to initialize firebase messaging and later on I wanted to get instance id token.
While using Xcode I don't get any other errors instead of this which I mentioned. That's why I decided to archive my app and run it independently
outside Xcode. Unfortunately I still can see in console error message about running in simulator. When I run that code on my physical iPhone everything works properly.
Xcode log
Mac console log
Does anyone know what should I change or how should I archive the app properly in order to firebase not detect my app as simulator?

Flutter app works as .apk, but "installation failed" with firebase distribution

I am trying to put a Flutter app on Firebase app distribution. I build the .apk, then transfer it onto my android phone. When I test it, no issues. Then, I upload the .apk to Firebase app distribution and try to install it on my phone (after deleting the first). The app downloads, and then attempts to install, but rather than finishing, it closes and gives the error: "Installation failed." I'm assuming this is an error with firebase distribution because the original .apk works, simply will not install when transferred onto distribution.
Things I've tried:
Enabling multidex
Adding signing config
flutter clean
flutter build apk
Any ideas? Thanks!
This happens when you already have the app installed but the signing keys don't match. Perhaps you are installing a debug version on top of a release version?

Flutter release to ios 'firebase_messaging/FirebaseMessagingPlugin.h' file not found

Good day,
I've been struggling for a while to archive my app for release to Apple App Store.
However I keep getting the error: "'firebase_messaging/FirebaseMessagingPlugin.h' file not found" in XCode when archiving the project
In this second screenshot, I have the Directorty showing the headers are present.
I have also attempted the steps as in this answer: but resulting in the same error.
Everything works when I run the project on an iphone in debug mode, this only occurs when trying to archive the project.
Thanks in advance

Enterprise build for apple watch

I am trying to create enterprise build for apple watch project by xcode 6.3
I tried to build by archive and by auto-build (shenzhen tool)
When I run it at iPhone, it crashes immediately but with ad-hoc build it's work fine.
I've found that Xcode Automatic selections do not work properly for code signing and provisioning profile when used with Apple Watch; sometimes it makes the wrong choice and you only notice when it has problems installing and launching.
For each of the App, App Extension, and Watch App, select the code signing certificate and provisioning profile explicitly (not automatic) in the pop up list.
For issues upon launch on the device (from spring board) the device console gives good information. Install iOS Console, from to easily see such information.

code signing error while integrating bot for simulator only

I am integrating bot to run on iOS simulator only not any device but still getting code signing error- No matching codesigning identity found: No codesigning identities(i.e. certificate and private key pairs) code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 7.0'
I have selected only one simulator under specific devices at the time of creating bot.
Why this is the problem for simulator too.
I have also tried by checking don't code sign option. But integration still failed with error-
CodeSign error:code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS7'>
How to fix it?
Plz help...
Why not to add development provisioning profile to that OS X Server? Just send the file to that machine and open it with Xcode.
To make sure everything goes OK I'm usually checking that I can run my app on that server just from Xcode.
Don't code sign option is not working now because, as you can see, code signing is required in the iOS7 SDK. Not sure if it's a bug or feature.
