Qt setStyleSheet performance - qt

In my Qt GUI, I have a lot of code which updates stylesheets every n milliseconds based on boolean value, like this:
void MainWindow::_update_lock_elements()
ui->lockInfoLabel->setText("CONTROL GUI");
ui->lockInfoLabel->setStyleSheet("background-color: #35BC19");
ui->lockButton->setStyleSheet("background-color: green");
ui->lockInfoLabel->setText("MONITORING GUI");
ui->lockInfoLabel->setStyleSheet("background-color: #FF8888;");
I have noticed this to hog up a lot of cpu power. If I cache the last value for the if condition, and only set the style sheets if the value has changed with respect to the last value, the performance is improved massively.
Is there a more efficient way of doing this in Qt so I don't have to cache and compare the last values everywhere?

Actually, no. Setting stylesheets is not cheap. Better avoid using them if possible especially for frequent interface updates.
What I do in such cases - create a state machine and change GUI only at state transitions. In general, this is still comparing last values, but in a more organized way.
AFAIK, the only way to make a GUI application use less CPU is to minimize draw calls. This is not a videogame, we do not need to redraw the whole screen every frame. That is why the signal/slot system is so well suited for Qt - everything is driven by events, not periodically.


How are you supposed to update a texture per frame in Vulkan?

I'm trying to work with 2D in vulkan along with 3D. So right now testing out updating a texture for every frame as whatever 2D is going on. I've gotten something of a texture updater working, the problem is that it's very slow and probably not the way it's supposed to be done. Is there any better way of getting this done? The code is based on the https://vulkan-tutorial.com/ code.
void UpdateTexture()
vkFreeMemory(device, textureImageMemory, nullptr);
VkBuffer stagingBuffer;
VkDeviceMemory stagingBufferMemory;
createBuffer(imageSize, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT, stagingBuffer, stagingBufferMemory);
void* data;
vkMapMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory, 0, imageSize, 0, &data);
memcpy(data, pixel2.data(), static_cast<size_t>(imageSize));
vkUnmapMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory);
copyBufferToImage(stagingBuffer, textureImage, static_cast<uint32_t>(texWidth), static_cast<uint32_t>(texHeight));
vkDestroyBuffer(device, stagingBuffer, nullptr);
vkFreeMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory, nullptr);
This code looks like a direct translation of some OpenGL code, and not particularly good/modern OpenGL code at that.
There's a lot wrong in this code, but most of it boils down to over-synchronization.
First, you should always view any call to vkDeviceWaitIdle as the wrong thing to do. The only exception would be when you are preparing to destroy the VkDevice itself. There is no other reason to do a full CPU/GPU sync like that.
Presumably, this synchronization exists so that you can be sure the GPU is finished using the image before modifying it. This is the wrong thing to do. You should instead employ multiple-buffering. That is, you should have two images that you use. One is currently being used in a rendering process, while the other is being transferred into.
Instead of doing a full device sync, you instead synchronize with the batch you sent two frames ago. That is, if you're wanting to transfer data for use by frame 10, then you must first do a fence-sync operation with the batch you sent in frame 8. Frame 9 is still being processed, but frame 8 is probably done by now. So the synchronization shouldn't hurt too much.
Second, never allocate memory in the middle of an operation like this. Memory gets allocated early in your application, and you leave it allocated until it's time to destroy your application. If you need a staging buffer, then keep it around and reuse it in subsequent frames. Make sure to allocate sufficient storage up-front.
Whatever your createBuffer call is doing, it seems very much like a bad idea. Vulkan is not OpenGL; Vulkan separated memory from buffers/textures that use it for a reason. Creating APIs that hide this separation basically throws all of that away.
Similarly, never unmap memory, unless you're about to destroy that memory object. There's no problem in Vulkan (or OpenGL) with leaving a piece of memory mapped indefinitely. Just map the entire memory's range and leave it mapped. Indeed, you could just pass the mapped pointer directly to your image loader, depending on how the memory get written by the image loading code (if it tries to read data from this pointer, they could be trouble).
Lastly, the commands doing the transfer need to be synchronized with the commands that consume the image. How this happens depends on which queues are being used to do the transfer.
And of course, if you want optimal performance, you may want to check to see if your implementation can read from linear images in your shader. If it can, then you may not need staging at all; you can just write the data directly to the memory in Vulkan's image format, and use it directly.
Employing all of the above is going to add a lot of complexity to your application. But that's how it's supposed to work.
A naive way consists in using the CPU to define the update depending on the time or data and then update the data for the shader, such as a MVP transformation matrix. But this is inefficient with lots of syncing and too low refresh rates, and also overloading the cpu in a loop.
So people recommend using many buffers sometimes mentioning old drivers. If someone can clarify it, that would be nice. I have a naive and probably wrong guess. If they know exactly the frame rate, then they can calculate the time for each frame and dispatch several frames in advance. But it confuses me because the frame rate is dynamic, especially for new screens with the FreeSync functionality that have dynamic refresh rates.
I have thought of a third possibility. One can use the clock directly in the shader. GL_EXT_shader_realtime_clock provides clockRealtimeEXT. It has no defined unit, and will wrap when exceeding the maximum value. But it is said "globally coherent by all invocations on the GPU". During initialization, you can measure its rate using a uniform buffer, and then assume the rate will be constant. And also manage the wrapping.
Then if you can write your shaders as a function of time, for example in a translation, that would be efficient. You just need the initial data. Remember that one must avoid if conditions in shaders.

How to optimize QGraphicsView's performance?

I'm developing a CAD application using Qt 5.6.2 that is required to run in cheap computers at the same time that it needs to handle thousands of items in the same scene. Because of that, I had to make a lot of experimentations in order to get the best performance.
I decided to create this post to help others and also myself, as long as other people also contribute with more optimization tips.
My text is still a work in progress and I may update it if I discover better techniques (or that I said something really stupid).
Disable Scene Interaction
Event handling is responsible by a good part of the CPU usage by the QGraphicsView engine. At each mouse movement the view asks the scene for the items under the mouse, which calls the QGraphicsItem::shape() method to detect intersections. It happens even with disabled items. So, if you don't need your scene to interact with mouse events, you can set QGraphicsView::setIntenteractive(false). In my case, I had two modes in my tool (measurement and move/rotate) where the scene was basically static and all edit operations were executed by QGraphicsView instead. By doing that, I was able to increase the frame rate in 30%, unfortunately ViewportAnchor::AnchorUnderMouse stopped working.
Reuse Your QPainterPaths
Cache your QPainterPaths inside your QGraphicsItem object. Constructing and populating it can be very slow. In my case it was taking 6 seconds to read a file just because I was converting a point-cloud with 6000 points into a QPainterPath with multiple rectangles. You won't want to do it more than once.
Also, in Qt 5.13 it is now possible to reserve the QPainterPaths 's internal vector size, avoiding multiple copies as it grows.
Simplify your QGraphicsItem::shape()
This method is called multiple times during mouse events, even if the item is not enabled. Try to make it as efficient as possible.
Sometimes, even caching the QPainterPath is not enough since the path intersection algorithm, executed by the scene, can be very slow for complex shapes. In my case I was returning a shape with around 6000 rectangles and it was pretty slow. After downsampling the point-cloud I was able to reduce the number of rectangles to around 1000, that improved the performance significantly but still wasn't ideal since shape() was still being called even when the item was disabled. Because of that I decided to maintain the original QGraphicsItem:shape() (which returns the bounding box rectangle) and just return the more complex cached shape when the item is enabled. It improved the frame-rate when moving the mouse in almost 40% but I still think it is a hack and will update this post if I come up with a better solution. Despite that, in my tests I didn't have any issue as long as I keep its bounding box untouched. If it is not the case, you'll have to call prepareGeometryChange() and then update the bounding box and the shape caches elsewhere.
Test Both: Raster and OpenGL engines
I was expecting that OpenGL would always be better than raster, and it is probably true if all you want is to reduce CPU usage for obvious reasons. However, if all you want is to increase the number of frames per second, especially in cheap/old computers, it worth trying to test raster as well (the default QGraphicsView viewport). In my tests, the new QOpenGLWidget was slightly faster than the old QGLWidget, but the number of FPS was almost 20% slower than using Raster. Of course, it can be application specific and the result can be different depending on what you are rendering.
Use FullViewportUpdate with OpenGL and prefer other partial viewport update method with raster (requires a more strict bounding rectangle maintaining of the items though).
Try to disable/enable VSync to see which one works better for you: QSurfaceFormat::defaultFormat().setSwapInterval(0 or 1). Enabling can reduce the frame rate and disabling can cause "tearing".
Cache Complex QGraphicsItems
If your QGraphicsItem::paint operation is too complex and at the same type mostly static, try to enable caching. Use DeviceCoordinateCache if you are not applying transformation (like rotation) to the items or ItemCoordinateCache otherwise. Avoid call QGraphicsItem::update() very often, or it can be even slower than without caching. If you need to change something in your item, two options are: to draw it in a child, or use QGraphicsView::drawForeground().
Group Similar QPainter Drawing Operations
Prefer drawLines over calling drawLine multiple times; favor drawPoints over drawPoint. Use QVarLengthArray (uses stack, so can be faster) or QVector (uses heap) as container. Avoid change the brush very often (I suspect it is more important when using OpenGL). Also QPoint can be faster and is smaller than QPointF.
Prefer Drawing Using Cosmetic Lines, Avoiding Transparency and Antialiasing
Antialiasing can be disabled, especially if all you are drawing are horizontal, vertical or 45deg lines (they actually look better this way) or you are using a "retina" display.
Search for Hotspots
Bottlenecks may occur in surprising places. Use a profiler (in macOS I use Instruments/Time Profiler) or other methods like elapsed timer, qDebug or FPS counter (I put it in my QGraphicsView::drawForeground) to help locate them. Don't make your code ugly trying to optimize things you are not sure if they are hotspots or not. Example of a FPS counter (try to keep it above 25):
MyGraphicsView:: MyGraphicsView(){
timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(oneSecTimeout()));
void MyGraphicsView::oneSecTimeout()
qInfo() << frameRate;
void MyGraphicsView::drawForeground(QPainter * painter, const QRectF & rect)
Avoid Deep-copy
Use foreach(const auto& item, items), const_iterator or items.at(i) instead of items[i], when iterating over QT containers, to avoid detachment. Use const operator and call const methods as much as possible. Always try to initialize (reserve() ) your vectors/arrays with a good estimation of its actual size.
Scene Indexing
Favor NoIndex for scenes with few items and/or dynamic scenes (with animations), and BspTreeIndex for scenes with many (mostly static) items. BspTreeIndex allows fast searching when using QGraphicsScene::itemAt() method.
Different Paint Algorithms for Different Zoom Levels
As in the Qt 40000 Chips example, you don't need to use the same detailed drawing algorithm to draw things that will look very small at the screen. You can use 2 different QPainterPath cached objects for this task, or as in my case, to have 2 different point-cloud vectors (one with a simplified subset of the original vector, and another with the complement). So, depending on the zoom level, I draw one or both. Another option is to shuffle your point-cloud and draw just the n first elements of the vector, according to the zoom level. This last technique alone increased my frame rate from 5 to 15fps (in a scene where I had originally 1 million points). Use in your QGraphicsItem::painter() something like:
const qreal lod = option->levelOfDetailFromTransform(painter->worldTransform());
const int n = qMin(pointCloud.size(), pointCloud.size() * lod/0.08);
painter->drawPoints(pointCloud.constData(), n);
Oversize Your QGraphicsScene::sceneRect()
If you are constantly increasing your scene rectangle in size, reindexing can freeze your application for a short period of time. To avoid that, you can set a fixed size or add and remove a temporary rectangle to force the scene to increase to a bigger initial size:
auto marginRect = addRect(sceneRect().adjusted(-25000, -25000, 25000, 25000));
sceneRect(); // hack to force update of scene bounding box
delete marginRect;
Disable the Scroolbars
If the view is flickering when you scrool the scene, disabling the scroolbars can fix it:
setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
Apply Mouse-controlled Transformations to Multiple Items Using Grouping
Grouping with QGraphicsScene::createItemGroup() avoids calling QGraphicsItem::itemChange multiple times during the transformation. It is only called twice when the group is created and destroyed.
Compare multiple Qt versions
I didn't have enough time to investigate it yet, but in my current project at least, Qt 5.6.2 (on Mac OS) was much faster than Qt 5.8.
My application, while not exactly a CAD program, is CAD-like in that it allows the user to construct a "blueprint" of various items in a space, and the user is allowed to add as many items as he likes, and some users' designs can get quite crowded and elaborate, with hundreds or thousands of items present at once.
Most of the items in the view are going to be more or less static (i.e. they move or change appearance only when the user clicks/drags on them, which is rarely). But there are often also a few foreground items in the scene that are constantly animated and moving around at 20fps.
To avoid having to re-render complex static elements on a regular basis, I pre-render all the static elements into the QGraphicsView's background-cache whenever any of them change, or whenever the zoom/pan/size settings of the QGraphicsView change, and exclude them from being rendered as part of the normal foreground-view-redrawing process.
That way, when there are moving elements running around the QGraphicsView at 20fps, all of the very-numerous-and-elaborate-static-objects are drawn (by the code in QGraphicsScene::drawBackground()) via a single call to drawPixmap() rather than having to algorithmically re-render each item individually. The always-moving elements can then be drawn on top in the usual fashion.
Implementing this involves calling setOptimizationFlag(IndirectPainting) and setCacheMode(CacheBackground) on the QGraphicsView(s), and also calling resetCachedContent() on them whenever any aspect of the any of the static-items changes (so that the cached-background-image will be re-rendered ASAP).
The only tricky part is getting all of the "background" QGraphicsItems to render inside the QGraphicsScene's drawBackground() callback, and also to not render inside the usual QGraphicsScene::drawItems() callback (which is typically called much more often than QGraphicsScene::drawBackground()).
In my stress-test this reduces my program's steady-state CPU usage by about 50% relative to the "vanilla" QGraphicsScene/QGraphicsView approach (and by about 80% if I'm using OpenGL via calling setViewport(new QOpenGLWidget) on my QGraphicsView).
The only downside (other than added code complexity) is that this approach relies on using QGraphicsView::setOptimizationFlag(IndirectPainting) and QGraphicsView::drawItems(), both of which have been more-or-less deprecated by Qt, so this approach might not continue to work with future Qt versions. (It does work at least as far as Qt 5.10.1 though; that's the latest Qt version I've tried it with)
Some illustrative code:
void MyGraphicsScene :: drawBackground(QPainter * p, const QRectF & r)
if (_isInBackgroundUpdate == false) // anti-infinite-recursion guard
QGraphicsScene::drawBackground(p, r);
const QRectF rect = sceneRect();
p->fillRect(rect, backgroundBrush().color());
// Render the scene's static objects as pixels
// into the QGraphicsView's view-background-cache
this->_isInBackgroundUpdate = true; // anti-infinite-recursion guard
render(p, sceneRect());
this->_isInBackgroundUpdate = false;
// overridden to draw only the items appropriate to our current
// mode (foreground items OR background items but not both!)
void MyGraphicsScene :: drawItems(QPainter *painter, int numItems, QGraphicsItem *items[], const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem options[], QWidget *widget)
// Go through the items-list and only keep items that we are supposed to be
// drawing in this pass (either foreground or background, depending)
int count = 0;
for (int i=0; i<numItems; i++)
const bool isItemBackgroundItem = (_backgroundItemsTable.find(items[i]) != _backgroundItemsTable.end());
if (isItemBackgroundItem == this->_isInBackgroundUpdates) items[count++] = items[i];
QGraphicsScene::drawItems(painter, count, items, options, widget);

Can I delay/bundle reactions to QPlainTextEditor.textChanged events?

I have a small IDE for a modeling language I wrote, implemented in PyQt/PySide, and am trying to implement a code navigator that let's you jump to different sections in the file being edited.
The current implementation is: (1) connect to QPlainTextEditor.textChanged, (2) any time a change is made, (sloppily) parse the file and update the navigator pane
It seems to work OK, but I'm worried this could cause major performance issues for large files on slower systems, in particular if more stuff is connected to textChanged in the future.
My question: Has anybody here implemented a delayed reaction to events, so that multiple events (i.e. keystrokes) within a short period only trigger a single update (say once per second)? And is there a proper QT way of doing this?
You can try using timers if you want some "delay".
There would be 2 ways to use them (with different results).
One is only parse after no input has been done for a certain amount of time
NOTE: I only know C++ Qt but I assume the same things are valid for pyqt so this is kind of "pseudocode" I hope you get the concept though.
QTimer timer; //somewhere
timer.setSingleShot(true); //only fire once
timer.start(500); //wait 500ms
This will restart the timer every input, so when you call that and the timer is not done the timeout signal is not emitted. When no input is done for an amount of time the timer timeouts and you parse the file.
The second option would be to have a periodic timer running (singleShot(false)).
Just start the timer for like each second. and timeout will be called once a second. You can combine that with a variable which you set to true when the input changes and to false when the file is parsed. So you avoid parsing when nothing has changed.
In C++Qt you won't have to worry about multi-threading because the slot gets called in the GUI thread. I assume it is the same for python but you should probably check this.

AS3: How accurate are the getTimer() method and the Timer class?

I'm in the process of making a game (a shmup) and I've started to question the accuracy of the timers in ActionScript. Sure, they're accurate enough when you want to time things on the order of a few seconds or deciseconds, but it seems to perform pretty poorly when you get to finer ranges. This makes it pretty tough to do things like have a spaceship firing a hundred lasers per second.
In the following sample, I tested how long (on average) the intervals were between 1000 timer ticks intended for 30ms. Time and time again, the results are ~35-36ms. Decreasing the time, I found the floor on the timer delay to be ~16-17ms. This gives me a max fps of ~60, which is great visually but also means I can't possibly fire more than 60 lasers per second :-(. I ran this test a few times at 100 and 1000 loops, but for both the 30ms test and the 1ms test the results didn't change. I print to a textField at the end because using trace() and launching the swf in debug mode seems to negatively affect the test. So what I'm wondering is:
Is this test a decent measure of the Timer class's performance, or are my results questionable?
Will these results change dramatically on other machines?
I understand this is dependent on the getTimer() method's accuracy, but the discussions I find on this topic usually center around getTimer()'s accuracy on larger intervals.
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import flash.utils.Timer;
public class testTimerClass extends Sprite
private var testTimer:Timer = new Timer(30, 1000);
private var testTimes:Array = new Array();
private var testSum:int = 0;
private var testAvg:Number;
private var lastTime:int;
private var thisTime:int;
public function testTimerClass()
testTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, step);
testTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, printResults);
lastTime = getTimer();
private function step(event:TimerEvent):void
thisTime = getTimer();
testTimes.push(thisTime - lastTime);
lastTime = thisTime;
private function printResults(event:TimerEvent):void
while (testTimes.length > 0)
testSum += testTimes.pop();
testAvg = testSum / Number(testTimer.repeatCount);
var txtTestResults:TextField = new TextField();
txtTestResults.text = testAvg.toString();
I guess the best route to take would be to just draw multiple lasers in the same frame with different positions and avoid having more than one Timer object.
edit: I used stage.frameRate to change the render frameRate and ran the test on several framerates but there was no change.
Tinic Uro (Flash Player engineer) has written an interesting blog post about this issue some time ago.
Intead of using the timer class at all, I would put my update code in and enterframe eventlistener.
Then use getTimer(), to find out how much time has passed since last update, and then a bit of bit of math to calculate movement, laser "spawning" etc. This way the game should perform the same no matter if you getting 60FPS or 10FPS.
This also prevents weird game behavior if the the FPS drop temporary, or if the game is running on a slow machine.
For the most part the math is pretty simple, and when it is not, you can usually "cut corners" and still get a result good enough for a game.
For simple movement you can simply multiply movement offset with time since last update. For acceleration, you need a second degree equation, but could simplify be multiplying again.
In response to jorelli comment below:
The collision detection problem can be solved by better code, that does not just check the current state, but also what happened between the previous state and the current.
I've never had problems with the keyboard. Maybe you should try this nifty little class:
I just tried running your sample code, exactly as-is except as a frame script, and where I'm sitting Timer works exactly as you'd expect. With a 30ms timer, the average comes out about 33-34, and with a 3ms timer it comes out around 3.4 or 3.5. With a 1 ms timer I get between 1.4 and 1.6 over a thousand trials. It works that way in Flash and in the browser.
So as for the accuracy, see Tinic's blog post in Luke's answer. But for the upper limit on frequency, if you're getting events no faster than 16ms apart with only the sample code you posted, either something's weird, or maybe that's the upper limit on how fast your browser is giving Flash timing messages. If you're getting those results in your actual game, I think you simply have synchronous code that blocking the timer events.
One more thing - I know it's not what you asked, but it would really be wiser to handle your game logic in an ENTER_FRAME handler. It doesn't matter whether the code to spawn lasers runs every 30ms or every 3ms, the screen only gets redrawn once per frame (unless you're forcing it to update more often, which you probably shouldn't be). So whatever happens between screen refreshes is just overhead that lowers your overall framerate, since with a little cleverness it ought to be possible to achieve the exact same results as you'd get from a timer that executed more frequently. For example, instead of spawning a laser every 3ms, you could spawn 10 lasers every 30ms, and move each one a certain distance along its flight path, as if it had been created 3 or 6 or 9ms earlier.
Another natural way to run your logic off frame events would be to make a game loop that "theoretically" runs every T milliseconds. Then, in your ENTER_FRAME handler, simply iterate that loop F/T times, where F is the number of ms that have elapsed since the last frame event. Thus if you want the game to theoretically update every 5ms, and you want the screen to update at 30FPS, you'd simply publish at 30FPS, and in your ENTER_FRAME handler you'd call your main game loop 5-7 times consecutively, depending on how long it had been since the last frame. Onscreen, this will give you the same results as if you had used a 5ms timer event, and it will dispense with much of the overhead.
BitmapData.scroll and BitmapData.copyPixels are the fastest way to render in flash right now, although on a few systems, using movieclips with gpu acceleration is slightly faster. Each quad is rendered as a separate texture in OpenGL, so its not what you'd expect from an ordinary GPU accelerated application. I know, because I profiled both ways in my game. One thing that you can do to improve response time is to call your game update from the input event handlers. That way, you hear correctly timed sounds even when your game's framerate is lower, and the application will feel more responsive.
This gives me a max fps of ~60, which is great visually but also means I can't possibly fire more than 60 lasers per second :-(
I would say you are very lucky to be getting that kind of FPS as it is, and the majority of your users (assuming your audience is the internet at large) will more than likely not be achieving that kind of framerate.
I would agree that the abilities of the flash player are probably not sufficient for what you are trying to achieve.

Is it a bad idea to implement a timer loop in Flex?

In our game project we did have a timer loop set to fire about 20 times a second (the same as the application framerate). We use this to move some sprites around.
I'm wondering if this could cause problems and we should instead do our updates using an EnterFrame event handler?
I get the impression that having a timer loop run faster than the application framerate is likely to cause problems... is this the case?
As an update, trying to do it on EnterFrame caused very weird problems. Instead of a frame every 75ms, suddenly it jumped to 25ms. Note, it wasn't just our calculation claimed the framerate was different, suddenly the animations sped up to a crazy rate.
I'd go for the Enter frame, in some special cases it can be useful to have two "loops" one for logic and one for the visuals, but for most games I make I stick to the Enter frame-event listener. Having a separate timer for moving your stuff around is a bit unnecessary since having it set to anything except the framerate would make the motion either jerky or just not visible (since the frame is not redrawn).
One thing to consider however is to decouple your logic from the framerate, this is most easily accomplished by using getTimer (available in both as2 and as3) to calculate the time that has expired since the last frame and adjusting the motions or whatever accordingly.
A timer is no more reliable than the enter frame event, flash will try to keep up with whatever rate you've set, but if you're doing heavy processing or complex graphics it will slow down, both timers and framerate.
Here's a rundown of how Flash handles framerates and why you saw your content play faster.
At the deepest level, whatever host application that Flash is running in (the browser usually) polls flash at some interval. That interval might be every 10ms in one browser, or 50ms in another. Every time time that poll occurs, Flash does something like this:
Have (1000/framerate) miliseconds passed since the last frame update?
If no: do nothing and return
If yes: Execute a frame update:
Advance all (playing) timelines one frame
Dispatch all events (including an ENTER_FRAME event
Execute all frame scripts and event handlers with pending events
Draw screen updates
However, certain kinds of external events (such as keypresses, mouse events, and timer events) are handled asynchronously to the above process. So if you have an event handler that fires when a key is pressed, the code in that handler might be executed several times between frame updates. The screen will still only be redrawn once per frame update, unless you use the updateAfterEvent() method (global in AS2, attached to events in AS3).
Note that the asynchronous behavior of these events does not affect the timing of frame updates. Even if you use timer events to, for example, redraw the screen 50 times per second, frame animations will still occur at the published framerate, and scripted animations will not execute any faster if they're driven by the enterFrame event (rather than the timer).
The nice thing about using enter frame events, is your processing will degrade at the same pace as the rendering and you'll get a screen update right after the code block finishes.
Either method isn't guaranteed to occur at a specific time interval. So your event handler should be determining how long it's been since it last executed, and making decisions off of that instead of purely how many times it's run.
I think timerEvent and Enter Frame are both good options, I have used both of them in my games. ( Did you mean timerEvent by timer loop? )
PS: notice that in slow machines the timer may not refresh quick enough, so you may need to adjust your code to make game work "faster" in slow machines.
I would suggest using a class such as TweenLite ( http://blog.greensock.com/tweenliteas3/ ) which is lightweight at about 3kb or if you need more power you can use TweenMax, which i believe is 11kb. There are many advantages here. First off, this "engine" has been thoroughly tested and benchmarked and is well known as one of the most resource friendly ways to animate few or even many things. I have seen a benchmark, where in AS3, 1,500 sprites are being animated with TweenLite and it holds a strong 20 fps, as where competitors like Tweener would bog down to 9 fps http://blog.greensock.com/tweening-speed-test/. The next advantage is the ease of use as I will demonstrate below.
//Make sure you have a class path pointed at a folder that contains the following.
import gs.TweenLite;
import gs.easing.*;
var ball_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var g:Graphics = ball_mc.graphics;
//Now we animate ball_mc
//Example: TweenLite.to(displayObjectName, totalTweeningTime, {someProperty:someValue,anotherProperty:anotherValue,onComplete:aFunctionCalledWhenComplete});
TweenLite.to(ball_mc, 1,{x:400,alpha:0.5});
So this takes ball_mc and moves it to 400 from its current position on the x axis and during that same Tween it reduces or increases the alpha from its current value to 0.5.
After importing the needed class, it is really only 1 line of code to animate each object, which is really nice. We can a also affect the ease, which I believe by default is Expo.easeOut(Strong easeOut). If you wanted it to bounce or be elastic such effects are available just by adding a property to the object as follows.
TweenLite.to(ball_mc, 1,{x:400,alpha:0.5,ease:Bounce.easeOut});
TweenLite.to(ball_mc, 1,{x:400,alpha:0.5,ease:Elastic.easeOut});
The easing all comes from the gs.easing.* import which I believe is Penner's Easing Equations utilized through TweenLite.
In the end we have no polling (Open loops) to manage such as Timer and we have very readable code that can be amended or removed with ease.
It is also important to note that TweenLite and TweenMax offer far more than I have displayed here and it is safe to say that I use one of the two classes in every single project. The animations are custom, they have functionality attached to them (onComplete: functionCall), and again, they are optimal and resource friendly.
