How are external ips supposed to work in OpenShift (4.x)? - networking

I'm looking for some help in understanding how external ips
are supposed to work (specifically on OpenShift 4.4/4.5 baremetal).
It looks like I can assign arbitrary external ips to a service
regardless of the setting of spec.externalIP.policy on the cluster
network. Is that expected?
Once an external ip is assigned to a service, what's supposed to
happen? The openshift docs are silent on this topic. The k8s docs
Traffic that ingresses into the cluster with the external
IP (as destination IP), on the Service port, will be routed to one
of the Service endpoints.
Which suggests that if I (a) assign an externalip to a service and
(b) configure that address on a node interface, I should be able to
reach the service on the service port at that address, but that
doesn't appear to work.
Poking around the nodes after setting up a service with an external ip, I don't see netfilter rules or anything else that would direct traffic for the external address to the appropriate pod.
I'm having a hard time findings docs that explain how all this is
supposed to operate.


Source IP(recorded at service end, outside cluster) when talking from pod to a service outside Kubernetes cluster?

Probably a noob K8s networking question. When a pod is talking to a service outside the Kubernetes cluster(ex: internet), what source IP would the service see? I don't think it will be the pod IP (as it is) because NATing involved? Is there some documentation around this topic?
You can find the answer to your question in the documentation:
For the traffic that goes from pod to external addresses, Kubernetes
simply uses SNAT. What it does is replace the pod’s internal source
IP:port with the host’s IP:port. When the return packet comes back to
the host, it rewrites the pod’s IP:port as the destination and sends
it back to the original pod. The whole process is transparent to the
original pod, who doesn’t know the address translation at all.

GKE: IP Addresses

I have noticed something strange with my service deployed on GKE and I would like to understand...
When I Launch kubectl get services I can see my service EXTRNAL-IP. Let's say That's the one I use to access my application.
Ben when my application tries to access another external API, the owner of the API sees another IP address from me :
Can you explain me why ? And is it possible to make this second IP static ?
Because my app has to access an external API, and the owner of this API filters its access by IP address
Thanks !
The IP address you have on service as EXTERNAL-IP is a load balancer IP address reserved and assigned to your new service and it is only for incoming traffic.
But when your pod is trying to reach any service outside the cluster two scenarios can happen:
The destination API is inside the same VPC, which means that no translation of IP addresses is needed and then on the last version of Kubernetes you will reach the API using the Pod IP address assigned by Kubernetes on the range
When the target is outside the VPC you need to reach it using some kind of NAT, in that case, the default gateway for your VPC is used and the NAT applies the IP address of the node where the pod is running.
If you need to have and static IP address in order to whitelist it you need to use a cloud NAT

How to set the external IP of a specific node in Google Kubernetes Engine?

Unfortunately, we have to interface with a third-party service which instead of implementing authentication, relies on the request IP to determine if a client is authorized or not.
This is problematic because nodes are started and destroyed by Kubernetes and each time the external IP changes. Is there a way to make sure the external IP is chosen among a fixed set of IPs? That way we could communicate those IPs to the third party and they would be authorized to perform requests. I only found a way to fix the service IP, but that does not change at all the single nodes' IPs.
To be clear, we are using Google's Kubernetes Engine, so a custom solution for that environment would work too.
Yes, it's possible by using KubeIP.
You can create a pool of shareable IP addresses, and use KubeIP to automatically attach IP address from the pool to the Kubernetes node.
IP addresses can be created by:
opening Google Cloud Dashboard
going VPC Network -> External IP addresses
clicking on "Reserve Static Address" and following the wizard (on the Network Service Tier, I think it needs to be a "Premium", for this to work).
The easiest way to have a single static IP for GKE nodes or the entire cluster is to use a NAT.
You can either use a custom NAT solution or use Google Cloud NAT with a private cluster

Kubernetes LoadBalancer with new IP per service from LAN DHCP

i am trying out Kubernetes on bare-metal, as a example I have docker containers exposing port 2002 (this is not HTTP).
I do not need to load balance traffic among my pods since each of new pod is doing its own jobs not for the same network clients.
Is there a software that will allow to access each new created service with new IP from internal DHCP so I can preserve my original container port?
I can create service with NodePort and access this pod by some randomly generated port that is forwarded to my 2002 port.
But i need to preserve that 2002 port while accessing my containers.
Each new service would need to be accessible by new LAN IP but with the same port as containers.
Is there some network plugin (LoadBalancer?) that will allow to forward from IP assigned by DHCP back to this randomly generated service port so I can access containers by original ports?
Starting service in Kubernetes, and then accessing this service with IP:2002, then starting another service but the same container image as previous, and then accessing it with another_new_IP:2002
Ah, that happens automatically within the cluster -- each Pod has its own IP address. I know you said bare metal, but this post by Lyft may give you some insight into how you can skip or augment the SDN and surface the Pod's IPs into routable address space, doing exactly what you want.
In more real terms: I haven't ever had the need to attempt such a thing, but CNI is likely flexible enough to interact with a DHCP server and pull a Pod's IP from a predetermined pool, so long as the pool is big enough to accommodate the frequency of Pod creation and termination.
Either way, I would absolutely read a blog post describing your attempt -- successful or not -- to pull this off!
On a separate note, be careful because the word Service means something specific within kubernetes, even though it is regrettably a word often used in a more generic term (as I suspect you did). Thankfully, a Service is designed to do the exact opposite of what you want to happen, so there was little chance of confusion -- just be aware.

How to create firewall for kubernetes cluster in google container engine

This may be an extremely simple question, but I can't seem to figure out how to only allow my kubernetes cluster to be accessible ONLY from my office IP.
In my firewall rules I see my rules for the gke nodes to be 2 internal ips and my office ip.
I also see a firewall rule for an external ip range that I don't see in my external IP addresses. That IP address also doesn't appear in my load balancer IPs...
Finally I have a loadbalancing firewall rule that allows the external IP ranges from the load balancing tab, which are my kubernetes ingress rules.
Long story short, how do I only allow my kubernetes cluster to be only accessible from my office IP?
This isn't currently possible in Google Container Engine.
You don't see any firewall rules for your cluster control plane because it isn't running inside your cloud project. Therefore the endpoint for your cluster won't show up in your networking views and you cannot add firewall rules to restrict access to it.
This is a shortcoming that the team is aware of and we hope to be able to provide a solution for you in the future.
