Is the transmission power on Bluetooth Low Energy an Android configurable? - bluetooth-lowenergy

I have a Bluetooth Low Energy Android app project here which works fine so far for most of my android smartphones. I use my BLE weather thermometer in my app anywhere within my room, it works.
Except for a Huawei P30 Lite deivce: With my Huawei I can not get a connection, except I place the BLE Thermometer on my right upper corner on my Huawei smartphone. I assume the Bluetooth antenna is located there in my smartphone?
Under linux I can configure my wifi transmission power like:
sudo iwconfig wlan0 txpower 30mW
Is there such a possibility to configure my Bluetooth Low Energy Android library?

It is not obvious from your question where the problem is. Typically in Bluetooth you have control of the power the peripheral advertises at, so that would be the BLE weather themometer in your case.
I would suggest looking at the HCI logs on the phones to see if they give more insight as to what the issue is.


BLE Beacon connection to Peripheral device

I have one device which works as beacon and another device(D2) which works in peripheral mode and communicate to smart phone as in connection mode.
Now I want to send my data from beacon to D2 which is in peripheral mode.
So is it possible to communicate between beacon and D2.
No it is not possible. A beacon is considered to be a peripheral device, and only a central device can scan/connect and read data from a peripheral device. As such, you cannot communicate between the beacon and D2 unless the D2 has central capabilities.
You can find more information here:-
BLE beacon technology made simple
Getting started with Bluetooth Low Energy
Bluetooth Low Energy: A primer

HC-12 detection by Raspberry Pi bluetooth scanner

I have bought an HC-12 module, but as much as I have investigated I have not found a way that a Raspberry Pi with a bluetooth detector called bluelog can detect it.
What do I have to do so that HC-12 wired to a Arduino can be detected with the bluetooth scanner?
How to set HC-12 in 'discoverable' mode?
Thank you
HC12 is a 433MHz transceiver. Bluetooth operates at 2.4GHz
What you're trying to do is impossible and doesn't make any sense.
There are other modules like HC05 or HC06 that communicate via Bluetooth. Your HC12 does not. You'll need a second of those transceivers to establish a connection between the Arduino and Raspberry PI.
This will give you up to 1km of range at lower bandwidth while Bluetooth only works across several meters.
So pick whatever suits your requirements best. A HC12 alone won't do much.
Maybe you should spend a few minutes on researching how radio transmission works befor you buy any equipment.

QT Bluetooth Peripheral and Central role possible?

I'm running a programm on a Raspberry Pie which is based on QT and uses a bluetooth adapter to connect to some peripheral devices as a central role.
I also have another device, which only can act as a Central bluetooth device and needs to be connected to my Raspberry.
Is it possible with QT to first build a connection to my second device by advertising itself and acting as a peripheral, and afterwards swaping to central mode, to connect to the other devices?
I didn't find any evidence for or against this. So i hope you guys can help me out.
What you want to do is not related to Qt/software, but rather something that depends on the hardware, specifically the version of Bluetooth of your hardware. A device can advertise (act as a peripheral) and scan/connect (act as a central) at the same time if it supports the "LE Dual Mode Topology", which was added in Bluetooth v4.1 (please see figure below).
Therefore, if this is a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or B+, then it has Bluetooth v4.1 or v4.2 (respectively) built-in and it should be capable of acting as both central and peripheral. If it is an older Raspberry Pi then this depends on the Bluetooth dongle that you attach to it.
I hope this helps.

Testing Microchip RN4871 BLE Module with Raspberry Pi 3

I got a Microchip RN4871 BLE Module and want it to act as beacon.
So, I connected over UART and executed the following commands:
I am able to scan and connect to it using hcitool and gattool command. Now I want to verify whether the beacon functionality is working or not. I mean the device is periodically broadcasting Beacon packets or not..
How can I verify that.. Is there any android application which can help or can i do with raspberry pi 3 as it has in built Bluetooth Chip
There are some really nice apps from nordic for free available. I like the nrF connect app. I guess it will help you.

Google Glass wifi hotspot

I need to turn my Google Glass as a Wifi Hotspot in order to send data from Glass to my Wifi Shield (Arduino).
Is it possible to set my Glass as a wifi hotspot?
Google Glass can not work as a hotspot.
You could use a smartphone as hotspot and connect the Glass and arduino to that, then they can talk to each other over that network
No you can't. You cannot expect it to perform as your laptop or phone because instead of full-circuit card that supports 802.11 b/g/n with several antennas, Glass has only one wireless module on its board. That is from a Taiwanese company with module number WM-BN-BM-04 .
You can see the details about that module here or you can even buy it from Alibaba for $10 ;) . Even built-in apps such as video call doesn't run smoothly most probably because of this limited hardware.. But a bigger problem about Glass Wifi is that it only supports WEP -hackable by high school students- and WPA/WPA2. No enterprise. You can have a WIFI connection at home but unfortunately not at university, work etc. So with this in mind, you should probably design only at-home applications with WIFI.
