Generalize optimize using optim - jointly minimize differences - r

I'd like to minimize several differences. For one difference, this seems straight forward:
target1 <- 1.887
data <- seq(0,1, by=.001)
#Step 1
somefunction <- function(dat, target1, X){
#some random function...
t <- sum(dat)
y <- t * X
#minimize this difference
diff <- target1-y
V1 <- optimize(f = somefunction,
interval = c(0,1),
maximum = T)
#--> This value for `X` should minimize the difference...
V1$maximum * sum(data)
#--> as close to zero we get
Now, I'd like to minimize several differences in one step relying on optim but this does not work properly:
#Step 2
data2 <- data.frame(dat1=seq(0,1, by=.01),
somefunction_general <- function(dat, target1, target2, target3, X){
#some random function...
y <- sum(dat[,1]) * X[1]
y1 <- sum(dat[,2]) * X[2]
y2 <- sum(dat[,3]) * X[3]
#minimize these differences...
diff1 <- target1-y
diff2 <- target2-y1
diff3 <- target3-y2
#almost certain that this is wrong...
vtr <- sum(abs(diff1), abs(diff2), abs(diff3))
V2 <- optim(par=c(1,1,1),
fn = somefunction_general,
control = list(fnscale = -1))
[1] 50.5
[1] 44.27654
[1] 51.73668
#[1] 1.469199e+45
#[1] 1.128977e+45
[1] 2.923681e+45

Looks like there's some disagreement between the first function and the second? In the first function, you're returning target1-sum(dat)*X and then trying to find the maximum over X values in [0, 1].
But since you're returning the raw difference and not the absolute value, you're actually just maximizing -sum(dat)*X, or, equivalently, minimizing sum(dat)*X. Since the dat is constant, naturally the optimize function is going to return the smallest value on the interval each time (0 in the example).
For the first function, I think what you want to do is return the absolute value of the difference and then find the minimum and not the maximum. The fix for the second function, somefunction_general, is even simpler, since you're already returning sum(abs(diff1), abs(diff2), abs(diff3)): just make sure the minimum is returned by getting rid of control = list(fnscale = -1)
V2 <- optim(par=c(1,1,1),
fn = somefunction_general,
[1] 0.03564358 0.03837754 0.07748929

You should write a function such that whether there is one parameter or more, optim should work on it:
somefunction_general <- function(X, dat, target){
dat <- as.matrix(dat)
y <- colSums(dat) * X
sum((target-y)^2) # Often use the MSE
let us test this
data2 <- data.frame(dat1=seq(0,1, by=.01),
data <- seq(0,1, by=.001)
(a <-optim(0,somefunction_general,dat = data,target = 1.887,method = "BFGS"))
[1] 0.00377023
[1] 3.64651e-28
function gradient
25 3
[1] 0
We can not that the function value is zero. thus the parameter a$par is what we want. check this out
[1] 1.887
We can also have 3 parameters 1 target eg:
(b<-optim(c(0,0,0),somefunction_general,dat = data2,target = 1.887))
[1] 0.03736837 0.04262253 0.03647203
[1] 4.579334e-08
function gradient
100 NA
[1] 0
dat1 dat2 dat3
1.887103 1.887178 1.886942
Each almost got to the target of 1.887. note that this is similar to running the first one 3 times.
(d<-optim(c(0,0,0),somefunction_general,dat = data2,target = c(1.8, 2, 4)))
[1] 0.03564672 0.04516916 0.07730660
[1] 2.004725e-07
function gradient
88 NA
[1] 0
the target was achieved:
dat1 dat2 dat3
1.800160 1.999934 3.999587
This one function can work on n dimensions. please use the method BFGS unless it does not converge.
What if there is one parameter with three targets? well this is quite difficult. Unless there is such a parameter, then it wont converge.
suppose we say the parameter is 0.01, what is the target?
dat1 dat2 dat3
0.5050000 0.4427654 0.5173668
Okay, suppose we were given this target, can we get the 0.01 back?
(e<-optim(10,somefunction_general,dat = data2,target = c(0.505, 0.4427654, 0.5173668),method = "BFGS"))
[1] 0.01
[1] 7.485697e-16
function gradient
12 3
[1] 0
Huh, we were able to converge. this is because there was a parameter that could take us there. note that i did change the starting point to 10.


Find maximum value for x for a polynomial function

I am using a simple polynomial to fit a curve.
poly <- function(a, b, c, x) a * x^2 + b * x + c
I'd like to find the value of x that results in the maximum value of the curve. Currently I create a grid with a range of x from 20000 to 50000, run the function for each row, then use max() on the result. It works, but I have a lot of groups and it creates a big dataframe every time I do it. It is very clunky and I feel like there must be a better way.
Some typical coefficients are:
a <- -0.000000179
b <- 0.011153167
c <- 9.896420781
If you rearrange your function so the variable you want to maximize is first and you set the default values like so:
poly <- function(x, a, b, c) a * x^2 + b * x + c
formals(poly)$a <- -0.000000179
formals(poly)$b <- 0.011153167
formals(poly)$c <- 9.896420781
Then you can use the optimize function to maximize over your interval:
optimize(poly, c(20000, 50000), maximum = T)
[1] 31154.1
[1] 183.6298
Where $maximum is the x value at which the maximum occurs and $objective is the height.
If a is negative, maximum of parabola a * x^2 + b * x + c is reached at -b/(2*a) :
#[1] TRUE
#[1] 31154.1
You could use optim. I think the other solutions answered in this thread are more appealing, but I'll write this up for completeness:
a <- -0.000000179
b <- 0.011153167
c <- 9.896420781
o <- optim(
fn=function(x){ -poly(a,b,c,x=x) },
lower=-50e3, upper=50e3
> o
[1] 31154.1
[1] -183.6298
function gradient
[1] 0

How can I minimize this function?

I was trying to prove there that a certain function cannot go negative. As I did not manage to make the proof, and also to convince myself that it is true, I coded the function as follows:
test = function(s,t){
# s is a vector of positives reals of length d
# t is a vector of complexes of length d-1
d = length(s)
t = c(t, (1-sum(t*s[1:(d-1)]))/s[d])
modulii = abs((t+1)/(t-1))
# I want to minimize this test function over all
# s positive reals of length d
# t complex of length d-1.
# How can i do that ?
# simple starting points:
d = 3
s = runif(d)
t = complex(real = runif(d-1),imaginary = runif(d-1))
test(s,t) # should be positive.
How can I code an optimization routine that minimize this function with respect to :
s[1],...s[d] all non-negative reals, with s[d] strictly positive.
t[1],...,t[d-1] all complex valued.
I struggle with optim and complex numbers. I want to be sure that the minimum cannot be negative ;)
Define a function proj which takes a vector of length 3*d-2 and produces a list with s and t from it squaring the first d elements to form s and taking the next d-1 and following d-1 elements as the real and imaginary parts of t. Then define f to run proj and pass the result to test and run.
d <- 3
proj <- function(x) {
d <- (length(x) + 2) / 3
list(s = head(x, d)^2, t = complex(x[seq(d+1, length = d-1)], tail(x, d-1)))
f <- function(x) with(proj(x), test(s, t))
result <- optim(rep(0.5, 3*d-2), f)
## $par
## [1] 1.0863555573 5.9011341467 -0.0009866435 -0.1252050359 1.0720624611
## [6] -0.3826544395 -6.2322265938
## $value
## [1] 8.911303e-09
## $counts
## function gradient
## 188 NA
## $convergence
## [1] 0
## $message
## $s
## [1] 1.180168e+00 3.482338e+01 9.734655e-07
## $t
## [1] -0.3826544+0i -6.2322266+0i

Minimum value of function

How can I find out the minimum value that can be returned by a function with infinite domain in R?
f <- function(x) { x^2-1 }
print(minVal(f)) # -1
f <- function(x) { x^2+1 }
print(minVal(f)) # 1
So far I've tried optimize, but it requires a finite interval:
minVal <- function(f) {
optimize(f, c(-100, 100))
Have you tried the nlm function?
nlm(function(x) x^2 -1, p = 1E3)
[1] -1
[1] -2.499974e-10
[1] 9.995338e-07
[1] 1
[1] 1
p is a starting value for minimization that is required.
As well as nlm, you could try
optim(fn=function(x) x^2 -1, par = 1, method="BFGS")
This happens to work with a starting value of 1 or 1000 (although numerical accuracy can almost never be guaranteed for general nonlinear minimization).
This will work even better if you specify the gradient explicitly:
optim(fn=function(x) x^2 -1, gr=function(x) 2*x, par = 1, method="BFGS")
Based on some quick experiment, this seems to give the correct answer for starting values between -10^7 and 10^7.

HoltWinters function works fine when used by itself with purrr:map but not when used in an ifelse function

I am trying to use a HoltWinters prediction iteratively along a vector, without the use of a loop, but don't want the HoltWinters function used on the first two. I have created a list of vectors using accumulate:
v <- c(73,77,71,73,86,87,90)
cumv <- accumulate(v,c)
Using map across cumv:
# Omit first two
hw1 <- map(cumv[-c(1:2)], function(x) HoltWinters(ts(x),gamma=F,alpha=0.35,beta=0.2))
> hw1[[5]]
#Holt-Winters exponential smoothing with trend and without seasonal component.
#HoltWinters(x = ts(x), alpha = 0.35, beta = 0.2, gamma = F)
#Smoothing parameters:
# alpha: 0.35
# beta : 0.2
# gamma: FALSE
# [,1]
#a 89.605082
#b 3.246215
gives my desired result but doesn't include the first two iterations. I assumed using ifelse would work fine:
# Include first two, use ifelse
hw2 <- map(cumv, function(x) ifelse(length(x)>2,HoltWinters(ts(x),gamma=F,alpha=0.35,beta=0.2),
Now, hw2[[7]] should have (I thought) returned an identical object to hw1[[5]] but it doesn't.
> hw2[[7]]
#Time Series:
#Start = 3
#End = 7
#Frequency = 1
# xhat level trend
#3 81.00000 77.00000 4.000000
#4 80.80000 77.50000 3.300000
#5 80.82400 78.07000 2.754000
#6 85.75192 82.63560 3.116320
#7 89.39243 86.18875 3.203686
Why is it getting messed up?
As Dason mentioned in their comment, the ifelse() function is not the same as using if else statements. The former returns a single value for each element of x, assuming x is a vector containing booleans, e.g.
ifelse (x, "A", "B")
returns [1] "A" "A" "B" "B"
For your purpose, you want to use a normal if else construct:
hw2 <- map(cumv, function(x) {
if (length(x) > 2) {
return (HoltWinters(ts(x),gamma=F,alpha=0.35,beta=0.2))
} else if (length(x) > 1) {
return (max(x))
} else {
return (NA)

Optimizing a function in R with more than one solution

I am attempting to optimize (minimize) a function with two parameters that should have a unique solution.
foo <- function(x) {
x1 <- x[1]
x2 <- x[2]
optim(c(0,0), foo)
Those of you who loved middle school math may recognize the formula for the distance between two points on a Cartesian (x,y) coordinate plane. The function foo is written so that x1 is the x coordinate and x2 is the y coordinate of a point I'm trying to find. In this case, that point is (3,4). However, I'm getting a whacky output:
optim(c(0,0), foo)
[1] -3.938866e+54 1.293779e+54
[1] -1.243772e+55
function gradient
501 NA
[1] 1
Any idea what's going wrong?
As is, your function has no minimum, since t, u and v decrease as x1 and x2 go farther away from the three fixed points (0,0), (0,4) and (3,0).
It seems that you want to find a point (x1,x2) that minimizes the distance to those three points. If that's the case, you should define f as:
foo <- function(x) {
x1 <- x[1]
x2 <- x[2]
t = 5 + sqrt((0-x1)^2+(0-x2)^2);
u = 4 + sqrt((0-x1)^2+(4-x2)^2);
v = 3 + sqrt((3-x1)^2+(0-x2)^2);
Note that the only change is -sqrt to +sqrt.
The answer is not point (3,4) as you expect, the minimum is a point inside the triangle that have those three points as vertex.
> z
[1] 0.7510095 0.6954136
[1] 18.76643
function gradient
59 NA
[1] 0
The red point is the solution:
The main issue was that the 3 and 4 were flipped. The other was that your differences were signed. But also the routine can converge to a local min which is not the absolute min. Instead:
foo <- function(x) {
optim(c(4,0), foo)
