Stata plot with information from multiple variables - plot

I have 10 binary variables- var1, var2,...,var10 answering "yes" or "no" (1 or 0) to a certain question, but under different conditions. I want to create a barplot in stata that shows me the proportion of people who answered "no" for each of the variables (a single plot). How can I do this? If I use the regular barplot command for frequencies
graph bar, over(varlist)
I get an error because over() only takes in a single variable, not a varlist. Something like this is pretty easy to do in R or Python, but I'm not sure how to do this in stata. My data looks something like below:
| id var1 var2 var3 |
1. | 1 0 0 1 |
2. | 2 1 1 1 |
3. | 3 0 1 1 |
As stated, each person has answered 3 questions (rather, the same question presented in three different ways) with "yes" or "no". I want to generate a single barplot with three bars ("var1", "var2", "var3"), each representing the proportion of people who answered no to the question (so 0.67, 0.33, and 0, respectively, in the example data).

There is no reproducible data example here. The Stata tag wiki has very detailed advice on how to give data examples.
Plotting the fraction of zeros directly does not yield to any trick obvious to me as I write, but here is a work-around. The principles for 10 variables aren't different from those for a four-variable example invented here. The main idea is that the default of graph hbar (or of graph bar or graph dot) is to show means, and the mean of a binary variable is a proportion.
set seed 2803
set obs 10
forval j = 1/4 {
generate var`j' = runiform() > (`j' * 0.2)
forval j = 1/4 {
generate nvar`j' = 1 - var`j'
label var nvar`j' "var`j'"
graph hbar nvar* , ascategory ytitle(fraction of Nos) name(G1, replace)
statplot nvar*, ytitle(fraction of Nos) name(G2, replace)
The statplot solution (dependent on installing that command using ssc install statplot) is just an alternative. It's a personal view that its immediate result here is closer to a civilised graph than the default of graph hbar. But it's not different in principle and you would get closer by spelling out more options directly for graph hbar.
Using graph hbar rather than graph bar is a personal choice. But if your real data have variable labels or longer names, then space to show either readably for 10 variables could be a medium-sized deal.


Calculating a ratio in a ggplot2 graph while retaining faceting variables

So I don't think this has been asked before, but SO search might just be getting confused by combinations of 'ratio' and 'faceting'. I'm trying to calculate a productivity ratio; number of widgets produced for number of workers on a given day or period. I've got my data structured in a single data frame, with each widget produced each day by each worker in it's own record, and other workers that worked that day but didn't produce a widget also in their own record, along with various metadata.
Something like this:
I'm trying to find the ratio of widget_inds to employee_active_inds, over time, while retaining the metadata, so that i can filter or facet within the ggplot2 code, something like:
plot <- ggplot(data = df[df$employee_bu == 'americas',],aes(y = (widget_ind/employee_active_ind), x = day)) +
geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'stack') +
facet_wrap(product_type ~ ., scales = 'fixed') + #change these to look at different cuts of metadata
Retaining the metadata is appealing rather than making individual dataframes summarizing by the various combinations, but the results with no faceting aren't even correct (e.g. the ggplot is showing a barchart with a height of ~18 widgets per person; creating a summarized dataframe with no faceting is showing a ratio of less than 1 widget per person).
I'm currently getting this error when I run the ggplot code:
Warning message:
Removed 9865 rows containing missing values (geom_bar).
Which doesn't make sense since in my data frame both widget_ind and employee_active_ind have no NA values, so calculating the ratio of the two should always work?
Edit 1: Clarifying employee_active_ind: I should not have any employee_active_ind = 0, but my current joins produce them (and it passes the reality sniff test; the process we are trying to model allows you to do work on day 1 that results in a widget on day 2, where you may not do any work, so wouldn't be counted as active on that day). I think I need to re-think my data structure. Even so, I'm assuming here that ggplot2 is acting like it would for a given bar chart; it's taking the number in each widget_ind record, for a given day (along with any facets and filters), and is then summing that set and displaying the result. The wrinkle I'm adding is dividing by the number of active employees on that day, and while you can have some one out on a given day, you'd never have everyone out. But that isn't what ggplot is doing is it?
I agree with MrFlick - especially the question concerning employee_active_ind of 0. If you have them, this could create NA values where something is divided by 0.

R Question: How can I create a histogram with 2 variables against eachother?

Okay, let me be as clear as I can in my problem. I'm new to R, so your patience is appreciated.
I want to create a histogram using two different vectors. The first vector contains a list of models (products). These models are listed as either integers, strings, or NA. I'm not exactly sure how R is storing them (I assume they're kept as strings), or if that is a relevant issue. I also have a vector containing a list of incidents pertaining to that model. So for example, one row in the dataframe might be:
Model Incidents
XXX1991 7
How can I create a histogram where the number of incidents for each model is shown? So the histogram will look like
| =
| =
Frequency of | =
Incidents | = =
| = = =
| = = = = =
- - - - - -
Each different Model
Just to give a general idea.
I also need to be able to map everything out with standard deviation lines, so that it's easy to see which models are the least reliable. But that's not the main question here. I just don't want to do anything that will make me unable to use standard deviation in the future.
So far, all I really understand is how to make a histogram with the frequency marked, but for some reason, the x-axis is marked with numbers, not the models' names.
I don't really care if I have to download new packages to make this work, but I suspect that this already exists in basic R or ggplot2 and I'm just too dumb to figure it out.
Feel free to ask clarfying questions. Thanks.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, there are multiple rows of incidents listed under each model. So to add to my example earlier:
Model Incidents
XXX1991 7
XXX1991 1
XXX1991 19
XXX1002 9
XXX1002 4
etc . . .
I want to add up all the incidents for a model under one label.
I am assuming that you did not mean to leave the model blank in your example, so I filled in some values.
You can add up the number of incidents by model using aggregate then make the relevant plot using barplot.
## Example Data
data = read.table(text="Model Incidents
XXX1991 7
XXX1991 1
XXX1991 19
XXX1992 3
XXX1992 5
XXX1002 9
XXX1002 4",
TAB = aggregate(data$Incidents, list(data$Model), sum)
Group.1 x
1 XXX1002 13
2 XXX1991 27
3 XXX1992 8
barplot(TAB$x, names.arg=TAB$Group.1 )

Creating stacked chart

I have two tables that stores login attempts of users. One table contains all successful logins and the other contains fail attempts. I'm trying to create a stacked chart by using fail login counts and successful login counts. This is how my tables look like :
Success_login Table:
User_ID Site_Address Login_Attempts
1 5
2 xxx.xxy.yyy 10
Fail_login Table:
User_ID Site_Address Login_Attempts
1 2
2 xxx.xxy.yyy 8
How do I use Login_Attempts columns of those two tables to create stacked chart so that I can highlight success and failure attempt? I looked online and I found this code :
# Stacked Bar Plot with Colors and Legend
counts <- table(mtcars$vs, mtcars$gear)
barplot(counts, main="Car Distribution by Gears and VS",
xlab="Number of Gears", col=c("darkblue","red"),
legend = rownames(counts))
However, it does not work, as my two tables have different number of records. I appreciate if you could guide me to the solution.
First you have to unify your data into a single table. This can be done with a kind of outer join, if you're familiar with SQL. See How to join (merge) data frames (inner, outer, left, right)?. The resulting NAs (for records which failed to join to the opposite table) must be replaced with zeroes in order for the final call to barplot() to work.
You must then derive a matrix in the format required by barplot() for producing stacked bar charts, which can be done pretty easily with a single call to matrix(). Taking care to set labels/titles/legends/colors correctly, you can get a nice stacked bar chart:
s <- data.frame(User_ID=c(1,2,3), Site_Address=c('','xxx.xxy.yyy','xxx.yyy.zzz'), Login_Attempts=c(5,10,3) );
f <- data.frame(User_ID=c(1,2,4), Site_Address=c('','xxx.xxy.yyy','xxx.yyy.zzz'), Login_Attempts=c(2,8,4) );
all <- merge(s,f,by=c('User_ID','Site_Address'),suffixes=c('.successful','.failed'),all=T);
all[] <- 0;
stackData <- matrix(c(all$Login_Attempts.failed, all$Login_Attempts.successful ),2,byrow=T);
colnames(stackData) <- paste0(all$User_ID, '#', all$Site_Address );
rownames(stackData) <- c('failed','successful');
barplot(stackData,main='Successful and failed login attempts',xlab='User_ID#Site_Address',ylab='Login_Attempts',col=c('red','blue'),legend=rownames(stackData));
Resulting data
r> s;
User_ID Site_Address Login_Attempts
1 1 5
2 2 xxx.xxy.yyy 10
3 3 xxx.yyy.zzz 3
r> f;
User_ID Site_Address Login_Attempts
1 1 2
2 2 xxx.xxy.yyy 8
3 4 xxx.yyy.zzz 4
r> all;
User_ID Site_Address Login_Attempts.successful Login_Attempts.failed
1 1 5 2
2 2 xxx.xxy.yyy 10 8
3 3 xxx.yyy.zzz 3 0
4 4 xxx.yyy.zzz 0 4
r> stackData; 2#xxx.xxy.yyy 3#xxx.yyy.zzz 4#xxx.yyy.zzz
failed 2 8 0 4
successful 5 10 3 0
How to join (merge) data frames (inner, outer, left, right)?
R: merge unequal dataframes and replace missing rows with 0
Edit: It's a little strange to create a one-bar stacked bar chart, but ok, here's how you can do it, using the above data (all) as a base:
barplot(matrix(c(sum(all$Login_Attempts.failed),sum(all$Login_Attempts.successful))),main='Successful and failed login attempts',ylab='Login_Attempts',col=c('red','blue'),legend=c('failed','successful'));
Edit: Yeah, the y-axis should really cover the stack completely by default, it's a weakness in the base graphics package that it doesn't. You can add ylim=c(0,1.2*sum(,all[,3:4]))) as an argument to the barplot() call to force the y-axis to extend at least 20% beyond the high point of the stack. (It's unfortunate that you have to calculate that manually from the input data, but as I said, it's a weakness in the package.)
Also, with regard to my comment about the oneness of the bar, it's just more common for stacked bar charts to be used to compare multiple bars, rather than showing a single bar. (That's why my initial assumption was that you wanted a separate bar for each user/site.) Instead of a single stacked bar, normally you'd see a plain old bar chart showing the different data points side-by-side. But it really depends on your application, so do what works best for you.
Try drawing, by hand, the stacked chart you are trying to create. Does it even make sense?
When convinced that you now know what your desired result should look like, by hand, create a single data.frame or matrix necessary for barplot to create your result. Remember to include special instances e.g. where a user only has successful or unsuccessful logins.
Figure how to put your input data.frames together into the single data.frame in the previous step.
The result of step 2 is your reproducible example you need in order to ask a sensible question here.
Step 3 is what you are asking here, but it does not seem you are sure what the intermediate result should look like.
Step 1 is about visualising the end product, and working back from there.

Reliability tests for classic content analysis (multiple categorial codes per item)

In classic content analysis (or qualitative content analysis), as typically done with Atlas.TI or Nvivo type tools (sometimes called QACDAS tools), you typically face the situation of having multiple raters rate many objects with many codes, so there are multiple codes that each rater might apply to each object. I think this is what the excellent John Ubersax page on agreement statistics calls "Two Raters, Polytomous Ratings".
For example you might have two raters read articles and code them with some group of topic codes from a coding scheme (e.g., diy, shelving, circular saw), and you are asking how well the coders agree on applying the codes.
What I'd like is to use the irr package functions, agree and kappa2, in these situations. Yet their documentation didn't help me figure out how to proceed, since they expect input in the form of "n*m matrix or dataframe, n subjects m raters." which implies that there is a single rating per rater, per object.
Given two raters using (up to) three codes to code two articles input data that looks like this (two diy articles, the second with some topic tags):
I'd like to get:
Overall percentage agreement.
Percentage agreement for each code.
Contingency table for each code.
Ideally, I'd also like to get Positive agreement (how often do the raters agree that a code should be present?) and Negative Agreement (how often do the raters agree that a code should not be present). See discussion of these at
I'm pretty sure that this involves breaking the input data.frame up and processing it code by code, using something like dplyr, but I wondered if others have tackled this problem.
(The kappa functions take the same input, so let's just keep this simple by using the agree function from the irr package, plus the positive and negative agreement only really make sense with percentage agreement).
Looking at the meta.stackexchange threads on answering one's own question, it seems that is an acceptable thing to do. Makes sense, good place to store stuff for others to find :)
I solved most of this with the following code:
library(plyr); library(dplyr); library(reshape2); library(irr)
# The irr package expects input in the form of n x m (objects in rows, raters in columns)
# for multiple coders per coded items that is really confusing. Here we have 10 articles (to be coded) and
# many codes. So each rater rates each combinations of articles and codes as present (or not).
# Basically you send only the ratings columns to agree and kappa2. You can send them all at
# once for overall agreement, or send only those for each code for code-by-code agreement.
# letter,code,rater
# letter1,code1,rater1
# letter1,code2,rater1
# letter2,code3,rater2
coding <- read.csv("CombinedCoding.csv")
# Now want:
# letter, code, rater1, rater2
# where 0 = no (this code wasn't used), 1 = yes (this code was used)
# dcast can do this, collapsing across a group. In this case we're not really
# grouping, so if the code was not present length gives a 0, if it was length
# gives a 1.
# This excludes all the times where we agreed that both codes weren't present.
ccoding <- dcast(coding, letter + code ~ coder, length)
# create data.frame from combination of letters and codes
# this handles the negative agreement parts.
codelist <- unique(coding$code)
letterlist <- unique(coding$letter)
coding_with_negatives <- merge(codelist, letterlist) # Gets cartesion product of these.
names(coding_with_negatives) <- c("code", "letter") # align the names
# merge this with the coding, produces NA for rows that don't exist in ccoding
coding_with_negatives <- merge(coding_with_negatives,ccoding,by=c("letter","code"), all.x=T)
# replace NAs with zeros.
coding_with_negatives[] <- 0
# Now want agreement per code.
# need a function that returns a df
# this function gets given the split data frame (ie this happens once per code)
getagree <- function(df) {
# for positive agreement remove the cases where we both coded it negative
positive_df <- filter(df, (rater1 == 1 & rater2 == 1) | (rater1 == 0 & rater2 == 1) | (rater1 == 1 & rater2 == 0))
# for negative agreement remove the cases where we both coded it positive
negative_df <- filter(df, (rater1 == 0 & rater2 == 0) | (rater1 == 0 & rater2 == 1) | (rater1 == 1 & rater2 == 0))
data.frame( positive_agree = round(agree(positive_df[,3:4])$value,2) # Run agree on the raters columns, get the $value, and round it.
, negative_agree = round(agree(negative_df[,3:4])$value,2)
, agree = round(agree(df[,3:4])$value,2)
, used_in_articles = nrow(positive_df) # gives some idea of the prevalance.
# split the df up by code, run getagree on the sections
# recombine into a data frame.
results <- ddply(coding_with_negatives, .(code), getagree)
The confusion matrices can be gotten with:
I haven't done it but I think I could do that per code inside the function using print to push them into a text file.

Lines between certain points in a plot, based on the data? (with R)

I have done my research and googling but have yet to find a solution to the following problem. I have quite often found solutions to R-related issues from this forum, so I thought I'd give it a try and hope that somebody can suggest something. I would need it for my PhD thesis; anybody who's code or suggestions I will use will naturally be acknowledged and credited.
So: I need to draw lines/segments to connect points in a plot (of multidimensional scaling, specifically) in R (SPSS-based solutions are welcome as well) - but not between all points, just those that represent properties/variables that at least one data item shares - the placement of the lines should be based on the data that the plot in question is based on itself. Let me exeplify; below are some fictional data with dummy variables, where '1' means that the item has the property:
a b c
"items" ---------
tree | 1 1 0
house | 0 1 1
hut | 0 1 1
book | 1 0 0
The plot is a multidimensional scaling plot (distances are to be interpreted as dissimilarities). This is the logic:
there's a line between A and B, because there is at least one item/variable ("tree") in
the data that has both properties;
there is a line between B and C, because there is at least one item in the data ("house" and "hut") that has both properties;
there is an item ("book") that has only one property (A), so it does not affect the placement of the lines
importantly, there is no line between A and C because there are no items in the data that have both properties.
What I am looking for is a way to add the grey lines automatically/computationally that I have for now drawn manually on the plot above. The automatic drawing should be based on the data as described above. With a small data set, drawing the lines manually is no problem, but becomes a problem when there are tens of such "properties" and hundreds of items/rows of data.
Any ideas? Some R code (commented if possible) would be most welcome!
EDIT: It seems I forgot something very important. First thing, the solution proposed by #GaborCsardi below works perfectly with the example data, thanks for that! But I forgot to include that the linking of the points should also be "conservative", with as few connecting lines as possible. For example, if there is an item that has all the "properties", then it should not create lines between every single property point in the plot just because of that, if the points are connected by other items already, even if indirectly. So a plot based on the following data should not be a full triangle, even though item1 has all three properties:
item1 1 1 1
item2 1 1 0
item3 0 1 1
Instead, A,B and B,C should be connected by a line, but a line between A and C would be exessive, as they are already indirectly connected (through B). Could this be done with incidence graphs?
This is very easy if you use graphs, and create the projection of the bipartite graph that you have in your table. E.g.
## Some example data
mat <- " properties
items a b c
tree 1 1 0
house 0 1 1
hut 0 1 1
book 1 0 0
tab <- read.table(textConnection(mat), skip=1,
header=TRUE, row.names=1)
## Create a bipartite graph
graph <- graph.incidence(as.matrix(tab))
## Project the bipartite graph
proj <- bipartite.projection(graph)
## Plot one of the projections, the one you need
## happens to be the second one
## Minimum spanning tree of the projection
For more information see the manual pages, i.e. ?"igraph-package" ?graph.incidence, ?bipartite.projection and ?plot.igraph.
