Mesibo on-premises integration issue - mesibo

First, we completed the On-Premise Configuration on Mesibo console,
then after step three on their documentation
step 4 asks us to configure the TLS/SSL for Mesibo, but as we have already installed our SSL certificate on our server, we skipped it and ran the command in step 5, and it did run without any error but in the logs, we found what we have shown in the SS attached above.
Please help!
[enter image description here][2]

Did you try troubleshooting here, it's quite detailed
If yes, what was the outcome?
By the way, you are exposing your database credentials in the image you have shared.


Deploy from GitHub (Use Jenkins and Nginx)

I want ask the question.
I want to deploy from github to nginx server using jenkins. Maybe you can help me with this? When i try to add in Jenkins setting Publish over SSH i have error
jenkins.plugins.publish_over.BapPublisherException: Failed to add SSH key. Message [invalid privatekey: [B#2a8ec46d]
I just started to study these technologies and most likely I am doing something wrong. Maybe i need configure my nginx files?
Also please tell me something links maybe with Guid how to deploy from GitHub using Jenkins and Nginx.
check this question from StackOverflow, someone faced the same problem and solution provided.
Check first (in addition of my old answer already mentioned) if you need to add to your SSH daemon config file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config), as seen in jenkinsci/publish-over-ssh-plugin issue 94:
PubkeyAuthentication yes

Google Cloud WordPress click to deploy fails to deploy - Waiter time out

I am having trouble setting up a WordPress from the GCP marketplace. Following the 15 min tutorial, when I click deploy, it times out with the error message:
After some research I found this discussion where it is suggested to enable the VPC private access to solve the issue. It did not work. So I tried creating a new VPC with only one subnet configured as suggested. Same error.
I've tried other options in the marketplace, and any of them using the Waiter time out. That tells me it's probably something I am missing in my configuration, but I can't see what could be.
Can anyone see anything I am missing here? Thanks in advance.

Adding Plugins + Aurora Dashboard devstack

Adding Plugins + Aurora Dashboard
Sup Folks,
I hope you re great, so i got some small issues i deployed devstack every thing is good but i deceided to add more plugins (sahara-cyborg-ceilometer) is it necessary to re install devstack from the start.
About Aurora i liked their style and i wanna use it, i followed the steps but some problemes pop up ("An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: keystoneauth1.exceptions.http.BadRequest: Expecting to find domain in project. The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect. The client is assumed to be in error. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-da13fb4d-13d1-4988-85bf-a5ce32bf9f12)")
can someone suggest some alternative of horizon like skyline, aurora..?

ACORE API, assistance with errors and deployment

I'm having trouble with setting up ACORE API's and then having them work on a website.
Azerothcore running 3.3.5 on a debian standalone server, this has the Database, Core files and runs both the world and auth server basically a standard setup that is shown in the how-to wiki.
I also have a standalone web server, on the same subnet, but it's a separate server running linux and normal web server stuff, this has a wordpress installation with azerothcore plugin for user signup etc.
I'm trying to add the player map ( and the ACORE-API set of functions (server status, arenastats, BG que and wow statistics) (
I understand the acore-api must be run in a container (docker or whatever) on the server, which I have done and it binds to port 3000, I can then go to the local ip:3000 and it brings up this error. (all db's etc are connecting and soap is working)
error 404 when navigating to IP:3000
I do get a few errors when running NPM install seen here: I'm not sure if they would be causing any issues or not.
screenshot of NPM errors on install
But further that, when I put say 'serverstatus' on the webserver (separate server) and configure the config.ts file I can't seem to get anything to display.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but is the same scenario for all of the different functions for the acore-api
How are these meant to be installed and function? I feel I'm missing a vital step.
Likewise, with PLAYERMAP I have edited the comm_conf.php and set the realmd_id, but when loading the page, I do get the map, but the uptime is missing and no players are shown?
Could someone assist if possible?
Seems like an issue with NodeJS version. Update your NodeJS to latest LTS version 16.13.0 (

Sonatype Nexus 3 - Logging URLs proxy requests

I'm trying to debug an issue of a proxy repository giving me a 404 for an artifact that I know exists in the repository being proxied (this is an NPM package in my case).
I would like to enable logging so that I can see the URL that Nexus is attempting to reach in responding to that proxy request but cannot seem to find any of the default loggers that provide this output.
What logger do I need to set and at what level to see this?
If you switch org.apache.http.wire to DEBUG, you will get a plethora of information on what calls are being made, almost too much information. This will give you information such as the following:
This was generated by switching that value and then doing a install.packages("xts", repos="http://localhost:8081/repository/r-proxy") from R Studio, against an R Proxy repo of CRAN.
Note: im adding this answer to further flesh out the current one (I cannot comment). I was not able to find the debug logs in any log files on the nexus server and the current answer does not elaborate on this.
You can view any console logs you enable in the Nexus3 web interface.
Log into your nexus 3 server web interface and go to "Server administration and configuration" -> "Support" -> "Logging"
In your cased you want to do as the other answer outlines, turn on org.apache.http.wire logging, set this to "Debug".
Navigate to "Log Viewer" to see the output generated.
This is current as of:
version 3.38.1-01
edition OSS
