What can we do with ip address? - ip

My question is basically is that if we know someones ip address which is static then what can we do that with static ip using cmd except pinging. I have tried to only ping and tracert and find domain


Site has been visited many times by Ip address start with 172.31

I found that a lot of ip address start with 172.31 just visited my site.
I have searched for a while ,and found these maybe private ip address.
Can any friend let me know,what dose private ip address visit my site mean ?where are these ip address from ?By myself?
172.31.x.y is within the private address range from RFC 1918 that are not routed over the Internet. Accordingly, some host on your LAN is accessing the site, or possibly there's a reverse proxy.
In any case, we cannot tell you what is in your network.

is there any difference between ip address of a website and ip address of the webserver which is hosting the website?

I am new in networking. Recenty learning about DNS. My question is when DNS mechanism obtain the ip address of a website, say www.google.com, is that ip address is the ip address of the webserver in which Google.com belongs? Or it is just a key ip address so that if we tell the internet the internet will show the page but absolutely no connection with the ip address of the webserver which is hosting google.com?
The website address, say www.google.com is a human-readable address which is linked to an IP address. An (v4) IP address looks something like When you browse to a site, your web browser asks a DNS server to lookup the web address and give it the IP address for the server. The IP address is then used to call for the website. Every web server has a fixed IP address (I won't get into the more complex setup of load-balancing and multiple IP addresses).
If you have the IP address for a web server, you can browse to it directly, as in

Why can't I access a local file from my public ip address if I can from my private ip address?

I'm able to open the website being served on port 4568 on (localhost) and my private ip address, but I can't seem to do so on my public ip address. I've tried to access the website by typing :4568 after my public ip like I did for my localhost and private ip.
Is it possible to open a site running locally on my computer through my public IP? If so, how? If not, why not?
NOTE: I'm not exactly clear what tags are appropriate. Feel free to add or remove any you deem inappropriate.
You are likly behind a NAT. What this means is that your public IP address and private IP address are not necessarily mapped to each other fully. To explicitly map your application to your public address, try the following:
Go to your modems management page
Look for a 'Port Forwarding' tab (might be under an advanced or
router menu)
There will probably be two or three field to enter:
The port on the public ip address to forward traffic from
The IP address to forward traffic to (your private IP)
(might be there) The port to send it to on the private IP
Assuming this works, all traffic going to your public IP address on that port will now go to your private IP address.
WARNING This is a simple rule and everyone on the internet can now access that port
Also make sure your web server is listening on (all IP addresses) and your local firewall is allowing remote connections on the port in question.

Cannot access machine via DNS in the private network

I have a machine in my private network with IP
I have a DNS name, "toto.mydns.com", a DNS client is running on the machine.
I configured the router for Port forwarding.
I can access the machine when i am outside my home, when using a pulic IP address it works but when i am at home and i get a dynamic IP address trough DHCP from my router, i cannot use toto.mydns.com anymore, i must use to access.
I would like to know if i need to configure something on the router for that ?
Thank you !
toto.mydns.com will resolve to your external public IP
There will almost certainly be nothing routing that IP through to your router, and thus through NAT to your internal address.
The easiest way to resolve this (Pun very much intended) is to have a hosts file entry on your computers running inside your network so that they resolve the same DNS address to the internal address.
A much harder, but more fun, way would be to set up your own DNS server inside your network, have the DHCP dish it out as the primary DNS server for your network and put in an entry for your internal address :D
Have fun...
Toto.mydns.com is accessible from outside,this DNS is assigned on a machine with a static IP address(sorry not dynamic),so the IP of this machine is
Whrn i am at home in my private network i need to enter and toto.mydns.com does not work.Any help???

Different IP addresses from an external website and from ipconfig

I checked my ip address from http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip-lookup
and I also used 'ipconfig' to check my ip address.
The result are different.
I don't understand why.
Please teach me the reason, thank you!
The IP you see in ipconfig is most likely the IP address your router has assigned to your PC.
The IP address you get from a website is your external IP address, or the IP address that your ISP has assigned to your modem.
