Non-generated classname selector in css module - css

Let's say we have a third-party CardComponent like this
<Card title="This is a title in the header">This is text in the body</Card>
And this renders in plain HTML
<div class="Card">
<div class="CardHeader"></div>
<div class="CardBody"></div>
And I'm using css modules for styling (scss in this case).
.customCard {
.CardBody {
color: red;
And then add the class to Card
import styles from ...
<Card className={styles.customCard} ...>...</Card>
Above will not work because it creates a generated class for CardBody like CardBody_sjkdh43. Is there a way to select non generated classnames in modules? Or is this only possible in the old fashion way to use a stylesheet?
Demo SandBox

It's an old question but the answer is :global() selector in css modules.
For more info: Exceptions - CSS Modules
Example the code:
<div class={styles.myClass}>
<SomeComponentWithOwnCss />
<div class="myClass_s4jkdh3">
<div class="SomeComponentWithOwnCss"></div>
And CSS:
.myClass div:global(.SomeComponentWithOwnCss) {
background-color: red;
Working example overhere: codesandbox

a small addition to #Closery's answer, you saved my ass man❤️.
you could try this for a more convenient approach with SCSS:
.parent :global {
.non-cssmodule-class {
color: red;
<div className={styles.parent}>
<div className="non-cssmodule-class" />
.filename-parent__7MR41 .non-cssmodule-class { color: red; }
<div class="filename-parent__7MR41">
<div class="non-cssmodule-class"></div>


:first-child styles not beeing applied in Vue Component

Normally the first <User> should have margin-left: 0px and should align to the left with the other elements but this doesn't work as you can see in the screenshot below. Anyone got an idea how to fix this properly?
sidebar.scss Code:
.user {
margin-left: -8px;
&:first-child {
margin-left: 0;
Sidebar.vue Code
<section class="sidebar">
export default {
name: "Sidebar"
<style scoped lang="scss">
#import 'sidebar';
Profile.vue Code
<Header text="Members" :button="{text: 'Edit'}" hasBorder="true"></Header>
<User img="..."></User>
<User img="..."></User>
<User img="..."></User>
<User img="..."></User>
<Button color="grey" isRounded="true" isIconOnly="true"></Button>
User.vue code:
<div class="user">
<img v-if="this.img" :src="this.img" :alt="">
<div v-if="!this.img"></div>
<h6 v-if="">{{}}</h6>
Not too sure if this is at all the problem here, but note that :first-child does not pick the first occurrence by the mere class name, but by the tag within a parent element. In other words: you cannot use a class name to apply :first-child to. Instead, use something more semantic like
<ul class="users">
<li class="user"></li> <!-- there is your component -->
<li class="user"></li>
<li class="user"></li>
Use ::v-deep to change scoped css.
I answered this already but I have an old and more descriptive answer available which might be a help to you to understand the usage
Note: Don not use /deep/ because it's deprecated and also >>> combinator will not work too as you are using sass preprocessor
::v-deep {
.user {
margin-left: -8px;
&:first-child {
margin-left: 0;
Scoped style is not shared between parent and child components. You have several options:
Make style global by removing scoped attribute from style section in parent.
Import style into the target component (User).
Use the deep combinator in scoped style.
>>>.user {
/deep/ .user {
::v-deep .user {

single identifier for multiple css classes

I have frequent bundling together of css classes like this:
<div class="row z-depth-2 gradient-background">
... Blah
I have these three classes: row z-depth-2 gradient-background used together in more than 200 places. How can I introduce a single class for these three taken together?
I don't mind CSS or SASS. One other problem is that row and z-depth-2 are defined in materialize.css which I don't wanna touch. So I can't simply extend these classes in SASS like so:
.input-group {
#extend .row, .z-depth-2, .gradient-background
So I want to be able to do something like this:
<div class="input-group">
... Blah
Why not simply use the three classes as one selector like this .row.z-depth-2.gradient-background. It will allow you to select elements that have these 3 classes (it can have more of course) :
div {
height: 20px;
background: blue;
.row.z-depth-2.gradient-background {/* pay attention as there is no spaces between the classes*/
background: red;
<div class="row z-depth-2 gradient-background">
<!-- Select this one -->
<div class="row gradient-background">
<div class="row z-depth-2">
<div class="row gradient-background z-depth-2 more-class">
<!-- Select this one -->
Usefull links to get more details :
Using two CSS classes on one element
If you want to use a new class that will later be replaced with these 3 ones, you can use a small jQuery script in order to do what you need, like this :
//select all element with class input-group
$('.input-group').each(function() {
$(this).removeClass('input-group'); //remove input-group
$(this).addClass('row z-depth-2 gradient-background'); //add the other classes
div {
margin: 10px;
height: 20px;
background: blue;
.row.z-depth-2.gradient-background {
/* pay attention as there is no spaces between the classes*/
background: red;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="input-group">
<div class="class">

Set background color accordion heading

I want to change the color of an accordion depending on status on the current item in the list.
I want to use something like ng-class="{status: item.status}" (where I have testClass: true)
The problem now is that I can't set the color of the whole accordion heading.
<accordion-group ng-repeat="item in items" class="animate-repeat" is-open="">
<div ng-class="{testClass: true}">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="text-content font-size-14">{{item.text}}</div>
.testClass {
background-color: burlywood;
Any idea how to solve this?
I found similar problem here, but the solution didn't work for me
Apply the class to the 'accordion-group' and then style with css.
<accordion-group ng-controller='MyAccordionGroupController' class="test" is-open="isopen">
.panel {
&.test {
& > .panel-heading {
background-color: red;
You'll want to move the applied class higher in the hierarchy:
Then your css will look like :
.panel-warning .panel-heading {
//customize your css here
The problem is you are placing the test-item inside an item with padding. Instead, place the test-item-class higher up, and then use css to target the items.
If your states will match to Bootstrap states, then you may want the validation class names from here:
(panel-success, panel-info, panel-warning, panel-danger)
These class names are already in your Bootstrap css.
This is the solution to your problem
background-color: red;
.test-parent.panel-default > .panel-heading {
<accordion-group ng-controller='MyAccordionGroupController' is-open="isopen" class="test-parent">
<div class="test">
I can have markup, too!
This is just some content to illustrate fancy headings.

How to override the color defined in css?

I have this style class it's create red rectange in the view:
.tag-template .left-panel {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
background: red;
vertical-align: middle;
Here how I use the class in view template:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="tag-template">
<div class="tag-template">
<div class="left-panel">
<div class="right-panel">
<a class="remove-button" ng-click="$removeTag()">✖</a>
At some point I want to override the color defined in css .tag-template .left-panel and change color to be green.
Any idea how can I change the color defined in css in the view using ng-style for examle?
you can use ng-style to change color like myStyle can be your expression
<div class="left-panel" ng-style="myStyle"></div>
<div class="left-panel" ng-style="{color:'green'}"></div>
My I suggest you keep logic in your markup and styles in your CSS, it will make code easier to read and maintenance well structured.
Note, no space between .left-panel.left-panel-color
.tag-template .left-panel.left-panel-color {
color: green;
<div class="left-panel left-panel-color">
If you want to override by pure css method:
old code:
<div class="left-panel">
new code:
<div class="left-panel" style="color:green";>

Selecting a DIV using multiple classes in multiple levels

I have this HTML:
<div class="row-fluid list-item-main-euvou-entradas">
<div class="span1 list-item-main-euvou-entradas-colorcode green"></div>
<div class="span1 list-item-main-euvou-entradas-rank">1</div>
<div class="span1 list-item-main-euvou-entradas-votes">Votos</div>
<div class="span9 list-item-main-euvou-entradas-content">
some link
<p>some text...<p>
I need to select this class "span1 list-item-main-euvou-entradas-colorcode green" using also this classes in the selector "row-fluid list-item-main-euvou-entradas".
Ive tried something like this, but does not work:
.row-fluid .list-item-main-euvou-entradas .span1 .list-item-main-euvou-entradas-colorcode .green {
some css code;
Any clue on this one?
Best Regards,
You need to remove the spaces between the class:
.row-fluid.list-item-main-euvou-entradas {
some css code;
so for the parent div (2 classes)
and the child (3 classes)
you can try this:
div.row-fluid.list-item-main-euvou-entradas {
/*some css code*/
