How to reference a scss filepath in rails 6/webpacker? - ruby-on-rails-6

I'm looking for a way to reference a specific file in JavaScript/stylesheets both in development and production. Just like the helper asset_path does with asset pipeline, but I can't find anything in the webpacker documentation more than stylesheet_pack_tag which returns a html link tag.
Is there a simple way to do it?

Helper asset_pack_path did the trick.


Brackets SCSS file to CSS file

When I was studying Multimedia I got a free copy of PhpStorm.
Using PhpStorm I managed to some techincal magic using Ruby(I can't exactly remember how it worked) to write code in SCSS and phpstorm would automatically create a new file and compile all my code to usable CSS code.
I believe I remember something about a 'filewatcher' but im not sure.
Is there any way to do the same in Brackets?
maybe an addon to Brackets or something?
I think you're talking about compilers that translate SCSS into CSS (and their integration in PhpStorm).
So maybe you will be interested in Brackets-SASS Plugin.

Shall I revert back to ERB from HAML?

I recently requested a project based on Rails and engaged a freelancer for the job. Basically backend was good but on the frontside - was advised by the freelancer to convert all HTML to Haml and Sass.
It was difficult -as it was hard to find another expert to convert these. In the end manage to find a guy for it
However now i needed updates to the webpage and I realized most people use the Erb and Css instead. Can Erb work together with Haml? Go back to Css as well?
Using Bootstrap as framework
ERB can work with Haml, just don't mix them in the same file. You can use .scss file extension instead of .sass: SCSS is superset of CSS, i.e. any valid CSS is valid SCSS.

How do I get a versioned asset URL in a Sass stylesheet?

In a view, I'm able to use the following code to get the versioned asset URL. How can I achieve this inside of a Sass stylesheet file? I'm effectively looking for the equivalent of Rails' image-url but can't seem to find the same function for the Play Framework (version 2.5).

Using Less with Web Components

As stated by Rob Dodson, style tags are now unavoidable with Web Components. I am trying to find a way to use LESS with this new tecnhology without having to paste the compiled CSS in my HTML document everytime I change something in the LESS file . Is there anyway to achieve that?
I am using Polymer.
You can make the client compile the LESS to CSS , you should definitely take a look at this :
It is advised to compile it yourself to css in a production environment though !
Doing this client-side hardly seems like the corrent solution, especially at scale. For instance, do you really want 1000 web components in your app all including LessCSS and compiling on the client side?
Just compile server-side and include the compiled version in your html import. Apps like DocPad, make this a lot easier. For instance:
src/documents/components/my-component/my-component.css.less is your source file, and is compiled to out/components/my-component/my-component.css, which is accessible at /compoennt/my-component/my-component.css.
We use this workflow to also make use of javascript pre-processors like coffeescript, as well as post-processors like css auto prefixer, and bundlers like Browserify. See: for more info.
Simply compile your less and embed the generated CSS file via good old link tag.
I don't think that rob wanted to say that using style tags is the only way to go. You can still link to external stylesheets as you always did.
Why don´t you compile on server side using php compiler? Have a look here - -
To let you know, i´m using this compiler on my projects, on the server side without any kind of problems!!!!!!! :) IMO, it´s better to have the compilation work on the server side. I´m not totally 100% sure, but i think IE8 don´t recognize text/less
The way I have done this before is have individual .less or .scss file for each component and have it compile into the individual .css file which is then called into the respective component file. and finally vulcanize everything into a single file.
Incase you want to use a single CSS file, then use //deep// combinator or ::shadow pseudo elements in the CSS.
If you able to create the custom elements without using ShadowDOM then you can simply have all your less merge into a single CSS.
Honestly speaking I was unable to create a wc without shadowDOM in polymer. There is a long conversation on github on enabling / disabling and hacking a way to create a wc without shadowDOM here
One solution would be to have the preprocessor translate .less files into .css and then linking them inside Polymer components, like explained in the official documentation:
Unfortunately this is deprecated. So the other way to go could be to have another step that wraps the preprocessor-generated css files with a dom-module: this way you can follow the Polymer way including the style module inside your components, or using the css file compiled from less if you do things outside Polymer components.
I'm using Gulp for my build process and I found this module very useful:
It creates, for every .less file I have in my sources, an .html file with a dom-module wrapped around it, ready to be included in the components' styles.

Is there a CSS minifier than can resolve import statements?

Is there a CSS minifier tool that can resolve #import statements?
I'd like to be able to load multiple CSS files on my local machine but have them all resolved into one file when the website gets pushed out into production.
I recently started using LESS, beyond imports allows you to use:
Parametric Mixins
Nested rules
Color functions
So far I'm glad with my experience using LESS.
It's easy to use and the page is documented with good examples.
You can use SASS, with the SCSS syntax. SASS is much more than a minifier: it is actually a CSS preprocessor which adds some goodies like variables or macros to the CSS syntax. But you can choose to simply ignore these features (although I advise you to have a look): any valid CSS file is actually valid SCSS.
SASS can then compile your SCSS in valid CSS, and it can manage multiple files and output a single minified .css file.
You can try it just as a minification tool for now, and start using the advanced features when you feel like experimenting.
css-compressor (based on yuicompressor) inlines #import statements - in fact that is its primary purpose:
Granule library supports #import in CSS.
You can look it here
