FCM web push message received in DevTools, but event not dispatched - firebase

I've been working in bulk web push notifications, migrating from OneSignal to Firebase. I've created a single FCM topic to which all users are subscribed immediately on startup.
At first messages arrive on the browser and the notification is shown correctly, but randomly after a few hours and in some devices, notifications cease to show. I've been recording every push message received using DevTools, and noticed that the messages are being received but the push event not dispatched in those cases.
In which cases something like this may happen? It's worth noting that the service worker has been healthly with no errors whatsoever.


Firebase Cloud Messaging - Identify delivery status for a particular push notification message

Is it possible to identify whether a particular push notification message was delivered to a particular token via Firebase Cloud Messaging? And, if so, is it possible to do so via an API call or by listening to some callback?
I know that I can look at aggregate statistics in the console and even segment those statistics through analytics tags, but cannot find a way to get more discrete information.
I also know that the API will synchronously respond if a token is invalid but the process by which Apple and Google invalidate tokens is a bit opaque (to me) and doesn't help if someone simply turned off push notifications for my app.
If someone turned off push notification – you can check it with code
Swift ios check if remote push notifications are enabled in ios9 and ios10
Android app - detect if app push notification is off
But user can be offline, or APNs / Firebase service – can get some problems and your notification will be drop. You can check delivery status with some code in iOS and Android applications.
If you need check, delivery status for some push you can make push notification extension (in iOS). For send status about delivered notification in your API. More info about push notification extension.
It can be helpful
https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/android/receive#handling_messages About handling messages in Android (you can send status delivered too)
I hope this answer will help with your problem.
Received (available only on Android devices) — The data message or
notification message has been received by the app. This data is
available when the receiving Android device has FCM SDK 18.0.1 or
higher installed.

Firebase messaging not triggering onResume / onLaunch properly

There are no problems with the code, because if I press on the notification it triggers onResume, however if the app it's killed or the user deletes the notification no callbacks are triggered.
Right now I'm saving notifications locally on an SQL db, so when a user logs in back it shows how many notifications he hasn't read. However, If I can't trigger no callback when he deletes the notification or when the app is killed (Actually when the user logs in back, after a couple of seconds onMessage is called with the notification sent while the app was killed, however this still bothers me 'cause I can't get user's attention with notifications) I can't save them locally and when he logs in back in the app, those notifications that he dismissed won't ever be back.
Is there a way to callback a function when the user dismisses notifications or when my app is killed?
Basically as you know, notifications are designed to be removed by users.
So if you want users to see all the notifications from your service, you should consider with another UX something like notifications tab (Facebook, Instagram has)
And, manage all notifications from the server, set flag if it is been activated or not.
As far as I know, there is no callback when the user dismissed the one.
I hope it can help you to decide your service design.

Firebase sends push notifications every day without active campaigns

A week ago I experimented with FCM console and sent push messages to my Android device. But after that many (thousands) of users started to receive pushes every day in 23 h. I suppose, this is because of time zone difference. When I look at Cloud Messaging Reports, I see it really sends data notifications. But I even don't have active campaigns (including planned campaigns). How can it be?
I've got answers from Firebase and AppMetrica (an alternative analytics service) support. They say it is possible the app is not able to handle the data message (silent notification) sent.
I saw charts in FCM Reports, showing that every day it delivers data messages. Every day it's count slowly raised.
I've got answers from Firebase and AppMetrica (https://appmetrica.yandex.ru/docs/). Firebase support didn't find a problem, but suspected silent push messages. AppMetrica support found a problem. AppMetrica uses FCM to send push messages. I wrote a code for integration of AppMetrica and FCM incorrectly, so silent pushes haven't been handled right. After I unselected a checkbox in settings that updated tokens via silent push messages, Firebase charts dropped to zero.

Not Seeing "Opened" Firebase Notification Stats

I'm manually handling firebase notifications by overriding the onHandle intent of the FirebaseMessagingService.
And using the intent I generate a notification.
Is there a way to manually report the notification opened to the Firebase at all because I'm not getting opened statistics reported back to the firebase console.
As above, even when letting firebase notifications get handled per normal, these open notifications are not being reported either.
The stats shown in the notifications panel of the Firebase console are only for messages sent from that notification panel. There is currently no way to trigger the stats for messages sent through the Firebase Cloud Messaging API directly.
Update: since late 2018 the Firebase now also reports messages sent through called to the Firebase Cloud Messaging API.
According to https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/understand-delivery only "Sends" work for data-only messages:
Sends — The data message or notification message has been enqueued for delivery or has been successfully passed to a third-party service like APNs for delivery. See lifetime of a message for more information.
Impressions (available only for notification messages on Android devices) — The display notification has been displayed on the device.
Opens — The user opened the notification message.
For those curious to know my workaround at this time.
We run push campaigns.
For each campaign we created a distinct, reusable event.
We register the event "campaign_received" and "campaign_opened"
When a message is received, we trigger the event.
When the notification is opened, we trigger the event.
Then, under each event, we just select the event, and file their stats per day, week, month, etc.
One needs to select the event to get to the event dashboard area, since the event list view shows the total amount of events sent and or received.
For bespoke notifications the 500 event limit might be reached quite quickly, so be sure to bundle your notifications into reusable event categories if possible.

Does Ionic 2 support private & public Firebase notifications?

I'm thinking to work on firebase notifications in the last few days but I want to some answers for this few questions:
Does Ionic2 support firebase notifications ?
Will notification show in the top of screen when my application closed or it should be work in the background ?
Is firebase notification sent on time or it may take long time ?
If I assumed Ionic 2 can send private notifications (to my device only), so can I send public notification for all application users ?
If the answer of all questions "yes", wish you give me any useful links that may help me (if you have a time)
In addition to Gabriel's answer:
The default behavior for notifications is for it to show on the top part of the screen. I haven't worked on Ionic before, but AFAIK, the behavior should compared to Android.
With that said, you should refer to the Handling Messages part of the FCM docs.
There are factors to consider that may affect the time it takes for the device to receive a message, but as FCM's behavior, it would try it's best to send the message, as soon as feasible (see my answer here).
Gonna itemize this further:
Specific device only - Yup. When sending the message, just specify the registration token(s) that should recieve that message.
All devices - Yup. You could use the Firebase Notifications Console. But if you intend to send the message by using the REST API, you have to make sure that the devices are subscribed accordingly to your custom global topic.
About the device-to-device Gabriel mentioned, I think it should be worded as server to specific device(s).
Yes it does, and it works fine with FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging, aka GCM - Google Cloud Messaging). It supports subscribing to topics and device-to-device notification via HTTP client. The topics subscriptions and device-to-device both require FCM plugin.
Yes, they'll appear on top of your device screen as any push notification, you'll just need to code how it'll behave after receiving it, like execute something if the notification is tapped, or do something if it's received and the app is already open (foreground), it's all up to you.
It's sent on time, i've never had delay problems, the longer it took to send the notification and i receive in my device was 10 seconds. But as far as i know it "stores" your notification for 24 hours, so if the servers go down or something happen the notification has a life time of 24 hours to be sent.
You can, as said in first answer, subscribe your users to topics. Let's say you want a topic to sent message so all users can receive, you can have an all topic, or have one only for logged users, one only for users who bought products, you can even get all users tokens and send one by one, but it's much better having them subscribe to topics.
Topics notifications can be sent via the Firebase project console. Device-to-device is sent by your app code.
To send device-to-device you'll need a token, it's provided by the FCM plugin (link above) and you'll need to store this token somewhere, like in your user node on Firebase. I usualy use the user device ID provided by the Device plugin to have his token, since the user can have multiple devices and log in all then, this'll prevent token overriding.
I don't know good tutorials about configuring FCM with Firebase, if i find something i'll edit the question and add it for you, but stick to the ionic native link and the FCM plugin github page.
Hope this helps.
