Cannot initialize ChromiumWebBrowser inside a JSB-bounded class - cefsharp

I have followed this steps to setup JSB. In my bounded-class, I need to return the source of an API request (I cannot, therefore, use GetPageSourceAsync because no JS context is ever created). So, I use the trick of copying and immediately pasting the page content to a string variable (see result). This code is not working, I get the following exception:
The ChromiumWebBrowser instance creates the underlying Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) browser instance in an async fashion. The undelying CefBrowser instance is not yet initialized. Use the IsBrowserInitializedChanged event and check the IsBrowserInitialized property to determine when the browser has been initialized.
which is happening on bro.SelectAll();:
public class boundClass
ChromiumWebBrowser bro;
public boundClass()
bro = new ChromiumWebBrowser("");
public string getAuthSource(string url)
string source = String.Empty;
while (bro.IsLoading)
string result = Clipboard.GetText();
return result;
What's the problem? The ChromiumWebBrowser seems well-initialized to me...


Using Unity Dependency Injection in Multi-User Web Application: Second User to Log In Causes First User To See Second User's Data

I'm trying to implement a web application using ASP.NET MVC and the Microsoft Unity DI framework. The application needs to support multiple user sessions at the same time, each of them with their own connection to a separate database (but all users using the same DbContext; the database schemas are identical, it's just the data that is different).
Upon a user's log-in, I register the necessary type mappings to the application's Unity container, using a session-based lifetime manager that I found in another question here.
My container is initialized like this:
// Global.asax.cs
public static UnityContainer CurrentUnityContainer { get; set; }
protected void Application_Start()
// ...other code...
CurrentUnityContainer = UnityConfig.Initialize();
// misc services - nothing data access related, apart from the fact that they all depend on IRepository<ClientContext>
// UnityConfig.cs
public static UnityContainer Initialize()
UnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new UnityDependencyResolver(container));
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new Unity.WebApi.UnityDependencyResolver(container);
return container;
This is the code that's called upon logging in:
// UserController.cs
UnityConfig.RegisterUserDataAccess(MvcApplication.CurrentUnityContainer, UserData.Get(model.AzureUID).CurrentDatabase);
// UnityConfig.cs
public static void RegisterUserDataAccess(IUnityContainer container, string databaseName)
container.AddExtension(new DataAccessDependencies(databaseName));
// DataAccessDependencies.cs
public class DataAccessDependencies : UnityContainerExtension
private readonly string _databaseName;
public DataAccessDependencies(string databaseName)
_databaseName = databaseName;
protected override void Initialize()
IConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder = Container.Resolve<IConfigurationBuilder>();
Container.RegisterType<ClientContext>(new SessionLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor(configurationBuilder.GetConnectionString(_databaseName)));
Container.RegisterType<IRepository<ClientContext>, RepositoryService<ClientContext>>(new SessionLifetimeManager());
// SessionLifetimeManager.cs
public class SessionLifetimeManager : LifetimeManager
private readonly string _key = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
public override void RemoveValue(ILifetimeContainer container = null)
public override void SetValue(object newValue, ILifetimeContainer container = null)
HttpContext.Current.Session[_key] = newValue;
public override object GetValue(ILifetimeContainer container = null)
return HttpContext.Current.Session[_key];
protected override LifetimeManager OnCreateLifetimeManager()
return new SessionLifetimeManager();
This works fine as long as only one user is logged in at a time. The data is fetched properly, the dashboards work as expected, and everything's just peachy keen.
Then, as soon as a second user logs in, disaster strikes.
The last user to have prompted a call to RegisterUserDataAccess seems to always have "priority"; their data is displayed on the dashboard, and nothing else. Whether this is initiated by a log-in, or through a database access selection in my web application that calls the same method to re-route the user's connection to another database they have permission to access, the last one to draw always imposes their data on all other users of the web application. If I understand correctly, this is a problem the SessionLifetimeManager was supposed to solve - unfortunately, I really can't seem to get it to work.
I sincerely doubt that a simple and common use-case like this - multiple users logged into an MVC application who each are supposed to access their own, separate data - is beyond the abilities of Unity, so obviously, I must be doing something very wrong here. Having spent most of my day searching through depths of the internet I wasn't even sure truly existed, I must, unfortunately, now realize that I am at a total and utter loss here.
Has anyone dealt with this issue before? Has anyone dealt with this use-case before, and if yes, can anyone tell me how to change my approach to make this a little less headache-inducing? I am utterly desperate at this point and am considering rewriting my entire data access methodology just to make it work - not the healthiest mindset for clean and maintainable code.
Many thanks.
the issue seems to originate from your registration call, when registering the same type multiple times with unity, the last registration call wins, in this case, that will be data access object for whoever user logs-in last. Unity will take that as the default registration, and will create instances that have the connection to that user's database.
The SessionLifetimeManager is there to make sure you get only one instance of the objects you resolve under one session.
One option to solve this is to use named registration syntax to register the data-access types under a key that maps to the logged-in user (could be the database name), and on the resolve side, retrieve this user key, and use it resolve the corresponding data access implementation for the user
Thank you, Mohammed. Your answer has put me on the right track - I ended up finally solving this using a RepositoryFactory which is instantiated in an InjectionFactory during registration and returns a repository that always wraps around a ClientContext pointing to the currently logged on user's currently selected database.
// DataAccessDependencies.cs
protected override void Initialize()
IConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder = Container.Resolve<IConfigurationBuilder>();
Container.RegisterType<IRepository<ClientContext>>(new InjectionFactory(c => {
ClientRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory = new ClientRepositoryFactory(configurationBuilder);
return repositoryFactory.GetRepository();
// ClientRepositoryFactory.cs
public class ClientRepositoryFactory : IRepositoryFactory<RepositoryService<ClientContext>>
private readonly IConfigurationBuilder _configurationBuilder;
public ClientRepositoryFactory(IConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder)
_configurationBuilder = configurationBuilder;
public RepositoryService<ClientContext> GetRepository()
var connectionString = _configurationBuilder.GetConnectionString(UserData.Current.CurrentPermission);
ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext(connectionString);
RepositoryService<ClientContext> repository = new RepositoryService<ClientContext>(ctx);
return repository;
// UserData.cs (multiton-singleton-hybrid)
public static UserData Current
var currentAADUID = (string)(HttpContext.Current.Session["currentAADUID"]);
return Get(currentAADUID);
public static UserData Get(string AADUID)
UserData instance;
if(!_instances.TryGetValue(AADUID, out instance))
throw new UserDataNotInitializedException();
return instance;
public static UserData Current
var currentAADUID = (string)(HttpContext.Current.Session["currentAADUID"]);
return Get(currentAADUID);
public static UserData Get(string AADUID)
UserData instance;
if(!_instances.TryGetValue(AADUID, out instance))
throw new UserDataNotInitializedException();
return instance;

EntityException occurred in EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll

My Controller code
ParaEntities db = new ParaEntities();
public List<Client> GetAllClients()
return db.Client.ToList();
Please click this link to see the error message
It is weird that when I am first time to click the button to get all client information then it responses 500. In the second time, I click the button to get all client, which is success.
You should assign variable and display the data in View.
Please change the syntax as i write below.
ParaEntities db = new ParaEntities();
public List<Client> GetAllClients()
var getData= db.Client.ToList();
return null;
return getData;
This error points to a connection problem rather then code issue. Check that the connectionstring is valid and that the user specified in the connectionstring has access to the database. If you're running the application on IIS then make sure that the applicationpool user has access to the database. Here is another SO issue were they solved this error.
If you want to store the db context as a local variable in your controller class then I suggest you to instantiate it inside of the controllers constructor. Then you make sure that every time a instance of the controller is created then a new db context is created as well.
Lets say your controller namned ClientController
private ParaEntities db;
public ClientController()
this.db = new ParaEntities();
public List<Client> GetAllClients()
return db.Client.ToList();
Another approach is to wrap your db context in a using statment inside of your method. In that case you make sure that the method is using a fresh context when being called upon and that the context is being disposed when the operation is completed.
public List<Client> GetAllClients()
using(ParaEntities db = new ParaEntities())
return db.Client.ToList();
PS: both examples violates the dependency inversion principle (hard coupling to the db context) but thats for another day
Please try this
public List<Client> GetAllClients()
ParaEntities db = new ParaEntities();
return db.Client.ToList();

DefaultInterceptor VirtualMethod Not Working On BaseClass

I am trying to have a baseclass and register default interception using unity. I am also registering each derived type before resolving, but its not working. I would expect the BaseMethod to be intercepted here but it is not.
public class AbstractResponse
private string name;
public virtual void BaseMethod()
public class DocumentResponse:AbstractResponse
public virtual void Test()
Console.WriteLine("In Test Method");
var container = new UnityContainer(); container.AddNewExtension<Interception>();
new DefaultInterceptor<VirtualMethodInterceptor>(),
new DefaultInterceptionBehavior<TraceBehavior>()).
You've just gone a little wrong on your registration code - you are actually calling RegisterType twice in your code sample, and the second registration is overwriting the first one. Switch it to something like this and it will work fine: -
container.RegisterType<AbstractResponse, DocumentResponse>(
new DefaultInterceptor<VirtualMethodInterceptor>(),
new DefaultInterceptionBehavior<TraceBehaviour>());
So this says "Register AbstractResponse and map it to DocumentResponse. Then, using the VirtualMethodInterceptor, apply the TraceBehaviour."
You can always see if the interception is active by seeing the type that is returned on Resolve - if it's the (in this case) AbstractResponse then it hasn't worked; if you get back some funky Unity-generated type name then it's working.

Verify method calls on items in a collection with Moq

My problem is NOT trying to simply verify whether a method was called or not. Instead, I have a method that works on a collection of objects and I want to verify that a method on all of the collection items is being called.
Use the example of a plug-in model where I have a plug-in manager that contains a collection of plug-in objects. Each plug-in subclasses the PlugIn abstract base class which exposes an abstract Initialize method. In my test I want to make sure that Initialize is called on every plug-in regardless of whether one of them throws an exception (just part of a larger test suite).
My initial approach was to create a collection of mocked plug-ins, then configure the class under test (PlugInManager) to use the mocked objects. I then perform the test by calling PlugInManager.DoWork() which should iterate through the collection, calling DoWork() on each item.
The full test codes is as follows:
public void MyTest()
var testParameter = new Something();
var mockPlugIns = new Collection<Mock<PlugIn>>()
new Mock<PlugIn>(),
new Mock<PlugIn>(),
new Mock<PlugIn>()
var plugIns = new Collection<PlugIn>();
foreach (var plugIn in mockPlugIns)
var testManager = new PlugInManager()
PlugIns = plugIns
// ACT
foreach (var mockPlugIn in mockPlugIns)
mockPlugIn.Verify(plugin => plugin.DoWork(testParameter), Times.Once());
// Also tried using It.IsAny<Something>()
public abstract class PlugIn
abstract void DoWork(Something something);
public sealed class PlugInManager
public IEnumerable<PlugIn> PlugIns { get; set; }
public void DoWork(Something something)
foreach (var plugIn in PlugIns)
Unfortunately, Verify fails for every item.
I've stepped through the code and see that it actually is working correctly and the Initialize method is being called on every item. When, then, is Verify failing???
I've updated the post to show the entire test method in one block. I've also changed the method to require a parameter as is the case in my real code (now).
The error I receive when running the test is:
Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times: plugin => plugin.DoWork(It.IsAny<Something>())
No setups configured.
No invocations performed.
As mentioned, when I step through the unit test I see that each of the plugins are actually being called. For some reason, however, Moq doesn't seem to be registering it or recognizing it.
After playing with the test code more, I discovered that I could make the test pass with a simple change. The test passes if I replace the foreach loop in the middle of the method with the following:
I don't see how this is making a difference and would ultimately like to make the number of items dynamic so the tests aren't always testing the case when there are three, so using the foreach is really what I need.
Any ideas?
This is actually not true and upon further testing this morning, I find that everything is working fine with the original foreach loop. I have no idea what changed but I tried many different variations late last night and while the code I have this morning looks just like what is posted, for whatever reason, the test is now passing!?!?!?!?
This worked for me in LINQPad with Moq 4. The only thing I changed was adding the parentheses on Times.Once().
void Main()
var MockPlugIns = new Collection<Mock<PlugIn>>()
new Mock<PlugIn>(),
new Mock<PlugIn>(),
new Mock<PlugIn>()
var plugIns = new Collection<PlugIn>();
foreach (var mockPlugIn in MockPlugIns)
var testManager = new PlugInManager()
PlugIns = plugIns
foreach (var mockPlugIn in MockPlugIns)
mockPlugIn.Verify(plugin => plugin.Initialize(), Times.Once());
public abstract class PlugIn
public abstract void Initialize();
public class PlugInManager
public void Initialize()
foreach (var plugIn in PlugIns)
public Collection<PlugIn> PlugIns { get; set; }
I ran your updated test code, and it passed given the following implementation:
public class PlugInManager
public void DoWork(Something s)
foreach (var plugIn in PlugIns)
public Collection<PlugIn> PlugIns { get; set; }
It passed with or without the It.IsAny change you mentioned. One initial thought was that you might not have been passing the same instance of Something to the plug-ins, but It.IsAny would have resolved that.
In short, it appears that you are doing everything right in the tests. Perhaps the issue is in the actual implementation.
Please post your implementation of PlugInManager.DoWork and the exact error message you get when the test fails. Also, what version of Moq are you using?
I cut-and-pasted your code and tried it. I had to make one change: abstract void DoWork on abstract class PlugIn needs to be public. After making that change it compiles and the test passes. If I comment out the "ACT" portion of your test, it fails with the error message you saw (as I would expect).
Something is different in your project or environment. I'm running .NET 4 (not Mono) under Windows 64 with Moq 4.0. Everything you have posted is correct. I would suggest confirming that you're running the latest binary of Moq, checking your project references, and trying some very simple verification tests to insure that Moq is working.

JSF data binding

I am having trouble using JSF just wanted to run it by so if there is anything obvious someone can spot. I have a managed bean which is giving me trouble. In my faces-config.xml I have:
<description>Info Bean</description>
In my JSF I have the following:
<h:outputText value="#{InfoBean.deviceModel}" rendered="true"></h:outputText>
I have a POJO for InfoBean as follows:
public class InfoBean {
String deviceModel;
String userEmail;
String active;
public InfoBean() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public String getDeviceModel() {
return deviceModel;
public void setDeviceModel(String deviceModel) {
this.deviceModel = deviceModel;
public String getUserEmail() {
return userEmail;
public void setUserEmail(String userEmail) {
this.userEmail = userEmail;
public String getActive() {
return active;
public void setActive(String active) { = active;
There is a no arg constructor in POJO too, but for some reason the deviceModel value does not get displayed to the screen and I cannot figure out why! Any help much appreciated. I have a handler which is also in the faces-config as a separate managed bean, when the user clicks a button, control goes to handler class which calls a service that populates fields in the POJO InfoBean, so as I can see it should appear but it does not!
Any help much appreciated.
I have sorted out the issue and the solution is that since I had a model like this: JSP button is clicked->call goes to Handler->handler calls method in service->Service populates the managed bean InfoBean and returns it to handler
The managed bean even though declared in the config file with scope as session was NOT actually part of the session. In my handler after returning the InfoBean I added:
HttpSession session = (HttpSession)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSession(false);
session.setAttribute("InfoBean", InfoBean);
This placed it in the session and immediately and values started appearing! :-))
I have read several articles about this and never seen this mentioned, so I am wondering how it is done otherwise. One other suggestion I got was make InfoBean a private instance of the Handler with getters and setters, this way it will get created with the handler and will also be olk. I have not tried this approach though. Thanks to all who helped.
How your deviceModel property of the bean is populated?
Are you sure that it is not null? You can eventually check that by putting a log in the getter method:
public String getDeviceModel() {
System.out.println("Getter called: " + deviceModel + ".");
return deviceModel;
Eventually, you can modify the scope of the bean to set it as session.
Your post shows it being defined in request scope not session scope. If you change it to session, you won't need put it in using setAttribute(). Or maybe I'm missing something.
Despite changign the scope to session, it was not working, the above code where I add it to the HttpSession is necessary in order for this to work, or so I have found.
