How do i find which user has visited which page? - google-analytics

I'm sending the user id from our app to GA.
I need to see which users (seeing their actual ids) are visiting a specific page.
How do i view that from the analytics dashboard?


Google Analytics: How to tracking users when they visit the registration page but leave without registration?

using tag manager -> count the number of users who are visiting the registration page but without register, they leave this site or page.
You will need to create an event or an objectives on the thank you page or the page right after the registration.
Then you will have all visitors landing in the registration page.
And you will create a segment of users that did visit the registration page + realize the objective of reaching the page after or the event of user registration completed.
And you have both state available.

Google Analytics track to Initial Referrer

A user clicks on a referring link to visit our eCommerce website, but does not yet place an order. Then the user goes back directly to our website at a later point and places an order. How can we set up in google analytics / tag manager that the initial referrer should stay the referrer for this user?
Example: A customer visited and clicked on a link to our website. Then the customer bookmarked our website url. Then at a later point, the customer visits our website through the bookmark or through a Google search. How do we track that was the original referrer for this customer?
Thank you for your help.
If the user returns with the bookmark, the previous source will automatically result as a consequence of the standard Google Analytics attribution model. While if accessed from organic search this will overwrite the previous source.
What you can do to save the first source is to install a cookie on the user's browser so that the first time it saves the source in a custom dimension, while if the cookie already exists it does not save it.

Google analytics and Oauth (Facebook login)

Facebook login makes the original referral URL change since and in GA it will look like they originally came from a Facebook.
We have the following problem using Google Analytics (UA) for Facebook (Oauth) login:
user lands on /page/1?utm_campaign=aaa and GA session is created with correct initial referrer, campaign etc.
user visits a few other pages and decides to register using Facebook
Facebook login makes the user's browser to go to facebook and come back which changes the referral and thus creates a new GA session
When user lands back on our callback url we fire an event that is converted to goal in GA
The problem is that all users who register using Oauth have the referral set to Facebook and the landing page to the page where they land after Facebook's callback because that's when GA "resets" the session :( .
Is there a way of joining the two sessions in GA and making it know that it is the same user all the time so that Facebook registers keep the full information on initial referrer, landing page, UTMs etc. ?
Follow FB SDK example and OAuth dialog will open in a popup window.
It will remove the issue with GA.
Most of OAuth providers that I know also support opening a dialog in a popup window.

Google Analytics with User ID - Can we filter to see which pages a user accessed

I wired Google Analytics to an internal app, trying to track user and pages.
The set up is working, I can see data on my User-Id Views. However, I can't see the userId anywhere on this view.
I want to see a list of users who visited the site and which pages a user visited.
Is this possible?

retrieve page ids of member without manage page permissions

can anybody tell me if its possible to retrieve a list of a member's pages without manage pages permissions? or if its possible to send the graph a facebook page id and have it return whether or not the current FB user admins the page.
i have a page tab application which a FB user can install to one of their pages, and in order to show the relevant info regarding the current FB user from my website on their facebook page, i need to know that the page they have given me is administered by them.
since i dont want any control over the page itself, only to know that the page id ive received is associated with the current FB user, asking for permissions to log in as any and all of their facebook pages seems like a bit of an excessive permission
