How to solve the ransom note problem functionally - functional-programming

Write a function that given a list of letters what and a word, returns true if the word can be spelt using the letters from the list and false if not. For example a list like
and the word
the function should return true.
If the word was bbed it should also return false because there is only one b in the list.
This is easy enough to do imperatively by mutating the state of the dictionary in a for loop but how can one do it in a more functional style without mutation?
Here's the imperative version I did:
open System.Collections.Generic
let letters = new Dictionary<char,int>()
[ ('a', 2); ('b', 1); ('c', 1); ('e', 1) ] |> Seq.iter letters.Add
let can_spell (word : string) =
let mutable result = true
for x in word do
if letters.ContainsKey x && letters.[x] > 0 then
let old = letters.[x]
letters.[x] <- old - 1
result <- false

You can use 2 dictionaries to keep track of the counts by letter of the word and the existing letters and then check that the letter count is greater than the word letter count:
let contains (word:string)(letters:IDictionary<char,int>) =
let w = word
|>Seq.countBy id
|> k-> letters.ContainsKey k && letters.[k] >= w.[k])
and you can use it like this
let letters =
[ ('a', 2); ('b', 1); ('c', 1); ('e', 1); ('d', 1)]
|> dict
contains "bed" letters // True

I would do like this:
let can_spell2 letters word =
let uniqueLettersCount = //group unique letters from words and count them
word |> Seq.groupBy id
|> (fun (l,s) -> l,Seq.length s)
uniqueLettersCount //keep taking the sequence until you don't find a key or the key count is below the unique letter number
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun (c,n) ->
match Map.tryFind c letters with
| Some n' -> if n' >= n then true else false
| None -> false)
|> fun s -> if Seq.length s = Seq.length uniqueLettersCount then true else false //if takeWhile didn't stop, the word is allowed
Examples of usage:
let letters = ['a',2;'b',1;'c',1;'e',1] |> Map.ofList
can_spell2 letters "aab" //true
can_spell2 letters "aaba" //false
can_spell2 letters "bf" //false
can_spell2 letters "ecaba" //true


Parse the string into a list of tuples

I am looking for a piece of code in F# that can parse this type of string:
into a list of tuples that looks like this:
Thanks in advance :)
You can quite nicely solve this using the FParsec parser combinator library. This is manageable using regular expressions, but it's not very elegant. Parser combinators make it very clear what the grammar of the inputs that you can handle is. You can also easily add other features like whitespace.
The following actually produces a list of string * Value pairs where Value is a new data type, corresponding to the possible right-hand-sides in the input:
type Value = Int of int | List of int list
Now, you can do the parsing using the following:
let ident = identifier (IdentifierOptions())
let rhs =
// Right-hand-side is either an integer...
( pint32 |>> Int ) <|>
// Or a list [ .. ] of integers separated by ','
( pchar '[' >>. (sepBy pint32 (pchar ',')) .>> pchar ']' |>> List )
let tuple =
// A single tuple is an identifier = right-hand-side
ident .>> pchar '=' .>>. rhs
let p =
// The input is a comma separated list of tuples
sepBy tuple (pchar ',')
run p "x=1,y=42,A=[1,3,4,8]"
Sometimes a named regex makes for readable code, even if not the regex.
This reads: Identifier = [Number followed by comma or space, zero or more] | Number
let parse input =
let regex = Regex("(?<id>\w+)=((\[((?<list>(\d+))*,?\s*)*\])|(?<number>\d+))")
let matches = regex.Matches input
for (expr : Match) in matches do
let group name = expr.Groups.[string name]
let id = group "id"
let list = group "list"
let number = group "number"
if list.Success then
for (capture : Capture) in list.Captures do
yield (id.Value, int capture.Value)
else if number.Success then
yield (id.Value, int number.Value)
let input = "var1=1, var2=2, list=[1, 2, 3, 4], single=[1], empty=[], bad=[,,], bad=var"
printfn "%A" (parse input)
[("var1", 1); ("var2", 2); ("list", 1); ("list", 2); ("list", 3); ("list", 4); "single", 1)]
It's quite advisable to follow the approach outlined by Tomas Petricek's answer, employing the established FParsec parser combinator library.
For educational purposes, you might want to roll your own parser combinator, and for this endeavor Scott W.'s blog ("Understanding parser combinators", and "Building a useful set of parser combinators") contains valuable information.
The parsing looks quite similar:
// parse a list of integers enclosed in brackets and separated by ','
let plist = pchar '[' >>. sepBy1 pint (pchar ',') .>> pchar ']'
// parser for the right hand side, singleton integer or a list of integers
let intOrList = pint |>> (fun x -> [x]) <|> plist
// projection for generation of string * integer tuples
let ungroup p =
p |>> List.collect (fun (key, xs) -> xs |> (fun x -> key, x))
// parser for an input of zero or more string value pairs separated by ','
let parser =
sepBy (letters .>> pchar '=' .>>. intOrList) (pchar ',')
|> ungroup
|> run parser
// val it : ((String * int) list * string) option =
// Some ([("x", 1); ("y", 42); ("A", 1); ("A", 3); ("A", 4); ("A", 8)], "")
This simple grammar still requires 15 or so parser combinators. Another difference is that for simplicity's sake the Parser type has been modeled on FSharp's Option type.
type Parser<'T,'U> = Parser of ('T -> ('U * 'T) option)
let run (Parser f1) x = // run the parser with input
f1 x
let returnP arg = // lift a value to a Parser
Parser (fun x -> Some(arg, x))
let (>>=) (Parser f1) f = // apply parser-producing function
Parser(f1 >> Option.bind (fun (a, b) -> run (f a) b))
let (|>>) p f = // apply function to value inside Parser
p >>= (f >> returnP)
let (.>>.) p1 p2 = // andThen combinator
p1 >>= fun r1 ->
p2 >>= fun r2 ->
returnP (r1, r2)
let (.>>) p1 p2 = // andThen, but keep first value only
(p1 .>>. p2) |>> fst
let (>>.) p1 p2 = // andThen, keep second value only
(p1 .>>. p2) |>> snd
let pchar c = // parse a single character
Parser (fun s ->
if String.length s > 0 && s.[0] = c then Some(c, s.[1..])
else None )
let (<|>) (Parser f1) (Parser f2) = // orElse combinator
Parser(fun arg ->
match f1 arg with None -> f2 arg | res -> res )
let choice parsers = // choose any of a list of combinators
List.reduce (<|>) parsers
let anyOf = // choose any of a list of characters pchar >> choice
let many (Parser f) = // matches zero or more occurrences
let rec aux input =
match f input with
| None -> [], input
| Some (x, rest1) ->
let xs, rest2 = aux rest1
x::xs, rest2
Parser (fun arg -> Some(aux arg))
let many1 p = // matches one or more occurrences of p
p >>= fun x ->
many p >>= fun xs ->
returnP (x::xs)
let stringP p = // converts list of characters to string
p |>> (fun xs -> System.String(List.toArray xs))
let letters = // matches one or more letters
many1 (anyOf ['A'..'Z'] <|> anyOf ['a'..'z']) |> stringP
let pint = // matches an integer
many1 (anyOf ['0'..'9']) |> stringP |>> int
let sepBy1 p sep = // matches p one or more times, separated by sep
p .>>. many (sep >>. p) |>> (fun (x,xs) -> x::xs)
let sepBy p sep = // matches p zero or more times, separated by sep
sepBy1 p sep <|> returnP []
Try this:
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let input = "x=1,y=42,A=[1,3,4,8]"
Regex.Split(input,",(?=[A-Za-z])") //output: [|"x=1"; "y=42"; "A=[1,3,4,8]"|]
|> Array.collect (fun x ->
let l,v = Regex.Split(x,"=") |> fun t -> Array.head t,Array.last t //label and value
Regex.Split(v,",") |> (fun x -> l,Regex.Replace(x,"\[|\]","") |> int))
|> List.ofArray

In F# define zip function for two lists

Having trouble with a problem:
Define a function called zip that takes a pair (tuple) of equal length lists as a single parameter and returns a list of pairs. The first pair should contain the first element of each list, the second pair contains the second element of each list, and so on.
I have been stuck and am looking for advice on if I'm headed in the right direction or should try another approach.
It needs to be a single function definition without any nested functions and can not use build in functions!
What I have done is:
let rec zip (a , b) =
if List.length a = 1 then List.head a , List.head b
else zip (List.tail a , List.tail b)
> zip (["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e"], [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]);;
is entered
val it : string * int = ("e", 5)
is returned.
The expected result should be
val it : (string * int) list = [("a", 1); ("b", 2); ("c", 3); ("d", 4); ("e", 5)]
Let's start with your original implementation:
let rec zip (a , b) =
if List.length a = 1 then List.head a , List.head b
else zip (List.tail a , List.tail b)
First of all, the type is wrong - this returns a tuple of values, not a list of tuples. What this does is that it iterates over the list (following the tails using List.tail) and when it reaches the end, it returns the only element of each of the lists, which is "e" and 5.
The first step to fixing this could be to add type annotations. This will force you to return a list in the then branch. If you have two singleton lists ["e"] and [5], you want to return ["e", 5]:
let rec zip (a:'a list , b:'b list) : list<'a * 'b> =
if List.length a = 1 then [List.head a , List.head b]
else zip (List.tail a , List.tail b)
This is still not right - in the else case, you are just looking at the tails, but you are ignoring the heads. You need to access the head and concatenate it to the list returned from your recursive call:
let rec zip (a:'a list , b:'b list) : list<'a * 'b> =
if List.length a = 1 then [List.head a , List.head b]
else (List.head a, List.head b) :: zip (List.tail a , List.tail b)
This works, but using if .. then .. else in this case is inelegant. The answer from Filipe shows how to do this better with pattern matching.
let rec zip (a, b) =
match (a, b) with
| ha :: ta, hb :: tb -> (ha, hb) :: zip (ta, tb)
| _, _ -> []

Convert string [,] into string representation

Let say I have this two-dimensional array:
let a = Array2D.create 2 2 "*"
What is an idiomatic way to turn that into the following string?
My thought would be that I need to iterate over the rows and then map string.concat over the items in each row. However I can't seem to figure out how to iterate just the rows.
I think you'll have to iterate over the rows by hand (Array2D does not have any handy function for this),
but you can get a row using splicing syntax. To get the row at index row, you can write array.[row, *]:
let a = Array2D.create 3 2 "*"
[ for row in 0 .. a.GetLength(0)-1 ->
String.concat "" a.[row,*] ]
|> String.concat "\n"
This creates a list of rows (each turned into a string using the first String.concat) and then concatenates the rows using the second String.concat.
Alternatively, you may use StringBuilder and involve Array2D.iteri function:
let data' = [|[|"a"; "b"; "c"|]; [|"d"; "e"; "f"|]|]
let data = Array2D.init 2 3 (fun i j -> data'.[i].[j])
open System.Text
let concatenateArray2D (data:string[,]) =
let sb = new StringBuilder()
|> Array2D.iteri (fun row col value ->
(if col=0 && row<>0 then sb.Append "\n" else sb)
.Append value |> ignore
data |> concatenateArray2D |> printfn "%s"
This prints:

functional programming with less recursion?

I am currently doing reasonably well in functional programming using F#. I tend, however, to do a lot of programming using recursion, when it seems that there are better idioms in the F#/functional programming community. So in the spirit of learning, is there a better/more idiomatic way of writing the function below without recursion?
let rec convert line =
if line.[0..1] = " " then
match convert line.[2..] with
| (i, subline) -> (i+1, subline)
(0, line)
with results such as:
> convert "asdf";;
val it : int * string = (0, "asdf")
> convert " asdf";;
val it : int * string = (1, "asdf")
> convert " asdf";;
val it : int * string = (3, "asdf")
Recursion is the basic mechanism for writing loops in functional languages, so if you need to iterate over characters (as you do in your sample), then recursion is what you need.
If you want to improve your code, then you should probably avoid using line.[2..] because that is going to be inefficient (strings are not designed for this kind of processing). It is better to convert the string to a list and then process it:
let convert (line:string) =
let rec loop acc line =
match line with
| ' '::' '::rest -> loop (acc + 1) rest
| _ -> (acc, line)
loop 0 (List.ofSeq line)
You can use various functions from the standard library to implement this in a more shorter way, but they are usually recursive too (you just do not see the recursion!), so I think using functions like Seq.unfold and Seq.fold is still recursive (and it looks way more complex than your code).
A more concise approach using standard libraries is to use the TrimLeft method (see comments), or using standard F# library functions, do something like this:
let convert (line:string) =
// Count the number of spaces at the beginning
let spaces = line |> Seq.takeWhile (fun c -> c = ' ') |> Seq.length
// Divide by two - we want to count & skip two-spaces only
let count = spaces / 2
// Get substring starting after all removed two-spaces
count, line.[(count * 2) ..]
EDIT Regarding the performance of string vs. list processing, the problem is that slicing allocates a new string (because that is how strings are represented on the .NET platform), while slicing a list just changes a reference. Here is a simple test:
let rec countList n s =
match s with
| x::xs -> countList (n + 1) xs
| _ -> n
let rec countString n (s:string) =
if s.Length = 0 then n
else countString (n + 1) (s.[1 ..])
let l = [ for i in 1 .. 10000 -> 'x' ]
let s = new System.String('x', 10000)
for i in 0 .. 100 do countList 0 l |> ignore // 0.002 sec (on my machine)
for i in 0 .. 100 do countString 0 s |> ignore // 5.720 sec (on my machine)
Because you traverse the string in a non-uniform way, a recursive solution is much more suitable in this example. I would rewrite your tail-recursive solution for readability as follows:
let convert (line: string) =
let rec loop i line =
match line.[0..1] with
| " " -> loop (i+1) line.[2..]
| _ -> i, line
loop 0 line
Since you asked, here is a (bizarre) non-recursive solution :).
let convert (line: string) =
(0, line) |> Seq.unfold (fun (i, line) ->
let subline = line.[2..]
match line.[0..1] with
| " " -> Some((i+1, subline), (i+1, subline))
| _ -> None)
|> Seq.fold (fun _ x -> x) (0, line)
Using tail recursion, it can be written as
let rec convert_ acc line =
if line.[0..1] <> " " then
(acc, line)
convert_ (acc + 1) line.[2..]
let convert = convert_ 0
still looking for a non-recursive answer, though.
Here's a faster way to write your function -- it checks the characters explicitly instead of using string slicing (which, as Tomas said, is slow); it's also tail-recursive. Finally, it uses a StringBuilder to create the "filtered" string, which will provide better performance once your input string reaches a decent length (though it'd be a bit slower for very small strings due to the overhead of creating the StringBuilder).
let convert' str =
let strLen = String.length str
let sb = System.Text.StringBuilder strLen
let rec convertRec (count, idx) =
match strLen - idx with
| 0 ->
count, sb.ToString ()
| 1 ->
// Append the last character in the string to the StringBuilder.
sb.Append str.[idx] |> ignore
convertRec (count, idx + 1)
| _ ->
if str.[idx] = ' ' && str.[idx + 1] = ' ' then
convertRec (count + 1, idx + 2)
sb.Append str.[idx] |> ignore
convertRec (count, idx + 1)
// Call the internal, recursive implementation.
convertRec (0, 0)

F# : Writing a function that builds a list of tuples recursively and change a mutable variable

This question is related to this previous thread.
I followed Tomas's suggestion using this piece code, and all works fine:
let GetSameColorNeighs (grid:Option<Ball>[,], row, col, color:Color) =
let rec loop (row, col) = seq {
if not (row < 0 || col < 0 || row > MaxLineNumber - 1
|| col > BallsPerLine - 1) then
let ball = grid.[row,col]
match ball with
| Some(ball) ->
if (!ball.visited = false || not <| ball.color.Equals(color)) then
// Not sure what you want here - yield items using 'yield'?
// [row , col]
ball.visited := true
yield row, col // Add single item to results
yield! loop(row + 1, col + 1) // Add all generated to results
yield! loop(row - 1, col - 1) // -- || --
| None -> () }
loop(row, col) |> Seq.toList
The code above iterate through an array 2d of "balls" and return a list of index of adjacent balls with the same color.
Now I have to modify the function in way that it returns also a boolean indicating if at least one ball of the list satisfy a certain condition. I changed the code this way but seems that I can't assign a mutable value inside that code:
let GetSameColorNeighs (grid:Option<Ball>[,], row, col, color:Color) : List<int * int> * bool =
let mutable b : bool = false
let rec loop (row, col) = seq {
if not (row < 0 || col < 0 || row > MaxLineNumber - 1
|| col > BallsPerLine - 1) then
let ball = grid.[row,col]
match ball with
| Some(ball) ->
if (ball.visited = true || not <| ball.color.Equals(color)) then
if (ball_satisfy_a_certain_condition) then
b <- true
ball.visited := true
yield row, col // Add single item to results
yield! loop(row + 1, col + 1) // Add all generated to results
yield! loop(row - 1, col - 1) // -- || --
| None -> () }
loop(row, col) |> Seq.toList, b
It seems that a mutable variable can't be acquired by a closure (I don't know what it means).
So I have 2 questions:
why is the above assignment to a mutable variable wrong?
How should I refactor my code to achieve this goal?
In short, you have to use ref variables instead of mutable variables.
While mutable variables are allocated on the stack, ref variables are heap-based. After each time your loop function is invoked, mutable values are wiped out when ref values are still there. Therefore, only ref values are valid to return in GetSameColorNeighs.
This question has been asked many times here. See The mutable variable 'i' is used in an invalid way.? and this blog post for more in-depth discussion.
