My Mandelbrot does not look like it should. Does anyone know why? - math

I recently found out about the Mandelbrot set and now I am trying to generate a Mandelbrot set in Processing 3.0. I found a tutorial on youtube about programming it and tried to impelement it in Progressing.
size(1280, 720);
void draw(){
int maxIteration = 100;
double reMid = -0.75;
double iMid = 0;
double rangeR = 3.5;
double rangeI = 2;
double xPixels = 1280;
double yPixels = 720;
for(int x = 0; x < xPixels; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < yPixels; y++){
double xP = (double)x / xPixels;
double yP = (double)y / yPixels;
double cReal = xP * rangeR + reMid - rangeR / 2;
double cIm = yP * rangeI + iMid - rangeI / 2;
double zReal = 0;
double zIm = 0;
int iteration = 0;
while(iteration < maxIteration && zReal * zReal + zIm * zIm <= 4) {
double temp = zReal * zReal - cIm * cIm + cReal;
zIm = 2 * zReal * zIm + cIm;
zReal = temp;
if(iteration >= maxIteration - 1){
point(x, y);
But when i generated the Mandelbrot set, it looked different than it should:
I have already compared my code with the one in the video, but i did not find a mistake in my code.
Does anyone know, what I did wrong?

I zoomed it out a bit, and the long tails keep extending to infinity. Since all |C| > 2 should diverge, this makes it easy to find a specific case that fails, such as cReal = 2; cImg = -1.5;
Your code says it converges, but doing it by hand shows it diverges very quickly:
Z0 = 0 + 0i
Z1 = (0 + 0i)^2 + 2 - 1.5i = 2 - 1.5i
Z2 = 2*2 - 2*2*1.5i - 1.5^2 = 1.75 - 6i
Stepping through your code gives zReal, zImg
-1.5, -0.25
-0.75, -0.1875
-1.21875, -0.21484375
-0.976318359375, -0.2038421630859375
-1.1019703075289726, -0.20844837254844606
In other words, your loop is wrong. The immediately suspect line of code is this:
double temp = zReal * zReal - cIm * cIm + cReal;
It's doing cIm*cIm, but there's not supposed to be any multiplication of any components of C: it's simply added at the end.
So what's happened is that you accidentally switched zIm for cIm.
Switch them back and you should get a better result:
double temp = zReal * zReal - zIm * zIm + cReal;


How to remove floats or reduce actual file size of code function? (Arduino)

I am trying to get my arduino code for gemma, with neopixels, which has 5310 bytes of memory smaller so I can get more things into the program.
Currently I am trying to remove floats / reduce the size of the code snippet below:
void gradient(Color c1, Color c2, float time) {
for (float i = 0; i < time; i += 0.001) {
Color result(0, 0, 0);
result.Red = c1.Red * (1 - (i / time)) + c2.Red * (i / time);
result.Green = c1.Green * (1 - (i / time)) + c2.Green * (i / time);
result.Blue = c1.Blue * (1 - (i / time)) + c2.Blue * (i / time);
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 20; x++)pixels.setPixelColor(x, result.Red, result.Green, result.Blue);;
I managed to reduce it by 30 bytes to:
void gradient(Color c1, Color c2, float time) {
float stepsize = 0.01; // Stepsize in seconds
float lambda;
int maxiter = (int) (time/ stepsize);
Color result(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i <= maxiter; i++) {
lambda = (float) i / maxiter;
result.Red = c1.Red * (1 - lambda) + c2.Red * (lambda);
result.Green = c1.Green * (1 - lambda) + c2.Green * (lambda);
result.Blue = c1.Blue * (1 - lambda) + c2.Blue * (lambda);
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 20; x++)pixels.setPixelColor(x, result.Red, result.Green, result.Blue);;
delay(stepsize * 1000); // delay in milliseconds
But am trying still to make it smaller.
For those wondering the Color object is just an object with 3 ints called Red, Green and Blue. An example usage of this code would be:
gradient(Color(255, 0, 0), Color(0, 255, 0), 2);
Which would be a gradient from Red to Green over 2 seconds.
Thanks in advance!
If you can pull "delay()" out of all your code, it seems to avoid including a 100 byte size library? idk tbh, but here is my suggested modification, which in my testing saves 100 bytes of memory:
void gradient(Color c1, Color c2, float time) {
float stepsize = 0.01; // Stepsize in seconds
float lambda;
int maxiter = (int) (time/ stepsize);
Color result(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i <= maxiter; i++) {
lambda = (float) i / maxiter;
result.Red = c1.Red * (1 - lambda) + c2.Red * (lambda);
result.Green = c1.Green * (1 - lambda) + c2.Green * (lambda);
result.Blue = c1.Blue * (1 - lambda) + c2.Blue * (lambda);
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 20; x++)pixels.setPixelColor(x, result.Red, result.Green, result.Blue);;
//delay(stepsize * 1000); // delay in milliseconds
long lastTime=millis();
long delayTime = stepsize * 1000;
-First off, your color object should take 3 unsigned chars (0-255) there is no reason to put ints in there. (byte type in arduino)
-Second, I am not sure how you are implementing time, but generally in arduino you are working in milliseconds. Furthermore, without seeing your other implementation, I am guessing that time is a segment of time and based on your delay, I am going to guess that you could send time as a short (up multiply x1000 if necessary) (This would hold up to 32 seconds, in milliseconds)
void gradient(Color c1, Color c2, short time) {
short maxiter = (short) (time/ 10);
Color result(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i <= maxiter; i++) {
result.Red = (c1.Red * (maxiter-i) + c2.Red * i)/maxiter;
result.Green = (c1.Green* (maxiter-i) + c2.Green* i)/maxiter;
result.Blue = (c1.Blue* (maxiter-i) + c2.Blue* i)/maxiter;
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 20; x++)pixels.setPixelColor(x, result.Red, result.Green, result.Blue);;
delay(10); // delay in milliseconds

Processing 3 improving intensive math calculation

I wrote a very simple sketch to simulate the interference of two planar waves, very easy.
The problem seems to be a little to much intensive for the cpu (moreover processing uses only one core) and I get only 1 o 2 fps.
Any idea how to improve this sketch?
float x0;
float y0;
float x1;
float y1;
float x2;
float y2;
int t = 0;
void setup() {
size(400, 400, P2D);
x0 = width/2;
y0 = height/2;
x1 = width/4;
y1 = height/2;
x2 = width * 3/4;
y2 = height / 2;
void draw() {
for (int x = 0; x <= width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y <= height; y++) {
float d1 = dist(x1, y1, x, y);
float d2 = dist(x2, y2, x, y);
float factorA = 20;
float factorB = 80;
float wave1 = (1 + (sin(TWO_PI * d1/factorA + t)))/2 * exp(-d1/factorB);
float wave2 = (1 + (sin(TWO_PI * d2/factorA + t)))/2 * exp(-d2/factorB);
stroke( (wave1 + wave2) *255);
point(x, y);
t--; //Wave propagation
As Kevin suggested, using point() isn't the most efficient method since it calls beginShape();vertex() and endShape();. You might be off better using pixels.
Additionally, the nested loops can be written as a single loop and dist() which uses square root behind the scenes can be avoided (you can uses squared distance with higher values).
Here's a version using these:
float x1;
float y1;
float x2;
float y2;
int t = 0;
//using larger factors to use squared distance bellow instead of dist(),sqrt()
float factorA = 20*200;
float factorB = 80*200;
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
x1 = width/4;
y1 = height/2;
x2 = width * 3/4;
y2 = height / 2;
//use pixels, not points()
void draw() {
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {
int x = i % width;
int y = i / height;
float dx1 = x1-x;
float dy1 = y1-y;
float dx2 = x2-x;
float dy2 = y2-y;
//squared distance
float d1 = dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1;//dist(x1, y1, x, y);
float d2 = dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2;//dist(x2, y2, x, y);
float wave1 = (1 + (sin(TWO_PI * d1/factorA + t))) * 0.5 * exp(-d1/factorB);
float wave2 = (1 + (sin(TWO_PI * d2/factorA + t))) * 0.5 * exp(-d2/factorB);
pixels[i] = color((wave1 + wave2) *255);
// endShape();
t--; //Wave propagation
This can be sped up further using lookup tables for the more time consuming functions such as sin() and exp().
You can see a rough (numbers need to be tweaked) preview running even in javascript:
var x1;
var y1;
var x2;
var y2;
var t = 0;
var factorA = 20*200;
var factorB = 80*200;
var numPixels;
var scaledWidth;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
x1 = width /4;
y1 = height /2;
x2 = width * 3/4;
y2 = height / 2;
numPixels = (width * height) * pixelDensity();
scaledWidth = width * pixelDensity();
function draw() {
for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < numPixels; i++, j += 4) {
var x = i % scaledWidth;
var y = floor(i / scaledWidth);
var dx1 = x1 - x;
var dy1 = y1 - y;
var dx2 = x2 - x;
var dy2 = y2 - y;
var d1 = (dx1 * dx1) + (dy1 * dy1);//dist(x1, y1, x, y);
var d2 = (dx2 * dx2) + (dy2 * dy2);//dist(x2, y2, x, y);
var wave1 = (1 + (sin(TWO_PI * d1 / factorA + t))) * 0.5 * exp(-d1 / factorB);
var wave2 = (1 + (sin(TWO_PI * d2 / factorA + t))) * 0.5 * exp(-d2 / factorB);
var gray = (wave1 + wave2) * 255;
pixels[j] = pixels[j+1] = pixels[j+2] = gray;
pixels[j+3] = 255;
t--; //Wave propagation
<script src=""></script>
Because you're using math to synthesise the image, it may make more sense to write this as a GLSL Shader. Be sure sure to checkout the PShader tutorial for more info.
Here's a GLSL version: code is less hacky and a lot more readable:
float t = 0;
float factorA = 0.20;
float factorB = 0.80;
PShader waves;
void setup() {
size(400, 400, P2D);
waves = loadShader("waves.glsl");
waves.set("resolution", float(width), float(height));
void draw() {
rect(0, 0, width, height);
void mouseDragged(){
float x = map(mouseX,0,width,-1.0,1.0);
float y = map(mouseY,0,height,1.0,-1.0);
if(keyPressed) waves.set("pt2",x,y);
else waves.set("pt1",x,y);
void keyPressed(){
float amount = 0.05;
if(keyCode == UP) factorA += amount;
if(keyCode == DOWN) factorA -= amount;
if(keyCode == LEFT) factorB -= amount;
if(keyCode == RIGHT) factorB += amount;
And the waves.glsl:
uniform vec2 pt1;
uniform vec2 pt2;
uniform float t;
uniform float factorA;
uniform float factorB;
const float TWO_PI = 6.283185307179586;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;
void main(void) {
vec2 p = -1.0 + 2.0 * gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;
float d1 = distance(pt1,p);
float d2 = distance(pt2,p);
float wave1 = (1.0 + (sin(TWO_PI * d1/factorA + t))) * 0.5 * exp(-d1/factorB);
float wave2 = (1.0 + (sin(TWO_PI * d2/factorA + t))) * 0.5 * exp(-d2/factorB);
float gray = wave1 + wave2;
You can use drag for first point and hold a key and drag for the second point.
Additionally, use UP/DOWN, LEFT/RIGHT keys to change factorA and factorB. Results look interesting:
Also, you can grab a bit of code from this answer to save frames using Threads (I recommend saving uncompressed).
Option 1: Pre-render your sketch.
This seems to be a static repeating pattern, so you can pre-render it by running the animation ahead of time and saving each frame to an image. I see that you already had a call to saveFrame() in there. Once you have the images saved, you can then load them into a new sketch and play them one frame at a time. It shouldn't require very many images, since it seems to repeat itself pretty quickly. Think of an animated gif that loops forever.
Option 2: Decrease the resolution of your sketch.
Do you really need pixel-perfect 400x400 resolution? Can you maybe draw to an image that's 100x100 and scale up?
Or you could decrease the resolution of your for loops by incrementing by more than 1:
for (int x = 0; x <= width; x+=2) {
for (int y = 0; y <= height; y+=2) {
You could play with how much you increase and then use the strokeWeight() or rect() function to draw larger pixels.
Option 3: Decrease the time resolution of your sketch.
Instead of moving by 1 pixel every 1 frame, what if you move by 5 pixels every 5 frames? Speed your animation up, but only move it every X frames, that way the overall speed appears to be the same. You can use the modulo operator along with the frameCount variable to only do something every X frames. Note that you'd still want to keep the overall framerate of your sketch to 30 or 60, but you'd only change the animation every X frames.
Option 4: Simplify your animation.
Do you really need to calculate every single pixels? If all you want to show is a series of circles that increase in size, there are much easier ways to do that. Calling the ellipse() function is much faster than calling the point() function a bunch of times. You can use other functions to create the blurry effect without calling point() half a million times every second (which is how often you're trying to call it).
Option 5: Refactor your code.
If all else fails, then you're going to have to refactor your code. Most of your program's time is being spent in the point() function- you can prove this by drawing an ellipse at mouseX, mouseY at the end of the draw() function and comparing the performance of that when you comment out the call to point() inside your nested for loops.
Computers aren't magic, so calling the point() function half a million times every second isn't free. You're going to have to decrease that number somehow, either by taking one (or more than one) of the above options, or by refactoring your code in some other way.
How you do that really depends on your actual goals, which you haven't stated. If you're just trying to render this animation, then pre-rendering it will work fine. If you need to have user interaction with it, then maybe something like decreasing the resolution will work. You're going to have to sacrifice something, and it's really up to you what that is.

Different results GPU & CPU when more than one 8 work items per group

I'm new in open cl. And tried as my first work to write code that checks intersection between many polylines to single polygon.
I'm running the code in both cpu and gpu.. and get different results.
First I sent NULL as local parameter when called clEnqueueNDRangeKernel.
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(command_queue, kIntersect, 1, NULL, &global, null, 2, &evtCalcBounds, &evtKernel);
After trying many things i saw that if i send 1 as local it is working good. and returning the same results for the cpu and gpu.
size_t local = 1;
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(command_queue, kIntersect, 1, NULL, &global, &local, 2, &evtCalcBounds, &evtKernel);
Played abit more and found that the cpu returns false result when i run the kernel with local 8 or more (for some reason).
I'm not using any local memory, just globals and privates.
I didn't added the code because i think it is irrelevant to the problem (note that for single work group it is working good), and it is long. If it is needed, i will try to simplify it.
The code flow is going like this:
I have polylines coordinates stored in a big buffer. and the single polygon in another. In addition i'm providing another buffer with single int that holds the current results count. All buffers are __global arguments.
In the kernel i'm simply checking intersection between all the lines of the "polyline[get_global(0)]" with the lines of the polygon. If true,
i'm using atomic_inc for the results count. There is no read and write memory from the same buffer, no barriers or mem fences,... the atomic_inc is the only thread safe mechanism i'm using.
-- UPDATE --
Added my code:
I know that i can maybe have better use of open cl functions for calculating some vectors, but for now, i'm simply convert code from my old regular CPU single threaded program to CL. so this is not my concern now.
bool isPointInPolygon(float x, float y, __global float* polygon) {
bool blnInside = false;
uint length = convert_uint(polygon[4]);
int s = 5;
uint j = length - 1;
for (uint i = 0; i < length; j = i++) {
uint realIdx = s + i * 2;
uint realInvIdx = s + j * 2;
if (((polygon[realIdx + 1] > y) != (polygon[realInvIdx + 1] > y)) &&
(x < (polygon[realInvIdx] - polygon[realIdx]) * (y - polygon[realIdx + 1]) / (polygon[realInvIdx + 1] - polygon[realIdx + 1]) + polygon[realIdx]))
blnInside = !blnInside;
return blnInside;
bool isRectanglesIntersected(float p_dblMinX1, float p_dblMinY1,
float p_dblMaxX1, float p_dblMaxY1,
float p_dblMinX2, float p_dblMinY2,
float p_dblMaxX2, float p_dblMaxY2) {
bool blnResult = true;
if (p_dblMinX1 > p_dblMaxX2 ||
p_dblMaxX1 < p_dblMinX2 ||
p_dblMinY1 > p_dblMaxY2 ||
p_dblMaxY1 < p_dblMinY2) {
blnResult = false;
return blnResult;
bool isLinesIntersects(
double Ax, double Ay,
double Bx, double By,
double Cx, double Cy,
double Dx, double Dy) {
double distAB, theCos, theSin, newX, ABpos;
// Fail if either line is undefined.
if (Ax == Bx && Ay == By || Cx == Dx && Cy == Dy)
return false;
// (1) Translate the system so that point A is on the origin.
Bx -= Ax; By -= Ay;
Cx -= Ax; Cy -= Ay;
Dx -= Ax; Dy -= Ay;
// Discover the length of segment A-B.
distAB = sqrt(Bx*Bx + By*By);
// (2) Rotate the system so that point B is on the positive X axis.
theCos = Bx / distAB;
theSin = By / distAB;
newX = Cx*theCos + Cy*theSin;
Cy = Cy*theCos - Cx*theSin; Cx = newX;
newX = Dx*theCos + Dy*theSin;
Dy = Dy*theCos - Dx*theSin; Dx = newX;
// Fail if the lines are parallel.
return (Cy != Dy);
bool isPolygonInersectsPolyline(__global float* polygon, __global float* polylines, uint startIdx) {
uint polylineLength = convert_uint(polylines[startIdx]);
uint start = startIdx + 1;
float x1 = polylines[start];
float y1 = polylines[start + 1];
float x2;
float y2;
int polygonLength = convert_uint(polygon[4]);
int polygonLength2 = polygonLength * 2;
int startPolygonIdx = 5;
for (int currPolyineIdx = 0; currPolyineIdx < polylineLength - 1; currPolyineIdx++)
x2 = polylines[start + (currPolyineIdx*2) + 2];
y2 = polylines[start + (currPolyineIdx*2) + 3];
float polyX1 = polygon[0];
float polyY1 = polygon[1];
for (int currPolygonIdx = 0; currPolygonIdx < polygonLength; ++currPolygonIdx)
float polyX2 = polygon[startPolygonIdx + (currPolygonIdx * 2 + 2) % polygonLength2];
float polyY2 = polygon[startPolygonIdx + (currPolygonIdx * 2 + 3) % polygonLength2];
if (isLinesIntersects(x1, y1, x2, y2, polyX1, polyY1, polyX2, polyY2)) {
return true;
polyX1 = polyX2;
polyY1 = polyY2;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
// No intersection found till now so we check containing
return isPointInPolygon(x1, y1, polygon);
__kernel void calcIntersections(__global float* polylines, // My flat points array - [pntCount, x,y,x,y,...., pntCount, x,y,... ]
__global float* pBounds, // The rectangle bounds of each polyline - set of 4 values [top, left, bottom, right....]
__global uint* pStarts, // The start index of each polyline in the polylines array
__global float* polygon, // The polygon i want to intersect with - first 4 items are the rectangle bounds [top, left, bottom, right, pntCount, x,y,x,y,x,y....]
__global float* output, // Result array for saving the intersections polylines indices
__global uint* resCount) // The result count
int i = get_global_id(0);
uint start = convert_uint(pStarts[i]);
if (isRectanglesIntersected(pBounds[i * 4], pBounds[i * 4 + 1], pBounds[i * 4 + 2], pBounds[i * 4 + 3],
polygon[0], polygon[1], polygon[2], polygon[3])) {
if (isPolygonInersectsPolyline(polygon, polylines, start)){
int oldVal = atomic_inc(resCount);
output[oldVal] = i;
Can anyone explain it to me ?

OpenGL draw sphere using glVertex3f

I needed to draw sphere on OpenGL without using gluSphere() function. I have found somewhere this function:
void drawSphere(double r, int lats, int longs) {
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i <= lats; i++) {
double lat0 = M_PI * (-0.5 + (double) (i - 1) / lats);
double z0 = sin(lat0);
double zr0 = cos(lat0);
double lat1 = M_PI * (-0.5 + (double) i / lats);
double z1 = sin(lat1);
double zr1 = cos(lat1);
for(j = 0; j <= longs; j++) {
double lng = 2 * M_PI * (double) (j - 1) / longs;
double x = cos(lng);
double y = sin(lng);
glNormal3f(x * zr0, y * zr0, z0);
glVertex3f(x * zr0, y * zr0, z0);
glNormal3f(x * zr1, y * zr1, z1);
glVertex3f(x * zr1, y * zr1, z1);
But I can't understand what it does. I think it draws polyhedron that looks like sphere.
Also, I think lat0, lat1 used to determine how far from Z axis vertices will be located.

Calculate angle with 3 given 3d points

I am experiment kinect on winrt for metro app.
I am trying to obtain angle at the elbow.
normally i will do the following
Vector3D handLeftVector = new Vector3D(HandLeftX, HandLeftY, HandLeftZ);
Vector3D ElbowLeftEVector = new Vector3D(ElbowLeftX, ElbowLeftY, ElbowLeftZ);
Vector3D ShoulderLeftVector = new Vector3D(ShoulderLeftX, ShoulderLeftY, ShoulderLeftZ);
Vector3D leftElbowV1 = ShoulderLeftVector - ElbowLeftEVector;
Vector3D leftElbowV2 = handLeftVector - ElbowLeftEVector;
double leftElbowAngle = Vector3D.AngleBetween(leftElbowV1, leftElbowV2);
However Vector3D object isn't available in winrt.
I had decided to replicate the Vector3D method as below. However the result doesn't seem to be as expected. Did I make a mistake anywhere?
double leftElbowV1X = ShoulderLeftX - ElbowLeftX;
double leftElbowV1Y = ShoulderLeftY - ElbowLeftY;
double leftElbowV1Z = ShoulderLeftZ - ElbowLeftZ;
double leftElbowV2X = handLeftX - ElbowLeftX;
double leftElbowV2Y = handLeftY - ElbowLeftY;
double leftElbowV2Z = handLeftZ - ElbowLeftZ;
double product = leftElbowV1X * leftElbowV2X + leftElbowV1Y * leftElbowV2Y + leftElbowV1Z * leftElbowV2Z;
double magnitudeA = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(leftElbowV1X, 2) + Math.Pow(leftElbowV1Y, 2) + Math.Pow(leftElbowV1Z, 2));
double magnitudeB = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(leftElbowV2X, 2) + Math.Pow(leftElbowV2Y, 2) + Math.Pow(leftElbowV2Z, 2));
magnitudeA = Math.Abs(magnitudeA);
magnitudeB = Math.Abs(magnitudeB);
double cosDelta = product / (magnitudeA * magnitudeB);
double angle = Math.Acos(cosDelta) *180.0 / Math.P;
And is there a need to normalize it?
i had managed to resolve it, however i am thinking if there is a more efficient way of doing.
Not sure if this helps but this is some old angle code I use, return in degrees:
float AngleBetween(Vector3 from, Vector3 dest) {
float len = from.magnitude * dest.magnitude;
if(len < Mathf.Epsilon) len = Mathf.Epsilon;
float f = Vector3.Dot(from,dest) / len;
else if ( f < -1.0f) f = -1.0f;
return Mathf.Acos(f) * 180.0f / (float)Math.PI;
It's obviously using API specific syntax but I think the method is clear.
