I have tried to add a new FormField to silverstripe 4 admin called "AdminButtonGroupField". But it gives me a error like this,
[User Warning] None of the following templates could be found: AdminButtonGroupField in themes "Array ( [0] => silverstripe/admin:cms-forms [1] => $default ) "
I have tried to put template different places but did not worked. Where is the exact place I can put this template?
You can put your template in app/templates/AdminButtonGroupField.ss.
By putting templates in app/templates they will be available for the whole SilverStripe application to use, regardless of whether you're in the CMS or the frontend.
You could define an "admin theme" and enable it with LeftAndMain.admin_themes config if you don't want the template to be available to be used on the frontend. This probably isn't necessary for you.
Note that I've assumed here that AdminButtonGroupField has no namespace, and that you aren't customising its template name when you render the field. If you provide some (reproducible) sample code that would clear this up.
If I have a page named 'events' (of which the specialized template will be named 'page-events.php'), is there any way to have a specialized template of a subpage 'events/event-sub-page'?
I can't seem to find how to do it in the documentation here: codex.wordpress.org/Page_Templates.
You would just create a new template called events-subpage.php and build it accordingly. Then when making your page in wordpress, select the template events-subpage.
You can just create the "event-sub-page" page in WordPress, set its parent to the "events" page, and make your custom template file "page-event-sub-page.php" (no need to specify the "events" part in the actual php filename)
Or in my case I wanted "../login" for a specialized login form and "../login/recovery" for password recovery. The template page is simply "page-recovery.php"
in WP admin how to add the custom field template plugin to a theme page?
it automatically shows in posts and pages but i want this in the theme page. the theme am using is from iwak "creations" portfolio page.
what files do i need to modify to add this?
It's very hard to say what you need to modify without being able to look at the code. Being a premium theme, we can't just download it and take a look.
Having said that, the theme may use the WordPress custom post type functionality. Search the code for a call to the register_post_type function. If it's used, you may be in luck. Either
add 'custom-fields' to the supports argument in that call, or
call add_post_type_support after the post type is registered. The $post_type parameter will be the first value passed to the register_post_type function, and the $supports parameter will be 'custom-fields'.
Daniel, are you using this Custom Post Type Plugin - http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/custom-field-template/screenshots/? I've used it before, and the guy who created it is Japanese, so his personal page isn't very useful as far as support for english goes.
I had some trouble with this at first. But what I think you're trying to do is add the custom fields to your new pages you've created, correct?
It's not very straightforward, but once it works it's pretty awesome.
Basically, when you set up the plugin you create these different "Custom fields," right? Well part of that should look like this:
[Custom Field Name]
type = textarea
rows = 4
cols = 40
tinyMCE = true
htmlEditor = true
Ok, so once you've created those "Custom fields" keep note of the part in brackets. You'll add this to your template pages:
<?php getCustomField('Custom Field Name'); ?>
Now when you enter the info in the pages or posts, the content should appear as you've entered it.
I would like to create a custom views, because some database fields are not accessible by drupal views UI. I just exported an existing view into a file called my_module_views_default.inc that contains the hook_views_default_views() function. and by the drupal views2 document state that the hook gets called automatically, but it doesn't.
Also i want to know the path, we are giving the path in the code here
$handler->override_option('path', 'my_earnings');
That means we can see the views in the link http://localhost/drupal6/my_earnings ??
in my .module file, i use the hook_views_api as follows
function mymodule_views_api() {
return array(
'api' => 2,
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'my_earnings'),
I have found the document Using default views in your module and i created a new module, and i exporting a existing view. Then i placing my exported views into new module in file mymodule.views_default.inc. My views should now be listed as Overridden on the view list page and clear the Views cache. Revert these views, they will be removed from the database, but will remain in code.
Thanks alot to all..
I was caught with the same issue where i needed to join the two table in view. fortunately i found these links
http://drupalmodules.com/module/reverse-node-reference module enhances views with reverse relationships for node reference fields.
you may also need http://drupal.org/project/noderelationships
Using these module i don't think we need any custom module writing for view.
I have used WordPress custom post types to create a newsletter section for my website. Newsletters consist of Articles (dm_article), which are grouped by the Issues taxonomy (dm_issues).
1) I have created an index of all of my newsletter Articles. I am using a template called taxonomy-dm_issues.php to loop within a selected Issue and display each Article's title, excerpt and a link to the full content, which is managed by single-dm_article.php. This is working great.
2) I would also like to create second taxonomy-based template for Issues. This is going to act as a print-friendly option: "print entire newsletter". I would like the template to loop through and display each Article title, excerpt, and long description. Some of the look and feel will also be different.
For #2, let's assume I've created a template called print-dm_issues.php. It currently looks identical to taxonomy-dm_issues.php, except it has the additional long description data for each Article and contains some different styling.
I want to setup this "print friendly" option without making the WordPress admin have to jump through any hoops when Issues and Articles are created. I also do not want to have to create a new template each time a new Issue is created.
What I am asking for may boil down to this: How can I create my own WordPress template outside of the expected hierarchy of templates and feed a query to it? Do note I am using the "month and name" common permalink structure, so I'll have to muck with my htaccess.
1) My fallback is to have taxonomy-dm_issues.php contain the information for both variations and use style to handle the different view states. I know how to do this. But, I'd rather not do this for sake of load times.
2) Using Ajax to fetch all of the Article long descriptions (the_content()) with a single click is an option, but I don't know how.
3) ???
With or without clean URLs, you can pass variables based on your taxonomies through the links query string if you want to only return a single taxonomy term and style the page differently depending on the term.
$taxonomyTerm = $_GET['dm_issues'];
'post_type' => 'dm_article',
'dm_issues' => $taxonomyTerm,
'post_status' => 'publish',
There is reference to this int he Wordpress 'query_posts' documentation by passing variable into your query parameters: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/query_posts#Example_4
For instance in the link below, the title is generated based on the sting in the URL.
You can set up a parameter that will return a default value if the page is reached without the variable being defined. See below:
if (empty($taxonomyTerm)) {
$taxonomyTerm = 'Default Value';
You can create a separate page template. Define the template name at the top of your PHP document:
Template Name: Printed Page Template
Place your custom query, including all of the content that you need output in this page template... In your WP admin, create a new blank page and assign your new 'Printed Page Template' template to this page. Save it and view the page.
I've defined a view with the CCK and View 2 modules. I would like to quickly define a template specific to this view. Is there any tutorial or information on this? What are the files I need to modify?
Here are my findings: (Edited)
In fact, there are two ways to theme a view: the "field" way and the "node" way. In "edit View", you can choose "Row style: Node", or "Row style: Fields".
with the "Node" way, you can create a node-contentname.tpl.php which will be called for each node in the view. You'll have access to your cck field values with $field_name[0]['value']. (edit2) You can use node-view-viewname.tpl.php which will be only called for each node displayed from this view.
with the "Field" way, you add a views-view-field--viewname--field-name-value.tpl.php for each field you want to theme individually.
Thanks to previous responses, I've used the following tools :
In the 'Basic Settings' block, the 'Theme: Information' to see all the different templates you can modify.
The Devel module's "Theme developer" to quickly find the field variable names.
View 2 documentation, especially the "Using Theme" page.
In fact there are two ways to theme a view : the "field" way and the "node" way. In "edit View", you can choose "Row style: Node", or "Row style: Fields".
with the "Node" way, you can create a node-contentname.tpl.php wich will be called for each node in the view. You'll have access to your cck field values with $field_name[0]['value']
with the "Field" way, you add a views-view-field--viewname--field-name-value.tpl.php for each field you want to theme individually.
Thanks to previous responses, I've used the following tools :
In the 'Basic Settings' block, the 'Theme: Information' to see all the different templates you can modify.
The Devel module's "Theme developer" to quickly find the field variable names.
View 2 documentation, especially the "Using Theme" page.
A quick way to find the template files you can create and modify for a view in Views 2.0 is to:
Edit the view
Select the style (e.g. page, block, default)
In the 'Basic Settings' block click on 'Theme: Information' to see all the different templates you can modify.
The Devel module's "Theme developer" feature is handy for seeing what template files Drupal is looking for when it goes to theme something. See the screenshot on that page for an example.
You should also check out Semantic Views. For simple Views theming, it is really handy.
One tip:
You'll likely have a number of views which require similar formatting. Creating templates for each of these views and copying them creates a nightmare of code branching - if you're asked to change the whole look and feel of the site (implying changing the display of each of these views formatted in this particular way), you have to go back and edit each of these separately.
Instead of using the views interface to select new templates for views, I sometimes simply insert some code branching into a single views file. E.g. for one site in views-view-fields.tpl.php I have:
if($view->name == 'articleList' || $view->name == 'frontList'
|| $view->name == 'archiveList') {
/* field formatting code */
} else {
/* the default code running here */
This then modifies the fields in the way I want only for this family of Views = articleList, frontList and archiveList - and for other views using this template runs the code one normally finds in this template. If the client asks, "Hey, could you make those pages showing the archives & that list on the front page to look more like ( ... )", it's simply a matter of my opening & editing this one file, instead of three different files. Maintenance becomes much more quick & friendly.
for me block-views-myViewName-myBlockId.tpl.php works
My shortcut option.
Go to theme.inc file in YOUR_MODULE_DIR/views/theme/ folder.
In the _views_theme_functions function print the $themes variable or put a breakpoint on the last line of the function to see the content of the variable.
Just convert views_view to views-view and __ to -- and add your template extension to get desired file name.
For example if an element of the $themes array is views_view__test_view__block (where test_view is the name of your view) then the name of the template file would be views-view--test_view--block.tpl.php.
In my opinion the simplest way to decide which template file to use for theming the views is :
1) Click on admin/build/views/edit/ViewName -> Basic Settings -> Theme
Clicking this would list all the possible template files. Highlighted (File names in Bold) files indicate which template file is being used to do theme what part of the view. After incorporating the required changes in the relevant view template file RESCAN .. now you should be able to see the changed template file highlighted .
If you want to do quick Drupal development with a lot of drag-and-drop, the Display Suite module def. is a something you should use: http://drupal.org/project/ds
According to me there are two ways to do it:
Programatic Way:
Go to edit view.
Select page/block style.
Go to 'Basic Settings' and click on 'Theme: Information' to see all the different templates you can modify.
Add the html you want to theme and print the variables of the view wherever needed
Configuration Update: The Display suite provides us an option to place your labels inline or above and add even to hide them. Custom classes to each of the view's elements can be added too.
Advanced options include:
Add your own custom fields in the backend or in your code
Add custom layouts in your theme (D7 only)
Change labels, add styles or override field settings (semantic fields).
Full integration with Views and Panels
Extend the power of your layouts by installing Field Group
Optimal performance with Object cache (D6) or Entity cache (D7) integration