How to do a leave-one-out cross validation for CAP/capscale in R vegan? - r

I would like to perform a "leave-one-out cross validation" (LOO-CV) for a CAP in R. The CAP was calculated by using capscale in R package vegan and is a canonical analysis of principal coordinates, similar to an rda or cca, but based on another similarity matrix, in my case Bray-Curtis. I have found that within predict.cca there is the function calibrate.cca but I cannot make it work.
This is what I have (based on the sample data mite available in vegan)
data(mite, mite.env)
str(mite.env) #"SubsDens", "WatrCont", "Substrate", "Shrub", "Topo"
miteBC <- vegdist(mite, method="bray") #Bray-Curtis similarity matrix
miteCAP <-capscale(miteBC~Substrate + Shrub + Topo, data=mite.env, #CAP in capscale
distance = "bray", metaMDSdist = F)
anova(miteCAP, by = "axis")
anova(miteCAP, by = "margin")
calibrate.cca(miteCAP, type = c("response")) #error cannot find function calibrate.cca
In the program Primer it is done automatically within the CAP function ("Leave-one-out Allocation of Observations to Groups"), where it assigns each sample automatically to a group and get a mis-classification error (similar to a classification randomForest, which I have already done), but I would like to use R, and it should be possible with vegan::capscale.
Any help is very much appreciated!

Function vegan::calibrate does not have argument type and never returns "response". Check its documentation. It does the environmental calibration, and returns the predicted values of constraints (Substrate, Shrub, Topo) in the scale of model matrix, and with factors these hardly make sense directly.
There is no direct option of LOO: you got to do it by hand cycling through points, and using the complete left-out-point as the newdata. However, I'd suggest k-fold cross-validation as a better alternative for estimation of predictive power: LOO changes data too little, and gives over-optimistic view of predictive power.


Plot an envelope for an mppm object in spatstat

My question is closely related to this previous one: Simulation-based hypothesis testing on spatial point pattern hyperframes using "envelope" function in spatstat
I have obtained an mppm object by fitting a model on several independent datasets using the mppmfunction from the R package spatstat. How can I study its envelope to compare it to my observations ?
I fitted my model as such:
data <- listof(NMJ1,NMJ2,NMJ3)
data <- hyperframe(X=1:3, Points=data)
model <- mppm(Points ~marks*sqrt(x^2+y^2), data)
where NMJ1, NMJ2, and NMJ3 are marked ppp and are independent realizations of the same experiment.
However, the envelope function does not accept inputs of type mppm:
> envelope(model, Kcross.inhom, nsim=10)
Error in UseMethod("envelope") :
no applicable method for 'envelope' applied to an object of class "c('mppm', 'list')"
The answer provided to the previously mentioned question indicates how to plot global envelopes for each pattern, and to use the product rule for multiple testing. However, my fitted model implies that my 3 ppp objects are statistically equivalent, and are independent realizations of the same experiment (ie no different covariates between them). I would thus like to obtain one single plot comparing my fitted model to my 3 datasets. The following code:
gamma= 1 - 0.95^(1/3)
sims <- simulate(model, nsim=2*nsims)
SIMS <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(sims)) SIMS[[i]] <- as.solist(sims[i,,drop=TRUE])
Hplus <- cbind(data, hyperframe(Sims=SIMS))
EE1 <- with(Hplus, envelope(Points, Kcross.inhom, nsim=nsims, simulate=Sims))
leads to the following error:
Error in pool.envelope(`1` = list(r = c(0, 0.78125, 1.5625, 2.34375, 3.125, :
Arguments 2 and 3 do not belong to the class “envelope”
Wrong type of subset index. Use
pool(EE1[[1]], EE1[[2]], EE1[[3]])
or just
These would have given an error message that the envelope commands should have been called with savefuns=TRUE. So you just need to change that step as well.
However, statistically this procedure makes little sense. You have already fitted a model, which allows for rigorous statistical inference using anova.mppm and other tools. Instead of this, you are generating simulated data from the fitted model and performing a Monte Carlo test, with all the fraught issues of multiple testing and low power. There are additional problems with this approach - for example, even if the model is "the same" for each row of the hyperframe, the patterns are not statistically equivalent unless the windows of the point patterns are identical, and so on.

How to obtain Brier Score in Random Forest in R?

I am having trouble getting the Brier Score for my Machine Learning Predictive models. The outcome "y" was categorical (1 or 0). Predictors are a mix of continuous and categorical variables.
I have created four models with different predictors, I will call them "model_1"-"model_4" here (except predictors, other parameters are the same). Example code of my model is:
Model_1=rfsrc(y~ ., data=TrainTest, ntree=1000,
mtry=30, nodesize=1, nsplit=1,
na.action="na.impute", nimpute=3,seed=10,
When I run the "Model_1" function in R, I got the results:
My question was how can I get the predicted possibility for those 412 people? And how to find the observed probability for each person? Do I need to calculate by hand? I found the function BrierScore() in "DescTools" package.
But I tried "BrierScore(Model_1)", it gives me no results.
codes I added:
prediction_Raw_SB = predict(Raw_SB, TrainTest)
BrierScore(prediction_Raw_SB, as.numeric(TrainTest$VL_supress03) - 1)
BrierScore(prediction_Raw_SB, as.numeric(as.character(TrainTest$VL_supress03)) - 1)
BrierScore(prediction_Raw_SB, TrainTest$VL_supress03_nu - 1)
I tried some codes: have so many error messages:
One assumption I am making about your approach is that you want to compute the BrierScore on the data you train your model on (which is usually not the correct approach, google train-test split if you need more info there).
In general, therefore you should reflect on whether your approach is correct there.
The BrierScore method in DescTools only has a defined method for glm models, otherwise, it expects as input a vector of predicted probabilities and a vector of true values (see ?BrierScore).
What you would need to do though is to predict on your data using:
prediction = predict(model_1, TrainTest, na.action="na.impute")
and then compute the brier score using
BrierScore(as.numeric(TrainTest$y) - 1, prediction$predicted[, 1L])
(Note, that we transform TrainTest$y into a numeric vector of 0's and 1's in order to compute the brier score.)
Note: The randomForestSRC package also prints a normalized brier score when you call print(prediction).
In general, using one of the available workbenches for machine learning in R (mlr3, tidymodels, caret) might simplify this approach for you and prevent a lot of errors in this direction. This is a really good practice, especially if you are less experienced in ML as it can prevent many errors.
See e.g. this chapter in the mlr3 book for more information.
For reference, here is some very similar code using the mlr3 package, automatically also taking care of train-test splits.
data(breast, package = "randomForestSRC") # with target variable "status"
task = TaskClassif$new(id = "breast", backend = breast, target = "status")
algo = lrn("classif.rfsrc", na.action = "na.impute", predict_type = "prob")
resample(task, algo, rsmp("holdout", ratio = 0.8))$score(msr("classif.bbrier"))

Writing syntax for bivariate survival censored data to fit copula models in R

#Adding variable which identify cluster
data1$CLUSTER<- rep(1,197)
data2$CLUSTER<- rep(2,197)
#Renaming the variable so that that we hve uniformity in the common items in the data
names(data1)[5] <- "TIME"
names(data1)[6] <- "STATUS"
names(data2)[5] <- "TIME"
names(data2)[6] <- "STATUS"
#merge the files
# Re arranging the database
#using Sunclarco package for Clayton a nd Gumbel
Clayton_1step <- SunclarcoModel(data=diabete_full,time="TIME",status="STATUS",
# Estimates StandardErrors
#lambda 0.01072631 0.005818201
#rho 0.79887565 0.058942208
#theta 0.10224445 0.090585891
#beta_LASER 0.16780224 0.157652947
#beta_TRT_EYE 0.24580489 0.162333369
#beta_ADULT 0.09324001 0.158931463
# Estimate StandardError
#Kendall's Tau 0.04863585 0.04099436
Clayton_2step <- SunclarcoModel(data=diabete_full,time="TIME",status="STATUS",
# Estimates StandardErrors
#lambda 0.01131751 0.003140733
#rho 0.79947406 0.012428824
#beta_LASER 0.14244235 0.041845100
#beta_TRT_EYE 0.27246433 0.298184235
#beta_ADULT 0.06151645 0.253617142
#theta 0.18393973 0.151048024
# Estimate StandardError
#Kendall's Tau 0.08422381 0.06333791
Gumbel_1step <- SunclarcoModel(data=diabete_full,time="TIME",status="STATUS",
# Estimates StandardErrors
#lambda 0.01794495 0.01594843
#rho 0.70636113 0.10313853
#theta 0.87030690 0.11085344
#beta_LASER 0.15191936 0.14187943
#beta_TRT_EYE 0.21469814 0.14736381
#beta_ADULT 0.08284557 0.14214373
# Estimate StandardError
#Kendall's Tau 0.1296931 0.1108534
Gumbel_2step <- SunclarcoModel(data=diabete_full,time="TIME",status="STATUS",
Am required to fit copula models in R for different copula classes particularly the Gaussian, FGM,Pluckett and possibly Frank (if i still have time). The data am using is Diabetes data available in R through the package Survival and Survcorr.
Its my thesis am working on and its a study for the exploratory purposes to see how does copula class serves different purposes as in results they lead to having different results on the same. I found a package Sunclarco in Rstudio which i was able to fit Clayton and Gumbel copula class but its not available yet for the other classes.
The challenge am facing is that since i have censored data which has to be incorporated in likelihood estimation then it becomes harder fro me to write a syntax since as I don't have a strong programming background. In addition, i have to incorporate the covariates present in programming and see their impact on the association if it present or not. However, taking to my promoter he gave me insights on how to approach the syntax writing for this puzzle which goes as follows
• ******First of all, forget about the likelihood function. We only work with the log-likelihood function. In this way, you do not need to take the product of the contributions over each of the observations, but can take the sum of the log-contributions over the different observations.
• Next, since we have a balanced design, we can use the regular data frame structure in which we have for each cluster only one row in the data frame. The different variables such as the lifetimes, the indicators and all the covariates are the columns in this data frame.
• Due to the bivariate setting, there are only 4 possible ways to give a contribution to the log-likelihood function: both uncensored, both censored, first uncensored and second censored, or first censored and second uncensored. Well, to create the loglikelihood function, you create a new variable in your data frame in which you put the correct contribution of the log-likelihood based on which individual in the couple is censored. When you take the sum of this variable, you have the value of the log-likelihood function.
• Since this function depends on parameters, you can use any optimizer, like optim or nlm to get your optimal values. By careful here, optim and nlm look for the minimum of a function, not a maximum. This is easy solved since the minimum of a function -f is the same as the maximum of a function f.
• Since you have for each copula function, the different expressions for the derivatives, it should be possible to get the likelihood functions now.******
Am still struggling to find a way as for each copula class each of the likelihood changes as the generator function is also unique for the respective copula since it needs to be adapted during estimation. Lastly, I should run analysis for both one and two steps of copula estimations as i will use to compare results.
if someone could help me to figure it out then I will be eternally grateful. Even if for just one copula class e.g. Gaussian then I will figure it the rest based on the one that am requesting to be assisted since I tried everything and still i have nothing to show up for and now i feel time is running out to get answers by myself.

Weibull distribution with weighted data

I have some time to event data that I need to generate around 200 shape/scale parameters for subgroups for a simulation model. I have analysed the data, and it best follows a weibull distribution.
Normally, I would use the fitdistrplus package and fitdist(x, "weibull") to do so, however this data has been matched using kernel matching and I have a variable of weighting values called km and so needs to incorporate a weight, which isn't something fitdist can do as far as I can tell.
With my gamma distributed data instead of using fitdist I did the calculation manually using the wtd.mean and wtd.var functions from the hsmisc package, which worked well. However, finding a similar formula for the weibull is eluding me.
I've been testing a few options and comparing them against the fitdist results:
test_data <- rweibull(100, 0.676, 946)
fitweibull <- fitdist(test_data, "weibull", method = "mle", lower = c(0,0))
shape scale
0.6981165 935.0907482
I first tested this: The Weibull distribution in R (ExtDist)
m1 <- mle2(y~dweibull(shape=exp(lshape),scale=exp(lscale)),
which gave me lshape = -0.3919991 and lscale = 6.852033
The other thing I've tried is eweibull from the EnvStats package.
eweibull <- eweibull(test_data)
shape scale
0.698091 935.239277
However, while these are giving results, I still don't think I can fit my data with the weights into any of these.
Edit: I have also tried the similarly named eWeibull from the ExtDist package (which I'm not 100% sure still works, but does have a weibull function that takes a weight!). I get a lot of error messages about the inputs being non-computable (NA or infinite). If I do it with map, so map(test_data, test_km, eWeibull) I get [[NULL] for all 100 values. If I try it just with test_data, I get a long string of errors associated with optimx.
I have also tried fitDistr from propagate which gives errors that weights should be a specific length. For example, if both are set to be 100, I get an error that weights should be length 94. If I set it to 94, it tells me it has to be length of 132.
I need to be able to pass either a set of pre-weighted mean/var/sd etc data into the calculation, or have a function that can take data and weights and use them both in the calculation.
After much trial and error, I edited the eweibull function from the EnvStats package to instead of using mean(x) and sd(x), to instead use wtd.mean(x,w) and sqrt(wtd.var(x, w)). This now runs and outputs weighted values.

Search for corresponding node in a regression tree using rpart

I'm pretty new to R and I'm stuck with a pretty dumb problem.
I'm calibrating a regression tree using the rpart package in order to do some classification and some forecasting.
Thanks to R the calibration part is easy to do and easy to control.
#the package rpart is needed
# Loading of a big data file used for calibration
my_data <- read.csv("my_file.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE)
# Regression tree calibration
tree <- rpart(Ratio ~ Attribute1 + Attribute2 + Attribute3 +
Attribute4 + Attribute5,
method="anova", data=my_data,
control=rpart.control(minsplit=100, cp=0.0001))
After having calibrated a big decision tree, I want, for a given data sample to find the corresponding cluster of some new data (and thus the forecasted value).
The predict function seems to be perfect for the need.
# read validation data
validationData <-read.csv("my_sample.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE)
# search for the probability in the tree
predict <- predict(tree, newdata=validationData, class="prob")
# dump them in a file
write.table(predict, file="dump.txt")
However with the predict method I just get the forecasted ratio of my new elements, and I can't find a way get the decision tree leaf where my new elements belong.
I think it should be pretty easy to get since the predict method must have found that leaf in order to return the ratio.
There are several parameters that can be given to the predict method through the class= argument, but for a regression tree all seem to return the same thing (the value of the target attribute of the decision tree)
Does anyone know how to get the corresponding node in the decision tree?
By analyzing the node with the path.rpart method, it would help me understanding the results.
Benjamin's answer unfortunately doesn't work: type="vector" still returns the predicted values.
My solution is pretty klugy, but I don't think there's a better way. The trick is to replace the predicted y values in the model frame with the corresponding node numbers.
tree2 = tree
tree2$frame$yval = as.numeric(rownames(tree2$frame))
predict = predict(tree2, newdata=validationData)
Now the output of predict will be node numbers as opposed to predicted y values.
(One note: the above worked in my case where tree was a regression tree, not a classification tree. In the case of a classification tree, you probably need to omit as.numeric or replace it with as.factor.)
You can use the partykit package:
fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data = kyphosis)
library("partykit") <-
predict(, newdata = kyphosis[1:4, ], type = "node")
For your example just set
predict(, newdata = validationData, type = "node")
I think what you want is type="vector" instead of class="prob" (I don't think class is an accepted parameter of the predict method), as explained in the rpart docs:
If type="vector": vector of predicted
responses. For regression trees this
is the mean response at the node, for
Poisson trees it is the estimated
response rate, and for classification
trees it is the predicted class (as a
treeClust::rpart.predict.leaves(tree, validationData) returns node number
also tree$where returns node numbers for the training set
