Extension realurl - display of SQL query parts in URL - nginx

First of all, I have to deal with a project-related upgrade of a TYPO3 version and am also relatively new to the Nginx web server.
I have upgraded a TYPO3 installation from version 7.6-LTS to 8.7-LTS and transferred the site from an IIS (Windows) server to an Ubuntu 18.04 system with Nginx.
I have now discovered the following: the first click on an internal link on the website in the menu e.g. domain.com/prices works correctly. The URL domain.com/prices is called and also shown in the URL. Now when the page has been reloaded, the same menu item link now looks like this...
domain.com/index.php?id=8&L=1%20or%20%281%2C2%29%3D%28select%2Afrom%28select%20name_const%28CHAR%28111%2C108%2C111%2C108%2C111%2C115%2C104%2C101%2C114%29%2C1%29%2Cname_const%28CHAR%28111%2C108%2C111%2C108%2C111%2C108%2C111%2C115%2C104%2C101%2C114%29%2C1%29%29a%29%20- -%20and%201%3D1
...instead of the usual domain.com/prices. The oontent of the page is still correctly, so the correct page is being loaded.
The Typo3 installation uses the extension real url, which is exactly for this feature. It translates domain.com/index.php?id=8&L=1... into a speaking url like domain.com/prices. So why is it working on the first load, but then no longer?
I also thought, it could be an issue with the configuration of Nginx, but now I think it is a different topic here, because if it is a webserver issue, it won't work the first time, will it?
What can cause this behaviour?
I actually saw, that the English version of the website is working well. So here, the links are displayed correctly: domain.com/prices, domain.com/modules and not even not first page load.
Maybe it is helpful. This is the Nginx config, I currently use:
server {
listen 80;
server_name domain.com;
root /var/www/domain.com/public;
index index.php index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_certificate /var/www/domain.com/ssl/domain.com-2020.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /var/www/domain.com/ssl/domain.com-2020.rsa;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
# Special root site case. prevent "try_files $uri/" + "index" from skipping the cache
# by accessing /index.php directly
location =/ {
recursive_error_pages on;
error_page 405 = #sfc;
return 405;
location #t3frontend {
# Using try_files for ease of configuration demonstration here,
# you can also fastcgi_pass directly to php here
try_files $uri /index.php$is_args$args;
location #sfc {
# Perform an internal redirect to TYPO3 if any of the required
# conditions for StaticFileCache don't match
error_page 405 = #t3frontend;
# Query String needs to be empty
if ($args != '') {
return 405;
# We can't serve static files for logged-in BE/FE users
if ($cookie_staticfilecache = 'fe_typo_user_logged_in') {
return 405;
if ($cookie_be_typo_user != '') {
return 405;
# Ensure we redirect to TYPO3 for non GET/HEAD requests
if ($request_method !~ ^(GET|HEAD)$ ) {
return 405;
charset utf-8;
try_files /typo3temp/tx_staticfilecache/${scheme}/${host}/${server_port}${uri}/index.html
location /typo3temp/tx_staticfilecache {
deny all;
location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.2-fpm.sock;
location ~ /\.ht {
deny all;
# Prevent clients from accessing hidden files (starting with a dot)
# This is particularly important if you store .htpasswd files in the site hierarchy
# Access to `/.well-known/` is allowed.
# https://www.mnot.net/blog/2010/04/07/well-known
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5785
location ~* /\.(?!well-known\/) {
deny all;
# Prevent clients from accessing to backup/config/source files
location ~* (?:\.(?:bak|conf|dist|fla|in[ci]|log|psd|sh|sql|sw[op])|~)$ {
deny all;
# TYPO3 - Block access to composer files
location ~* composer\.(?:json|lock) {
deny all;
# TYPO3 - Block access to flexform files
location ~* flexform[^.]*\.xml {
deny all;
# TYPO3 - Block access to language files
location ~* locallang[^.]*\.(?:xml|xlf)$ {
deny all;
# TYPO3 - Block access to static typoscript files
location ~* ext_conf_template\.txt|ext_typoscript_constants\.(?:txt|typoscript)|ext_typoscript_setup\.(?:txt|typoscript) {
deny all;
# TYPO3 - Block access to miscellaneous protected files
location ~* /.*\.(?:bak|co?nf|cfg|ya?ml|ts|typoscript|dist|fla|in[ci]|log|sh|sql)$ {
deny all;
# TYPO3 - Block access to recycler and temporary directories
location ~ _(?:recycler|temp)_/ {
deny all;
# TYPO3 - Block access to configuration files stored in fileadmin
location ~ fileadmin/(?:templates)/.*\.(?:txt|ts|typoscript)$ {
deny all;
# TYPO3 - Block access to libaries, source and temporary compiled data
location ~ ^(?:vendor|typo3_src|typo3temp/var) {
deny all;
# TYPO3 - Block access to protected extension directories
location ~ (?:typo3conf/ext|typo3/sysext|typo3/ext)/[^/]+/(?:Configuration|Resources/Private|Tests?|Documentation|docs?)/ {
deny all;
server {
if ($host = domain.com) {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
listen 80;
server_name domain.com;
return 404;
And this is the config of realurl:
The template analysis does not show any error. This is the template analysis for realurl:
Update 2
I'm a step further in this issue. I've read the bug report https://github.com/dmitryd/typo3-realurl/issues/333 which is similar to my issue. I tried to switch the config.linkVars value from L to L(0,1). That helped in the URL issue. But now it switches always back to German language.
With the setting L in config.linkVars, it added the language in the url, if it was not German:
With the new value L(0,1) it removes the language in the URL
So it always shows the German version of the page. I even tried to set the value to L(0,2), because of German, English and French language is integrated (1=English, 2=French), but it does not help in this case. It switches always back to German because of the missing language code in the URL.

Ok. Now I found the solution.
As I wrote in the comments it was the config setting:
which was set initially to
config.linkVars = L
After I found this bug report
I saw that I need to limit the L-value for security reasons.
In our case 0 for german, 1 for english, 2 for french:
config.linkVars = L(0-2)
Then all worked fine.


NginX redirect /service to /service/

I have two servicesr accessible via NginX. The web server configuration looks like this:
location /service1/ {
# process php files
location /service2/ {
However, if one clicks on https://example.com/service1 (or 2) he gets a 404 error. There is no folder called "service1" (or 2) in the website root.
I would like links to "https://example.com/service1" to point to "https://example.com/service1/" (with trailing slash), possibly without specyfing a redirect for every service I have, i.e
location = /service1 {
return 301 https://$host/service1/;
location /service1/ {
# process php files
location = /service2 {
return 301 https://$host/service2/;
location /service2/ {
I have already tried try_files $uri $uri/ =404;, but it seems to only work for real files and folders in the website root, no "virtual" subdirectories.
I am avoiding configurations like location /service { ... } because they seem more vulnerable.
Inside your location = blocks you need to generate an internal redirect to $uri/. You can achieve this using try_files or rewrite...last.
For example:
location = /service1 {
try_files nonexistent $uri/$is_args$args;
Notice that the internal redirection must be the last parameter. See this document for details.
location = /service1 {
rewrite ^(.*)$ $1/ last;
See this document for details.

how can i served same location from many location in nginx?

my nginx version : 1.17.3
I want served same template from many url my site in nginx
for example-
in any case if i catch same keyword like 'adprofit'.
my site user must be served 'adprofit.html' template.
i want keep user request url.
My directory:
| |
| |-adprofit.js
| |-adprofit.html
|-another directories...
I succeed served from diffrent url used 'alias'.
location /all {
allow all;
alias ./build/adprofit;
index adprofit.html;
in this case keep url localhost:0000/all/ and view template adprofit.html.
and this case too.
location /adprofit/all {
allow all;
alias ./build/adprofit;
index adprofit.html;
url : 'localhost:0000/adprofit/all/'
my nginx code:
server {
listen 8888;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
access_log logs/host.access.log main;
location / {
allow all;
root ./build;
index index.html;
location /adprofit {
allow all;
alias ./build/adprofit;
index adprofit.html;
my try case:
location /adprofit/ {
allow all;
alias ./build/adprofit;
index adprofit.html;
succeed url : 'localhost:0000/adprofit/'
failed url : 'localhost:0000/adprofit/[anykeyword]' => 404 error page
location ~*/adprofit/(all|update|event) {
allow all;
alias ./build/adprofit;
index adprofit.html;
succeed url : 'localhost:0000/adprofit/'
failed url : 'localhost:0000/adprofit/all and update and event' => 403 Forbidden
how can i resolve this situation?
try_files directive is a better approach here. This config will always point to the same files (adprofit.html).
Tested and works:
location /adprofit {
alias /tmp/;
try_files /adprofit.html =404

Allow access to certain locations via IP whitelist only in NGINX

I am using Sucuri Scanner to notify me of failed login attempts and I am currently getting about 50+ emails a day. I've tried several different ways to block access to wp-login.php and wp-admin without any luck, because I think these rules possibly don't work with subdomains (or generally just suck).
server {
# Primary domain, secondary domain and subdomains are explicitly
# declared so that I can generate certs using CertBot
server_name primarydomain.com
client_max_body_size 20M;
root /home/username/www/primarydomain.com/public_html;
index index.php;
error_log /home/username/www/primarydomain.com/logs/error.log error;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi.conf;
# This doesn't seem to block access
location /wp-login.php {
allow XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX; # this is my ipaddress
deny all;
# This doesn't seem to block access
location /wp-admin/ {
deny all;
allow XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX; # this is my ipaddress
# This doesn't seem to block access
location ~ ^/(wp-admin|wp-login\.php) {
deny all;
allow XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX; # this is my ipaddress
It's not working because regexps have higher priority than prefixes in nginx
To find location matching a given request, nginx first checks
locations defined using the prefix strings (prefix locations). Among
them, the location with the longest matching prefix is selected and
And here's the point:
Then regular expressions are checked, in the order of their appearance
in the configuration file. The search of regular expressions
terminates on the first match, and the corresponding configuration is
used. If no match with a regular expression is found then the
configuration of the prefix location remembered earlier is used
So this expression would handle all the requests
location ~ \.php$
One of the solutions might be to transform your prefix locations into regexps and move them upwards in the config files
Or use = modifier for urls you'd like to restrict access to
Also, using the “=” modifier it is possible to define an exact match
of URI and location. If an exact match is found, the search terminates
More examples from the docs:
location = / {
[ configuration A ]
location / {
[ configuration B ]
location /documents/ {
[ configuration C ]
location ^~ /images/ {
[ configuration D ]
location ~* \.(gif|jpg|jpeg)$ {
[ configuration E ]
The “/” request will match configuration A, the “/index.html” request
will match configuration B, the “/documents/document.html” request
will match configuration C, the “/images/1.gif” request will match
configuration D, and the “/documents/1.jpg” request will match
configuration E
Do try iTheme security plugin with custom login URL and google recaptcha plugin. It reduces the attack up to an extent. A month ago we were getting so many attacks on our site but now it's fine, it got reduced to 2 /week to none.
The easiest fix would be to use nested location
server {
server_name *.domain.com;
listen 80;
location ~ \.php$ {
location ~ /wp-login\.php$ {
deny all;
location ~ ^/wp-admin/ {
deny all;
return 200 "OK";
And the test results are as below
$ curl vm/testing.php
$ curl vm/wp-login.php
<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>
$ curl vm/wp-admin/index.php
<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>

Using nginx $http_referer to use different static assets

I'm trying to deploy two different versions of same app on the same nginx-based server. If the URL starts with /v2, then "v2" should be used, otherwise use v1. Example:
http://example.com/v2/x/y/z * runs v2 app
http://example.com/anything/else * runs v1 app
The two different versions of the app are proxied through nginx, and that piece works well.
The issue is that I have two directories of static assets, /static and /cachedassets, that are common to both versions (and both rooted from /home/v1|2/www/public. So, even though a request to http://example.com/v2/x/y/z will initially use the right app, the page that loads will contain references to /static and /cachedassets, without the /v2 prefix, that will incorrectly load from /home/v1/www/public.
I know referer is an imperfect solution. As a temporary stopgap, until I have a chance to craft a more robust solution, I'm trying to use nginx's $http_referer to point to the correct location for these assets. Here's the nginx file:
server {
server_name example.com
location /v2 {
root /home/v2/www/public;
try_files $uri #proxyv2;
access_log off;
expires max;
location ^/(static|cachedassets) {
root /home/v1/www/public;
if ($http_referer ~* "/v2/") {
root /home/v2/www/public;
location / {
root /home/v1/www/public;
try_files $uri #proxyv1;
access_log off;
expires max;
location #proxyv1 {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:///tmp/v1-www.sock;
uwsgi_modifier1 5;
location #proxyv2 {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:///tmp/v2-www.sock;
uwsgi_modifier1 5;
Any thoughts?
Bonus points for a solution where I can easily specify several "v2" prefixes. For example, here I might specify v2, versiontwo, and vtwo, and the following URLs would all invoke the v2 app:
and of course, http://www.example.com/somethingelse would run v1.
I'm also open to other ideas that don't use http_referer to accomplish this.
Rather than if blocks, use a map variable to set the root. The map can contain a number of arbitrarily complex regular expressions. See this document for more.
For example:
map $http_referer $root {
default "/home/v1/www/public";
~*/v2/ "/home/v2/www/public";
server {
location ~ ^/(static|cachedassets) {
root $root;

nginx deny not working with return

I am trying to deny all access on a certain server block.
server {
listen 8080;
server_name myserver;
root /srv/nkosl;
deny all;
location /mydistro {
return 302 https://www.ubuntu.com/;
location /files {
autoindex on;
This denies access on files location (and successfully returns 403 forbidden message).
However I can still access myserver:8080/mydistro and it redirects me to ubuntu page.
How can I deny the /mydistro location as well?
this answer describes why allow/deny does not work with return/rewrite.
one way to work around it is indeed using ifs, however ifs can be tricky in nginx in certain cases and allow/deny can also take a network mask...
Try to completely remove the /mydistro location. Or, at least, comment the line return 302 https://www.ubuntu.com/;.
To redirect selectively, try this:
location /mydistro {
if ($remote_addr != {
rewrite ^ https://www.ubuntu.com;
