Cross-domain tracking: Track if users actually cross domains - google-analytics

Pls apologize if I'm not clear enough, i'll try to be as concise as possible.
I'm working on a a company that created it's own competitors, each has it own website, all share the same GA through GTM. Cross-domain tracking is implemented and working.
I want to know if users do actually visit these different sites, which is very likely because there is a lot of research before buying what this company offers.
I understand User Id's will not do the trick because I want to track them before visitors identify themselves through a form. There's no login.
Initially I thought I'll be able to create a segment to narrow down to users with more than one of this company's domains in their history, but that is not working. Should that do the trick?

In the view that get all data you have to create a segment to show users that visited first and second domain. If it is greater than 0 means the cross domain is set correctly.
For good implementation see Troubleshooting Cross-Domain Tracking in Google Analytics:


Real-Time Data shows visits of pages that don't exist for the selected domain

In Google Analytics, I have navigated to All Accounts-> SomeDomain.
I see a lot of traffic to that domain.
However, most pages listed there are from another domain of mine.
Real-Time for example shows this:
This is hilarious because this page doesn't exist on that domain.
I thought that it shows only traffic to the domain that I have selected above after "All accounts".
Is that not correct?
Or does anybody know any situation where this might happen?
This goes on since months already.
My GA is managed via GTM.
I don't use any CMS.
In GTM, I have a GA Page View Trigger:
I don't see where I could have made a mistake.
Does anybody do?
Thank you.
Create a custom report with dimension Hostname and metric Sessions (for example). You'll see what domains send data to your GA Property.
May be somebody stole code of your site (including trackers).
You can filter alien domains in GA settings for View.
UPD. Lookup table to push GA ID's depending on Hostname.

How to track traffic of with Google Analytics

I give each visitor who signs up to my Google Form an unique url to my landing page for them to share with their friends. The idea is the more they share and their friends visits the site through their given unique url, I'll move them up the waiting list for a product launch.
So for each visitor I gave them which is unique to each visitor. Currently I'm using Google App scripts to programatically generate individual url to each visitor who signs up my Google Form.
The goal is if I see traffic coming in from eg:, and I know tag a belongs to John Doe, I'll move John Doe up the waiting list.
Tried googling for a solution but couldn't find any. All solution directs me to creating a particular campaign in Google Analytics with the URL building which really isn't the right solution for this purpose.
How do I set this up with Google Analytics and track the incoming traffic for each unique code of the ref tags of each user?
Going over your question I cannot see why URL builder does not fit your needs.
However, when it comes to immediate and accurate statistics of incoming referrals you may also use a server side script to track incoming visitors.
Also for lots of existing CMS there are plugins to track referrals. If you use a CMS please update your question.

Ban a URL from showing up in Google Analytics

There is a website that doesn't seem legitimate that and keeps showing all of these page views in my google analytics. Is there a way to ban certain URLs from being processed in google analytics?
You can make an IP address not show up by adding it to a filter.
Please look at, even though it talks about excluding internal addresses, it should work well as a guide how to do it with the "difficult" site too.
Edit: To filter on referrals you need to create a custom filter.
See for a guide. talks specifically about excluding referrers.
Note that the filters will only act on future data, the referrals that are already collected will still show up.

Why do Facebook Insights and Google Analytics report different visitor counts?

I'm using both on a site and getting very different numbers from each. Why is this?
The discrepancy is also mentioned in a Quora answer (Which is better, Facebook Insights or Google Analytics?)
Footnote: if you decide to use both, do not report them side-by-side,
and never expect them to match. Trying to explain the differences will
drive you mad.
Could someone explain?
This problem is quite common, and very hard to explain to clients why numbers do not reconcile amongst different analytics platforms.
Firstly, I believe that because there are remote connections to google or facebook some user sessions will get lost (What happens when they hit stop on the Browser page before the .js downloads for instance).
Secondly I believe ad blocking software may stop the file from being downloaded therefore the session is not captured.
Most hosting providers will have their own analytics platform with your hosting package. This is what I rely on as a true indicator for actual page views etc. These are usually generated directly from your web server logs so they are more accurate. Sadly I've never seen one of these packages have as many features as google or facebook.
There are tons of possible reasons. They might identify returning visitors in a different way or users might block scripts from a specific domain (e.g. * but not * In general, ignore the discrepancy. Just pick one solution and use it. You'll always have visitors blocking all such scripts or just one or two specific trackers. The only (almost) 100% accurate way to do it, would be using local scripts, but even those could be blocked. You could as well look at open source solutions such as Piwik
Different web analytics products use diferent methods to track data on the site.
These differences between them is the reason why is hard do do a side-by-side comparison.
On the two links bellow you can find more info about that:
Why does Google Analytics report different values than some other web analytics solutions?
Using Google Analytics & Facebook Domain Insights to Track Social Actions on Your Website
In addition to the notes above, I also wanted to mention Google samples data when there are large volumes & dimensions. This may be a contributing factor.
Facebook reports on clicks and Analytics reports on pageviews.
The amount of pageviews might be less than the amount of clicks for a number of reasons:
There are filters on your Analytics that are blocking the pageviews from being recorded
The user left the page before the Analytics code could be recorded
Or the ads being clicked by bots and the Analytics isnt recording them
This seems to be a big problem with Facebook ads. I run a number of campaigns with facebook and I only see 30-50% of the reported traffic actually make it to the site. I cant believe this is due to only the first two reasons.
I have gone into more details on my blog

Google Analytics - Sub-domains set as referring sites

Just want to thank everyone in advance for the help and information gathered.
Here is basically what I'm trying to accomplish:
I need sub-domain visitor statistics to be tracked in a
single profile, show up as the referring site and still allow for event tracking
I have read this,, but I am just unclear if what I am looking for can be done by setting the domain name to ''.
Again, thank you for the help.
Well, for the first part of your request the documentation nails it: "[do this...] if you want to track visitor behavior across sub-domains in the same profile"
As for storing the subdomains as a referral, it only takes a day to test. The documentation, as you said, isn't too clear on that but if they are being tracked as separate entities within the same profile I would imagine you can see the referring traffic data in the traffic sources section of GA.
Good luck!
