Trix using rails actiontext add pure html - ruby-on-rails-6

I would like to use the rich text editor trix in rails6. How can I add a button to trix which adds html content?

To allow ActionText showing raw HTML, try this.
<%= raw your_action_text_object.to_plain_text %>
btw, I don't know why you want to add a button, could you explain in detail?

Assuming that you want to do it using javascript, when clicking on a button, you'll need to fetch the rich_text element and then apply the raw html, as follows:
const element = document.getElementById('your-id-here')


Adding rich textarea editor on a page with the common buttons like bold,italic, alignment etc

Please help am trying to add a rich text Area to my web page, how can i go about it.
I have not tried anything yet
instead all this things just add three lines in html
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">bkLib.onDomLoaded(nicEditors.allTextAreas);</script>
And you will get the textarea as an editable.
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with normal html ?:)
Rich text editor replacement for html textarea
more information what do you want to do will help..
Depending on what you can use in your web page,
try this for javascript page (no jquery)
or if you use jquery there are more options available, one of them is
markItUp -

jQuery UI how to avoid submit button getting css classes?

I'm using jQuery UI with a custom theme, and I have an <input type="submit"> element on my page. Since jQuery is around this button gets the jQuery UI look and feel - it is automagically added the css classes ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default.
How do I get rid of these ?
Want the button to be a plain old button without those classes.
The buttons don't automatically get the classes set - you must be calling something like the following
$("button, input:submit, input:button").button();
you need to remove input:submit
To change your button back to 'normal' style you could either use ManseUK's answer, or if you just want to restyle this button you can remove the three classes by adding $("#yourButtonID").removeClass("ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default")
Another way to solve this problem is that if you look in the jquery-ui.js file there will be a block comment that starts with something like: "jQuery-UI Button", delete that entire block from the start of the comment to the start of the next comment for another widget.
This solved the problem for me.

How to get value (non html) from ajax html editor

Please help me to get text (non html/ not formatted) from ajax text editor in i am using vs 2008.
i am using AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor
you can see same kind of at : ajax HtmlEditor
Well, the documentation on the page you linked to only shows that the HTMLEditor has a Content property, which is the html text, not the plain text. However, the editor itself, on the page, allows you to view either the rendered html, or the html code (the markup).
The editor uses an <iframe> to contain the rendered html. If you want to get the plain text (no html tags), you'll have to do it on the clientside. The <iframe> has an id. You could use something like jquery to do this:
var plainText = $("#iframeID body").text();
As long as someHiddenField is an <asp:HiddenField> control, it will contain the plain text of the editor when you post back. You just need to make sure you make the above assignment after you're done editing the HTMLEditor's content, but before you actually post back.
I answered another similar question, and my first answer might not actually get the text of the <iframe>. Try this:
var text = $("#iframeID").contents().find("body").text();

Edit Html.ActionLink output string

I'm trying to output the following HTML using Html.ActionLink:
Read More<span class="arrow">→</span>
I'm getting it done by doing an ActionLink, which outputs an <a> tag and then manipulating the string.
<%= Html.ActionLink("[[replace]]", "Index", "About", null, new { #class = "read-more" }).ToHtmlString().Replace("[[replace]]", "Read More" + "<span class='arrow'>→</span>")%></p>
It'd be good if I could put HTML directly into the ActionLink but there doesn't seem to be a way based on my internet searches. Sure, it works but it seems like a hack. Is there a better way to accomplish this?
Aaron...Did you work this out?
I use Url.Action in the href attribute when I need something other than just the link text in the outputted HTML.
Read More<span class="arrow">→</span>
Hope this helps.
You could write you're own HTML helper class and make it fit whatever needs you have. I've wrote a few before, I see the ones you get with MVC as just a start.
Here's a link with a tutorial. And here's and official MS video on how to.
If all you need is the arrow and you could use an image, you could use stylesheet to put that image after the link
.readmore-link{background-image: url('/image.png'); padding-right: 16px; /*...*/}
just tweak the image position etc.
Otherwise I'd recommend writing extension method for HtmlHelper.

How to prevent a hyperlink from linking

Is it possible to prevent an Hyperlink control from linking, i.e. so that it appears as a label, without actually having to replace the control with a label? Maybe using CSS or setting an attribute?
I know that marking it as disabled works but then it gets displayed differently (greyed out).
To clarify my point, I have a list of user names at the top of my page which are built dynamically using a user control. Most of the time these names are linkable to an email page. However if the user has been disabled the name is displayed in grey but currently still links to the email page. I want these disabled users to not link.
I know that really I should be replacing them with a label but this does not seem quite as elegant as just removing the linking ability usings CSS say (if thats possible). They are already displayed in a different colour so its obvious that they are disabled users. I just need to switch off the link.
This sounds like a job for JQuery. Just give a specific class name to all of the HyperLink controls that you want the URLs removed and then apply the following JQuery snippet to the bottom of your page:
$(document).ready(function() {
All of the HyperLink controls with the class name "NoLink" will automatically have all of their URLs removed and the link will appear to be nothing more than text.
A single line of JQuery can solve your problem.
I'm curious on what it is you which to accomplish with that. Why use a link at all?
Is it just for the formatting? In that case, just use a <span> in HTML and use stylesheets to make the format match the links.
Or you use the link and attach an onClick-Event where you "return false;" which will make the browser not do the navigation - if JS is enabled.
But: Isn't that terribly confusing for your users? Why create something that looks like a link but does nothing?
Can you provide more details? I have this feeling that you are trying to solve a bigger problem which has a way better solution than to cripple a link :-)
A Hyperlink control will render as a "a" "/a" tag no matter what settings you do. You can customize a CSS class to make the link look like a normal label.
Alternatively you can build a custom control that inherits from System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink, and override the Render method
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
if (Enabled)
Could be a bit overkill, but it will work for your requirements.
Plus I find is usefull to have a base asp:CustomHyperlink asp:CustomButton classes in my project files. Makes it easier to define custom behaviour throughout the project.
If you merely want to modify the appearance of the link so as not to look like a link, you can set the CSS for your "a" tags to not have underlines:
a: link, visited, hover, active {
text-decoration: none;
Though I would advise against including "hover" here because there will be no other way to know that it's a link.
Anyway I agree with #pilif here, this looks like a usability disaster waiting to happen.
If you mean to stop the link from activating, the usual way is to link to "javascript:void(0);", i.e.:
This should work:
onclick="return false;"
if not, you could change href to "#" also. Making it appear as a rest of text is css, e.g. displaying arrow instead of hand is:
a.dummy {
Thanks for all the input, it looks like the short answer is 'No you can't (well not nicely anyway)', so I'll have to do it the hard way and add the conditional code.
If you are using databind in handle the databinding event and just don't set the NavigateUrl if that users is disabled.
Have you tried just not setting the NavigateUrl property? If this isn't set, it may just render as a span.
.fusion-link-wrapper { pointer-events: none; }
Another solution is apply this class on your hyperlink.
.avoid-clicks {
pointer-events: none;
CSS solution to make tags with no href (which is what asp:HyperLink will produce if NavigateURL is bound to null/empty string) visually indistinguishable from the surrounding text:
a:not([href]), a:not([href]):hover, a:not([href]):active, a:not([href]):visited {
text-decoration: inherit !important;
color: inherit !important;
cursor: inherit !important;
Unfortunately, this won't tell screen readers not to read it out as a link - though without an href, it's not clickable, so I'm hoping it already won't be identified as such. I haven't had the chance to test it though.
(If you also want to do the same to links with href="", as well as those missing an href, you would need to add pointer-events:none as well, since otherwise an empty href will reload the page. This definitely leaves screen readers still treating it as a link, though.)
In the OP's use case, if you still have the href being populated from the database but have a boolean value that indicates whether the link should be a 'real' link or not, you should use that to disable the link, and add a:disabled to the selector list above. Then disabled links will also look like plain text rather than a greyed-out link. (Disabling the link will also provide that information to screen readers, so that's better than just using pointer-events: none and a class.)
A note of caution - if you add these sorts of rules globally rather than for a specific page, remember to watch out for cases where an tag has no (valid) href, but you are providing a click handler - you still need those to look/act like links.
