CSS div in bottom not showing if applied margin - css

I'm trying to achieve the following:
I was able to replicate the image but only if my div is not floating in the page (without the margin applied and without the position: absolute), otherwise I can't see the green rectangle.
My HTML structure is the following:
<div class="app">
<div class="interface">
<div class="view">
<div class="body">
<div class="top">
Top content
<div class="middle">
Middle content
<div class="bottom">
Bottom content
In the .interface CSS I have the following:
position: absolute;
top: 15%;
With this CSS I'm unable to see the green rectangle. If I remove the position: absolute (and therefore the top: 15% stops applying) I'm able to see the green rectangle.
You can see the issue in this JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/v9euwdz3/
So, how do I manage to have the DIV showing at a certain level (margin from top) and without compromise my HTML structure?

Here is what you're trying to achieve using flex:
.body {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
background-color: blue;
justify-content: space-between;
height: 100vh;
.navetc {
background-color: white;
height: 15vh;
.top {
background-color: green;
height: 60px;
.middle {
background-color: yellow;
flex-grow: 1;
.bottom {
background-color: red;
height: 50px;
<div class="app">
<div class="interface">
<div class="view">
<div class="body">
<div class="navetc">
<div class="top">
Top content
<div class="middle">
Middle content
<div class="bottom">
Bottom content
You could also use margin-top: 15%; instead of a placeholder div
.body {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
background-color: blue;
justify-content: space-between;
height: 100vh;
.top {
margin-top: 15vh;
background-color: green;
height: 60px;
.middle {
background-color: yellow;
flex-grow: 1;
.bottom {
background-color: red;
height: 50px;
<div class="app">
<div class="interface">
<div class="view">
<div class="body">
<div class="top">
Top content
<div class="middle">
Middle content
<div class="bottom">
Bottom content
(I used vh instead of % to get it to show up correctly in this code snippet)

as we know the content that have height which is 100% means is 100% of its parent and while the height of the parent is not defined will cause an error that's what you was stuck with you set the with of body to 100% but was not right you would set it to 100vh to fit the screen if you are on computer and the other mistakes that I found was in your calculation where you used to subtract the measurement which is in parcentages from the one in pixels height: calc(100% - 150px); and the others where simple mistakes
body {
height: 100vh;
.app {
position: relative;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
.interface {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
top: 15%;
.view {
position: fixed;
height: 100%;
background-color: #ccc;
width: 350px;
.body {
position: relative;
height: 100%;
.body .top {
height: 15%;
border: 1px solid #000;
.body .middle {
height: 60%;
border: 1px solid red;
.body .bottom {
height: 20%;
border: 1px solid green;
<div class="app">
<div class="interface">
<div class="view">
<div class="body">
<div class="top">
Top content
<div class="middle">
Middle content
<div class="bottom">
Bottom content
to see the result in the snippet you should observe it in full page and also when you see the result through jsfiddle there at the result section there is bar downward which hide some part of footer


Sticky Header/Footer With 3 columns. Divs that scroll within the columns

I have a JS Fiddle here.
Basically, i am trying to make a UI that has a sticky header and footer. The middle content will have three columns. Each columns will have DIVs in them. These DIVs should have 100% height and not be cut off from the footer. Within the DIV, they will have scrollable divs.
The very basic layout I created has this in it...
d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>d<br>this is the end!!
The part where it says this is the end!! is never reached.
You can use flexbox without the need to calculate heights;
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
::after {
box-sizing: inherit;
body {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
height: 100vh;
header {
height: 75px;
background: red;
main {
flex: 1;
background: lightgreen;
display: flex;
.scrolly {
flex: 1 0 33%;
overflow-y: auto;
.content {
height: 1000px;
footer {
height: 50px;
background: blue;
<div class="scrolly">
<div class="content"></div>
<div class="scrolly">
<div class="content"></div>
<div class="scrolly">
<div class="content"></div>
NOTE: See Fiddle in Full Screen
You can try using flexbox instead of defining every unit, calculate the height to avoid using the space where the footer sits, and let the children div inherit its height
body, head {overflow: hidden;}
#header,#footer,#content { position:absolute; right:0;left:0;}
height:100px; top:0; background: #4A4A4A;
height:100px; bottom:0; background: #4A4A4A;
height: calc(100% - 100px);
display: flex;
align-items: stretch;
<div id="header">HEADER</div>
<div id="content">
<div style="background-color: #ff0000; min-width: 33%; height: inherit; overflow-y: scroll;">
<div style="background-color: blue;min-height: inherit;max-width: 99%;padding: 20px 40px;">
<div style="overflow: auto; max-height: inherit; padding: 10px;">
<br>d<br>this is the end!!
<div style="background-color: #ff0000; min-height: 100%; min-width: 33%; max-width: 33%;float: left;">
<div style="background-color: red;min-height: 100%;max-width: 99%;padding: 20px 40px;">
<div style="background-color: #ff0000; min-height: 100%; min-width: 33%; max-width: 33%;float: left;">
<div style="background-color: pink;min-height: 100%;max-width: 99%;padding: 20px 40px;">
<div id="footer">FOOTER</div>

How do I place a div on the right site of a div which has a random width?

I have a div #1 with a variable width and variable height. Now I want to position a div #2 with fixed width and height next to the right site of #1.
These two divs should be inside another div with width: 100%, because I want to repeat those two divs.
Here is an image (white: div #1, black: div #2):
How would I do that?
I played around with floating
Using a flexbox for the rows. I put the width for the white box as inline CSS because I assume it will be calculated somehow in your code.
.container {
background: lightgreen;
padding: 3em;
.row {
display: flex;
height: 4em;
.row:not(:last-child) {
margin-bottom: 1em;
.flexible {
background: white;
.fixed {
background: black;
width: 1em;
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="flexible" style="width:150px"></div>
<div class="fixed"></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="flexible" style="width:500px"></div>
<div class="fixed"></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="flexible" style="width:50px"></div>
<div class="fixed"></div>
Use flex.
.container {
display: flex;
.secondDiv {
width: 200px;
You can use this example:
width: 100%;
width: <div1 width>;
height: <div1 height>;
float: left;
background-color: white;
float: left;
width: <div2 width>;
height: <div1 height>;
background-color: black;
You should group this two divs (div1 and div2) in another div, inside de container with 100% width:
<div id="container" class="container">
<div id="block1" style="float: left; width: 100%">
<div id="div1" class="div1">
<div id="div2" class="div2">

Specify exactly where content goes even when screen size changes

I'm trying to specify content specifically somewhere on the page, How can i do this so that it'll always be in the exact same spot even when screen size changes?
jsfiddle = https://jsfiddle.net/4pkgfgwh/1/
<div class="container">
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/iGIFvH6.png" style="width:354px;height:228px;">
<div class="display">
<p> Here is some Text</p>
.container {
text-align: center;
.display {
Use position: relative on the parent container:
<div class="container">
<div class="image-container">
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/iGIFvH6.png">
<div class="display">
<p> Here is some Text</p>
.container {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
.image-container {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
width: 354px;
height: 228px;
.container img {
width: 100%;
.display {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
left: 200px;
JSFiddle demo: https://jsfiddle.net/ompfnjc5/2/

CSS : Apply background to full width in a div with a fixed width

My page is divided in rows with limited width. (<div class='row'>)
I would like to apply a background (color) to each row, but I would like the back ground not to take into consideration the width limit of the div, is there a way to achieve this ?
Were you going for something like this? It'd be easier to answer your question if you provided a fiddle or atleast some code so we can help you with your problem.
I came to this solution:
<div class="row1">
<div class="row2">
.row1 {
background-color: red;
width: 100%;
height: 50%;
.row2 {
background-color: pink;
width: 100%;
height: 50%;
You can run it here: JSFiddle
This is possible with a pseudo-element, no need for additional HTML.
.wrapper {
width: 50%;
margin: auto;
[class^=row] {
height: 50px;
position: relative;
margin-bottom: 10px;
[class^=row]:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
height: 100%;
width: 100vw;
background: purple;
z-index: -1;
.row1 {
background-color: red;
.row2 {
background-color: pink;
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="row1">...</div>
<div class="row2">...</div>
You may be better to place each row inside a .container-fluid div with a {min-width: 100%} and a custom class for the colour you need
.container-fluid {
min-width: 100%
.row {
max-width: 300px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 10px;
.red {
background-color: red;
.green {
background-color: green;
.blue {
background-color: blue;
<div class="container-fluid red">
<div class="row">
<p>Row Content 1</p>
<div class="container-fluid green">
<div class="row">
<p>Row Content 2</p>
<div class="container-fluid blue">
<div class="row">
<p>Row Content 3</p>

table cell in div is not working

I am using a table and table cell in my website. The left most column needs to start from the top. Instead it goes to the bottom. Below is a link to that issue where the grey div starts from the very bottom.
It's not clear what end result you're looking to achieve. However, by adding a pixel width to every element, where it adds up to something less than or equal to the container width, will prevent the wrapping you see.
<div class="parent">
<div class="child">
<div class="child" >
<div class= "newChildLeft">
a <br/> b<br/> b<br/> b<br/>
<div class= "newChildRight">
b<br/> b<br/> b
.parent {
width: 100px;
display: table;
border: 1px solid green;
height: 100%
.child {
background: blue;
display: table-cell;
height: inherit;
width: 50px;
.newChildLeft {
float: left;
width: 25px;
.newChildRight {
float: right
width: 25px;
.child + .child {
background: red;
width: 50px;
fieldset {
height: 100%;
background-color: #666;
width: 50px;
