I am trying to delete Cloudwatch logs irrespective of the Log group.
Is there any method available with boto3 using which I can search for a pattern(keyword) in the Log group name?
You'll need to call describe_log_groups() and do the filtering within your code.
The only filter available is the ability to specify a logGroupNamePrefix.
I have an airflow DAG which call a particular bash command using a variable. At the backend, we have Aurora DB. Do we know if there are any tables in the Aurora DB which stores information of the variables used in Airflow DAGs? I need to create a report out of it and hence, the ask to access the variables from backend.
I tried using the operational_insights schema but could not find any tables with the desired information.
If you are using an Airflow variable you should be able to query a list of them with the REST API no matter which backend you use.
curl "http://<your Airflow host>/api/v1/variables" --user "login:password"
This is preferred over querying the Airflow metadata database directly because if you accidentally modify or drop a table you can corrupt your Airflow.
With that caveat: the standard table where Airflow variables are stored is variable so after logging into the db SELECT * FROM variable; should return a list.
Again this is for Airflow Variables. From your question I am not entirely sure if you mean that or in general any variables that tasks use. In the latter case you might be looking for the rendered_fields parameter of the task instances, which can also be done using the API.
I am using Firebase remote config where I have created parameters and assigned them values using conditions. After the latest Firebase update, I am unable to successfully remove any conditions assigned to parameters. When I remove the condition and save the changes and click on Publish Changes, the page is loaded and shows a popup message "published" but the condition is still present inside the parameter.
I have the same. Only removal condition from conditions section helps.
I am trying to use ArangoDB's HTTP interface to dump all collections belonging to a specific database.
I am able to view all available databases using the following command:
curl http://localhost:8529/_api/database
However, once I find a database name (for example, "test") I am unable to dump the collections belonging to this database. Ultimately, I would like to dump the collections for this database, and then all results within a chosen collection.
I have followed the documentation provided here: https://www.arangodb.com/docs/stable/http/general.html, however I am still unable to find the relevant documentation for this request.
You can get the list of all collections with
curl http://localhost:8529/_db/DBNAME/_api/collection
as is implied in this part of the documentation: https://www.arangodb.com/docs/stable/http/collection.html#address-of-a-collection
The rest of the interface works accordingly, e.g.
curl http://localhost:8529/_db/DBNAME/_api/collection/COLLNAME
to get information about a single collection (that is already included in the output of the first call).
You find the complete swagger documentation with just two clicks in the Web-Interface:
I have a CosmosDB collection with a number of different partitions. I want to delete all of the data in one of the partitions so I tried to run the command:
db.myCollection.deleteAll({PartitionKey: 'pop-9q'})
Where PartitionKey is the field that I partition/shard based on. But when I execute this it returns the not very helpful message:
ERROR: An Error has occurred
Why would I be getting this message and how can I either get more details on the cause or find a resolution?
Currently, at this time, you are unable to perform a bulk delete. Please Up Vote and Comment on this functionality: Add the ability to delete ALL data in a partition
Additionally, which API are you consuming? For Gremlin API you could execute something like the following: g.V().drop()
The Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos SDK has added this ability - currently only available as a preview feature (which requires you to opt-in via the portal)
See here for more details:
Sample code included there:
// Get reference to the container
var container = cosmosClient.GetContainer("DatabaseName", "ContainerName");
// Delete by logical partition key
ResponseMessage deleteResponse = await container.DeleteAllItemsByPartitionKeyStreamAsync(new PartitionKey("Contoso"));
if (deleteResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) {
Console.WriteLine($"Delete all documents with partition key operation has successfully started");
As #Mike said, a "delete all data" feature is not supported yet in Cosmos db SQL API and Mongo API. I notice that you have already added comments in above link. I just provide you with a workaround here that using bulk delete stored procedure for Cosmos db SQL API.
(sample code: https://gist.github.com/deepumi/2a23c5380202bddf0b85e83baf5833be)
For Mongo API, unfortunately, even stored procedure is not supported. You could create an Azure HTTP Trigger Function to execute bulk delete code in the function whenever you want or merge it into your program code.
We are seeking the most simple way for sending alfresco's audit log to elasticsearch.
I think using the alfresco supplying query and getting audit log would be most simple way.(since audit log data is hardly watchable on db)
And this query processes the effect measure as json type then I'd like to download the query direct using fluentd and send to elasticsearch.
I roughly understood that it would ouput at elasticsearc but I wonder whether I can download 'curl commend' using query direct at fluentd.
Otherwise, if you have other simple idea to get alfresco's audit log then kindly let me know.
I am not sure weather I understood it fully or not but based on your last statement I am giving this answer.
To retrieve audit entries from alfresco repository you could directly use REST APIs of Alfresco which allows you to access them.