How to update Teradata driver in Talend Big Data 7.0 - teradata

I am using Talend Big Data 7.0.1 , while connecting to teradata using teradataInput it is always selecting teradata driver 15.0.1.
How can i change teradata driver from 15.0.1 to 17.0.1 ?


connect to snowflake via odbc driver on mac m1

According to this, if I read this correctly, Tableau desktop on a Mac M1 cannot use the snowflake ODBC driver. Is this still true? Generally, my ODBC driver for snowflake works.
#aek I still get:
in Tableau. I installed:
2.25.3 snowflake_odbc_mac-2.25.3.dmg mac64
and configured odbc.ini files and everything appears to work fine in:
If I run (as suggested here):
"/Library/Application Support/iODBC/bin/iodbctest"
I get:
1: SQLDriverConnect = [iODBC][Driver Manager]dlopen(/opt/snowflake/snowflakeodbc/lib/universal/libSnowflake.dylib, 0x0006): tried: '/opt/snowflake/snowflakeodbc/lib/universal/libSnowflake.dylib' (fat file, but missing compatible architecture (have 'i386,x86_64', need 'arm64')) (0) SQLSTATE=00000
2: SQLDriverConnect = [iODBC][Driver Manager]Specified driver could not be loaded (0) SQLSTATE=IM003
Is there anything I can/have to do that Tableau recognised the driver?
Yes, this is still true (for v. 2022.3). According to the spec, Tableau Desktop still works in emulation mode. The application and driver must have the same architecture. So for Tableau Desktop, you need to use the Mac64 version of the driver, as the article suggests.
Edit: How to make it working.
The native Snowflake connector in Tableau will try to use the "OS architecture appropriate" driver. Which is not the case for an x64 app running on ARM. Therefore, when configuring the connection, instead of choosing Snowflake from the list, you should use Other Databases (ODBC) and select the Snowflake DSN configured with the Mac64 version of the driver accordingly to the doc.

Teradata QVCI Feature Disabled

I am trying to utilize the RODBC::sqlSAVE() function in R, but I am getting an error that HY000 -9719 [Teradata][ODBC Teradata Driver][Teradata Database] QVCI feature is disabled. which is throwing an error. How can I enable QVCI in Teradata? I am using ODBC to connect, version 16.20 on Windows via ODBC Administrator.
Must be a very early version of Teradata 16.20 client driver. Upgrade to current patch level of Teradata ODBC, or consider switching to Teradata SQL Driver for R.

install oracle apex on oracle 11g

I,m installing Oracle Apex on Oracle database 11g I did the following steps:
Created tablespace:
CREATE TABLESPACE apex DATAFILE 'D:\oracle\app\ali\oradata\orcl2\APEX5.DBF' SIZE 100M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1M;
sqlplus sys as sysdba.
#apexins.sql APEX APEX TEMP /i/;
Then stared installing but it stopped with the following error :
...Internal messages
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04063: package body "APEX_050100.WWV_FLOW_LANG" has errors
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called:
ORA-06512: at "APEX_050100.WWV_FLOW_API", line 2149
ORA-06512: at "APEX_050100.WWV_FLOW_API", line 26722
ORA-06512: at line 2
Any help is appriciated ..thank you.
Which versions (both Apex and Oracle database) do you use, exactly?
APEX_050100 suggests that it is Apex 5.1. If that's so, note that minimum Oracle database version you can use with it is
Therefore, you might need to upgrade database version or - if you can't do it - install lower Apex version (note #2 that Apex 5.0.x requires at least
I believe your problem is that Apex 5 must be installed in ASSM tablespace. You need to uninstall Apex, and create a new APEX5 tablespace with ASSM. See this page for more help: Apex-Help-Article.
The gentleman is right.
Apex 5.1 DB Requirements
Above Apex version, you must user 12c or higher.
I suffered from it some time ago
Issue due to using non-certified version of database.
Attempting to install APEX 5.1 on a Oracle Database which is not compatible/certified with this version of APEX.
Beginning with Application Express 5.1, the minimum database version requirement is
For more information regarding the minimum requirements for APEX 5.1, review the documentation:
2.1 Oracle Database Requirements
Oracle Application Express release 5.1 requires an Oracle Database release or later, including Enterprise Edition and Express Edition (Oracle Database XE)
Soluation for this problem
Install 5.0.x APEX which is certified with minimum version of Database (
Upgrade your Database to version or later and then install the latest version of APEX (5.1.x)

Connecting R to Oracle using ODBC: How can I install driver of ODBC in Windows 64 bit?

I am trying to connect R (64-bit) to Oracle using library RODBC.
I got to connect using R 32 bit, using the ODBC for Oracle driver for 32 bits, but this doesn't let me use all RAM (16gb).
I got this error: "ERROR: state IM014, code 0, message [Microsoft][ODBC Driver
Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the
Driver and Application "
For what I've read, it seems that I need to install the ODBC driver for Oracle in 64 bits, so then I can make another DSN connection and then connect to the database in R 64-bit.
How can I install this driver?
If your problem is the Oracle driver you can find it on the Oracle website.It is indeed a good idea to match your R and data provider architecture.
Take a look at this page : Oracle 64bit Drivers
Get the corresponding install for your OS and give us feedback!

Data Direct ODBC for Interbase

Im trying to connect to an interBase database, using a program called Data Direct ODBC Driver for Interbase.
When i open Query1 which has fields from Table1 and Table1 is already opened, after some seconds i receive this message:
reserved error (-7713) there is no message for this error
and all the cells of (table1) shown "#deleted"
Can any one suggest how I may be able to solve this?
Updated 1-27-2015
Embarcadero who owns Interbase has an ODBC driver that is solid -
I agree with #SamuelKDavis - the DataDirect driver will sometimes return NULL for columns which definitely have values. You can test this by creating a query and running it repeatedly through an ODBC connection and it will intermittently return NULLs.
We had also tried the IBProvider driver but ran into character set errors which we could not figure out.
Interestingly, if you lookup the history of Interbase, you'll see Borland actually made Interbase open source back in July 2000 at which point it was forked off into an open source database called "FireBird" -
Now the cool thing here is that the drivers that work with the old Firebird (v2.1 and prior) will also work with Interbase 6.0 all the way up to Interbase XE 64-bit, probably because the open source fork had not yet deviated from its Interbase roots. So try using Firebird v1.7 ADO.Net driver -
The newer Firebird drivers for .NET 2.0+ however do NOT work with Interbase.
Our company previously tried Data Direct with Interbase. It's terrible.
We suffered from random crashes using their driver, occasionally it would return nulls in the first column selected from the driver etc.
We moved to IBProvider (paid unfortunately), but have never come across an error since.
